

4037 Uppsatser om Instrumental group instruction - Sida 41 av 270

En jämförelse av hållningen mellan kvinnor som nyligen har fött barn och kvinnor som aldrig varit gravida

The purpose of this study was to compare the body posture among a group of women who recently have given birth (subjects) and a group of women who never have been pregnant (controls). The comparison was done between the two groups using the Comprehensive Body Examination (CBE) according to Bunkan. In the study participated 24 women, 12 who recently have given birth and 12 who never have been pregnant. The results showed that the body posture differed between the two groups. The subjects differed more from satisfactory jointpositions than the controls.

Mätt i magen ? lär hela dagen! : en kvantitativ undersökning kring årskurs nio elevers lunchvanor.

The purpose of this study is to examine what pupils in the ninth grade eats for lunch and also whether there is any connection between their lunch habits and perceived ability to concentrate and fatigue. A further aim was to study pupils' experience of dining environment in schools.The study is based on a quantitative method with questionnaires. The study was implemented on four schools in elementary school in themunicipalityofKristianstadand Tanum.Our results demonstrate, in accordance with several previous studies conducted in the same age group, that it is about half of the pupils who eats school lunch every day and that the majority are eating school lunch 3-5 days a week. Furthermore, our study shows that the pupils who rarely eat vegetables in school feel tired and distracted to a greater extent than the group of pupils who eat vegetables almost daily. Our result also shows that the group of pupils who eat the main course 3-5 days a week feel both tired and distracted to a greater extent than the group of students who eat the main course more rarely.In accordance with previous studies our study shows that differences exist between boys and girls regarding food that is eaten instead of school lunch.

The dynamics behind Consistency: Case study on NTT Group and Deutsche Telecom

The main aim of this thesis is to investigate the implications and dynamics behind consistency between individual resource allocation decisions and corporate strategy concept. The telecom industry, a high-velocity environment going through an extensive deregulation process, is put under the magnifying glass. Japanese telecom giant NTT Group is compared to its German counterpart Deutsche Telekom. Potential antecedent factors in the strategic decision-making process to consistency are studied. It is also examined whether there is a direct interplay between consistency and economic performance.

Nyanlända barns skapande av identiteter i förberedelseklassen

This study aims to investigate, describe and discuss the views of group new arrived pupils from the preparatory training to the compulsory school level. They all came to Sweden and started in the preparatory training there they also started studying Swedish as a second language. This study aims to investigate the creation of identities and how the pupils socialize in the Swedish school. The study has been conducted with respect to the pupil´s own perspectives and what they consider important.The methods used are interviews together with an interpreter. Their voices are used and described in this paper.

Slithållfastheten för dentin och cement i förhållande till emalj in vivo hos häst

The female dog has a unique reproductive endocrinology, with high levels of progesterone throughout the 70-day long luteal phase. In this project, markers of glucose metabolism were studied and compared from the aspects of breed group and time in oestral cycle. The parameters studied were: glucose, insulin, progesterone, fructosamine and the newly introduced analysis of HbA1c. Hba1c was also further evaluated and discussed as a diagnostic tool in canine medicine.No differences in terms of glucose markers were found between a group of purebreed dogs of various breeds compared to a group of dogs with high risk of dioestrus diabetes, namely the Norwegian and Swedish elkhounds.No differences were found between the two sample occasions, anoestrus and dioestrus, concluding that there is no need for relating test results to the time of the oestrous cycle in middle-aged intact female dogs.There were statistically significant higher values of all glucose markers in diabetic dogs than in non-diabetic dogs. When it came to HbA1c, however, there was a larger overlap between the two groups, compared to fructosamine.

Den lärande gruppen : Om reflektion i förskolan

Scheduled time for reflective work is common at many Swedish preschools. Reflection is a complex concept that is being used with many different purposes in preschools. The reflective work in Swedish preschools today has its roots in the theories from Vygotskij about how children learn by watching and cooperating with others. Also, many Swedish preschools have taken inspiration from the preschools in Reggio Emilia in Italy, who see the reflective work as something necessary in their work around children?s learning processes.

Sefarderna hos osmanerna : en historiografisk undersökning av sefardernas situation i osmanska riket ifrån 1492, deras innovativa och kulturella bidrag till riket

Survey´s purpose is to illustrate why and how the process happened, when the seferades had to move from Spain in the last years of 15th century to the Ottoman Empire and how the authors have discussed this. How the seferades were treated by the Turks and the sultan, how teh Jews taught the people in the empire, to use the new innovations. The different results showed that the ottomans also gave great chances to the Jews and they became a powerful group of the palace in the empire.The results also showed that the authors are divided into two groups, one group defending the sultans act, and the others are not. The main reason for the ottomans to open their doors for the seferades was to take advantage of their konwledge. The reason for the attack by the western authors on the sultan´s decisions, are more complex and needs to be explained.

