

1661 Uppsatser om International terrorism - Sida 60 av 111

Test av icke-kurssäkrad ränteparitet med fokus på riskpremien och möjliga förklarande faktorer

This thesis aims to evaluate the concept of Uncovered Interest Parity. The parity states that the logarithmic difference between domestic and foreign interest rate equals the logarithmic difference between expected future spot exchange rate and the spot exchange rate, . In defining the exchange rate it is often presumed that the parity relation prevails even though several studies suggest the opposite. Numerous economists maintain that the theory?s shortcomings can be explained through the existence of a Risk Premium.

Identifiering och hantering av kulturella olikheter i B2B-kontext

Den teknologiska utvecklingen har bidragit till en ökad globalisering av dagens samhälle. För många företag har detta inneburit att verksamheten fått en alltmer internationell karaktär. Internationaliseringen kräver nya kontakter och företagen ställs inför nya utmaningar då de möter människor med olika kulturell bakgrund.Med denna bakgrund väcktes intresset för vårt problem om att undersöka hur företag i business-to-business-kontext (B2B) identifierar och hanterar problem av kulturell karaktär vid utländska affärsförbindelser. En kvalitativ undersökning av tre svenska företag inom B2B-kontext genomfördes. Företagen som deltog var Pronova AB, Axelent samt Albany International, där respondenten på respektive företag har en framträdande roll vid internationella samarbeten.

Kulturen bakom kulturen - En komparativ studie av kultursynens inverkan på tyska och svenska kulturpolitiska strukturer

This thesis aims to develop a theory in the under researched field of international comparative cultural policy studies. lt does so by combining theories from the fields of political scienceand cultural studies, researching how and to what extent the concepts of culture of different states have an impact on the way cultural policies are constructed.The thesis uses this theoretical development in order to research a specific problem, namely the perceived possibility that Swedish and German cultural structures are slowly converging. Two recent official policy documents from each country are the objects of study. Through comparative idea analysis and with Michiel S. D Vries theories on decentralization, the thesis explains the convergence between the countries by differing cultural views between them.

Att blir förälder till ett barn som redan finns : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrar som adopterat och deras upplevelse av sitt föräldraskap

 Becoming an adoptive parent is not always easy. There are positive and negative factors affecting the parent?s experience. The aim of this study is to examine being an adoptive parent to an internationally adopted child based on association, parenthood and ethnic belonging. Frame of interpretation consists of attachment and separations, parenthood and family and ethnic origin and belonging.

Kvinnor i internationella insatser? : En undersökning om hur kvinnligt deltagande kan påverka internationella insatser.

Kvinnor har sedan 1980 fått tjänstgöra som officer i Sveriges försvarsmakt. Trots detta är fortfarande de kvinnliga officerarna och soldaterna i klar minoritet i organisationen. FN:s säkerhetsråd har arbetat fram två resolutioner som båda strävar efter att involvera kvinnor i större omfattning när det gäller arbeten vid kris, krig och konflikter. Inte enbart att öka andelen kvinnor i hjälpande trupper, utan även involvera lokalbefolkningen. Hur ser då verkligheten ut vid de internationella insatserna? I detta arbete presenteras en fallstudie om MOT Juliette, ett kvinnligt observationsteam som under sju månader tjänstgjorde i Afghanistan.

Is insourcing qualified human capital from China a future for Sweden?s wealth sustainability?

The Methodology used to gather empirical materials for this thesis has been different types of interviews. The interviews have been mainly unstructured personal interviews directly with our respondents, due to limiting factors some of the interviews have been carried out via phone or email.The theoretical framework consists of literature from well-recognised authors and is divided into four different parts: Insourcing & Outsourcing, Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, China & Intercultural understanding. The empirical foundation has been gathered from a great variety of different sources in an attempt to cover the many complex angels in which this subject can be looked upon. Chinese students, managers in international companies with experience from China, Chinese employees in Swedish companies and different people with good knowledge of different areas of China are all among our respondents.In our conclusion we have reached the three following conclusions for why one should start a ?bridge building? enterprise in between qualified Chinese human capital and Swedish structure capital: 1.

Expressretorik mot en bättre värld : Retorisk analys av Amnesty International och Greenpeace användande av Facebook och Twitter

Syfte: Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är att utifrån Michelinguidens kriterier undersöka hur restauranger i Stockholm som har stjärnor i guiden drar nytta av sin ?stjärnstatus? i sina presentationer av restaurangerna på respektive webbplats.Teori: De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är visuell retorik, semiotik, multimodalitet samt identifikation.Metod: Jag har undersökt vad som sägs, både genom text och bild, på respektive restaurangs hemsida. Jag har sedan satt det mot bakgrund och de frågeställningar jag hade och därmed även mot de kriterier Michelinguiden använder sig av i sin bedömning av restauranger.Slutsats: Respektive restauranger uttrycker sin ?stjärnstatus? ? men på lite olika sätt. Vissa väljer att göra det mer genom bild och andra genom text.

Etablering i främmande kulturer : En fallstudie över små svenska tekoföretags etablering i Spanien

This bachelor of economics paper discuss that the increasing globalization has put the small companies in the Swedish textile and clothing industry in a situation where internationalization has become a necessity. Furthermore has the European Union lead to that this type of companies has to seek growth on foreign markets with great socio cultural distance from the home country, Sweden. Nowadays there?s no time to internationalize in the same course of action like before. Before, the Swedish companies begun their operations abroad in fairly nearby countries and only gradually penetrated more far-flung markets.

