

1672 Uppsatser om International adoption - Sida 42 av 112

Innovera eller stagnera! : Öppen innovation inom tillverkande små och medelstora företag i Småland

Titel: Innovate or Stagnate! ? Open innovation in manufacturing small and medium-sized businesses in Småland.The purpose of the study is that, from a leadership perspective (innovationmanagement), create a better understanding of open innovation in manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises. The study therefore intends to contribute to the understanding of how open innovation processes leads to greater innovation in manufacturing small and medium sized businesses.We have used a qualitative research method and adopted an abductiveapproach. We made interpretations and created meaning based on our research results.Our theoretical framework is based primarily on Chesbroughs (2003) research on open innovation. Based on this model, we have selected a number of other theories, which we perceived as prerequisites for small andmedium sized companies in open innovation processes.

Terrorism som medel för politiska mål? : En komparativ studie mellan nationell och internationell terrorism

Terrorism. A word that makes you think about different situations throughout the last decade that has passed. However, in this particular thesis the purpose is to examine both national and international terrorism from a Clausewitzian theory. The main point is to examine whether any of these types of terrorisms can fit in to this theory and as examples in this study are the terrorist organizations ETA and al-Qaida. The questions to be answered in this paper are if their aims can be explained as political and how far are they ready to go to have their way? Furthermore, the reason for this paper is to find an understanding for why the terrorist organizations act as they do.The result of this comparative study is that both terrorist organizations fit in to the theory because their goals can be seen as political and therefore can their aims justify their actions.

Cross-Cultural Issues of Online Communication: A Comparison Between Swedish and Chinese Websites

Det finns många olika motiv för företag att sponsra kultur men kulturinstitutioner har dåligt utvecklade erbjudandestrategier för att framhäva hur företag gagnas av samarbetet. Mellanhänder med nisch mot kultursponsring kan etableras för att marknadsföra kulturinstitutioner mot potentiella sponsorer. En ändrad lagstiftning tycks öka intresset för företag att sponsra kultur. För att maximera nyttan av sponsringssamarbetet krävs en utvecklad sponsringsrelation som är ömsesidigt värdeskapande och där parterna uppfyller alla nivåer av kunskapsutbyte. Relationerna inom kultursponsring påverkas mer av kulturinstitutioners storlek än av företags..

Introduktion till online PD : en specificering och jämförelse av tillgängliga mätsystem

During Spring semester 2011, Linda Engstrom and Malin Heder performed ?Golden Ratio?, a thesis which included 22.5 hp. The thesis followed the syllabus for the Degree Project for degree of Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design Engineering (MSGC12) which was a unit in the Innovation and Design Engineering program within the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.The client was Crem International AB, a company located in Åmotfors that develops the design, manufactures and markets coffee machines. The supervisor at the company has been Peter Larsson and supervisor at Karlstad University has been Monica Jakobsson. Examiner for the thesis has been Professor Fredrik Thuvander at the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.Crem International AB controls a patent, representing a new technology to streamline and minimize use of energy during the coffee preparation and results in a good coffee quality.

Cittaslow i Falköping :

Cittaslow is an international organization founded in Italy in 1999 by a few towns in Northern Italy, in order to stop the trend of people moving to bigger cities. The aim was to show the advantages of small towns and to strengthen their identities. Falköping is, since the certification in the summer 2008, the first Cittaslow in Sweden. Cittaslow is an international organization founded in Italy in 1999 by a few towns in Northern Italy, in order to stop the trend of people moving to bigger cities. The aim was to show the advantages of small towns and to strengthen their identities.

Opera i Stockholm, Galärvarvet

During Spring semester 2011, Linda Engstrom and Malin Heder performed ?Golden Ratio?, a thesis which included 22.5 hp. The thesis followed the syllabus for the Degree Project for degree of Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design Engineering (MSGC12) which was a unit in the Innovation and Design Engineering program within the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.The client was Crem International AB, a company located in Åmotfors that develops the design, manufactures and markets coffee machines. The supervisor at the company has been Peter Larsson and supervisor at Karlstad University has been Monica Jakobsson. Examiner for the thesis has been Professor Fredrik Thuvander at the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.Crem International AB controls a patent, representing a new technology to streamline and minimize use of energy during the coffee preparation and results in a good coffee quality.

Golden Ratio : Utformning av en ny filterbryggare

During Spring semester 2011, Linda Engstrom and Malin Heder performed ?Golden Ratio?, a thesis which included 22.5 hp. The thesis followed the syllabus for the Degree Project for degree of Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design Engineering (MSGC12) which was a unit in the Innovation and Design Engineering program within the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.The client was Crem International AB, a company located in Åmotfors that develops the design, manufactures and markets coffee machines. The supervisor at the company has been Peter Larsson and supervisor at Karlstad University has been Monica Jakobsson. Examiner for the thesis has been Professor Fredrik Thuvander at the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.Crem International AB controls a patent, representing a new technology to streamline and minimize use of energy during the coffee preparation and results in a good coffee quality.

Slopade importtullar på etanol : En analys av framtida ekonomiska effekter

För att skydda den europeiska produktionen av bränsleetanol har EU satt upp höga tullar på importerad etanol. Vi har analyserat hur marknaderna för socker och etanol fungerar i Brasilien och EU, därefter försökt förutse vilka samhällsekonomiska effekter ett borttagande av importtullen i EU kan ha. Vi finner att etanolpriset i EU sjunker, därmed ökar efterfrågan. Bensinkonsumtionen ökar på kort sikt i både EU och Brasilien, då ett lägre etanolpris medför ett lägre pris på bensin via den inblandningskvot av etanol som finns i vanlig bensin. På längre sikt kan så kallade ?flex fuel?-bilar bli allt vanligare och bensinkonsumtionen kan avta.

