8244 Uppsatser om Internationalization process - Sida 9 av 550
Idén var det inget fel på : En processutvärdering av omfördelningen av befintliga arbetsuppgifter på ett frivårdskontor
The essay discusses a process of change at probationservice office. The purpose of the change was to decrease specialisation and increase flexibility of the probation officers. The change encountered several problems where the correctional supervisor was percieved to act unsurely and indecisively whilst parts of the staff constructed and implimented several courses of action to prevent the process of change..
Processkartläggning : - Att kartlägga ett snabbväxande mindre företag
Bactiguard is a Swedish company within the field of medichal technology. The company has been very prosperous since it was founded in 2005 and was electedÅrets MedTechföretag 2008 ?MedTech Company of the year 2008. According to a definition by NUTEK, Bactiguard is still considered a minor company ? despite high market value and international expansion.
Kulturella skillnader i internationella affa?rsrelationer : En studie av svenska fo?retags affa?rsrelationer i Mexiko
Strukturella reformer har fo?rvandlat Latinamerikas ekonomier fra?n att vara sta?ngda och statsdominerade till att bli mer marknadsorienterade och o?ppna fo?r resten utav va?rlden. Grundat pa? den politiska utvecklingen och den ekonomiska tillva?xten blir marknaden mer stabil och utgo?r stora mo?jligheter fo?r fo?retag som vill satsa utomlands. Men med intra?det pa? en fra?mmande marknad kommer kulturella utmaningar som kan sta?lla till problem om man inte ger dem tillra?cklig uppma?rksamhet.Studiens syfte a?r att underso?ka och beskriva de kulturella skillnaderna som kommer till uttryck na?r svenska fo?retag a?r verksamma pa? den latinamerikanska marknaden och hur de hanterar dessa.
En virtuell klädkollektion : En rapport om processen i att designa och illustrera en virtuell klädbutik till Stardoll.com
This is a report that goes through the design process of designing and illustrating a virtual clothing shop with the theme ?Stockholm Streetstyle? for the website ?Stardoll.com?. The purpose of the report is to examine how you can manage to get as close to designing a certain style or theme as possible, and also how the process of designing a clothing line can work, The illustrations were made in Adobe Illustrator and the final result of the project was an illustrated fashion collection with 21 parts, in the total of 6 outfits, and also a background for the shop. .
Rysslands påverkan på den vitryska demokratiseringsprocessen
This thesis sets out to investigate three questions, first, how the Belarusian democratization process has progressed since the country?s independence in 1991 to the year of 2006. Second, how the relationship between Russia and Belarus has progressed during this time and third, if and how Russia has affected the democratization process. The study has been conducted through qualitative method, mainly using books and articles as sources of information. It has been found that the democratization process in Belarus has evolved in a negative direction ever since the presidential election of 1994.
Tillämpning av Unified Process och Design Patterns vid integrering av system
The computer consultant company Create in Lund AB wishes to facilitate their invoice routines, as it at present is required that the administration finds and compares information from two different systems.The purpose of this thesis is to develop an invoice management system that simplifies the invoice management process for the administration at Create. During the development of the system, I have chosen to follow the software development process Unified Process and also tried to find design patterns that can be applied to the integration.The result of my project is a self-contained application developed using the Java programming language that communicates with the databases of the other two systems and presents relevant information to the user as a set of invoices. Of the 23 design patterns I studied, I used four of them in the invoice management system. However I couldn?t find any connection between any design pattern and the integration of systems.
Anställdas förvärv av värdepapper : Beskattningstidpunkten när förvärvet är förenat med förfoganderättsinskränkningar
It has become increasingly simple for companies to offer its employees shares in the form of incentive or option plans to acquire. Companies motivate incentive plans with employee buy-outs that it will lead to higher involvement of work. The offers are often associated with disposal restrictions to the employee such as not immediately dispose of shares or that the employees will have to remain of employment within a certain timeframe. The problems with disposal restrictions are that it makes it difficult to determine the point of taxation.When shares deemed acquired at the time of share subscription the benefit will be taxable as income from service and the increase in value income from capital. When shares are deemed to be acquired only after cessation of disposal restrictions this will result in that the benefit is taxed only once.After the Supreme Administrative Court rulings in 3167-09 and 3168-09, it is now obvious that the acquisition is deemed to occur at the time of acquisition. The problem is not yet solved because the constant development of the security market needs to be considered.
