1069 Uppsatser om Isometric core exercise - Sida 60 av 72
Planering av fårstall
During the last decade several cooperatives have struggled against many problems. Especiallyin North America several cooperatives have been forced to reconstruct, merge or have beenpurchased by other firms. There are many reasons behind these problems, but one observationmade on these cooperatives implies that they have one thing in common. The cooperatives areall very large and have a complex business structure.Lantmännen is one of the largest cooperatives in the Nordic Countries with its main office inSweden. In Nilsson et al.
När tågen slutat gå : förvandling av övergiven räls till publikt promenad- och parkstråk
Abandoned and unused railway structures often possess
great potential if they are reclaimed and reused for new
purposes. The thesis focuses on the global trend of
restoring and revitalizing these areas, converting them
into park areas, rail trails and green corridors in the city
landscape, while preserving their ecological, social, esthetic and historic values.
These rail areas were often abandoned when industries
moved out from the cities, either to industrial areas or
abroad. The use of railways for transporting industrial
goods was also replaced to a large extent my motorized
road vehicles in the mid 20th century, leaving the rails
under-utilized. Because of their location and intrinsic
values, they can be reused for important functions, such
as green areas in the city environment, providing space for
recreational activities and exercise and social meetings and
I have closely investigated the three park areas High Line in New York, Promenade Plantée in Paris and Schöneberger
Südgelände in Berlin, which have all gone through this
transformation in recent years. I have summarized my
conclusions in three key concepts to consider: design for
social values, preserve the architectural history, and leave
room for future evolution.
The final part of my work is a design program for an
abandoned railways area in Stockholm: Eriksdal railway
Trenden för outsourcing samt faktorer som påverkar valet av outsourcing i fastighetsförvaltning
Syfte: Som blivande fastighetsekonomer ville vi finna mer kunskap om ämnet outsourcing och om hur fastighetsföretagen tänker och agerar kring detta.Outsourcing känns för oss verklighetsförankrat och inspirerande, och vi hoppas vår studie ska bidra med förståelse för vad som styr valet av outsourcing samt ge en inblick i hur dess framtid kan komma att se ut.Metod: För att få en användbar teori i denna uppsats har vi undersökt litteratur om outsourcing och fastighetsförvaltning. Vår studie sträcker sig över Gävleborg och Dalarna. Vi har skickat ut en enkät om trenden för outsourcing till 85 företag och fått svar av 52. Utifrån dessa enkäter har vi sedan valt ut ett antal företag som använder sig av outsourcing och sedan intervjuat dem mer ingående.Resultat & slutsats:Outsourcing är vanligt förekommande bland fastighetsföretagen i Gävleborg och Dalarna. 89 % av de svarande företagen använder sig av outsourcing i någon form.
Skadeförebyggande träning inom elitdamfotbollen : Tränarnas fokus på att förebygga en främre korsbandsskada
This quality study was carried out with seven semi-structured interviews and five of them were with elite women´s football coaches. What has been studied is how elite women?s football coaches are working with injury prevention training to their knees for the women?s football players. An anterior cruciate ligament injury in elite women?s football is both common and serious knee injury.
Formatets betydelse : hur arbetsprocesser och produktionsvillkor formar journalistiken i webb-tv
New technology has created new opportunities for journalists working with web TV. Changes in the work processes have led to new professional roles. According to the theory of media logic such events become news that suits media organizations and working conditions. How does the media logic affect the editorial workflow and how does it affect professional roles? In light of my own experience in various roles in television journalism, I examine how the web TV format shapes the work of journalists.
I en ny allmänhets tjänst : - En studie om Public Service i ett förändrat medielandskap
ABSTRACT Title: The new Public ServiceAuthors: Hanna Haeggström, Sara Marklund, Madeleine OlssonLevel: Bachelor thesis in Media and Communications Studies Supervisor: Olof HulténLocation: School of Communication and Design, University of Kalmar, spring 2008Language: SwedishNumber of pages: 55There is an ongoing change of the media industry where new types of media emerge as a result of technological advancements. The audience and their use of the media have changed where available range has expanded while the size of the audience has remained the same. For media companies this implies a fight for the audience, where the right approach is vital for keeping as well as attracting new customers. Public service is an issue under current debate and its future role in the media industry has been brought into question. This survey investigates the roll of public service in Scandinavia in a new and changing media industry and how they should act to be important for their audience.
Från Colosseum till Allianz Arena : En explorativ studie om processen att fo?ra?ndra ett fo?retags grafiska profil
The strategy when you change the visual part of the brand identity is often referred to as Corporate rebranding and is seen as a good way to show that a company has undergone a change. Despite high risks and high costs, this strategy has become more common and there are companies today who make the choice to change an already well-known graphic profile. This phenomenon is what underlies this essay?s problem statement: Why does a company with an already well-known graphic profile choose to change it and how does the process behind the change occur? In what way have the company?s customers recognized the change and how has the company?s image changed in this context? The purpose of this essay is therefore to explore the process that occurs when a company in the sport and fashion industry changes its visual identity and to explore how the company?s customers have perceived the change.To fulfil the purpose of the essay a case study was carried out on a company?s Corporate rebranding process. The company that was chosen was the Swedish sports retail chain Stadium Sweden AB who decided to change its graphic profile even though their logo was one of the two most recognized in their field.
