

1069 Uppsatser om Isometric core exercise - Sida 49 av 72

Informationskompetens i Tyskland och Sverige : En jämförande studie av användarundervisningen vid två högskolebibliotek

This master?s thesis studies library teaching at two university libraries, Freie Universität Berlin in Germany and Södertörn University in Sweden. The aim of this paper is to study views on information literacy, how these views affect teaching practice, and how the teaching of information literacy is connected to, on the one hand, German and Swedish learning culture and, on the other, the local community of practice at the studied university libraries. The theories applied in this paper are learning culture and community of practice as developed in the works of Judith Ricken and Etienne Wenger. The methods that have been used are qualitative, semi-structured interviews that were conducted at both university libraries.It was observed that the teaching practices were highly connected to learning cultures.

Degraderade städer - En studie av urbanitet hos städer i Polen som förlorat sina stadsrättigheter

Using the example of 55 former towns in Greater Poland, the author investigates the belief thattowns formerly deprived of town privileges are the most likely to be qualified as future formalurban entities. This paper approaches the subject of urban deprivation and restitution with amultiaspectual study of the concept of urbanity. Since a preponderance of Polish degraded townspossess a prominent urban physical structure, the study focuses mainly on urban morphology as acontributing factor to urbanity. Other approaches include the central place theory, demographicconditions and the role of urban perception. Taking into account Poland?s shifting geopoliticalhistory the study also seeks to identify and explain spatial patterns of varying degrees of urbanityamong the studied towns.

Med informationskompetens som mål en studie av den pedagogiska verksamheten på Karolinska Institutets bibliotek

The explosion of information technology has given users direct access to an ocean of information. Increased availability puts increasing demands on the ability of students and researchers to search for, filter, and structure information. In response, the role of the research library has shifted from being primarily an information resource to being an educational resource with a focus on teaching users what is known as information literacy. This thesis is a study of user-education at the Karolinska Institute Library KIB, the largest medical library in the Nordic countries. KIB has invested significant resources in developing user-education, and has a full-time user-education developer and a formal pedagogical platform for user-education.

BESLUT OM GRUPPTRÄNING : En kvalitativ studie om hinder och möjligheter för personer med hjärtsvikt.

Bakgrund: Forskning har visat att träning förbättrar den fysiska förmågan och höjer livskvaliteten hos personer med hjärtsvikt. Trots detta är det många personer med hjärtsvikt som inte deltar i gruppträning.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva vilka faktorer som personer med hjärtsvikt, som inte deltar i hjärtsviktsgrupp, upplever som hinder respektive möjligheter när de ska ta beslut om att delta i gruppträning.Design: Studien var en kvalitativ studie med deskriptiv design som utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem informanter.Resultat och slutsats: Resultaten, som tolkades utifrån beteendeförändringsmodellen Health Action Process Approach (HAPA), av denna studie visade att informanterna upplever olika hinder för träningen som har med prioritet, otrygghet, psykisk ohälsa, transportproblem och bristande information att göra. I vissa fall väljs träningen också bort på grund av att informanterna istället tränar i hemmet. Det största hindret enligt studiens resultat var bristen på information. Framförallt har informanterna bristande kunskap om träning som en del av behandlingen vid hjärtsvikt, NYHA II-III, och de effekter som träningen ger.

Kundvärden i förändring? : En studie av mobiloperatörer.

The objective of this study has been to examine which significant values are of importance in the telecom sector today, and in a continuing perspective yet to be. To ensure the factors of relevance in the study, we have identified three purposes: - Our first purpose is to clarify the eminent values in the competitive market of the mobile phone operators today, and the reason for its importance.- The second purpose is to understand the function of the brand regarding to value creation and loyalty in the sector of mobile phone operators.- The third purpose is to explore the potential approaches for mobile phone operators to increase value.In this study, our approach has been a qualitative methodology by conducting seven interviews with respondents related to the telecommunication sector.As a result of the process, we find the need to divide the concept of value into two dimensions, which we entitle organizational related values and customer related values. We have found the values related to the characteristics of the market in aspects of its infrastructural features but also in regards to the homogenous core service.Our findings in the empirical data with support to our theoretical frame of reference, is the current highly important organizational related value of constant high result quality (well-functional technological aspect), and the value enhancer by a low price; the strategy of bundling also results in higher value. This result in customer related values that perceives as safeness, availableness and convenience. The brands are a significant source of customer related values with identity value, image value and assuredness. A continued advancement in process quality and individualization will imply greater customer related values of closeness, freedom and flexibility. .

Patientupplevelser vid brachyterapi mot prostatacancer

Heart failure is an illness that requires life-long treatment and often affects everyday aspects of a person?s life. Self-care is a significant part of the treatment. Good self-care resources make it possible for people with heart failure to make the lifestyle changes they often need to maintain or improve their level of health. Self-care means having knowledge of and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs of deterioration that can occur with heart failure, so that the person can take appropriate measures ? and it also means knowing when it is time to seek professional help.

Butiksdemonstrationens mentala och beteendemässiga påverkan: - Ett fältexperiment som undersöker butiksdemonstrationens möjligheter att påverka konsumenten i butiksmiljön

The knowledge development regarding in-store marketing has shown that influencing a consumer in a store setting is a powerful tool to change the consumer?s buying patterns. However, the store as a marketing channel lacks, in many ways, conducted academic research and according to marketing theory investments into in-store marketing tend to be taken without advanced marketing consideration. As a consequence, we have chosen to generate new insights into the field of in-store marketing by studying in-store demonstrations both from a behavioral and a mental dimension. Furthermore, we have also chosen to study how different consumers with different degree of loyalty and buying patterns are influenced by an in-store demonstration.This study aimed to obtain a better understanding of in-store demonstrations through breaking down the demonstration into its core elements and from these elements construct different types of demonstrations.