Ompositionering av varumärken : en strategisk fråga
Background: Brand strategy tends to become an important management issue. It is therefore interesting to reach a greater understanding about how companies work to make their existing brands stronger. The purpose of a brand is to influence the customers? view of the brand image. The literature is insufficient concerning how leaders handle the process of repositioning a brand, in order to change the brand image.
Forskningsevaluering av humaniora. En diskursanalys av den aktuella debatten i Skandinavien
This master?s thesis aims to analyze the ongoing debate in Scandinavia on research evaluation of the humanities. This field of research uses bibliometrics, quantative analysis of bibliographical units as a research assessment tool. In recent years evaluative bibliometrics has been an increasingly used method. In Scandinavia, governments have introduced new funding models for research in higher educational institutions.
Aegishjalmur, tyrrunan och valknuten : En kvalitativ studie i användandet av fornnordiska symboler bland nationalistiska rörelser.
The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject. I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.
Man känner sig lite kluven ibland : an international adopted?s experience of her learning process
The aim of my study was to describe and interpretate how an international adopted person look back at and describes her learning process individually and in interaction with others. Data are based on one in-depth interview with a phenomenological inspired approach.The findings showed that the interviewee has repressed a great deal of her former life from her country of origin. According to the interviewee, the process of learning in interaction with other people has worked well. She has furthermore never felt that other students have treated her differently based on her appearance. There is some ambivalence in how the interviewee describes this though, which opens up for other interpretations..
Hur Internet används i konsumentens köpprocess vid handel av kläder
A study based on the consumer buying decision process to discover the typical use of the Internet in the consumer buying decision process when buying clothes. The matter is researched through an Internet survey which discovers how the consumer use the Internet in each step of the buying decision process by using predetermined options. As a result, the conclusion is that people most commonly use the traditional alternatives in the buying decision process of clothes. However, information about a product is often collected on the Internet, mostly on different webshops. The main reason, for people to buy clothes on the Internet, is that the consumers consider it is more convenient and time saving.
Från frihet till fängelse: En studie av klientflödet på Häktet Kronoberg
In the last decades, lean production has proven to be one of the most important organizational paradigms in manufacturing. The lean concept has also spread into the service industry where it is applied within a range of different areas. The wide applicability of lean principles has spurred the authors of this study to apply the principles in the context of the operations of a Swedish remand prison. The thesis examines the process a client of the remand prison Häktet Kronoberg goes through from the time of arrest until he/she is released or convicted and transferred to jail. Based on lean tools and principles, the thesis maps and analyses this process.
Utskrivning från sjukhus ? En studie av utskrivningsprocessen vid en medicinklinik
Introduction: The interaction between different care facilities and professions is important in the care of older patients. Patients do not always get enough time to recover and often have a continued need for care. A discharge process of good structure in which the patient and relatives are participating and the continued need of care is assured is of importance in care of older patients.Objective: The overall purpose of this study is to compare the discharge process for patients over 75 years old admitted to a emergency medicine ward respective a emergency medicine ward with geriatric focus at a medicine clinic, to compare discharge process between these wards and evaluate the patients situation at home after discharge.Methods: A survey of medical records with a protocol and a telephone survey have been performed. Data was analyzed with descriptive and analytic statistic. Patients at the medical wards MAVA and care unit number 21/34, which are 75 years or older and are discharged to their own home, within the municipality of Göteborgs stad, in Sweden, are included in this study.Results: The discharge process differed between medicine wards with emergency medicine and geriatric focus.
Beslutsfattande inom Produktutveckling : Kartläggning, analysering & vidareutveckling av PPM process på ett medtech företag
The number of ideas at innovative companies usually exceeds the amount of available human ormaterial recourses, this include ideas for development of new products. Since they are not able to doeverything they want to do they have to choose between ideas to develop new products. This includesthe decision on when to start, stop or kill a project as well as the thought process of prioritizing betweenongoing and potential projects.Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is an organizational process, with the purpose of systematicallyorganizing and running the activities that aim to evaluate, select and prioritize ideas and projects fordeveloping new products. PPM include four major goals to be fulfilled; Maximizing Value of thePortfolio, Achieving a Balanced Portfolio, Achieving a Strategic Alignment and Running the RightNumber of Projects.The purpose of the thesis was to develop a more visual and formal PPM process for the early stages inproduct development in one department at St Jude Medical AB, Sweden.The thesis was conducted by following a methodology known as Process Modules. The methodology isan approach for developing a PPM process that fits a specific company.