

1661 Uppsatser om International terrorism - Sida 45 av 111

Att samverka för att växa : En studie sv stora svenska småföretag

In the year of 2001, China launched their new international marketing strategy Going Global. As an effect of this, the frequency of Chinese establishments in Sweden has increased heavily in the last ten years. One of the larger Chinese establishments in Sweden happened in 2003, by the telecom company Huawei. This essay illustrates the obstacles that a Chinese company faces when setting up their business on the Swedish market. Previous studies have focused on Swedish establishment abroad.

Sharia eller västerländsk jämställdhet? : Kvinnor i egyptisk lagstiftning

Sharia or western equality?womenin Egyptian legislationThe Islamic law (Sharia) in most of the countries in Middle East and North Africa has been the basis for modern laws which regulate issues such as marriage, divorce and inheritance. These laws (personal status law or family law) have been debated frequently in the last decades.There are those who consider personal status law (PSL) as unjust, male-biased and discriminating against women especially in the issue of divorce. On the other hand there are voices who call to go back to the Sharia, because muslims has to follow the islamic law and its values, they are universal as they claim. In this essay I try to enlighten these two points of view which can be found in the debate in Egypt.


SammanfattningDen här rapporten är ett arbete utfört åt IDAB WAMAC International AB. Företaget är verksamt inom branschen för packsalsutrustning och är beläget i Eksjö.Arbetet har gått ut på att ta fram konstruktionsprinciper för en ny strömtillriktare som ska klara av en produktionshastigt på 90 000tidningar/timma. En strömtillriktare är en enhet som sitter på, eller är integrerad i, en transportbana för tidningar och har till uppgift att centrera tidningsströmmen på banan efter olika moment i produktionen. De strömtillriktare som finns på marknaden i dag motsvarar inte fullt de krav och förväntningar som tryckerierna har med tanke på hur tidningen ska centreras och då helst när produktionshastigheten är hög.Det finns två typer av strömtillriktare, oscillerande bladjogger och bandjogger. Den oscillerande bladjoggern fungerar på det sättet att den med hjälp av två blad knuffar tidningen så att den centreras på banan.

Varumärkeshantering vid företagsförvärv i designbranschen

Background: The design industry is relatively immature in Sweden but large on the international market, where companies have used services from industrial design firms for a long time. Companies incresignly realise that design is an efficient mean to gain competitive advantages on the market. Several design companies fancy growth and to receive a wider market share to expand on the international market. One of them is Design Communicaton who has made a couple of acquisitions, to receive wider comptences and to cover different segments. That has lead to an increased brand portfolio with different subbrands, which can be complicated to handle efficiently in the internal and external communication.

Matematisk medvetenhet i förskolan : En studie om hur arbetslag använder matematik i verksamheten

Undersokningens syfte har varit att studera hur pedagoger tanker och arbetar kring amnet matematik idag. Internationella undersokningar fran TIMSS Advancerad 2008 (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) och fran PISA 2006 (Program for International Student Assesment) visar att elever inte har de kunskaper i matematik som kravs for att soka till de hogre tekniska utbildningarna. For att Sverige ska kunna folja med i den tekniska utvecklingen internationellt behovs en satsning pa matematik. Redan i forskolan behover barn fa de grundlaggande kunskaper i matematik som ar nodvandiga for fortsatt skolgang. I forslaget till den nya laroplanen (Skolverket, 2009), forstarks forskolans pedagogiska uppdrag vilket ska leda till att ambitionsnivan hojs i forskolan.

Pre-internationalisering : En fallstudie om beslutsfattare i små och medelstora företag och drivkrafterna mot en internationalisering

AbstractThis study is about describing the pre- internationalization phase and to studycompanies that are in this phase. We are trying to capture characteristics of decisionmakersin the pre- internationalization phase, to then compare the theoretical materialwith empirical material from case companies. Then in the final stages of the thesis, wewant to account for if we managed to answer our research questions. In the method, wegive a description of the approach selected in conjunction with the study. The study isqualitative and we used both primary and secondary data, with a deductive approach.The theory chapter will consider the most relevant theories that are related to the topic,which is internationalization, pre-internationalization, international entrepreneurship,and the psychology behind personalities, attitudes, and how these can affect theorganization's strategic decisions.

Produktplacering i svensk film i jämförande internationellt perspektiv

I will write about product placement in film from a Swedish point of view. This entails writing about Swedish films with different types of product placements, not only how they are done but also discuss how they succeed from a sales perspective. In my earlier work I have written about the product placement of watches. In this thesis I focus on the film series about the Swedish agent Carl Hamilton, since here you can see how Swedish film has developed during the past 30 years with regard to product placements. Both world politics and the concrete placements are illustrated in a clear way.

