

1431 Uppsatser om Intra-organizational outsourcing - Sida 29 av 96

Outsourcing ? på vilka grunder? En fallstudie av underlagen vid outsourcingbeslut

Titel: Outsourcing ? på vilka grunder, en fallstudie av underlagen vid outsourcingbeslut Författare: Carina Asplund Handledare: Eva Wittbom Sektion: Ekonomi, Management och Samhällsvetenskap, Blekinge Tekniska högskola Course: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 högskolepoäng Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Ett outsourcingbeslut kan fattas på många olika grunder och de vanligast förekommande motivatorerna i privat näringsliv är strategiska motivatorer som att renodla verksamheten och fokusera på sin kärnverksamhet eller kostnadsbesparande motivatorer. Många företag lägger ut delar av sin verksamhet utan någon grundligare förstudie, på grund av högre chefers personliga erfarenheter, familjeband, känslor eller lyckosamma anekdoter om andra företags framgångsrika outsourcingprojekt. Beslut som grundas på trender eller känsla kan ha en direkt negativ påverkan på det långsiktiga resultatet av outsourcingaktiviteten på grund av bristande analys och förberedelse. För att kunna fatta långsiktigt hållbara beslut är det viktigt att ta sig tid att utföra en grundlig förstudie för att kunna förutse vilka kostnader, utmaningar, möjligheter och aktiviteter outsourcingprojektet för med sig.

Att styra och att genomsyra - en fallstudie av hur The Body Shop använder organisatorisk styrning för att hantera sin höga varumärkesrisk

By the year of 2007, 97 % of all listed companies in Europe had a CSR strategy described on their website. As the concept of CSR during the last decades has increased rapidly in popularity, a need to understand how such a strategy can be implemented has followed. While working with CSR in an integrated manner shows similarities to other popular management ideas, such as Lean and TQM, companies applying to a CSR strategy has been shown to be under higher scrutiny from media and NGO:s. Through a case study this thesis examines how these special circumstances of a CSR strategy makes The Body Shop use organizational control to avoid being subject to scandals due to not fulfilling the promises made to its customers. The results show that The Body Shop's commitment to CSR creates a need for a stringent bureaucratic control system that highly restricts the freedom of action for its employees.

Kärnan av beslut - En fallstudie över EU:s beslut att inleda inträdesförhandlingar med Turkiet

I denna uppsats analyseras de faktorer som ligger bakom beslutet att låta Turkiet inleda inträdesförhandlingar med EU. Dessa faktorer analyseras utifrån Allisons tre modeller: Rational Actor Model, Organizational Behavior och Governmental Politics. Modellerna beskriver olika komponenter som låg till grund för beslutstagandet.I vår analys belyses först de statliga aktörerna och deras motiv för att ge Turkiet kandidatstatus och ett datum för eventuella förhandlingar, enligt Rational Actor Model. Därefter belyses de organisatoriska strukturerna bakom EU och dess inverkan på det faktiska inledandet av förhandlingarna enligt Organizational Behavior. Slutligen nämns kortfattat Governmental Politics, som behandlar nyckelpersoner och förhandlingskonstellationer, eftersom modellen ej kunnat genomföras i sin helhet.Uppsatsen har som uppgift att tillämpa de olika modellernas styrka i den specifika fallstudien och utgör en ny syn inom europeisk integration..

Den psykosociala arbetsmiljöns betydelse för det sociala arbetet : En kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares upplevelser

The study aims to gain insight into how social workers perceive their psychosocial work environment and examine whether this effects the performance of their duties. The study mainly addresses the shortcomings of the psychosocial work environment of Social Services and the implications it entails for social workers health and wellbeing. The psychosocial work environment includes physical and psychological factors therefore the study's interpretive framework consists of organizational theoretical and social psychological concepts and previous research on the subject. We examined the organizational and social psychological connections to social workers perception of their work environment with a qualitative approach. The empirical data was collected through interviews with four social workers in a municipality in central Sweden using a semi-structured interview guide.

