

1786 Uppsatser om Interaction rituals - Sida 58 av 120

Hur använder pedagogerna och barnen datorn i förskola och i förskoleklass?

The purpose with my degree project is to investigate the use of computers within the daily activity in three preschools and one preschool class. I have designed a survey that I distributed to the staff. The purpose of my work is to investigate how a number of preschool teachers and children in a few preschools and one preschool class in a medium-sized Swedish town are using the computer in their activities.My study shows that the computer is frequently used, both of the children and teachers, but also together. The children in my study are using the computer to play games, listen to music, and go into the websitewww.youtube.com, but also in order to write and count.  The teachers primarily use the computer to document, check their e-mail and listen to music.

?Det är böcker som är meningen med ett bibliotek?: Hur bibliotekarien i barn- och ungdomslitteraturen bemöter användare.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the librarians? perception of the users of children?s and young people?s literature. Questions posed in this study are: How are the librarians described according to appearance, personality and interaction with the users? How are the librarians described compared to former studies on the subject? Which perception can be seen, based on Douglas Rabers?s theory which describes the role the public libraries can take in the society? The study is based on content analysis. We have examined 15 descriptions of librarians in both picture books and literature for young adults, published between 1985 and 2006.

Motorikens betydelse för det sociala samspelet och lärandet : En studie om förskollärares upplevelser av förskolebarns motorik

Syftet med undersökningen var att studera pedagogers upplevelser av barns motorik i förskolemiljö. För att fördjupa samt tydligare beskriva syftet valdes några frågeställningar ut: Hur upplever pedagogerna motorikens betydelse i det sociala samspelet? Hur upplever pedagogerna motorikens betydelse i lärandet? Vad kan pedagogerna göra för att hjälpa barn med den motoriskautvecklingen? För att undersöka studiens syfte användes kvalitativa intervjuer, som genomfördes med fem stycken verksamma pedagoger i två förskolor. Resultatet visade att pedagogerna har olika erfarenheter och upplevelser av begreppet motorik, men att pedagogerna gemensamt lyfter vikten av motorikens betydelse för barns utveckling. Studiens slutsats är att pedagogerna samt tidigare forskning och litteratur lyfter motorikens betydelse för barns fortsatta utveckling.

Självbiografins position på det litterära fältet

The purpose of this paper is to study the image of Strindberg that is conveyed in four different textbooks for the upper secondary school. How do the teaching authors choose to portray Strindberg? Do they focus on any one particular aspect of his writing? Adjacent to this a subsidiary aim is to see if teaching authors highlight the fictional nature of Strindberg?s works or choose to encourage a biographical interpretation. The work consists of a study of four literary history textbooks in the subject of Swedish for the upper secondary school, from 2000 to 2012. In the selected material the sections focusing on Strindberg and his writings are closely read and critically analysed.

Vägen mot en guideapplikation : Designförslag till en guide i kulturhistorisk miljö

Detta projekt har skapat en design till en applikation, vars mål är att få människor i närnatur och samtidigt möjliggöra för dem att lära sig mer om den kulturhistoria denna natur har att bjuda.I projektet har designen till en guideapplikation för användning i miljö med kulturhistoriska arv undersökts och tagits fram. Projektet är en fallstudie och använder ramverket Minnesmark som en grund för designen.Designen är framtagen genom att använda en målinriktad designmetod och designprocess av Goodwin(2009). Med detta menas att personor och scenarier har varit de främsta verktygen för att generera krav till designen. Krav baseras även på ramverket Minnesmarks möjligheter och begränsningar. Vidare krav kommer även från intervjuer med två olika guider.En första design; en prototyp, utvärderades av åtta personer för att förbättra designen.

Anhörigas upplevelser av att vårda sin partner med demens

Alzheimer?s disease has increasing effects on the Swedish population. Now, about 90 000 swedes have been diagnosed with the disease. Many of these persons are cared for by someone close to them. The aim of this study is to increase understanding for the situation and experiences of the persons caring for their affected partner and to examine which support they are given by the public sector.

Delaktighet i genomförandeplan : Ur ett personalperspektiv

The study presented here is about how to make the special needs user who has a profound intellectual disability and additional disabilities more involved in their implementation plan. Based on a life story interview the study aims at analyzing perceptions of procedures to enhance special needs users? influence. The method used in this study was a qualitative research approach as an overall approach in order to use a narrative method where life history is the method. The focus has been to study a part of an individual life history - a specific domain in the life of the interviewee?s working career.

