8244 Uppsatser om Internationalization process - Sida 34 av 550
Anpassning i en globaliserad va?rld : En flerfallsstudie av svenska modefo?retag
Med en mer globaliserad va?rld och mer homogena marknader har betydelsen fo?r marknadsanpassning pa? utla?ndsk marknad blivit alltmer ifra?gasatt. Vissa svenska modefo?retag har olika uppfattningar anga?ende detta da?r vissa anser att anpassning inte alls beho?vs da? modet a?r globalt medan andra anser att anpassning a?r ett ma?ste fo?r att na? framga?ng pa? den utla?ndska marknaden.Studien syftar till att studera i vilken ma?n anpassningens betydelse har i svenska modefo?retags marknadsstrategi da? va?rlden blivit mer globaliserad och marknader mer homogena. Fo?r att genomfo?ra studien har en kvalitativ studie genomga?tt i from av en flerfallsstudie med de svenska modefo?retagen; Odd Molly, Bjo?rn Borg och Hunky Dory.
Identifiering av slöserier på Lundbergs Plåt AB
Lundbergs Plåt AB is a small company situated in Jönköping. Their main task is to process different kinds of steel such as stainless steel. Lately, they have shown an interest in Lean production.On the basis of the situation mentioned above, we developed the purpose to find and decrease the non value-added wastes in the production at Lundbergs Plåt AB. Out of this, we also developed and answered two questions: Which wastes can be found with help from a value stream mapping (VSM)? In what way can these wastes be reduced and how can these reductions contribute to an improved production? VSM is the method used to find the non value-added wastes.
Frontier Marknader. : En studie om svenska företagsetableringar på afrikanska frontier-marknader
In the early 1990?s more and more companies of the Swedish public sector were exposed to competition, and this started the debate on how such actions might affect the business and even society.The first chapter examines how the public sector and especially health care, is financed and managed. We also explore what it means to be exposed to competition and find that there are many different ways of exposing the public sector to competition. The study examines dental care as an example of a market with both publicly and privately owned companies. The purpose of this paper is to explore how publicly and privately owned health care companies view their relationship with their consumers.
Uvån Hagfors Teknologi AB (UHT) has developed a process ? GRANSHOT® ? for quicksolidification of metals in water baths. In the process liquid metal is splintered ? granulated ?into small drops. The drops are rapidly cooled in a water bath where all the heat energy from theliquid metal is transferred into the water.
Lågkostnadsflyg i Sundsvallsregionen : Har de boende flygpreferenser liknande den typiska lågkostnadsresenären?
Companies need to receive feedback in order to understand how they should adjust to shifting demands in the market. This study focuses on the Mystery Shopping process and the information it provides. Through qualitative interviews information was gathered which identifies Mystery Shopping as an approach where companies actively seek information withthe help of anonymous ?shoppers?. This method is compared to other research methods in order to identify the characteristics of Mystery Shopping.
Elevens skyldighet och skolans rätt.
This study examines the possibilities of interpreting the moral values and ethics presented in the current curriculums in a way that makes them inclusive and constructive. The study also reveals how the liberal democratic ideal, presented in the curriculums as a hyper-ideology, is not at all easy to define or live up to in the pluralistic school of today.By close-reading and criticizing the curriculum for the Swedish senior high school (Gy11)and by looking at it from two different points of views, as rules or norms and as a process, Ishow how the curriculum can be interpreted as a basis or starting point for a communicationabout values. I also discuss wether the aim of this communication should be consensus or anongoing process..
Enighet om Europa Applicering av diffusionsteorin på utvecklingen av attityden till Europeisk policyintegration 1999-2009
Public opinion has increasingly become a political force in the European integration process. At present, it appears that the people?s attitude towards the European integration is relatively skeptical. How can we expect that the attitude towards European integration will evolve in the future? This paper tests the extent to which diffusion theory can serve as a model to explain the development of attitudes to European integration policy in Sweden from 1999 until 2009.
Romers rätt till politisk delaktighet och inflytande i Sverige : en diskursorienterad policyanalys av artikel 15 i Ramkonventionen
The aim of this essay is to study the decision making process and implementation of the principle of political participation and influence for Roma minority in Sweden. The results regarding the decision making process is structured through a discourse influenced policy analyses. Problem picture and recommended measures in the political documents representing the decision making process are analysed through theories of minority rights and equality. The implementation is seen through, by the author given minority discourse and the work in the roma council and analysed by the same theories already mentioned.The results show that regarding the decision process the aim of art.15 in the framework convention is based on the idea of equality while the Swedish documents relates more to an idea of the right to speak for the group. Regarding recommended measures, the framework convention gives several recommendations on specific measures for political participation while the Swedish documents focuses on the general politics of the state.
