4058 Uppsatser om Internet drugs - Sida 22 av 271
Internet som informationskälla - En enkätstudie om hur gravida förstföderskor använder sig av Internet
När en kvinna är gravid har hon ett stort behov av att få information. En del av dettainformationsbehov tillfredsställs genom kontakt med barnmorskan inommödrahälsovården. Kvinnan söker även information på egen hand, exempelvis påInternet. För de flesta kvinnor är graviditeten ett friskt tillstånd med bevarad hälsa. Undertiden som gravid är det många kvinnor som är aktiva och engagerade i planeringen avvården.
De äldres situation i det digitala samhället : Bibliotekets verksamhet för digital delaktighet
This thesis deal with how seniors treat and view the digital world, what their information seeking process looks like and what they perceive as the major obstacles regarding the usage of IKT and the Internet. The experience of the seniors is put in relation to how Uppsala City Library is carrying out the task to increase digital participa-tion. This operation is part of the Digidel network which during the preceding year concluded their campaign Digidel2013 which aimed to render 500 000 new users digitally participant. Following the campaign Digidel published a report on how to further work to increase the digital participation derived from the experience gath-ered from Digidel2013. This report is discussed and put in relation to the proposed measures of Jan A.G.M.
Facebook, E-post, SMS & Mobiltelefoni : en explorativ studie om hur unga vuxna upplever den ständiga tillgängligheten
Purpose/Aim: In the information and communication technology society (ICT) we live in today it is easy to feel that we are constantly expected to be available. The daily contact with the Internet and the use of cell phones has changed our way to communicate. With this in mind in combination with the increased stress among young adults my aim is to investigate how young adults, aged 23-26 years, experience to be constantly connected and available through the Internet and the cell phone. What are their opinions, attitudes and feelings about what this entails in their lives?Material/Method: The essay is based on four focus group interviews with sixteen students from Uppsala University aged 23-26, two groups consisting of women and two groups consisting of men.
Intresse för e-handel bland svenska lantbrukare :
Sveaverken is a company who manufactures products and equipment for the modern farm enterprise within grain, pork and horse businesses. A large share of Sveaverken's turnover depends on the role as a subcontractor for Delaval within the areas ventilation, manure handling and feeding systems. Sveaverken wants to investigate the possibility to increase sales by establishing new sales channels, for example e-commerce
This thesis is an analysis of the Swedish farmers use of internet, attitudes towards e-commerce and Sveaverken's interest within this area. There is also a minor economic analysis of the cost of establishing the e-commerce site.
The study focuses on farmers who are potential customers to Sveaverken within Sweden.
To examine the farmers opinions about internet and e-commerce a questionnaire was developed and sent out in November 2006, to 500 farmers of which 45% answered.
The results show that the average age of the farmers was 42,5 years.
Utvärdering av säkerhet och effektivitet hos CGI och ASP
Internet är det mest populära och kraftfulla nätverksbaserade informationssystem, som erbjuder stora mängder data liggande på servrar runt om på olika platser i världen. Det ständiga uppväxandet av Internet, som framför allt var märkvärdig under de senaste åren, har lett till en informationsrevolution som förmodligen kommer att fortsätta ett antal år framåt i tiden. Databaser som sedan flera år tillbaka varit en grund för lagrings- och sökningsfält är tydligen inte mindre efterfrågat, för dess användning på så väl små som stora företag. Sammanslagning av dessa två världar (Internet och databaser) kommer att ge nya möjligheter för skapandet av avancerade informationshanteringsapplikationer. Sammankopplingen av databaser på Internet utförs med hjälp av olika tillvägagångssätt som kallas för gateway, och två av dessa är CGI och ASP som studeras i denna rapport med avseende på deras säkerhet och effektivitet.
Självskadebeteende hos unga flickor : en studie om sambandet mellan självskadebeteende och kamkamratgrupper och Internet
Self-destructive behaviour is a more and more occurring phenomenon in today?s society and there are mostly young girls who are affected by this behaviour. There are different explanations to why the phenomenon appears. The purpose of this research essay is to give a literature overview of the phenomenon of self-harming behaviour of young girls. Two research questions have been used to study this phenomenon; How can groups of friends contribute to reinforce an identity with the self-destructive behaviour among young girls? How can Internet contributes to reinforce an identity with the self- estructive behaviour among young girls? For the analysis this research essay uses the social constructive theoretical perspective.
BUY NOW, THINK LATER: An insight on impulse buying behaviour on the Internet
A research on how impulse buying can be stimulated in physical retail stores and see to what extent these stimuli also apply in an online setting. Furthermore, the effects of demographic characteristics on impulse buying behaviour online are taken in consideration..
