2306 Uppsatser om Insurance industry - Sida 57 av 154
Industriell produktion av loggia - en studie om loggiarum som alternativ till inglasad balkong
AbstractIntense competition in the building industry has forced building companies to develop highly efficient and optimised building solutions. This project, with a loggia that works both as an extended living room and a glazed balcony offers a highly economic viable alternative to standard balconies. This alternative is likely to attract build master since the area of the loggia will be part of the apartment area, i.e. included in the area for rent..
Övervikt och fetma hos barn och ungdomar : Orsaker, konsekvenser och åtgärder
The purpose of this essay was to get some knowledge about how the situation was for children with overweight and obesity. I wanted to examine what experience about causes, consequences and measure the professionals, who meets children in different situations in their daily work had, and I wanted to find out which explanations current research had about the problem.The knowledge I have acquired during my work with this paper about the problem was that it was depending on many different factors on various stage in the child's life which influences and interacts with the child in its development. The risk that a child would develop overweight was amongst other things depending on the child's eating- and exercising habits.This habit was formatted for example by the circumstances in the family, availability of sweets/food and the choice of leisure time activities.The consequences for the overweight/obese children could be that the child did not manage to keep up with its friend's physical activities which led to a sense of rejection, risk of being bullied by friends, the risk of a damaged physical and psychic health. The problem was not easy to measure and all of the studies demonstrated that parental involvement is necessary in an effective treatment of childhood obesity..
Lagafors CPU : Chemical Production Unit
This dissertation is performed at the request of Lagafors AB who develops and manufactures stationery and mobile hygiene solutions for companies in the food- processing industry. The objective of this dissertation is to develop and construct a new, cost efficient cleaning station based on an innovative technology.The technique is based on serially connected dosing pumps which allow the customer to work with concentrated detergents. This leads to serious reduction in the clients use expenses. Two units have been developed with this technique, one that is stationary and one that is mobile.The dissertation has led to good results which resulted in the sale of the first stationary unit of the Lagafors CPU before the end of this dissertation. .
Managementsystem för livsmedelsindustrin
Denna rapport beskriver utvecklingsprocessen av en programvara som jag har skapat för ett företag inom livsmedelsindustrin. Detta företag har tillverkat en ny produktgren och krävde ett verktyg för administrering av allt från produktion till leveranser. Då den befintliga programvaran inte var lämpad för denna uppgift, utvecklades en skräddarsydd lösning för just detta ändamål och med hänsyn till företagets kompetens och utrustning. Den som läser denna rapport bör ha grundläggande förståelse för programutveckling samt programmeringsspråket C#..
Den nya rehabiliteringskedjan och arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering ur försäkringskassahandläggarens perspektiv
Den nya rehabiliteringskedjan med sina fasta tidsgränser för långtidssjukskrivna har fått stor uppmärksamhet i svensk media under senare tid. De nya reglerna fokuserar framförallt på tidiga insatser för långtidssjukskrivna med målet återgång i arbete. Intervjuerna i föreliggande studie utfördes med sju försäkrings-kassahandläggare på olika försäkringskontor. Syftet var att undersöka vilka erfarenheter och upplevelser handläggarna på Försäkringskassan har av den nya rehabiliteringskedjan och arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering. Resultatet visade att det är en mängd olika faktorer som påverkar handläggarnas arbete.
Ensamkommande flyktingbarn: en studie av ensamkommande flyktingbarns situation i Sverige i världen
The purpose of this study was principally to illuminate and describe how the alteration in law (1994:137) about the reception of asylum seekers and others has been implemented at some different authorities in Sweden, according to separated children; children who have fled to Sweden without their parents or other adult guardians. Beside this I want to, as a part, describe how the child perspective looks like at the authorities. The study refers to illuminate and describe the first time for the separated children in Sweden, which means from the arrival and about one year ahead. Qualitative interviews have been used as a method to especially investigate how the subjects of my interview understand their commission according to the separated children, how the practice situation looks like for and according to the separated children in relation to existing laws and instructions and finally how my subjects of interview think about the above mentioned alteration in law (1994:137), which means distribution of responsibility between Swedish authorities.My study showed that there were implementation problems according to the alteration in law (1994:137). The intentions to make it better for the separated children through the law alteration don't work in a good or satisfying way in the practice situation..
Att leva med missbrukare : En studie om medberoende kvinnor från Sydostasien
The purpose of this essay was to examine female immigrants of South East Asia who have lived together with a drug addict and how they were affected and let themselves be influenced by that, and to study their reactions to such situations.The main questions were:· How do the women describe their personal relationship matters with their husbands with focus on abuse / co-dependency?· How do they show their co-dependency in actions?· How do the women handle their co-dependency?I chose a qualitative method because my purpose was to get a comprehension and hopefully find a pattern in the life situation in this specific target group. Regarding the collection of dataI used both primary data in the frame of interviews with persons connected to the problem, and secondary data in the form of earlier studies in that field.As the main result I found that these women lived in a severe stress. They were affected both psychically and physically by the abuse of their partners. They developed different strategies of survival to stand the reality and to save the family.
