

2306 Uppsatser om Insurance industry - Sida 48 av 154

Att göra kön : Hur behandlingspersonalen inom missbrukarvården ser på betydelsen av kön i sitt arbete

Our purpose with this essay is to examine how staff that works with drugaddicts in compulsory-treatment institutions for women and men uses gender in their work. We are trying to get knowledge and understand how the staff is using their own and the client's gender in the work that they are doing. We have chosen to take focus within women's care in institutions and compare if the work is done in the same way with male clients.Our essay is based on interviews with treatment-staff. We have used a qualitative method. The interviews are made with both men and women.

Konferera i solen? : En studie kring konsumentval inom konferensbranschen

In today's society, consumers get in touch with hundreds of advertising messages a day from companies. It is up to the consumer to choose the messages they want to listen to and ignore the ones they want. Today, there is an advertising saturation and this has implications for both producers and consumer. Companies must be innovative and come with fresh ideas to get us consumers to pay attention to their particular message.  It is through the marketing that companies have an opportunity to spread their message.

Uppmärksammas fosterföräldrarnas egna barn vid en familjehemsutredning?

The purpose of this essay was to look into whether any attention is paid to the biological children in foster families when the investigation about foster home is made. I did some qualitative interviews with six foster home-investigators, working in five different municipalities. Some of the main questions have been: Do the investigator meet the biological children during an investigation? Are the children´s opinions taken into consideration? Is the suitability of a foster home judged even from the biological children´s perspective?It was shown that it could happen that a foster home was not approved, if it for some reasons should be a negative experience for the biological children, if a foster child would be placed in their home. All the six persons in my interviews thought that it is important to take the biological children´s opinions into consideration, and that the family is not suitable to be a foster home if not all of the family members have a positive attitude.

Krav och arkitektur för CAD/PLM-support : Med en utvärdering av fem ärendehanteringssystem

Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete inom Industriell Produktion vid KTH, utfört vid Avalon PLM AB. Syftet har varit att grundligt utreda vad som krävs för att sätta upp en "first line"-support för användare till Siemens Industry Softwares produktportfölj. Målet med examensarbetet var att ta fram en kravspecifikation för det system som ska hantera kundernas supportärenden, samt hitta och utvärdera ett befintligt system som lever upp till kraven. Vidare togs också en support- och ärendehanteringsprocess fram, vilken beskriver hur ärenden ska skötas.Inledande frågeställningar för examensarbetet var frågor som; Hur hanteras ett ärende? Hur många ärenden kommer supporten hantera per dag? Hur kan supportingenjören få hjälp om ärendena är för avancerade? Är kundsupport bara en kostnad för företaget eller vilka bieffekter kan det medföra?En litteraturstudie gjordes för att få grundläggande förståelse för olika typer av supportkällor, CRM, kunskapsförmedling, syftet med kundsupport och supportingenjörens roll.

Det antropocentriskt styrda Sverige : En undersökning om riksdagspartiernas miljöideologiska närings-, miljö- och jordbrukspolitik under mandatperioden 2002-2006

This essay examines the environmental ideological direction of the Swedish parliamentary parties through the private members motions directed to the committee of industry and trade and the committee of environment and agriculture during the governmental time from 2002 to 2006.The environmental ideologies explained is anthropocentrism, ecocentrism and biocentrism. Based on the ideas of these three ideologies main points the private members motions directed to the committee of industry and trade and the committee of environment and agriculture, also matching the search words environment and energy, was compared and analysed.What has emerged is that all parliamentary parties express a desire to create an energy production and producing guide lines which are stringent environmentally and matches the safety requirements. Although the approach to environmental and safety standards differ significantly between them. Basically all Swedish parliamentary parties are more or less anthropocentric in its arguments, which in short terms means that they estimate natures and animals value through their usability for humans or based on their contribution to human feelings of wellbeing.The Centre Party and the Green Party shows hints of weak ecocentrism because in many cases they put animal intrinsic value high, but the human value higher. Moderates are predominantly anthropocentric but they also express some hint of biocentrism in one statement concerning research in order to reduce and rebuild environmentally destroyed areas.

Pantbankens roll i den svenska välfärdsstaten

Our purpose with this study was to look at the pawnbrokers role in the Swedish welfare state from the customers perspective. Our purpose was also to see how the customers used the loan. We wondered why people used the pawnbroker's and how the pawnbroker's could be understood as a providing alternative related to the three spheres state, market and family? Above looking at previous science we also did three interviews with people who worked at a pawnshop, a budgetadvisor and a smaller investigation with customers of a pawnshop.We came to the conclusion that the customer needed the money from the loan to buy food in many cases, according to the investigation we did with the customers. According to the employees the customers needed the money for different things, such as paying the bills or unexpected expenses.

"Jag bygger ett hus så han inte fryser" : 1-3 åringars byggprocess

Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete inom Industriell Produktion vid KTH, utfört vid Avalon PLM AB. Syftet har varit att grundligt utreda vad som krävs för att sätta upp en "first line"-support för användare till Siemens Industry Softwares produktportfölj. Målet med examensarbetet var att ta fram en kravspecifikation för det system som ska hantera kundernas supportärenden, samt hitta och utvärdera ett befintligt system som lever upp till kraven. Vidare togs också en support- och ärendehanteringsprocess fram, vilken beskriver hur ärenden ska skötas.Inledande frågeställningar för examensarbetet var frågor som; Hur hanteras ett ärende? Hur många ärenden kommer supporten hantera per dag? Hur kan supportingenjören få hjälp om ärendena är för avancerade? Är kundsupport bara en kostnad för företaget eller vilka bieffekter kan det medföra?En litteraturstudie gjordes för att få grundläggande förståelse för olika typer av supportkällor, CRM, kunskapsförmedling, syftet med kundsupport och supportingenjörens roll.

