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Självskattningsskalor och länkning till ICF : En litteraturstudie
WHO:s klassifikation av funktionstillstånd, funktionshinder och hälsa antogs 2001. ICF är framtaget för att skapa ett gemensamt språk genom olika ICF koder som anses vara användbara både kliniskt och inom forskningen. Genom att länka mätinstrument som redan används, exempelvis självskattningsskalor, till ICF underlättas kommunikation och jämförelser av olika resultat internationellt.Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka vilken ämnesspecifik självskattningsskala inom hörselområdet som använts mest inom forskningen mellan åren 2000-2009 och länka den till ICF.Vi använde oss av en systematisk litteratur-studie i form av en totalundersökning för att hitta den mest använda självskattningsskalan inom forskningen. Vid länkningen av den mest använda självskattningsskalan till ICF utförde vi en kvalitativ latent innehållsanalys och länkade självskattningsskalans påståenden systematiskt med hjälp av ICF linking rules.Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) var den mest använda självskattningsskalan inom forskningen mellan år 2000-2009. Länkningsresultatet visade att APHAB utifrån ett ICF perspektiv mäter komponenterna aktivitet och delaktighet, kroppsfunktion och omgivningsfaktorer.Det fortsatta arbetet med utveckling av ett Core Sets for Hearing Loss kommer underlätta användningen både kliniskt och inom forskningen.
Mentala träningsmetoder och spänningsreglering : motivationens vardag i lärar- och elevperspektiv
Mental träning har fått ett tydligare utrymme i skolan och i samhället där organisationer på olika håll påtalar den goda hälsan. Resultat av flera undersökningar visar att elever kan öka sitt välbefinnande och sina skolprestationer genom mentala träningsmetoder. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vilka begrepp och metoder som kan vara relevanta inom området för mental träning och spänningsreglering inom gymnasiekursen Idrott och Hälsa 1. Studien är uppdelad i två delstudier där delstudie ett är en innehållsanalys som presenterar relevant litteratur. Delstudie två består av flera intervjuer som sedan kopplas samman med den innehållsanalys vi framställt.
Barns upplevelse av dagkirurgi : Från ovisshet till lättnad med nyvunnen erfarenhet
Background: An increasing number of operations on children are performed as day surgery and this experience of health care may affect future hospital stays. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe children´s experiences in connection with day surgery. Method: Ten children aged six to fifteen who had gone through general anesthesia at examinations or surgery were interviewed and the content was analyzed by systematic text condensation. Result: The core category ?From uncertainty to relief with newly acquired experience? could summarize the result of this interview study.
Narkossjuksköterskors upplevelse och erfarenhet av kommunikation mellan vårdpersonal i en akut situation : en intervjustudie
Background: Good communication is very important for the safety of patients in emergency situations. Few studies have been conducted regarding communication among health care staff. The aim of the present study was to investigate anesthetist nurses experience of communication among health care staff during a situation of emergency in a hospital ward.Methods: The study is explorative and based on interviews with six anesthetist nurses. A qualitative content analysis was used as an analyses model.Result: The six anesthetist nurses experienced structured communication as of great importance during an emergency situation. Three main categories appeared from the material: i) the importance of the organization ii) communication structure and communication patterns and iii) education and experience with nine subcategories.
Medieprogrammets nya kläder : En jämförande diskursanalys av medieämnets omvandling efter gymnasiereformen 2011
English abstractTitle: Islam and the limitations of the public will of choice.The purpose of this paper have been to investigate how three modern Islamic theorists view the limitations of the public free will of choice based upon their interpretation of the Islamic theology and doctrine.The paper focuses to highlight how all three chosen Islamic theorist interpret the Islamic doctrine based upon my elected theses and more specifically pinpoint were the free will of choice ends, and Islam as a religion starts to take hegemony. The paper?s aim is to further an understanding that in the modern world and as a effect of increased literacy, Islam has been somewhat inclined to split into several Islamisms, based upon the variety of fatwa?s on the Islamic doctrine that is available online. Therefore it remains to the modern day Muslim, to individually decide whether they choose to follow the message of the Holy revelation in the Quran or trust a mufti?s fatwa in their everyday life as a Muslim.The material used and analyzed in this paper is prime source material.
Drama inom den obligatoriska skolan
In this paper, I have conducted a study of what perspectives educational drama has in theory and practice. The study aims to show an example of how and out of what perspectives educational drama is a part of the school?s activity at a geographically distinct school, from kindergarten on to primary and secondary school years. The general attitude of the faculty and their arguments for and against drama constitute the major aspects of this study, which has been carried out through qualitative interviews at a school in Skåne. The results were that pre-school focuses on teaching drama to develop communicative abilities amongst the students (art educational perspective) while secondary school seemingly abandoned this approach and focuses more on using it for personal development, increasing empathy and understanding of other people by taking it to a more emotional level in order to affect for example moral values of the students.
