

1286 Uppsatser om Internal auditing - Sida 7 av 86

Evaluation of creditability and risk minimisation : The effect of accounting for intangibles

The recent history knows numerous examples of creditor?s inability to evaluate financial solvency of the client correctly. Creditors? risks do not only concern individual relations between the two parties but the economy in general. The standard loan-giving procedure considers evaluation based on a number of financial ratios.

CSR, det har jag aldrig hört talats om! : En studie om anställdas förhållningssätt till CSR

Title: Communicate ? to provide an opportunity Authors: Ida Eriksson & Petra LindbergTutor: Johan Grinbergs, Mälardalen UniversityExaminer: Cecilia LindhSubject: Bachelor's essay, Business AdministrationKeywords: communication, internal communication, channels, communication models, communication theory, information, organizationPurposeThe idea of this study was to describe how ABB Sweden?s internal communication and information appeared in Västerås. The aim is also to see what tools and channels they use to communicate information internally and see how employees perceive them in Västerås.MethodWe have read literature in form of books and articles that discuss theories on the subject communication including internal communication, channels and tools. Interviews were conducted with employees of ABB and were to serve as the basis for our empirical work. A survey by the Communication Center was made in the spring 2010 and was also the basis for our empirical work.ConclusionsThe communication has been increasingly from one-to two-way communication. To get a functioning organization, it is required that the internal communication in the first place will work.

Kommunicera - Att förmedla en möjlighet : En studie av den interna kommunikationen på ABB Sverige i Västerås

Title: Communicate ? to provide an opportunity Authors: Ida Eriksson & Petra LindbergTutor: Johan Grinbergs, Mälardalen UniversityExaminer: Cecilia LindhSubject: Bachelor's essay, Business AdministrationKeywords: communication, internal communication, channels, communication models, communication theory, information, organizationPurposeThe idea of this study was to describe how ABB Sweden?s internal communication and information appeared in Västerås. The aim is also to see what tools and channels they use to communicate information internally and see how employees perceive them in Västerås.MethodWe have read literature in form of books and articles that discuss theories on the subject communication including internal communication, channels and tools. Interviews were conducted with employees of ABB and were to serve as the basis for our empirical work. A survey by the Communication Center was made in the spring 2010 and was also the basis for our empirical work.ConclusionsThe communication has been increasingly from one-to two-way communication. To get a functioning organization, it is required that the internal communication in the first place will work.

Avskaffande av revisionsplikten : En komparativ studie

The purpose of the set of regulations as regards to accounting and auditing within the Union, is primarily to ensure a high quality of the large public companies financial reporting and hence protect the capital market investors. As the set of regulations also applies to the small companies, these are burdened by administrative costs that are disproportionate. To increase the competitiveness of the European companies, the European council has stated that it is essential to reduce the companies? administrative costs. The main principle is that all companies are under an obligation to statutory audit, however Member States may make audit exemptions for small companies.

Babels torn återuppstår : Den interna kommunikationens påverkan i agila projektteam.

Internal communication is an important factor in organisations today. For many system development teams it?s critical that the communication works well. Without communication, success would be impossible. This study aims to highlight the effect communication has on the members of agile project teams.

Intern marknadsföring i turistföretag

The purpose of this thesis was to study managers in the tourism market who works with internal marketing towards their personnel. A case study with two tourism providers, Hotel La-ponia and Mix Ranch, was performed. The cases were based on personal interviews with the hotel manager at Hotel Laponia and with the owner of Mix Ranch. The research questions were based on why tourist providers use internal marketing and how tourist providers use internal marketing. The findings were that it was regarded as very important to have moti-vated, satisfied, and properly trained personnel in this business because they are the ones who have direct communication with the clients and they are an important issue to help the com-pany to success.

Sociala medier som kommunikationsverktyg : En fallstudie om hur sociala medier påverkar företagskulturen

Title: Social media as a communication tool - A case study on social media influencecorporate cultureLevel: Final assignment for Bachelor degree in Business and EconomicsAuthor: Jessika Klintsbacka & Oskar BergeSupervisor: Pär Vilhelmsson, Ernst Hollander & Maria Fregidou-MalamaDate: 2014-06-13Purpose of Study: The aim of this study is to inquire into Swedish companies internalcommunication, their approach to social media as an internal communications tool, and if itaffects the corporate culture.Method: The study is a multiple case study with a qualitative research design. The study'sinterview questions were designed by a operationalization of based on theory in the areas ofinternal communication, corporate culture and social media. The interviews took place inApril 2014. The interviews were recorded and then analyzed to bring out the similarities anddifferences between the companies.Results & Conclusion: The study shows that Swedish companies corporate cultures haveconnections with internal communication, and implementation of social media as acommunications tool. The study found that connections to companies with a comprehensiveone-way positive consider social media as alternative communication tool to strengthen theunity and community within the company.Suggestion for further research: One of the study's three companies is owner-led and thiscompany showed a high level of corporate culture.