Att bygga en stamdatabas för gotländsk tall
Today's Swedish large-scale forestry uses almost exclusively computer-aided bucking. It allows the harvester computer, using an optimisation price list (steering price list), to maximize the value of each tree. The optimisation price list can be adjusted so that the industry gets the raw material it demands from the forest.
There are various simulation programs that can be used when constructing a optimisation price list. The simulation program merchandise a database of stem shapes using a given price list and mimics a harvester's work. To get the demanded raw material for the industry it is important to use a well-adjusted optimisation price list.
Att komma ut: en studie av hur unga vuxna har upplevt utvecklingen till en homosexuell identitet
The purpose of this study was to explore experiences of the process of developing a homosexual identity during childhood. We wanted to examine the experiences, feelings and thoughts that young adults, identifying themselves as homosexuals, had growing up in Sweden.For the study a qualitative method was used and nine interviews were made with young adults in the ages of 18 - 30. They answered our questions about their process of developing a homosexual identity, about their friends, family and school and about the society in general. We analysed the material from the interviews using the theory of the coming-out-process as presented by mainly Månsson and Hilte (1990).The main result from the study was that there were some difficulties for our respondents to become aware of their homosexuality and reveal their homosexuality to others. Most of our respondents experienced anxiety and/or fear as they were becoming aware of their sexuality but did become conscious about their homosexuality and accepted it before turning 21 years old.
Olika kommuner: olika eftervård? En jämförande studie av hur tre kommuner definierar och arbetar med eftervård efter LVM.
Aftercare is an important condition for the Care of Alcoholics and Drug Abuse Act (LVM) to be successful. According to the law, the municipals are responsible for the aftercare. We compared how three municipal in Skåne, Sweden, define and work with the aftercare after treatment under LVM. The study was based on nine qualitative interviews with social workers, division managers and politicians from each municipal. As a theoretical reference the theory of total institutions and empowerment theory were used.
Guds lilla barnaskara - barn och ungdomar inom Jehovas vittnen
My intention was to explore the childhood of children and adolescents within the religious organization of Jehovah´s Witnesses, in Sweden. I used a technique where I interviewed three active witnesses and four former members. The former members either had left the religion freely or had been excluded by the movement. I wanted to know more from those two different perspectives, because they often seem to conflict. First of all, I wanted to learn about the persons own upbringing.
Revisiting the Role of Code of Conduct in Compliance with CSR Demands in the Supply Chain Management of Electronics Business
The purpose of this study is to understand how codes of conduct function within the context of supply chain of electronic industry. This is a qualitative research and a case study is the research approach. Conclusions are that the codes of conducts could be perceived differently within different contexts. Therefore, cultural and legal issues should be considered while formulating, implementing codes of conduct or assessing the compliance..
Det sociala ansvaret i skapandet av skönhetsidealen
Kandidatarbetet undersöker och diskuterar frågeställningen "Vilket socialt ansvar har jag som grafisk formgivare i skapandet av skönhetsidealen?". Kandidatarbetet fokuserar på att skapa en diskussion kring ämnet skönhetsideal, hur dessa påverkar unga kvinnor samt vilka möjligheter det finns för att bryta samhällsnormer och göra en förändring, en större skillnad. Utifrån mitt forskringsresultatet kring skönhetshistorian och dess utveckling under åren, har jag skapat en produktion i form av modeillustrationer. Jag tycker inte att samhället inser hur kraftfullt påverkade vi har blivit av media och modebranschen under de senaste åren.
Att lyckas som platschef i anläggningsbranschen
Att lyckas som platschef i anläggningsbranschenEva Karlsmyr Bygg- och anläggningsnäringen brottas med lägre produktivitetsutveckling än andra industribranscher och utveckling av ledarskapet ses ofta som en väg framåt. Kunskap saknas dock om vad effektivt ledarskap i denna specifika kontext är. Denna studie avser bidra med sådan kunskap genom att i en tematisk analys med kvalitativ ansats studera ledarskap ur effektiva platschefers perspektiv i ett svenskt rikstäckande anläggningsföretag. Utifrån meningskoncentrering av sju intervjuade platschefers berättelser har gemensamma aspekter av ledarskapet identifierats som respondenterna upplever avgörande för att lyckas i rollen. Studien har även undersökt hur dessa platschefer behöver påverkas av andra för att kunna utöva ett effektivt ledarskap.
Blatte - en etnicitet? Om ungdomars med utländsk bakgrund syn på sin etnicitet
Immigrants and children of immigrants are statistically lumped together into a category of "person with foreign background". Blatte is a degrading and violating word when directed at immigrants by Swedes. The aim of my essay was to test to what extent the Swedish term "blatte" could be qualified as an ethnicity in the sense that young people with foreign background born between 1981 and 1984 living in a neighborhood with a high population of people with foreign backgrounds have another ethnicity, besides the Swedish and the "home country ethnicity" to find themselves and their identity in.My method consisted of interviewing six people between the ages of 21 and 24 with different ethnic backgrounds living in a limited area of Malmö, Sweden´s third biggest city. I tested my hypothesis of these people having a third ethnicity to relate to against three schools and from two out of three schools defending my hypothesis, my result is that blatte can not fully be seen as an ethnicity but definitely shows tendencies of becoming one in the future..