Processjämförelse : säljprocessen inom ett internationellt företag
Sales is the foundation for all commercial business and companies that have the best sales process in conjunction with efficient deliveries will do well in the long run. The author of this report was tasked by the Organisation in South Africa to study new/alternative ways of attracting Swedish companies to South Africa and sell the services of the Organisation to these same companies (defined as the sales process in this report) by analysing how similar international service companies do the same. A benchmarking process has been conducted with four similar service organizations in South Africa to examine how these companies work in comparison to the Organization. Surveys have been used for purposes of this study, as the methodology is well suited to provide the author a view on the opinions, perceptions and experiences of the respondents.The project aimed to develop new methods to attract Swedish companies to South Africa or improve and streamline the existing methods. The aim was also to develop new ways to sell the organization's services to Swedish companies.The study concludes that there is little focus on marketing of services within the Organisation.
Fö?rskolans inomhusmiljö? i relation till barns lä?rande : En studie om pedagogers arbetssä?tt på två Reggio Emilia-inspirerade förskolor
Background: The request for the Reggio Emilia practice has expanded enormously the last couple of years within the Swedish preschools. This particular practice describes the environment as a third educator. This third educator is supposed to work as - not only a tool - but also a support to ease children's learning experiences and help develop their mind. Previous research has shown that design of, for instance, furniture has a way of affecting the children's learning process and development.Aims: The purpose of this study is to see how two different teams of preschool educators on two differed Reggio Emilia inspired preschools work and handle the physical indoor environment. Method: We started out by contacting Reggio Emilia inspired preschools.
I strävan efter en bättre värld : En idéanalys av två synsätt på utveckling och internationellt utvecklingssamarbete.
The aim of this dissertation is to examine and compare William Easterly?s and PGU?s (Shared Responsibility: Sweden's Policy for Global Development) different views on development and international development cooperation. The methodological approach chosen in this study is an analysis of ideas based on the following questions:1. Which principles should be applied to development and international development cooperation?2.
Uppföljning av elevens kunskapsutveckling på APL : Hur APL-processer kan påverka synliggörande av kunskap
Yrkeslärare med ansvar för arbetsplatsförlagt lärande (APL) använder sig av olika metoder för att säkerställa att APL följs upp på ett strukturerat sätt. Studien åskådliggör de metoder som lärare med APL-ansvar använder i uppföljningen av APL. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten fokuserar på vilken kunskap som synliggörs genom dessa metoder. Tidigare forskning visar att en strukturerad process skapar förutsättningar för en bättre slutprodukt. Slutprodukten likställs i studien med en mer yrkeskunnig elev.
Ideologier i biblioteksbyggnaden ? en fallstudie av Arlövs bibliotek
Library architecture today is a complicated history. Public libraries are no longer merely a place for book storage, but also a virtual library a social meeting place and a place for study. All these diverse tasks and roles emerge in the democratic designing process of a new library and also transform into the architecture. The underlying process is the evaluation and negotiation of the libraries overall tasks and ideas, ideals and values. Multiple ideologies are incorporated in library architecture.
Brand: "Øresund" - analys av regionen som territorialiserad simulering
The topic of this thesis interest is the relation between branding as a place making/marketing technology and the process of regionalization. The main proposition advocated is that the officially communicated image of the Øresund Region, as a cohesive place and community, is a space that has been configured with branding and can be described as a territorial simulation. The concept of territorial simulation consists of two conjoined terms: simulation which aim at explaining the idiosyncratic brand image, as a social formation, which does not represent the place it imitates but commoditise it; and territorial which seeks to visualize the process of the unfolding of this image as a territory. The main argument is made in the third chapter, which traces the process of actualization of the brand image as a territory: ?Øresund?.
Naturanpassat bostadsbyggande :
I am in this essay to find out how to successfully combine new development with preservation of natural values, mainly large scale vegetation and ground formations.This is done by studies of three developments.
The first development, Engeltofta backe, lies 7 km northeast of Gävle. The expectations of natural preservation were not fullfilled when this area, after the explotation, did not have any vegetation of value left.
The second example, Östra Kvarnskogen in the community of Sollentuna, shows, as far as one can tell at the moment, a sucsessful combination of new development and preserved nature.
The third example is a development in the community of Kullön. In this area the ambition of combining preservation and development was fullfilled.
After studying vital documentation in each planning process, I made interviews with different actors in each of the three processes. I thereafter compared the different documents and answers from the interviewed persons to find out if there were any significant similarities or differences which could be of importence when natural values is to be preserved in new developments.
My conclusion of this study is that it is of great importence to define key expressions often used in the process, such as natural values and preservation.