Finns preventiva strategier mot muskelskada i lårets baksida hos fotbollsspelare i allsvenskan? : En enkätstudie
AimThe aim of this study was to investigate if the Swedish elite soccer teams, both males and females, have preventive strategies to reduce the risk of muscular injuries in the posterior thigh.MethodA survey was created and sent by mail to all (n=28) Swedish elite soccer teams in allsvenskan (both males and females) to be answered by the head of physical exercise within each team. A pilot study regarding the survey was performed by two soccer coaches on elite level and was revised afterwards. The survey was conducted between May through July 2013. In total, 18 soccer teams participated in this survey.Results10 soccer teams did not respond to the survey, which resulted in a drop out of 36%. Preventive strategies to reduce the risk of muscular injuries in the posterior thigh existed in 16 of the teams.
Rehabiliteringsträning efter främre korsbandsrekonstruktion: En litteraturöversikt
Det främre korsbandets uppgift är att förhindra att tibia glider ventralt i förhållande till femur vilket ger en instabil led vid skada. Ungefär 6000 personer skadar det främre korsbandet varje år i Sverige varav ungefär hälften genomgår en rekonstruktion. Vid rekonstruktion är det vanligast att ersätta korsbandet med transplantat från antingen patellarsenan eller hamstringssenan. Efter rekonstruktion genomgår patienten rehabilitering som bland annat innehåller rörlighetsträning och styrketräning för att återfå funktion. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga rehabiliteringsträningen efter en främre korsbandsrekonstruktion samt om rehabiliteringsträningen skiljer sig beroende på vilket transplantat som använts vid rekonstruktionen.
En skattemyndighet : Balans mellan maktutövning och relationsbyggande
Background: Power by force and threats used to be the common way to collect taxes, but this procedure is today completely different. It?s now more about building a mutual relationship and with help of laws and controls steer citizens and companies to pay the tax they owe. Thus the way to collect taxes have changed over the years, the collecting of taxes aren?t a popular task to do.
Att arbeta internt med Corporate Social Responsibility : Hur Corporate Social Responsibility påverkar hållbarhet och välmående bland socialarbetare
Corporate Social Responsiblity is today a well known concept in the business world. The concept contains responsibility and sustainability for those who chose to work with Corporate Social Responsibility and the three responsibility areas within the concept. Responsibility and sustainability is of importance, no matter what core business a corporation has. The responsibility goes both out from the corporation, to take care of the surrounding society and the environment. The responsibility also concerns the corporation interal, aiming for a sustainable work enivornment and good working conditions.
Tillväxt i medelstora företag: En problem- och åtgärdsanalys för tillväxt hos Sveriges "bortglömda" företag
Many sources point to the same conclusion; throughout the history the research sphere, mass media, governmental industry policies and public life in common have not paid the same attention to medium-sized companies as to small, new or large companies in Sweden. Yet, there are some researchers claiming the need for the medium-sized companies to grow, becoming tomorrow?s Swedish new large companies. Hence, the need for understanding the specific growth conditions of the medium-sized companies are definitely clear. This study aims firstly to identify whether there are specific requirements and obstacles for growth in connection to being a medium-sized company.
Frontlinjebyråkraternas handlingsutrymme vid övergången till Etableringsreformen
Title: [Frontline bureaucrats discretion in the transition to Establishment Reform]This essay aims to study discretion among frontline bureaucrats as an important factor in the integration of immigrants. In contrast to other studies of discretion this essays has its focus on a new establishment reform that has been recently legislated. The theoretical frame is based on the concept of frontline bureaucracy developed by M. Lipsky (2010). In the analysis of the discretion in this specific area I have been inspired by I.
Ett företags intentioner och nyanställdas upplevelser i samband med introduktion En kvalitativ intervjustudie om organisationssocialisation
This is a thesis based on a study about organizational socialization and concerns a company?s intentions as well as new employees? experiences during introduction. The study had four different purposes. First, it was to examine what Mölnlycke Health Care wished to achieve with its introduction as well as what they wished new employees should incorporate during introduction. Second, the purpose was to understand how new employees at the same company have perceived how the introduction has changed them.
Värmeslag hos hund : Förebyggande åtgärder, djurägarråd och omvårdnad
The objective of the essay was to identify the nursing care required by a dog suffering from heat stroke and how to educate and advice the owners how to start treating their dog and prevent the condition from occurring in the first place.
The essay is based on a literature study. Several databases were searched for scientific research to try find answers to the issues. Keywords concerning the subject were used and mixed in different combinations to sort out the suitable studies.
The results of the study indicate that the dog should be cooled by the owner directly after detection. The most crucial issue is to reduce the body temperature as quickly as possible or the morbidity will worsen.
Felisolering av hytt- och chassikomponenter på tunga fordon
This master of science thesis is focusing on how the fault handling on hardware connected toa control unit on a Scania vehicle is working. To the hardware counts buttons levers, sensorsand CAN. The work has been concentrated upon how the fault handling is working and if it ispossible to find any new fault modes.The control unit that has been studied is called the Coordinator and is the core in Scanias threenetworks of control units. The Coordinators work is to transmit messages between the threenetworks and to process signals from buttons, levers and sensors. The values is then usedinternally or is sent to other control units on the CAN networks.