Omsorg i nöd och lust : kvinnliga och manliga anhörigvårdares upplevelser av att vårda sina makar

In using a qualitative method have I interviewed six women and six men taking care of their wives respectively husbands suffering from physical disease, disfunction or demental disease. The purpose was to find out whether male and female caretakers were differently influenced in their situation, relationship and in their partners, when they became caretakers of their spouse, depending on what the partner suffered from.The results showed that, when a husband or wife was hit by disease or disfunction, the caretaker was influenced both in the partners situation, the relationship and the role towards the partner. The couple still lived in a close relationship and could communicate. For the carers spouse suffered from a demental disease, there was no communication as before or possibility to remember. The carers also felt the loss of community, nearness and sympathy.

Socialarbetares tolkning och tillämpning av LVM: ur ett genusperspektiv

The law (1988:870) concerning care of substance abusers is constructed in a way that gives the social workers room to interpret and apply the law individually. This may contribute to differences in treatment between female and male substance abusers. The purpose of the essay was to investigate whether the client's gender had any significance to how the social worker interpret and apply the law (LVM).The specific questions we worked around were:- What significance does the client's gender have in the decision-making?- Does the social worker's opinion about the law have any significance?- What factors can effect the social worker's interpretation and application of the law?- What importance do the social workers attach to prevailing norms about men and women when they interpret and apply the law?We chose to use a qualitative method to answer the above questions. Six social workers were interviewed and 39 LVM sentences were analysed.

Försäkringskassans förnyelsearbete : en studie av organisatoriskt lärande vid förändringsarbete

The Swedish government corporation Försäkringskassan is currently undergoing large organizational changes. Modifications are made regarding the national insurance system and work procedures. In this study we have investigated the procedures of change with the aim of identifying which pedagogical processes in work procedures that enables organizational learning. Furthermore, the study aimed at gaining insight of how the work procedures enable organizational learning in a learning organization. We have utilized case study tradition to examine specific occurrences in their natural environment to thereby understand the matter of investigation.

"Här finns ingen tid att förlora" : professionellas tankar kring gravida missbrukare

The purpose of this paper has been to examine the ways in which professionals describe their work with pregnant drug-addicts. The paper raises the following questions;· How does the deviant behavior, that using drugs during pregnancy can be described as, affect the professionals in their work with pregnant drug-addicts?· How do the professionals experience their own role, and the roles of other professionals?· In what ways do they work in order to reach a favorable result with these clients?The paper is based on qualitative material, gathered through 14 interviews with professionals. By using theories of deviant behavior and attachment-theory between a child and its mother, our intention was to analyze the empirical results.From our interviews we have learned that the professionals consider some factors as more important than others for a favourable result in their work with pregnant drug-addicts. Such factors are for example the significance of a cooperation between different authorities and ethical awareness in meeting with the client..

Möjligtvis stressad? En kvalitativ studie om stress på ekonomiskt bistånd, en enhet på Socialtjänsten

The purpose of this study was to examine and illustrate whether employed social workers, working with supplementary benefits at a social service office, felt stressed. If so was the case, we wanted to investigate if this stress that they felt had any effect on their clients. This study was based on eight qualitative interviews, of which four was with social workers and four was with clients. For a better understanding of our results we used Karasek & Theorells demand-control-support model.The study reveals that the social workers do feel stressed, but they only do so in periods. They declare that they would like to have more time for their work assignments, the meetings with the clients in particulate.

Idiopatisk epilepsi : en fallstudie

Epilepsy is a common neurological condition in dogs, being a common reason for death in the statistics from the insurance company Agria in Sweden. Among the different types of epilepsy, idiopathic epilepsy (IE) is the most common and is characterized by the fact that a veterinary examination does not reveal a cause for the seizures. This study has been conducted through studies of medical records and interviews with dog owners. From a total number of 103 dogs that were neurologically examined for seizures, 42 dogs met the inclusion criteria, being classified as having idiopathic epilepsy. When the study was performed, 28 dogs had died, while 14 were still alive.

Politiska visioner och regionala krafters inverkan på kulturarv : En studie om hur Kalmar läns kulturarv används och värderas i det postindustriella samhället

This is a qualitative essay that has its starting point in the deindustrialized community in the county of Kalmar. At the time deindustrialization started, the globalization and the technical development took form, this resulted in increasing traveling in the world. The communities that had lost their industries had to find new ways of surviving. The politicians used the increasing travelling and tourism and saw a new industry in the tourism, therefore they made cultural heritage visible. Main focus lies in the will from politicians to visualize cultural heritage for economic gain and the administration of cultural heritage that in essence had to accept a new use of the cultural heritage.

Ungdomssatsningen : ett projekt för arbetslösa ungdomar

The purpose of this essay was to in a specific project for unemployed youths between 18 and 24 years, from an ecological point of view, examine how the youths experienced their unemployment and also to compare the purpose and structure of the project with the participants' experience.Important questions in my essay were how the unemployment affected the youths' identity and social circumstances, if the participants found the project meaningful, and experienced that they could influence how the project was formed, if the purpose of the project was in accordance with the youths' experience and how the ecological perspective could be used to understand the situation of the youths.To answer these questions one interview was made with one of the employees and five interviews were made with participant youths.The results of the essay was that the youths' experience of the project were very much individual. All of the participants found something in the project meaningful and most of them thought that it was possible to influence the project in some way. Something that both the youths and the employee pointed out as important was the employees and their supporting role..

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