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt : i det mångspråkiga klassrummet

The purpose of this study was to see how the teacher works with children´s language and what working methods they use to develop language, as well as knowledge, among the children in a multilingual school.The main questions for the essay:? What reasons the interviewed teachers about language development?? What approach do the interviewed teachers describe that they use in their multi-lingual children?s group?In order to collect empirical data to my study I chose to use a qualitative method, which consisted of interviews with four teachers in a multilingual class. The study is based on a socio-cultural perspective where social interaction, blocking, communication and language use is the main tool for children's learning and development.The results of my study revealed that teachers realize that when they involve teamwork in class it enhances the activity among the children. In particular when the bilingual children use the language actively in different contexts where they communicate and discuss with each other in the teaching subject. When the children use language in different contexts it also enables them to develop linguistically and in terms of knowledge.

Användarinvolvering i ett systemutvecklingsprojekt -Är det effektivt?

In most software engineering project, users are only involved in the beginning of the project as a help to design the requirements specification but users can be involved after this phase too, but is it effective to do so? With this report we would like to investigate how effective it is to involve users after the requirements specification has been written and approved. To find out how effective it is to involve the users we try some fast and simple involvement techniques on a quite far gone project. These techniques include ethnographic studies, prototypes and surveys. We also interviewed a couple of people who work with usability and finally delivered a report with our results to them to find out if they found our result relevant.

Kulturupplevelsen - en tillväxtfaktor? : en fallstudie av festivalen Putte i Parken i Karlstad

As well as other politic fields, the cultural politics adapt to changes in society. The development in society has brought attention to the interaction between the cultural field and the economic field. One of the main goals within Swedish Cultural Policies today is the development of cultural and creative economics. Politicians and researchers claim that culture can be a significant part in economic growth in cities and making a place attractive to live in.I became interested in the discussion around the cultural experience as a factor of economic growth when I participated in a seminar at Karlstad CCC during Kulturparlamentet 2012. When I then started working at the music festival Putte i Parken during the spring of 2013 I thought about making this study.The main aim is to investigate in which way Putte i Parken can be a factor of growth and a factor of making Karlstad an attractive place to live in by analyzing documents, reports and literature in a qualitative way of working.

Bris - ett golv

The aim with the project was to portray something to step on. Its purpose has been to experiment and explore the interaction between pattern, structure, material and colour for something to be applied on a floor. Focus has been on esthetic expression and not the creation of some¬thing for a specific environment or audience. My goal was also that this project would illustrate the importance of the floor to create a certain atmosphere in a room.The project was divided into three phases. The first one was the experimenting and exploring phase, where the goal was to find an expression.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser kring omvårdnad : En intervjustudie

Aim: To find out what nurses at a hospital in central Sweden are experiencing as good care and what they believe is needed to achieve good care. To examine what barriers exist and how the work environment plays into good nursing care. Method: Descriptive and exploratory qualitative design with semi-structured interviews as the data collection method. Seven nurses, all women between the ages of 25 and 52 were interviewed at a hospital in central Sweden. An interview analysis model was used to analyze the results.

Varierande Vägar till Frihet - Hur staten och civilsamhället interagerar för demokrati i Vitryssland, Moldavien och Ukraina

The three post-communist states - Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine ? have gone different ways in terms of freedom and democracy since the breakdown of the Soviet Union 1991. During these years, the state and the civil society have been fundamental actors in the struggle against, and even for, authoritarianism.A strong state with great capacity in Belarus has undermined the chances for the civil society to fulfil its task as a watchdog of the state and link between the citizens and the government.Failed authoritarianism in Moldova has led to a situation where both the state and the civil society are weak. The major problem is lack of organization and cohesion; both the state and the civil society have often been divided by ethnical differences and are therefore not strong enough to promote democracy.In Ukraine, the dominance of a strong state ended in 2004 when the Orange Revolution took place, sometimes called a ?peak of democracy? where popular mobilization and protests succeeded in it's opposition against the state.

Man irrar runt i katakomberna: Studenters informationssökning och relevansbedömning under rapportskrivande.

The main object for this thesis is to study how students in library and information science at Högskolan i Borås search and valuate documents in the process of writing a paper. The study is based on a series of interviews with 12 students. Our methodology is also based on studies of their final product. The goal of the study was to map out how the students make their decisions during their search process. We studied the students use of search words, relevance judgements and how their need for information changed trough out the writing of their paper.

?Jag tror dom går till en sökmotor och skriver ett ord??: En fenomenografisk undersökning av vuxenutbildares syn på informationssökning i undervisningen

The aim of this master thesis is to study how teachers in adult education view the phenomenon of information seeking in education. We have interviewed adult education teachers, and the method used when working with the data was phenomenography. We found three categories in our material: 1. Information seeking is the student?s responsibility; 2.

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