Inneluftsventileradekryprumsgrunder : en utvärdering av två tillverkare

This Diploma work investigates internal air ventilated crawl-space in respect to construction and damp. The Diploma work assumes from a general description of crawl-space and general dump problems in ground construction. An internal air ventilated crawl-space is a construction where you take the ventilation air from the building and bring it down to the crawl-space and lets the air circulate before it passes through a retaining aggregate on the way out from the crawl-space. In this matter you get a worm space under the building and a lot less dump problems in form of · Ground damp · Build damp The ground dump reduces through draining around the building, different layer of gravel between the ground and the building and ventilation of the crawl- space. The build dump reduces through ventilation of the crawl-space as fast as possible.

Produktplacering i tv : En studie om skillnaden mellan teori och praktik

Title: Communicate ? to provide an opportunity Authors: Ida Eriksson & Petra LindbergTutor: Johan Grinbergs, Mälardalen UniversityExaminer: Cecilia LindhSubject: Bachelor's essay, Business AdministrationKeywords: communication, internal communication, channels, communication models, communication theory, information, organizationPurposeThe idea of this study was to describe how ABB Sweden?s internal communication and information appeared in Västerås. The aim is also to see what tools and channels they use to communicate information internally and see how employees perceive them in Västerås.MethodWe have read literature in form of books and articles that discuss theories on the subject communication including internal communication, channels and tools. Interviews were conducted with employees of ABB and were to serve as the basis for our empirical work. A survey by the Communication Center was made in the spring 2010 and was also the basis for our empirical work.ConclusionsThe communication has been increasingly from one-to two-way communication. To get a functioning organization, it is required that the internal communication in the first place will work.

Modebloggarnas dolda budskap?

The accounting scandals that have attracted attention in recent years have led to internal control becoming a more central part of business activity. Doubts about what firms actually do have increased, all caused by the attention of accounting scandals. To counter this, frameworks and laws evolved and gained a significant role in the organization and its surroundings. The aim of the present study is to find out how four companies in the Kristianstad region are working to ensure its internal control and how they work to minimize risk and reduce uncertainty. We have used a qualitative method and interviewed a person in a senior position in each company.

Betydelsen av ett moderbolags insyn och kontroll över sitt dotterbolag vid prissättning av koncerninterna lån

Transfer pricing including internal loans have increased in recent years, making it easier for companies to minimize their taxable income. After the Swedish court case Diligentia, there have been discussions regarding the influence of a parent company's transparency and control of the subsidiary with regards to the interest rates on internal loans. In court cases that followed Diligentia, the Swedish Tax Agency argued that a parent company always could be assumed to have sufficient transparency and control of the operations in the subsidiary, and therefore reduce the risk on their debt obligations. This thesis seeks to analyze the effects of the transparency and control a parent company has with regards to interest rates on internal loans. The analysis is conducted by analyzing court cases similar to Diligentia.

Internpriser i praktiken: - en fallstudie

This paper presents a study of the Swedish public service television broadcaster - Sveriges Televisions (SVT) transfer pricing model. The aim of the thesis is to examine the motives for using transfer pricing from a theoretical perspective and if SVT?s transfer pricing model fulfils these motives. We will also examine any potential managerial problems the existing transfer-pricing model might cause and discuss how these could be solved. We have in our study found that the main motive for using transfer pricing within SVT is to allocate internal resources as efficiently as possible.

Revision av miljöledningssystemen i statliga myndigheter : Utvärdering av ett verktyg i det systematiska miljöarbetet

The Swedish government decided in 1996 that the governmental authorities are to implemementenvironmental management systems. Each year, the Swedish Environmental ProtectionAgency compiles the authorities? reports on their environmental management systems. Thecompilation shows that not more than 20 % of the authorities perform environmental audits.This study aims to investigate the authorities? view of internal environmental audits, the incentivesof performing them.

Hur tänker barn att de ser ut inuti? : Vad har 3- och 4-åringar för uppfattning om insidan av kroppen?

AbstractMy purpose of this essay was to discover three- and four-year-olds comprehension of their internal body and then compare the result between their ages. I have used the same methods in both essays, semi-qualitative interviews. It is structured interviews with space for following questions. My formulations of the questions were: Do the children have a comprehension of their internal structure of the body? Do the children have a comprehension of organs and organ systems? Is there any difference between the ages?Their comprehensions I have categorized in four categories and I have seen age related differences in their comprehensions.

Thinking of you - att skapa kundorientering med intern marknadsföring

The companies of today figures on a hardly competitive market. This makes it necessary for the company to find new way to create competition advantages. Since it is no longer enough to compete with the technical quality of the product the companies are forced to also enhance the functional quality. To accomplish this it becomes necessary for producing companies to be customer oriented. A customer oriented company culture can be reached with the help of internal marketing in which different activities work to inform and teach the employees about the company strategy and also about their own role as part-time marketers.This thesis examines Electrolux, a company which is currently striving to develop a customer oriented company culture.

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