Placerad på behandlingshem, vad händer sedan? : En studie om socialsekreterares arbete med uppföljning av tidigare placerade ungdomar

Placed in an institution, what happens next? A study concerning how social workers handle the after-care of adolescents who earlier has been placed in an institution is written by Therese Wester and Sanna Sjölander Wirlöf. The purpose of the study is to understand and explain how social workers handle the after-care. This study is based on an organizational perspective since the after-care has been studied in relation to the structure of the organization and the laws and guidelines that the organization has to relate to. The method that has been used is semi-structured interviews with six social workers in different municipalities in Stockholm.

Registrerad : - En förklarande studie av Skånepolisens romregister

In 2011, a crime prevention initiative was undertaken by the Swedish police department in Scania. Two years later, the Swedish media reported on this initiative, claiming that it had been intended as an ethnic registration of Romani people. This revelation resulted in a great deal of controversy and sparked a national debate on the issue of ethnicity and public registration in Sweden. The police in Scania had difficulties explaining the purpose of such a registration effort, and could not provide evidence that it had been legitimate and legal. This paper will attempt to explain the motivation behind the original police initiative with a theoretical analysis based on assessments from public authorities.

MKB Vågade - igen?

Studien avser att belysa dels ett historiskt perspektiv hos MKB Fastighets AB:s organisationsförändring under Allan Karlssons ledning på 1990-talet, dels avser studien att undersöka hur dagens organisationskultur yttrar sig och dels hur den rådande kulturen förmodas integrera med en leanimplementering. Syftet är att utifrån dessa tre perspektiv skildra den rådande organisationskulturen samt genomföra en tolkning om organisationskulturen är enhetlig eller splittrad med existerande subkulturer. Frågeställningarna berör kulturen på 1990-talet, hur förvaltningsområdena framställs, respondenternas skildring av samhörighet och konsensus i organisationen, hur respondenterna ser på organisationsförändringen samt respondenternas syns på ledningen. Den teoretiska referensramen i studien lyfter fram vikten av att en organisationsförändring påverkar flera organisatoriska dimensioner. Organisationskulturen har makten att påverka organisationsförändringar och skapa inkonsekvenser som utvecklar subkulturer.

Communication works for those who work at it : En studie i hur organisatoriska kommunikationsstrategier kan bidra till meningsskapande under en förändringsprocess

Aim: The challenges that arise from the development of the digitalization are forcing organizations to adjust their activities and operations to meet the needs of the society and organization´s important stakeholders. To be able to keep up with the developments organizations are constantly changing. These changes must be communicated to their stakeholders in a way that makes sense to them and to ensure that mutual understanding is achieved for the change to be succesful throughout the organization. The main purpose of this paper is to study an organizations communication during a change process. The focus lies on organizational communication strategies and the sensemaking processes as organization communicates about the change to its important stakeholders.Contribution:This paper will contribute to the field of organizational communication by filling a gap on empirical studies of internal communication during an organizational change.Method: The main method for this paper is the qualitative interviews.

Hur märks framgång? En undersökning och utvärdering av Uppsalas samt Umeås varumärken

Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att genom en jämförelse mellan det köpande och det säljande företaget belysa vilka faktorer som kan bidra till att outsourcing av redovisningsfunktionen blir framgångsrikt. Metod: I denna uppsats har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod och ett hermeneutisk synsätt. Detta eftersom vi har gjort några intervjuer och inga data har samlats in som kan göras mätbara. Vår intervjumetod var ostrukturerad då de intervjuade fick chansen att styra hur intervjuerna artade sig och en öppen dialog fördes. En undersökning kan ha olika avsikter, vi använde oss av de beskrivande och förstårliga. Då syftet med examensarbetet gick ut på att belysa vilka faktorer som kan bidra till att outsourcing av redovisningsfunktionen blir framgångsrik. Resultat & Slutsats: Under uppsatsens gång har vi kommit fram till att vi anser att företag borde outsourca sin redovisningsfunktion, då företag ska göra det de är bäst på.