Las Vegas på Svenska villkor - Att kombinera nätpoker med socialt ansvar

The main purpose is to illuminate how a company links certain values to its brand in an effort to achieve a competitive position. We have done this by studying the government owned company Svenska Spel and its entrance on the netpokermarket. With Corporate Social Responsibility as a guidance for the company they wanted to offer Swedish gamblers an alternative to the, often morally dubious, international actors. Our thesis has taken an internal (corporate) as well as an external (consumer) perspective on the result of this strive. Our conclusions are that although Svenska Spel is successfully integrating social responsibility into their netpokerbusiness, they are facing a difficulty in making the consumer fully appreciate it.

Det dubbla uppdraget: relationen mellan INGO och staten i Vietnam

Due to the political system in Vietnam, all organizations in Vietnam need a permit to operate in the country and consequently, have to balance their mission, their main purpose of being in the country, with the fact that they are dependant on the government to give them the permit they need to stay in the country.With this as our basis, the main focus of this essay has been to identify different types of relations that exist between the Vietnamese state and International Non Governmental Organisations (INGOs) in Vietnam. Since we have interviewed people representing INGOs, our result is based on their experience of this relationship. By using Najam's Four-C's Model, we established that the more traditional INGOs which principally provide services, predominantly have a cooperative relationship with the state, whereas radical INGOs which are committed to policy change, mostly have a relationship which is characterised by conflict..

Stigmatisering : upphov till mörkertal efter genomförd internationell militär insats?

Att söka stöd och hjälp efter internationell militär insats om det uppstått fysiska skador är för de flesta fullt naturligt och accepterat. Vid psykisk ohälsa är det tyvärr inte lika självklart att erkänna för sin omgivning att man behöver stöd och hjälp. Problematiken kan utgöras av stigma, vilket innebär att man inte vill ses som avvikande eller annorlunda, att utpekas som den som inte orkade med psykiskt. Är det så att vårdbehovet inte är känt av Försvarsmakten uppstår ett mörkertal för dem som enligt lag har uppföljningsansvar, dvs. FM. Arbetet syftar till att undersöka hur stor påverkan rädslan för stigmatisering är, efter avslutad internationell militär insats..

Inventering och sammanställningav publikationer inom geovetenskaplig didaktik

This thesis presents a general definition of science education and earth science education.An inventory has been conducted of published material during the years 2011-2013, withthe start in 2013 and working backwards for international publications and with no timelimits in time for Swedish publications. Different databases were used during April 2013 forthe inventory.The thesis organizes and analyses published material in earth science education in a tablewith a following discussion.The purpose with the inventory was to investigate the amount and content ofprevious year?s publications in earth science education. Concept inventories were foundto be the most common subject of the found material, followed by virtual field studies. Thelargest amount of publications was published in North America.

Svenska reglementens relevans för afghanistaninsatsen : En jämförelse avseende skydd av lokalbefolkningen

Föreliggande arbete undersöker metodmässig interoperabilitet genom att jämföra de kommande svenska reglementena Reglemente för Markoperationer och Markstridsreglemente 6 ? Bataljon och deras överensstämmelse med den doktrin som nyttjas av International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) i Afghanistan. Undersökningen syftar till att lämna ett bidrag till den svenska reglementsutvecklingen.Arbetet visar att det finns en överensstämmelse avseende grundbudskapet att lokalbefolkningen behöver skyddas och att man måste förstå deras situation. Det föreligger en låg grad av överensstämmelse avseende metoder för att skydda befolkningen.Författaren lämnar tre rekommendationer:1. Omarbeta beskrivningen av stabiliserande metoder2.

2001: ett e-äventyr : Implementering av e-böcker i det digitala biblioteket

Rapid development in the realms of electronic publishing has had a profound impact on information services in general and the academic library in particular. Since mid 1990´s an increasingly number of scholarly journals and other information resources have been made available electronically. Electronic books are the newest electronic service in the hybrid library and can be seen as the third wave in the digital library. Although electronic books have for a long time existed as electronic texts such as digitalized classics or other texts in the public domain, it is not until recently that e-books have been distributed and packaged in a commercial form. As more e-book models are being developed, libraries are being forced to take e-books into consideration when planning their information services.The aim of this master thesis is to describe the first stage of implementation of the new electronic media, the electronic book or e-book, in Swedish academic libraries.

?Homosexuella och deras familjebildning? : En studie om 15-åringars attityder i en aktuell fråga

Diskussionen kring homosexuellas lämplighet som föräldrar och deras rätt att bilda familj är nu aktuell i samhällsdebatten. Trots att det idag finns lagstiftning som jämställer homosexuellas och heterosexuellas rättigheter att bilda familj genom exempelvis provrörsbefruktning och adoption finns negativa röster om detta.Syftet med studien var att undersöka attityder hos högstadieungdomar i årskurs 9 vid tre skolor, i frågor om homosexuellas rätt att bilda familj och om det kan vara kopplat till attityder till homosexuella generellt. Dessa attityder studerades i förhållande till könstillhörighet och social klass. Målgruppen valdes utifrån att ungdomar i den åldern ifrågasätter föräldrarnas påverkan och skapar sig egna värderingar. En inblick i detta kan lägga fokus på att även vuxna bör reflektera över sina attityder kring dessa frågor då barn och ungdomar i stor utsträckning påverkas av vuxna.Uppsatsens primärdata har insamlats genom enkätundersökning i kontaktade skolor under vecka 48, 2007.

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