

1136 Uppsatser om Intelligent action - Sida 32 av 76

Omvärlden och Burma : En fallstudie av mänskliga rättigheter i EU: s och USA: s utrikespolitik

The aim of this paper is to describe and explain which policy instruments for human rights (HR) the United States and the European Union use towards Burma and to examine the priority given to HR in their respective foreign policy. From the results of an empirical analysis this paper seeks to analyze the US and the EU as powers in the international system and aims to explain their behavior from this theoretical perspective. From the theoretical approaches used I conclude that these actors act in different ways regarding the Burmese issue. This is partially due to the structure of the international system. Both actors primarily use different forms of diplomatic tools and sanctions to try to force change for HR in Burma.

EU:s klimatpolitik - förhandlingsvägen till framgång

Eleven years after broking the Kyoto-protocol, the European Union still stands in the front line, combating climate change. How come the EU, with 27 diversified states, is able to integrate its members to what is widely considered the most progressive climate policy in the world? This thesis takes a closer look at the negotiations that have shaped EU climate policy. Using negotiation-models to categorize different aspects of EU climatenegotiations, several key-findings are presented. The thesis concludes that while EU entered the Kyoto-protocol with little to lose because of external factors like previous energy-reforms in key member countries, it had plenty to win in global influence and the satisfaction of an overwhelmingly Kyoto-positive public.

Att höra genre : Vad ljudet i filmens inledning berättar om genre

This study deals with a research on what the opening sounds in movies tell us about the story that we are about to follow. The purpose is to examine if and how the sound in the first five minutes of the movie contribute in giving information about the film?s genre. The theoretical base includes both genre theory and Michel Chion?s theory on film sound.

Kundrelationer inom banksektorn : Hur svenska storbanker verkar för att säkerställa kontinuitet och lönsamhet inom studentsegmentet

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the major swedish banks look upon and promote student profitability as well as long-term relationships within the student segment from a CRM point of view. The study incorporates a qualitative course of action with an abductive research approach which has been carried out by conducting personal and telephone interviews with representatives from three out of the four major swedish banks Nordea, Swedbank and Handelsbanken. Our research finds that the banks appear to regard their relationships with students as long-term investments, but that they simultaneously seem to lack distinctive, clear and procreative strategies for securing these relationships. Furthermore, the development of profitability within the student segment is considered an informal process that does not necessarily need to be computed through the use of quantitative estimates. Also, educational variables does not influence the banks as they segment their customer base and the student-centred offerings within the banking industry is to be deemed as being standardized rather than differentiated..

Den nationella värdegrunden inom äldreomsorgen:några enhetschefers intryck

The aim of this text is to study how sectional managers in the care of the elderly work so as to promote basic human values. Semi-structured interviews generated qualitative data from five sectional managers. A hermeneutical approach was applied for interpreting the interviews. The result shows that the respondents are conscious of the fact that it takes a lot of long term work before a change in current procedures will happen. Also, the common everyday principles of work and basic values will continue to be part of the care of the elderly.

En museilärares perspektiv : ett pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete kring Skansens samiska informationsprojekt 2004-2006

Denna studie är en beskrivning av ett pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete kring det samiska informationsprojekt vilket jag varit ansvarig för inom ramen för mitt arbete som museilärare på Skansens Visningsavdelning. Projektet omfattade tiden 2004-2006. Aktionsforskning handlar om att utveckla och förändra en verksamhet men också att skaffa sig kunskap om hur detta går till och vad som sker under arbetets gång. Det viktigast verktyget inom aktionsforskningen är reflektionen. Jag har reflekterat över vad som kännetecknar mitt museipedagogiska synsätt och utifrån detta studerat övriga synsätt i projektet och deras relation till varandra.

Kameraperspektivets effekter på datorspel

Denna  undersökning  har  studerat  kameraperspektiv  i  spel,  med  fokus  på  survial horror-genren.  Studien har  undersökt  hur  förväntningar  om  ett tänkt  spel  förändras beroende  på  om  spelet  ses  ur  ett  förstapersonsperspektiv  eller  ett tredjepersonsperspektiv.  Studien  har  riktats  till  stor  del  mot  förväntningar  kring  ett spels fokus på action eller mer ickevåldslösningar.För  att  undersöka  detta  har  totalt  sex  bilder  skapats  med  skiftande  miljö  och kameraperspektiv.  Dessa  bilder  har  sedan  presenterats  för  totalt  åtta  respondenter som intervjuats. Undersökningen har fokuserat på respondenter med tidigare spelvana men  inkluderade  även  två  respondenter  utan  spelvana.  Detta  för  att  studera  hur saknaden av spelvana påverkade deras tankar kring kameraperspektiv i spel. Av  de  slutsatser  som  gick  att  dra  av  undersökningen  var  det  tydligt  att  båda perspektiven har  olika för och nackdelar.  Många tyckte att förstapersonsperspektivet var bättre för inlevelsen. Medans andra ansåg att förmågan att se hela sin karaktär ur tredjepersonsperspektiv bidrog mer till spelet..

