

1136 Uppsatser om Intelligent action - Sida 31 av 76

Veingeskolan F - Undersökning av inomhusmiljön samt en konstruktionsmässig utvärdering

Title: Veingeskolan F - Investigation of the indoor environment and a structural analysisMethod: Complete analysis of structural drawings to determine if the school have been constructed correctly. In my teorethical studies of the drawings I must seek out points that may have been damaged from moisture, this contains a full survey of the foundation, walls and ceiling. To strenghten the data collected from the drawings I must visit the school and do field investigations to find out if the school has any problems with the indoor environment.Analysis: I determined that we had some damages on specific places, these damages was caused by leaking roofs, a carpet that was tarnished by strong sunlight in connection with some type of glue and also the ventilation that may have been drawing malodorous air from a shaft in the foundation.Conclusion: I was able to see that the decision to demolish the school was quite drastic, if the county would have done continuous fixups on the construcion when the employes had complained maybe the action to the tear the school down would have been unnecessary. The lack of communication between the two parts lead up to the decision to demolish and build a complete new school..

Brukardemokrati i grundskolan - En studie av fyra brukarstyrelsers påverkan på skolledning och politiker

According to the theory of elitist democracy civic political participation should be reduced to participation in the democratic elections. This essay examines whether a high rate of institutionalized political participation beyond the elections leads to: (a) that those who are included gets a more favourable treatment at the expense of the common interest, in other words that their self interest threatens the political equality, (b) reduced freedom of action for the politicians and the headmasters, (c) the emergence of vague conditions of responsibility. These hypotheses are examined in an empirical study of user-boards at four schools on three locations in southern Sweden. In these user-boards the parents are in majority and have the right of decision, which has been delegated to them from the local government and the headmaster. The main conclusion is that, based on this empirical investigation, there is no support in any of the hypotheses.

"Alla pratar om reception men vad menar dom?" - Lärarutbildares erfarenheter av arbete med estetisk kommunikation ur ett mottagarperspektiv med särskilda aspekter på reception av musik

Title: "Everybody is talking about reception but what do they really mean?" - Teacher trainers' experience of work with aesthetic communication in perspective of a receiver with a special attention to the reception of music. The purpose of this thesis is to study the notion of reception among a group of teachers at the department of education at Malmö University. Our principal aim is to illuminate reception in an educational context as well as experiences of the teachers´ work with aesthetic communication in perspective of a receiver within the main subject KME (Culture Media Aesthetics). We are paying special attention to the reception of music since this is a part of our profession.

Brister i veterinär intygsskrivning : en granskning av ärenden i Veterinära Ansvarsnämnden 2000 - 2007

After having reviewed the cases in the Veterinary Disciplinary Board of Sweden regarding certificates year 2000 to October 2007 I have found that these cases more often than in all other cases result in disciplinary action. The punishment is to a greater extent the more serious form, i.e. warning. When I examined the reasons for imposing the punishments and the material that constituted the foundations of the reports, I came to the conclusion that the statistics above do not depend on a general lack of knowledge in the Swedish veterinary profession. A possible cause is that the demands set upon the veterinarian are exceptional and that the responsibility board has a physical object to examine (the certificate) and regulations that describe how the certificates are supposed to be formulated. The fact that the knowledge about how to write veterinary certificates does not generally seem to be lacking does not exclude that lessons can be learned by examining the mistakes made by others.

Stöd i undervisningen på högstadiet : En aktionsstudie som ska klargöra en elevgrupps perspektiv

The aim of thesis was to, through a action research study and through individual interviews with five students, clarify their perspective on educational assistance in high school. The study shows that students prefer teaching in small groups outside of regular whole class because it gives the them access to the factors they consider crucial for a functioning support-time whit a skilled and dedicated teatcher, in a calm and safe environment. Moreover, the students claim the importance of technical equipment especially in the Swedish subject, but also in other subjects. Today the educational assistance varies from an outside-the-class teaching situation to a whole-class situation with teacher support as well as technicaal equipment. When the student were asked to describe the cinditions under which studies can be conducted with the whole class they tried to imitate the learning environment they have in a small group.

En osynlig risk : studie av människors inställning till radonrisk och åtgärder

Approximately 400 people in Sweden die each year by lung cancer caused by radon gas. Authorities have in recent years invested big resources and organized campaigns to encourage people to take action against high occurrence of radon in residences. With low frequency of applications for radon allowances as the main measure, a lot interprets on a very low commitment. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the reasons for the low commitment among people. The study is based on a questionnaire survey sent to 444 house owners in Uppsala.

Busfrön kan slå rot! : En studie om oro i klassrummet och pedagogers agerande i dessa situationer

This study is qualitative and will show what?s causing anxiety in a class. Further it will describe how teacher?s act and how they handle when anxiety becomes a problem in the education. How can one as a teacher handle and act in to these disturbing situations? The children, who are anxious, take important time from those students who really need help in their learning.