Investeringskalkylens svarta får - en studie om utvärderingen av ledarskapsutvecklingsprogram

The concept of leadership development plays an important role within the modern organization. As a result of the increasing interest in developing leadership competencies, investments in leadership development programs are becoming a common part of business strategies. However, the return on those investments is seldom evaluated. The reason for this is considered to be the complexity created by the many factors that influence leadership but have no relation to the program. This is a case study based on interviews with participants from a one-year leadership development program that was carried out at AB Previa.

Förändringskommunikation i organisationer : En studie som jämför hur uppfattningar skiljer sig mellan chefer och medarbetare i en förändringsprocess

Title: Change Communication within organizations ? How perceptions differ between managers and employees in an organizational changeAuthor: Emma Ender & Fanny TeschTutor: Anne-Marie MorhedPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to study and compare different perceptions of change communication between managers and employees within two smaller organizations. We wanted to examine how the communication process within the change was carried out. We also aimed to compare the results with change communication models of Johansson & Heide (2008) and Lewin (1951), and also existing concepts, to see if our result differed from earlier research. Our key questions to answer were: How do managers communicate a change to the employees in two smaller companies? How do the managers think that the employees perceive the information about the change? How do the employees perceive the information about the change? How does change models from previous research correspond to, or differ from the change process?Method/Material: The material used in this thesis consists of a total of twelve interviews with both managers and employees at two small companies.Main results: The main results shows that communicating a change is complex, and that it is difficult to create models and theories for the phenomenon, as each change is unique.

Grossistens roll på handarbetsmarknaden : En studie om Ja?rbo Garns kommunikation med sina kunder och a?terfo?rsa?ljare

Ja?rbo Garn is a wholesaler in the textile industry. The companys position on the market is under changing circumstances. Therefore Ja?rbo Garn needs to find new ways of developing their marketing.

Barns delaktighet i barnavårdsutredningar : En studie av implementeringen av BBIC i Enköpings kommun

In 2007 a project began in the Uppsala region, which aimed to help municipalities implement BBIC (Barns behov i centrum). BBIC is a system that helps social workers increase children?s participation in investigations relating to social work. This study follows up on BBIC?s implementation process in Enköping, a municipality in the Uppsala region.

Borta bra men hemma billigast? : En studie av vad som påverkar socialsekreterares val av insatser i Karlskrona och Karlshamns kommun

The purpose of this essay was to investigate and analyze affecting factors concerning social workers in two different municipality social services, Karlskrona and Karlshamn, working with cases of youth drug abuse. We wanted to see what affects social workers in their choices of assessments of youth drug abusers. We wanted to find out whether the organizational aspects or the cliental qualities affect the social workers more than the other in the choices of assessments. Among the cliental qualities we used in this essay, gender was the most important quality and therefore the quality we wanted to pay special attention to. When it came to the organizational aspects we paid special attention to the social workers boundaries of agency.

Mellan bildningsideal och besparingskrav : En studie av Uppsala universitetsbiblioteks styrdokument 1999-2013

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how structural changes are depicted as well as formally brought about in the documents of rule and regulation of Uppsala University and Uppsala University Library the years 1999?2013. Beside the documents of rule and regulation, also documents that is commenting on (or in other ways relates to) these are investigated. The study is based both in organizational theory and modern rhetorical theory. The results show that the University to a certain extent gained an increased possibility to micromanage the library?s working routines during the time span covered and the study traces the consequences this had on the library organization and reactions it evoked among the leaders and representatives of the library staffThis raised a debate between representatives from the University library and its mother organization, the University, regarding at which level in the whole organization decisions regarding the library?s forms of funding and everyday praxis.

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