Värdet av en Virtuell Relation : Aktivitet i förhållande till kontext ? Spotify ur ett praktikperspektiv

The increased interest in relationship marketing and the potential of the Internet as a platform for relationship building activities have given rise to new ways for companies to interact with their customers, such as services based on a freemium pricing model. Based on the premise that relationships are processes consisting of interactive moments of value-creating activities, value is considered subjective, relative and dependent on the context in which the activity takes place. Value is therefore variable given its context and cannot be pre-defined without nuances being lost. Despite the Internet's given role in societal development, our understanding of what contributes to customers' intentions to build relationships with online services is yet to mature.As the music industry is well established on the Internet, alongside the change in how music is consumed, it is thus appropriate to examine activities in accordance with a freemium based service that distributes music online, since it still lacks in academic understanding.This study aims to provide insights about virtual relations and how online services that provide cultural content should relate to there users as well as contributing to the ongoing academic discussion regarding value and how it is manifested by highlighting contextual impact on relational activities. For a rapprochement of relations to online services in cultural industries, this study assumed a practice perspective.

På drift med Spinoza och Freud

This essay attempts to examine whether it is possible to find a mutual understanding of the concept of drive between Spinoza?s philosophy and Freud?s psychoanalytical theory. Former texts on this subject have given a variety of conclusions: from a radical separation between the two authors to a complete identification between the two. The drive, or the desire which is the term Spinoza uses, has in Spinoza?s philosophy its foundation in the concept of conatus.

Avvikelserapportering : en rapport om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter

The purpose with this essay is to investigate which factors that are decisive for nurses? propensity for incident reporting. The study uses a descriptive cross-section design. Included are nurses that works at a care unit and who have worked as a nurse for > 1than one year. The survey was sent out to all nurses embraced by the criteria within a subdivision at a hospital in the middle of Sweden.

Bemötande av anhöriga vid traumatiska dödsfall - En litteraturstudie om omhändertagandet av de anhöriga och deras behov

Traumatic deaths hit relatives hard and a fast and professional encounter can make crisis management easier. The purpose of this literature review is to find partly how relatives after traumatic deaths are taken care of and how nursing staff fulfil the relatives' needs and also how nurses prepare themselves before this encounter with the realatives. The method in this study consists of a literature review. This was done through critical examining a number of articles within this area. The result shows how a nurse could encounter relatives after traumatic deaths.

Jakten på det specifika genreljudet : En undersökning av ljud i film

Användningen av ljud skiljer sig åt mellan de olika filmgenrerna skräck, komedi, action och drama. Det finns vissa ljud som används oftare för att förstärka de känslor, som filmmakarna vill att vi ska uppleva i samband med vad vi ser i filmen. I denna uppsats analyseras ljudet i ett antal nyckelscener i vissa filmer. För att ta ut dessa nyckelscener användes Hollywoodmallen för hur man skriver film, såsom den beskrivs av Viki King. Genom att jämföra resultaten, även genom diagram, har jag upptäckt att metalljud från vapen och liknande, gör oss rädda.

Att mäta psykologisk inflexibilitet hos patienter somgenomgått bariatrisk kirurgi : En psykometrisk utvärdering av mätinstrumentet AAQ-W

För att utvärdera effekterna av psykoterapeutisk behandling av obestitasopererade finns det ett behov av psykologiska mätinstrument med goda psykometriska egenskaper. Acceptanceand Commitment therapy (ACT) är en behandlingsmetod som har visat sig effektiv för gruppen obesitasopererade. Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Weight-related Difficulties (AAQ-W) är ett formulär som används som utfallsmått i behandlingen. För attundersöka AAQ-Ws psykometriska egenskaper genomfördes reliabilitetsmätning med upprepad mätning samt beräkning av intern konsistens. Validiteten i AAQ-W testades genom samtidig mätning av mer etablerade mått samt en faktoranalys.

Institutionaliserad symbolpolitik? En studie av skriftliga förklaringar i Europaparlamentet

Written declarations in the European Parliament have not been given muchattention in the field of political science. The scope of this Master's thesis is toexamine whether symbolic politics are present in written declarations and howthis may show. In this study, the aspects of symbolic politics of writtendeclarations of the sixth parliamentary term are examined using a taxonomy foridentifying symbolic politics developed by Peter Santesson-Wilson. Thetaxonomy is applied on 15 written declarations, all adopted by the EuropeanParliament, dealing with a variety of EU-related issues, ranging from July 2004 toJuly 2008.The main findings of the study show that symbolic politics is a presentphenomenon in nearly all written declarations (13 out of 15 cases) subject to thisstudy.In the final chapter of this study inter alia symbolic politics as a deliberateaction is discussed in the view of written declarations. Irrespective of this, onecould say that symbolic politics are institutionalised in the European Parliament,at least when it comes to written declarations..

Spelet mellan Trollhättan och Rüsselsheim. En fallstudie om globaliseringens påverkan på fackföreningar.

AbstractGlobalisation has lead to changes on many levels of our society; -industrial, technological, and corporate to name a few. This is an ongoing process which affects the society we live in today. The process is affecting the working-conditions for everyone through the changes of the relations on the working market. The unions have enjoyed a very special role in Sweden for a long time, but that role is now affected by these changes. The relationship between state and unions is changing, and the unions? influence in politics is decreasing.

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