Senkaku-Diaoyu ekonomin kontra militären : En kvalitativ textanalys om ö-konflikten mellan Kina och Japan.

The relationship between China and Japan has historically been problematic and, in some ways still is. One of the issues where both of the states cannot agree on is the island dispute. While both states are claiming sovereignty over the island and there do not seem to be an ending to it in the near future. If the island dispute continues to escalate it could have a negative impact in the Asian region and eventually rest of the world as well. However due to the complexity of the dispute a deeper knowledge is needed and a mutual understanding is needed.

En uppsats om hur golfklubbar kan anpassa sig till den individuella golfaren

Since 2005, the number of golf members in Swedish golf clubs has declined. This is a major problem for many golf clubs since it can lead to over establishment of golf courses. This essay is about how golf clubs in North West Skåne, the second golf densest area in the world, work to maintain their members. The sample consists of eight golf clubs which have been geographic delimited by a 30 km radius out of Helsingborg. The research is based on qualitative interviews with the manager of each golf club.


Under mina år i skådespelaryrket har jag utvecklat ett allt starkare intresse för dramat mellan raderna i ett teatermanus. Jag vill få syn på hur och vad jag gör när jag arbetar och samarbetar. Min bakgrund som naturvetare har påverkat mitt sätt att se på världen: även konstnärligt är jag starkt inspirerad av ett naturvetenskapligt perspektiv .Jag har formulerat en skådespelarmetod som jag kallar självarkeologi och redogör för dess beståndsdelar genom att låna dramaturgin hos en teaterhändelse: ett läsdrama. Rollkaraktärerna representeras av de grundvalar på vilka strategin vilar. Mina personliga drivkrafter och erfarenheter som tillsammans lett fram till behovet av en metod representerar pjäsens grundkonflikt.

Tillgänglighet i femtiotalshus : En fallstudie i tillgänglighetsbrister med åtgärdsförslag

This is a report about accessibility. For this project the accessibility of a building in the city of Halmstad was evaluated. It´s a three storey building with five apartments on each floor divided by two stairwells. These five apartments have since been divided into three different types of apartments. Each type of apartment has been assessed separately.

?Det här är inte hat ? det här är humor!" : En visuell textanalys av makt och performativitet i systrarna Kronlöfs video SÅ JÄVLA PK!

This essay examines how humor is used in the making of stereotypes in the Kronlöf sister?s video SÅ JÄVLA PK! In addition I give my analysis of how power and resistance is shown in the video. Through Michel Foucault?s conception power and resistance together with Judith Butler?s theories about performativity I?d like to show how the characters you can see in the video, in addition to the humor, also put themselves in a public context. I discuss my material in relation to a number of similar and current events that concern sexism and racism in Sweden.

Med små steg in i kommunalpolitiken : Kvinnors politiska intåg i Katrineholm 1922-1994

This essay is about literature instruction in the last three years of Sweden?s compulsory school from one teacher?s and six of his pupils? perspective. The research is analysed from a socio-cultural perspective on learning and literature reception.The empiric material is based on interviews with the teacher and six of his students.The research shows that there is a difference between what the pupils read on their spare time and what they read during Swedish instruction. It also shows that the pupils wants literature full of action where descriptions of people and the setting don?t slow down the reading experience.The teacher is successful in finding literature the pupils appreciate but sees the value of literature on another level ? in the processing of the reading experience.

The allotment plot : osäkrande som designstrategi

During the spring semester of 2009 I have participated in what was to become the project The Allotment Plot; a collaboration between the Swedish University of Agriculture and the Wanås Foundation. As one of six students in landscape architecture I have experienced a group based learning process with the point of departure in the designing of an organic and experimental kitchen garden at Wanås, a sculpture park for contemporary art. The project came out as neither us nor any other of the people engaged could have guessed. What was meant to be a garden turned out to become an entire cultivation movement. As students, we have gained a lot of experience through praxis; experience that will be valuable for our future profession. The project has also opened up the possibility to question and reflect upon what our profession and education could or should be about. This thesis focuses on the role of communication and the production of communicative tools in design processes and landscape architectural practice. It discusses how communication may be used in an exploratory and ?un-securing? way, and how this may dislocate the professional role, especially in situations where the design action, as in the case of this study, demands a high degree of transdisciplinarity and collaboration. .

Vad ångrar man mest- Sakersom man har gjort eller inte har gjort?

Människor upplever ånger dagligen, och beroende på vilka beslut som fattas kan vissa beslut ångras mer än andra. Därför undersöktes skillnader i typer av ånger med hjälp av webbenkäter som delades via Facebooks PM funktion. 80 deltagare ingick där de fick beskriva två saker som de ångrade mest att de hade gjort samt två saker som de ångrade mest att de inte hade gjort. Dessa skattades sedan på hur mycket de ångrade det samt hur pass viktigt/allvarligt de upplevde det. En signifikant skillnad upptäcktes där saker som de ångrade att de inte hade gjort skattades som viktigare/allvarligare än det som de ångrade att de hade gjort.

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