Skolan och världsmedborgarskapet : Om världsmedborgarskap som pedagogiskt ideal

It today's global world we live in the media have started to examine businesses more and more. In addition consumers are expecting more from products, because they are well informed. This means that companies need to market themselves effectively, to convince and get across their message to their customers. Marketing is an extensive process in which different factors must be taken into account. A company must know what the coustomer needs in order to get through to them.

Upplevda barriärer för clean technology-företag - Fallstudier om kommersialisering av produkter på en internationell marknad för solenergi

Overall aim of this master?s thesis is to describe and identify perceived barriers in Swedish businesses within solar energy field and analyze, based on four theoretical viewpoints, how these barriers can be handled. In other words how can the barriers be overcome or eliminated to better succeed in the commercialization process? The method applied is qualitative in which data has been collected through phone interviews originated from seven Cleantech businesses which operate within solar energy. Furthermore this thesis has a descriptive- and an explorative purpose.

Bland rullar och regissörer : Uppsala Internationella Kortfilmfestivals arkiv. Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete

For my master thesis in Archival Science, I have arranged and catalogued the archives of the Uppsala InternationalShort Film Festival. The materials consisted of approximately 160 binders and filing boxes and some banners.Additionally, there was a large amount of photos from screened films. Some of the material was in good order whilesome was not. The archive was catalogued in Visual Arkiv. After cataloguing the material, approximately 30 binderswith routine records such as reciepts, tax forms et cetera were removed and destroyed.

CAP ? pengaslukande monster eller effektiv jordbrukspolitik EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik sedd ur tre olika teoretiska perspektiv

The Common Agricultural Policy has been a burning topic for debate for severaldecades. According to the CAP:s opponents it's effects include pollution, market distortionsand not least a huge expense for the European union.In this study we seek to explain why the CAP has remained almostunreformed since it's constitution in the 1950:s. The means by which we do so isa case study where we analyze the CAP by using three different theories; liberalinter-governmentalism, realistic trade theory and new institutionalism.In the final chapter we conclude that the theories complement each other. Newinstitutionalism explains the rigidity of the CAP. The liberal perspective explainsthe origin and the logic behind the policy whereas the realistic point of view putsthe policy in the light of an international economic theory and recognizes nationalpolicy makers roll in the inflexibility of the CAP..

Fältmätning och utmattningsanalys av hjullastarskopa

I denna rapport predikteras livslängden, med avseende på utmattning, för en hjullastarskopa. Två av de mest kritiska svetsarna utvärderas enligt IIW:s (International Institute of Welding) rekommendationer genom nominella spänningsmetoden, hot spot-metoden och effective notch-metoden. Beräkningarna utförs med hjälp av finita elementmetoden. Genom att utföra töjningsmätningar på hjullastarskopan i drift erhålls spänningsdiagram. Dessa uppmätta spänningsdiagram analyseras med rain-flow count-metoden.

Föräldrautbildning för adoptivföräldrar: För adoptivbarnets bästa?

AbstractThe purpose of this essay was to study the parental education for adoptive parents. It´s provided by law since 1/1-2005 that parents have to participate in this education-program before they adopt. We wanted to look at what caused the change and made the education compulsory and to find out where the initiative came from, what purpose the education is supposed to fulfil, if it can facilitate for adopted children during their growth and whether the parental education can support the idea of what is best for a certain child always has to come first, according to the UN convention on the Rights of the child and the Haag-convention.The study was based on eight qualitative interviews, four with social workers, three with representatives of adoption-organisations and one with a representative of the public authority of international adoption (MIA). The conclusions of our study are that there is a risk that the education can not fulfil its purpose to prepare parents for their task, that it looses the idea of what´s best for the child and focuses on the parent instead. It seems to be more of a try out to not violate conventions signed and thereby fulfil a symbolic purpose..

Global form av reklam och dess vetenskapliga debatt : En kvalitativ studie av fyra globala kampanjer

I?ve chosen primary to analyze commercial form of advertising by world leading companies; McDonald?s, Coca-Cola and HP due to their implementation of global advertising. The fourth campaign that?s being analyzed is not of commercial type instead it?s characterized as an informative campaign that the ideal organization Amnesty is carring out.  The study has been successful in gathering data that could be presented in correlation with already established theories and then comparing the results. The goal of the research is to create an understanding regarding global advertising as well as the scientific debate that?s going on within the subject.

TT-FLASH: Explosion i Oslo : En undersökning om SVT:s, TV4:s och SR:s bevakning av terrordåden i Norge 2011

Den 22 juli 2011 utförde Anders Behring Breivik det värsta terrorattentatet i Norge i modern tid. Svenska medier valde att lägga alla sina resurser på att bevaka katastrofen i grannlandet. I denna uppsats undersöker vi hur SVT, SR och TV4 arbetade med bevakningen. Studien som behandlar nyhetsbevakningens första dygn, går in på vilka etiska, praktiska och källkritiska problem som respektive kanals nyhetsredaktioner ställdes inför (inklusive webben). Vi tar även upp hur arbetet och bemanningen organiserades.

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