

1431 Uppsatser om Intra-organizational outsourcing - Sida 30 av 96

Valfrihetssystem enligt LOV : Ur ett biståndshandläggar- och organisationsperspektiv 

Sweden has one of the best elderly cares in Europe and the Swedish care work is also one of the best in terms of quality, compared to other European countries. In recent years, higher demands have been set on the care work and the number of privatizations of public services has increased. In 2009 a new law came into force, the Act on System of Choice (LOV) which increased individual?s right to a greater participation and a free choice in the selection of health and social care providers. This paper aims to highlight the impact of the law, system of choice.

Hur påverkar organisationsformen "ideell förening" budgetarbetet? : en kvalitativ undersökning i Allsvenska fotbollsföreningar

The purpose of this bachelor essay is to describe and analyze budgeting in nonprofit organizations. To do that, we used a qualitative method and accomplished seven interviews in four different football clubs. Our idea is to create understanding by combine theory and empiric, and therefore we have an abductive research strategy.The subject of this essay is very topical in view of the recently emerging trend that Allsvenska football clubs are paying increasing deficit. This can have a major impact on the progress and must be stopped. The first step is to make a more realistic budget.The conclusions drawn from this essay suggest that it is not how the budget per se, but how to work from the planned budget that affects what results you gets in the end.

Gemensamma mentala modeller kring teknik : - en fallstudie av tekniksyn på ett IT-tjänstföretag

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

Informationsflöden inom mobila-stationära organisationer

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

Att skapa eller möta efterfrågan? : organisation och verksamhet i ett regionalt bibliotekssystem : en attitydutvärdering av Bibliotek Gävleborg

This evaluational study has been initiated by the County Council of Gävleborg (LandstingetGävleborg), politically responsible (and the main economical) authority of BibliotekGävleborg, the regional library institution in the county of Gävleborg, Sweden.The aim of the study is threefolded:1. to evaluate the organization of Bibliotek Gävleborg during the 1990's as we11 as theeffects of a reorganization carried out in 1990, and, through the use of interviews and a questionnaire, to ascertain the attitudes of Bibliotek Gävleborg's branch users (mainlythe municipal libraries in the county) towards the organizational development.2. to evaluate and compare regional library activities in Gävleborg prior to and duringthe 1990's, and to investigate the attitudes of the afore-mentioned branch users towardsBibliotek Gävleborg's activities.3. to investigate and discuss possible future directions of regional library development in Sweden in general, and in Gävleborg in particular.The closing, debating chapter in the study also'contains a few suggestions of measures to enhance regional library activity in Gävleborg..

Socialarbetares syn på institutionell påverkan i arbetet med unga lagöverträdare

The aim of this study is to increase knowledge and understanding regarding which institutional demands can be identified by social welfare secretary?s in their work with juvenile offenders. The study uses organizational theory to try and find different institutional strategies that social workers use to handle such demands. The study takes a qualitative approach and consists of six semi-structural interviews with social welfare secretary?s who work with juvenile offenders.The results of the study show how institutional influence comes from various organizations and institutions such as media, legislation as well as the police and justice system.

"Det kan hända att jag kommer fram till att det är något annat som behövs än det du önskar dig" : -En studie om hur socialsekreterare hanterar frågor om delaktighet och etik

It is a qualitative study that describes and analyzes how professionals deal with social issues of inclusiveness and ethics in the investigation of cases involving interventions for adolescents. The focus is on the strategies that staff in social services expressed in terms of obstacles and opportunities for working participatively and especially when it comes to dealing with ethical dilemmas that may arise.    The method used was qualitative research interviews. Five social workers from two different municipalities were interviewed and the material is analyzed on the basis of socio-cultural theory and organizational theory. Themes that emerged were participation, ethics, discretion and flexibility, collaboration, organization, skills and time. The main obstacles that have emerged in the study are that those who work in social services have had been difficulties to fully create participation due to various factors.

Perioperativ överrapportering-En systematisk litteraturstudie

Background: A patient undergoing surgery will meet many caregivers in different settings pre-, intra- and postoperative in the surgical pathway. Lack of communication is a common digression and the handoff is such an occasion. The purpose is to describe current knowledge about the patients´ right to safe care perioperative. The study is a systematic review (pilot). Result: The handoff was informal, unstructured and inconsistent.