Aspekter på folkbibliotekens Internetsatsningar verksamheter, intentioner, regleringar
The aim of this thesis is to study different aspects of the public libraries' investment in public access computers connected to the Internet. What level of accessibility can be found at the surveyed libraries concerning the number of computers open to the public, as well as chat and email services? What activities have been taking place with the computers in focus, and what have the goals of these activities been? Is there any control of content, and what aspects of the Internet are, if that is the case, subject to censorship. And how do the governmental policies relate to the surveyed libraries' intentions and activities regarding the Internet? In order to answer these questions, each main library in the 42 largest towns of Sweden was surveyed response rate: 100 %.
Hotells internetnärvaro : En jämförande studie mellan Karlstads kedjehotell och oberoende hotells exponering på Internet.
In today?s society Internet is evolving the tourism industry and it?s the pioneers that use this marketing channel to further their brands that?s that reap the benefits of early adoption. In this essay we research how well two kinds of ownership structures, private ownership and chain ownership, in the hotel market match up against each other in Internet presence and the steps they have taken to encourage guests too book via their websites. We determined that the hotel market in Karlstad was sufficient to study the different kinds of ownership structures as it?s small enough to see the competition between private ownership and chain ownership clearly instead of as normal in more densely populated cities where chain owned hotels dominates the marked due to sheer size. The scientific research consists of two types of methods.
Lärares erfarenheter av att använda sociala medier i undervisning
This study aims to investigate how and why teachers use social media to reach their students, and how they handle different levels of computer literacy among students.The purpose of this study is to investigate the experience of teachers using social media in their teaching. I have done interviews with two teachers, who use social media in different ways. One of the teachers makes her students publish their work on the Internet on wiki-spaces, and the other one use Facebook for discussions and teamwork. This report uses the pedagogy theories laid forth by Vygotskij as a vantage point to analyze the answers from the teachers. I have also looked at some of the published student texts on the Internet.This study concludes there are students who don?t have access to computers and Internet at home.
XML som informationsbärare för EDI
Information handling has been a key issue for different companies for a long time. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is used to transfer different business documents from one company to another. This is done in such way that the information itself is separated from how this information is stored and handled in the companies internal systems. As different companies have different systems there is a need for a standardised format for this exchange. There is a big difference between EDI-systems based on what kind of EDI-standard is used.
Elevers tillämpning av källkritik på Internet
This paper, called Pupils' practice of source criticism on the Internet, is investigating pupils? use of source criticism. The main research question was: how much knowledge pupils from an upper secondary class have about the use of source criticism, regarding examining data from the Internet intended for assignments. Furthermore, developing a suitable method to investigate this was included. The main research question led to further sub questions that aimed to answer to what extent pupils consider source critique criteria as sender, aim, up-to-dateness, credibility and dependence.The study has been conducted by using mixed methods, both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Servicekvalitet på Linköpings stadsbibliotek ? ur tre fokusgruppers perspektiv
The main purpose with this MA thesis is to examine how visually impaired, disabled and people with dyslexia define service quality at the public library of Linköping. The method that has been used is focus group interviews. A focus group consists of four to eight people who are joined together, without knowing each other before, to discuss a certain subject. The aim is to get a wide spread of answers. A secondary purpose is to examine how this method works.
E-handel på små skärmar - En designforskningsstudie
Etablerade företag har framgångsrikt utökat sin verksamhet med webbutiker. Postorderföretagen har i allt högre grad gått över till att sälja över Internet och företag med specialiserat utbud säljer nu globalt. Denna typ av Internethandel utförs främst på stationära datorer, men försök har även börjat dyka upp på exempelvis mobiltelefoner och små handdatorer. Det mobila Internet har den unika fördelen att det är möjligt att handla var användaren än befinner sig. Forskare menar att denna mobila handel kommer gå om e-handeln på Internet, där skillnaden ligger i att fler kommer handla på små skärmar och mindre på stora skärmar.
Lyx på Internet ? urvattnar användandet av Internet som distributionskanal lyxvarumärkets exklusivitet?
Med utgångspunkt i att e-handel ökat markant de senaste åren samt i att lyxvarumärken har speciella egenskaper som komplicerar handel över Internet, är syftet med vår studie att studera hur lyxvarumärkena hanterar Internet som distributionskanal. Undersökningen grundar sig på en fallstudie av 12 lyxvarumärkens hemsidor samt på en personlig intervju. Den teoretiska referensramen innehåller teorier kring begreppet lyx samt lyxvarumärket och dess speciella egenskaper. Vidare återges teorier om lyxkonsumenten samt köpupplevelsens roll vid lyxkonsumtion. Slutligen presenterar vi lyxens demokratisering samt teorier kring Internet och e-handel.