Telemedicin i Västerbottens läns landsting : Diffusion och kartläggning av telemedicin ur ett geografiskt perspektiv

Telemedicine is the use of information and communication technology to provide clinical health care at a distance. This approach is usually adopted to bridge the distance in rural settings, but it is also a method to meet demographical and economical challenges. Västerbotten, a sparsely populated county with an ageing population, is in leading edge when it comes to telemedicine. The purpose of this report was to examine the diffusion and the inventory of telemedicine in the county council of Västerbotten from a geographical perspective. To gain a deeper understanding of diffusion and inventory of telemedicine, my purpose was also to examine these processes from an international and national perspective.

Globaliseringens och professionaliseringens effekter på styrelsesammansättningen i svenska börsbolag: En social nätverksanalys baserad på delade styrelseledamöter under perioden 1990 till 2010

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the networks of interlocking directors in the 50 largestSwedish companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005and 2010 and seek explanations for the observed developments.Our findings indicate that the density and concentration of the network has decreased during thefirst ten-year period and stayed constant during the second period. The development of theoverall network is not consistent throughout all corporate groups. Most notablyHandelsbankssfären seems to experience increased density and connectivity whileWallenbergsfären is experiencing the reverse.The changes during the first ten-year period is deemed to come mainly from changes inregulations pertaining to both the opening for international capital investments as well as looserrestrictions on domestic capital investments. These changes have caused decreased concentrationof ownership, as well as the emergence of new owners, which is reflected in the board ofdirectors.During the second ten-year period the changes are more pertaining to the individual boards andboard members, without flowing through into the overall network. Our findings indicate thatthese changes are caused by the increased professionalization of boards and board work, whichhas gained momentum through the creation of the Swedish Corporate Governance Code..

Historiebruk i Japan : skapandet av ett dominerande kulturellt minne rörande krigsbrott under andra världskriget: Nanjingmassakern och Comfort Women

The aim of this study has been to, through a couple of chosen theories, examine in what way Japan as a nation can be said to have dealt with its dark past - concerning their crimes of war just before and during World War II. To do so, I have placed two chosen war crimes, namely the Nanjing Massacre and the matter of the Comfort Women, in the context of remembrance and commemorating of war, through different kinds of aspects. Those aspects are: the textbook conflict, official apologies, ruthless/unnecessary comments, and visits and commemorations at the Yasukuni shrine.I have found during this study that the nation of Japan has not been able to generate a broadly accepted dominant cultural memory of the war. Henceforth a couple of rival cultural memories are competing and becoming an issue of national division rather than national unity. I have come to the knowledge that there are both domestic and international political factors at play, resulting in this division..

Regeln som splittrar - Om barnfamiljer och regeln om uppehållstillstånd före inresa utifrån internationella konventioner och svensk policy

Swedish migration law states that a person who wants to seek a residence permit based on family ties has to apply from the home country. This essay applies to cases when families that live in Sweden have to come apart when one parent has to return to the home country to seek a permit to which he or she is entitled.The rule causes families unnecessary suffering. This essay analyzes the reasons behind the rule and argues that it is compatible neither with Swedish policy of children's rights and gender equality nor with the international conventions that have been ratified.Furthermore, it is investigated whether the migration authorities act in compli-ance with the intentions behind the law. It is concluded that the Migration Board, despite their own critique of the rule, makes an unnecessarily restrictive interpre-tation. This results in a situation where no one takes responsibility for the conse-quences for the affected families.

Tillgänglighet för funktionshindrade på ett urval av svenska folkbiblioteks webbplatser ? sett utifrån biblioteksplaner och webbplatsundersökningar

Public libraries have an important roll of making information accessible to all people. This democratic right supports the cultural development in our society. When public libraries build websites offering information and services it can sometimes cause obstacles for impaired users. It is therefore our purpose to evaluate a selection of websites and library plans to examine how the libraries work with accessibility for these users. This thesis is based on theories of cognitive and human computer interaction, and information architecture.

Svenskt utrikespolitiskt beslutsfattande : Flernivåanalys av Sveriges beslut att bli en del av den europeiska säkerhets- och försvarspolitiken (ESFP).

In 1998 Sweden accepted the Treaty of Amsterdam which contained a development of the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) towards a European security and defense policy (ESDP). This thesis aims at studying the decision making process behind the Swedish foreign policy decision to further develop its security policy within the European Union. The purpose is to explain which factors and conditions that did affect and influence the Swedish foreign policy decision. The research applies foreign policy analysis, a theoretical perspective that analyzes both domestic and international conditions using different levels of analysis. The research methods being used has been qualitative as well as quantitative, complemented by interviews, since the research is a process tracing case study.The thesis conclusion is that the Swedish decision is explained by several factors.

Organisationskommunikation i praktiken En kommunikationsgranskning på Arkivator Falköping AB

The goal of this Masters thesis is to examine how people at the production department of Arkivator Falköping AB perceive the internal organisational communication transfer and exchange of information, by means of a communication audit. The objectives are also to characterise the communication climate and the respondents satisfaction with the internal organisational communication within the organisation. The results of the study are compared with the companys information policy and with previous research in organisational communication. Answers from different demographic groups within the population are compared. The communication audit was conducted using a modified and added version of a questionnaire originally compiled by the International Communications Association.

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