Att larma eller inte larma

: Outsourcing har blivit en mycket vanlig företeelse i det moderna samhället och textilbranschen anses vara den geografiskt mest spridda industrin i världen med produktion oftast belägen i Asien. Outsourcing till trots finns det fortfarande vissa moment i värdekedjan som i stor utsträckning utförs i butik i Sverige trots att i stort sett alla andra tillverkande och sammansättande moment utförs i fabrik i låglöneländer. Ett av dessa moment är larmning av varor. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och beskriva hur larmning av konfektionsplagg går till i svenska A-läge butiker samt analysera om förflyttningen av momentet bakåt i värdekedjan skulle kunna påverka detaljhandelns tidsbudgetering och lönsamhet. Frågeställningarna för studien är: På vilket sätt påverkar larmningsmomentets placering i värdekedjan butikens tidsbudgetering? Samt: Hur påverkas butikers lönsamhet av att larmningsmomentet förflyttas bakåt i värdekedjan? Den empiriska studien är indelad i tre delar; kvantitativa observationer i form av tidsstudier utförd hos tre butiker; kvalitativa intervjuer med sex tillfrågade butikschefer; samt kvalitativa intervjuer med huvudkontor från valda modeföretag.

Sociala intranät - ett intranät för alla? : Uppfattningar bland leverantörer och beställare

A social intranet is an information and communication channel that is relatively new. There is still a small amount of research done around social intranet and what it is, and also on what organizations and their members may benefit from using such an intranet. Therefore, this paper was written with the purpose to em-phasize the reasons, possibilities and difficulties of implementing and using a so-cial intranet. With interview as method we took part of the experiences and views on social intranet from a number of organizations that are using or is about to establish a social intranet, and also from companies who deliver the service. Through the use of previous research in organizational communication, we then analysed the responses we received from our respondents.

Implementering av International Baccalureate Diploma Programme vid fyra skolor i Sverige : En utvärdering av motstånd och möjligheter

The aim of this essay is to analyze the implementation process of the International Baccalaureate?s Diploma Programme in four of the approximately 30 schools currently offering the IB at upper secondary level in Sweden. The starting point is a comparison between definitions in fundamental documents in the national programmes for Natural Science (NV) and Social Science (SP) on the one hand, and the IBDP on the other. The evaluation, based on Program theory, focuses in particular on the consistencies in the Organizational plans of each system.  The basic assumption is that the IB due to a deviating organizational system, different structures, aims and objectives makes a challenge for the dominating educational discourse, to use a concept by Michel Foucault, and that resistance against the IB therefore is to be expected.As a second part of the evaluation five people who either play, or have played the role of coordinators of the IB, and who thereby are responsible for the implementation, have been interviewed. The questions have been focused around in what sense the informants can confirm resistance in their implementation work due to the differences found in the first part of the evaluation, and in what ways it manifests itself.Finally, Michel Foucault?s power structures in connection to discourse analysis have been applied on the results of the two previous parts of the essay.

Utveckling av produktionflödeseffektivitet : En fallstudie

Fallstudiens syfte är att skapa förståelse över hur ett internt produktionsflöde på ett tillverkande företag kan uppnå en hög produktionflödeseffektivitet. Målsättningen är att skapa en kartläggning av ett nuvarande flödestillstånd på fallföretaget. Utifrån detta ska empirin och den noggrant utvalda teorin generera i en analys som ska sammanställa de faktorer som är väsentliga att studera för att förbättra flödet i dagsläget. Med hjälp av TPS-huset och faktorer som grund ska det klargöras om företaget gynnas av att tillverka internt eller överlåta delar av sin produktion externt. .

Den mänskliga kameleonten : En studie av fotografisk självframställning i postmodern tid

I uppsatsen undersöks och analyseras fotografiska självframställningar, detta genom semiotisk bildanalys med syfte att visa på olika strategier, att i fotografiska självporträtt använda sig själv som motiv. Uppsatsen fokuserar därmed på tre bildserier skapade av tre till uttryck skilda konstnärer; Cindy Sherman med serien Untitled Film Stills, Hannah Wilke med bildserien Intra-Venus och Jan Saudek med bildserien Pornographer.Uppsatsens teoretiska grund bygger på identitet och identitetsproblematik, samt poststrukturalism och queerteori med vikt på att se en persons identitet som en sammanblandning av sociala och kulturella företeelser kring denne, samt genus som en konstruktion..

Dödshjälp i dagspressen : En analys av dagspressens rapportering om Kims öde

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

Förslag till kvalitetsförbättring av tunnelkontur

Det är idag vanligt att företag outsourcar drift, förvaltning och utveckling av sina IT-system till större konsultföretag. Detta görs bland annat för att uppnå effektivisering genom att ta del av stordriftsfördelar som väntas medföra en kostnadsbesparing för företaget. Andra orsaker är kvalitetsförbättring, kompetensförsörjning och flexibilitet. Det finns många strategiska mål som skall uppfyllas och dessa bygger på ett partnerskap där många inblandade individer skall samarbeta. Vi tror att huruvida en outsourcing fungerar eller inte avgörs i samarbetet mellan beställare och utvecklare och att ett dåligt fungerande samarbete kan generera stora kostnader.

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