Varumärket Sverige : En medveten variabel i företagets varumärkesstrategi? En jämförande studie av två svenska företag.

In these days of globalization, with a higher level of openness and interaction over geographical, cultural and economical borders, the importance of the company?s intangible asset, its brand, is gaining importance as a differentiating factor. Building a strong brand and the emphasis on strategic brand management is something that before was given less attention in firms but today we can see a general increase in awareness and relative emphasis in the strategic work of companies.Countries as brands: Is it possible to consider a nation or a country as a brand the same way you consider a product? Well, looking in to the subject it seems to be a rather complex matter and there are many questions to be asked and answer. Nations around the globe are indeed marketing and positioning themselves for several purposes.

Motiv till idrottsdeltagande och personliga egenskaper hos handbollsspelare

Denna undersökning riktades mot att studera motivation hos elit- och motions handbollsspelare, vad som kännetecknar motivationen hos respektive grupp. Vidare var syftet med studien att undersöka  personliga egenskaper och motiv till idrottsdeltagande samt studera eventuella samband mellan personlighets egenskaper och motiv till idrottsdeltagande mellan grupperna. Urvalet bestod av elit- (n= 47) samt motionärs (n= 54) handbollsspelare. Totala antal deltagare uppstod till 101 stycken spelare. Deltagarna var av både manligt och kvinnligt kön fördelade på ett herrlag samt sex damlag, där tre lag spelar i handbollens högsta serie (elitserien) och fyra lag i lägre divisioner (division tre och fyra).

Utbud, efterfrågan & jämviktskunskap : En kritisk prövning av ekonomiundervisningen i gymnasieskolan.

It has been roughly 86 years since Gunnar Myrdal?s book ?The Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory? was published, in which he declared economic thought and theory as being established by hidden ideological premises. As well as accusing modern economic theory of being the subject of a pseudo-scientific construct. As such, this study seeks to test Myrdal?s critical view on Swedish economic education in upper secondary school.

Marknadsetablering i Indien :

The demand from Swedish companies of new potential markets to enter is increasing. One of these companies is Väderstad-verken which has the vision to grow approximately 15 percentages every year. To make this possible they must find new emerging markets to enter to be able to grow. Together with Väderstad-verken we have chosen India as a case study. Mainly because of its big agricultural sector that hasn?t yet been developed to modern standard.

Från rollspel till roman : En inblick i den intermediala dialogiken mellan Dungeons & Dragons och The Crystal Shard

The aim of this paper is to elucidate and analyze history teacher's didactic choices in the conflict between unequal educational materials and the requirements of equality in the curriculum of Swedish secondary school. The empirical data consists of interviews with five secondary school history teachers, observations of their lessons as well as analysis of their tests. The starting point was to investigate teachers' didactic work in the role as a bridge between the non-equal historiography presented in textbooks in history and the curriculum?s demands for equality. Three different approaches have been observed in the teachers' didactic work when considering gender perspective into their teaching: that women become extensions in a male-dominated historiography; that another part of the story is presented when a gender perspective is considered; and that the gender perspective is included in history teaching and becomes an integral part of all the content of the subject.Several of the teachers acknowledged that gender equality is less prioritized than the courses core content and related assessment criteria.

Våld och hot om våld inom socialt arbete : - en studie om fem socialarbetares upplevelser och förståelse av våld och hot om våld från brukare

The aim of this study was to understand how social workers perceive and understand violence and threats of violence from clients, and how it effect their working environment. It seems that the respondents understand the violence and threats of violence from clients as a result of the clients background problems, vulnerability, dependency and from ?the reason" that the client is currently in the contact with the organization. How respondents interpret the client´s behaviour based on the above-mentioned factors, seem to determine how the respondents perceive and define the violence and threats of violence by clients directed against them. Interestingly enough, although all respondents in the study experienced violence and threats of violence from clients, none of them perceived themselves as exposed at work. The answer to this is consensual.

Det beslöjade partiet : En diskursanalys avsverigedemokratiska texter

The Veiled Party: A Discourse Analysis of Sweden Democratic Texts aims to further the understanding of the underlying ideology of the Sweden Democratic party, by revealing whether or not there is any ideological content that include race, racialization, and racism in the party?s political texts. The study offers a background description of the discursive change in the social and political climate of debate in Sweden, which opened a policy window for xenophobic agenda setting. In addition, the study delivers a presentation of the public debate regarding the Sweden Democrats, as well as statements by party representatives.Through a social constructionist and discourse analytic framework, the study aims at understanding how the application of racial ideas are done and mapped. The core of the theoretical framework is a critical race and whiteness theoretical approach.

Meningen med livet : hur 15-åringar i en stor och en liten stad i Sverige ser på livskvalitet

There are many good reasons to ponder about what it is that makes life worth living. To observe and reflect on what it is that gives a person a good quality of life is arguably the essential core of social-work. The aim of this research was to investigate how 15-year old youths interpret quality of life. The key areas that we explored in order to meet the research aims were: what did the youths interpret as a good quality of life for a 15-year old and for an adult, how did they view their own quality of life, and did they think that the regional context (i.e. if one lives in a big city or in a small town) affects how one interpret quality of life.The studywas based on interviews with four boys and four girls.

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