Grafisk design med kreativitet som främsta resurs : Reflektioner över en designprocess
Denna rapport beskriver vårt projektarbete på ComOpt i Helsingborg. Uppgiften har varit att göra presentationer av företagets produkter. Det centrala i arbetet har varit grafisk design, i det här fallet gränssnittsdesign till de presentationer vi har gjort. I vår rapport reflekterar vi över den designprocess vi har genomgått och ställer frågor som: Vad gör en designer till en bra designer? Och: Var får vi kreativitet och inspiration ifrån? Det vi har kommit fram till är att en bra designer kännetecknas av förmågan att kunna prestera bra trots bristande resurser.
Musikundervisning på anstalt - terapeutiskt verktyg eller känslomässigt andningshål?
Syftet med denna undersökning är att undervisa i musik och ensemblespel på en anstalt och studera vilka effekter undervisningen har på internernas aggressiva beteende och destruktiva tänkande. Aktionsforskningen baseras på teorin om att ensemblespel även är en utmanande och effektiv gruppsykologisk övning. Situationen tvingar dig att ta ansvar för din uppgift i gruppen i realtid. Den negativa, kollektiva konsekvensen av en persons misstag är snabb och konkret. Studien vill se om musik och ensembleundervisning kan användas i såväl träningen av interners samarbetsförmåga och tolerans som ett verktyg för interners utveckling inom kognitivt beteendeterapi.
Ungdom. Seriehjälten prins Valiants tidiga äventyr 1937-1938
This study deals with the Adventure Comic Prince Valiant, written and designed by the Canadian artist Harold R. Foster. Focus is on the first two years of publication 1937-1938, where the hero is pictured in his Adolescence. This gives the title of the study: Youth. Earlier writings in the USA on this topic, have concentrated on the artist and less on analyses of the comic itself.
Kan man genom kartstudier förutse häckningsframgång för ängshök (Circus pygargus) i Uppland? :
Montagu´s harrier (Circus pygargus) is a diurnal, Eurasian raptor, which migrates from its northern breeding grounds to winter in sub-Saharan Africa. In Sweden, its core breeding area is centred on the island of Öland, with a stable breeding population of approximately 40 pairs. The province of Uppland is on the northern end the distribution range, where 4-8 pairs have regularly bred since the 1980s.
In Sweden, the Montagu?s harrier is classified as an endangered (EN) species. This classification is partly due to a lack of preferred nesting habitat, such as shrub-lands or dense wetlands with Claudium spp.
Kassationer på ett livsmedelslager - Effektivisering och kvalitetssäkring av processen för intern kassation i enlighet med Lean Production
Today's fierce competition means that companies constantly must develop their business and internal processes. Focus on processes and continuous improvement is something that characterizes Lean Production which ICA logistics are applying with their concept Leading Logistics. Standardized routines for handling damaged gods were insufficient at the ICA distribution center in Kungälv. Handling and registration of damaged gods were not performed uniformly, resulting in problems with controlling and monitoring the process.The purpose of this thesis was to analyze and make recommendations how the process of internal handling of damaged gods could be improved. Therefore a comprehensive understanding was needed of the entire material flow through the warehouse and important quality aspects such as product safety and delivery reliability.The methods used are literature reviews, interviews and observations to produce a comprehensive process mapping of the current situation at the distribution center.
Beräkningsmall för väggskivor enligt Eurokoder
The regulatory framework for constructional calculations in Sweden did expire In January the 1.st, 2011.Since then the constructional regulatory that originally were composed by Boverket (BKR) has been replaced by new common range (Eurocodes) for the entire European Union. This transition has led to changes in existing rules and standards regarding dimensioning area in Grids and has forced a need for updating to structural Engineers.The new calculation system has caused time-consuming studies of the new rules and a proper understanding of all the advice and regulations for the entire profession.This study has been carried out in cooperation with the firm "Knut Jönson Ingenjörs AB i Stockholm?, that has been affected by this transition as all other consulting firms. The firm has requested for a calculation method of wall beams according to Eurocodes. The study's focus is therefore to clarify the rules and guidelines regarding the design of wall beams according to the new regulation.
The Golden Rule and Bioethics. A Reflection upon the Foundation of Ethics
The object of this thesis is the foundation of ethics. The question is whether there exists a universal core to ethics consisting of a fundamental ethical principle across cultures. This principle could for example be the so-called Golden Rule, which goes as follows: ?You should do to others what you want them to do to you?. The Golden Rule is to be found in many of the world?s religions and is also reflected in secular society.
Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten, : Ur revisorns perspektiv.
Bakgrund och problem: Den 1 november 2010 avskaffades revisionsplikten för små bolag i Sverige vilket innebar att ca 70 % av alla aktiebolag i Sverige inte längre var tvingade till revision. Detta påverkade revisionsbolagens förutsättningar och vi frågar oss hur de har tagit sig an den nya marknaden där en stor del av deras kundstock inte längre är tvingade att revideras. Vi har kommit fram till dessa frågeställningar: Hur har slopandet av revisionsplikten påverkat och förändrat de små revisionsbolagens arbetssätt? Hur förbereder de sig för ett eventuellt förändrat gränsvärde? Syfte: Syftet med vårt arbete är att utifrån revisorns perspektiv belysa vilka förändringar den avskaffade revisionsplikten för små aktiebolag har medfört för de små revisionsbyråerna. Vi vill också belysa hur revisorns roll kan komma att förändras i framtiden om Sverige väljer EU:s maximal tröskelvärde för att slippa revisionsplikt eller att gränsvärdet förändras på annat sätt.