Slopad revisionsplikt

November 1, 2010 the audit requirement in Sweden for small and medium enterprises was abolished, after many years of discussion. This essay aims to examine the effects of the abolishment of the audit requirement on credit. The intention is to draw conclusions about how the possible negative effects of the abolishment of the audit requirement could be prevented.The study has been made using a qualitative method to get a clearer and broader explanation that leads to deeper understanding. It includes an interview with creditors from one of the largest banks whose position represents a large group of lenders. In addition to the lender, two auditors with years of experience have been interviewed.Analysis of collected data has shown that there are both advantages and disadvantages of abolished mandatory auditing.

Är dagens studenter morgondagens företagare? : En studie om studenters attityd till företagande

In this paper I study how the repeal of the Swedish wealth tax (1 of January 2007) has affected people´s labour supply behaviour. This particular issue is relevant because it may help us understand some of the effects of the earnings tax changes that have taken place in Sweden. Accoring to standard economic theory a repealed wealth tax is similar to an income effect for the persons who previously paid the tax. That means that they theoretically will want to consume more leisure, that is decrease their labour supply. The method I am using to test this hypothesis is a difference-in-difference approach where the treatment group consists of persons who previously paid the tax and the control group of comparable persons who did not pay the tax.

Personlighet + Utseende = Instrumentval? : Finns det en föreställning om hur en person som spelar ett visst instrument ser ut och vilken personlighet denna person har?

I mitt examensarbete har jag valt att undersöka de tankar som finns kring vem som spelar vilket instrument. Vilka ord, som har med utseende respektive personlighet att göra, förknippar studerande vid en svensk musikhögskola samt en svensk folkhögskola med de utvalda instrumentalisterna; -klassisk tubaist, fiolspelande folkmusiker, klassisk tvärflöjtist, afrosångaren, afrotrummisen, klassisk pianist? Vilket kön, vilket utseende och vilken personlighet tänker de sig att respektive instrumentalist har? Genom en enkätundersökning har jag försökt ta reda på detta. Jag delade ut enkäter till studerande vid en svensk musikhögskola samt till musikstuderande vid en svensk folkhögskola. Av 201 utdelade enkäter fick jag in 49 svar.

Kan arbete med musikaliska förebilder utveckla

Denna studie syftar mot att undersöka om arbete med musikaliska förebilder kan utveckla musikundervisningen. Arbetet fokuserar på två delar, lärarens förebildande roll och andra musiker som förebild i form av andra medier till exempel cd-skivor samt att ta reda på hur elever upplever denna undervisning. Vi ville se vad aktiva musiklärare tycker om detta arbetssätt, där läraren vid sidan om sitt eget förebildande använder sig av andra medier, till exempel Internetsidan Youtube. Undersökningen utfördes genom en lektionsserie med efterföljande intervjuer med två musiklärare och de fyra deltagande eleverna. Lektionsserien ägde rum i samband med vår verksamhetsförlagda utbildning vårterminen 2008.

Hoten mot länsstyrelsen - En analys av dess agerande i en föränderlig omgivning

The purpose with this master thesis is to analyze how the Swedish County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen) acts in an environment that changes fast with more regional actors than ever before. There are also proposals regarding new public authorities and eventually a reduction of the Swedish County Administrative Board.By studying a report issued by the Board in December 2005 the aim is to find their intentions and actions for the future. By using three diverse theoretical concepts - the public organisation, the instrumental perspective and two separate perspectives from new institutionalism - the expectation is that I will have the possibility to analyze the intentions of the organisation in many different ways.In this case study I also want to take into consideration the central discourses in the regional debate, shall we decentralize or shall we keep on having a strong state even in the future? What kind of regional policy does the Swedish County Administrative Board prefer?The result shows that the Swedish County Administrative Board struggles for a strong state even in the future, but it does not propose any huge changes. In many ways it seems like they act as they are supposed to - as an instrument for the government - but despite that it is obvious that the Swedish County Administrative Board tries to show that it has the traditions and knowledge.

Identitetshantering på Facebook : En kvalitativ studie om förhållningssättet till den egna identiteten hos två olika åldersgrupper på vår tids mest offentliga scen

Title: Identity management on Facebook: a qualitative study in approaches to personal identity between two different age groups on the most public stage of our time (Identitetshantering på Facebook: En kvalitativ studie om förhållningssättet till den egna identiteten hos två olika åldersgrupper på vår tids mest offentliga scen).Number of pages: 43.Author: Isabelle Kåge.Tutor: Amelie Hössjer.Course: Media and Communication Studies C.Period: Fall Semester 2010.University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: To identify differences in attitudes towards and management of personal identity onFacebook within two different age groups.Material/Method: Personal interviews, literature, electronic sources, Internet sources.Main results: Those in the younger age group present themselves differently depending on the person or persons with whom they are communicating. Those in the older age group however, present themselves in a more consequent matter based upon the visibility their actions have to all their friends on Facebook as a whole. The definitions of certain elements on Facebook, such as what constitutes private information or anexcess of photo-tags, differ between the two age groups. Comments and feedback differ in importance and effect between the two age groups. Those in the younger age group are more likely to modify their attitudes towards their identities based upon the functions of Facebook.

?Det är sådant de behöver nöta, nöta, nöta?? : En intervjustudie med sex högstadielärare i engelska om deras arbete med grammatik och deras attityder till grammatikundervisning

Grammar is one of the most problematic areas when it comes to teaching a language; to know if or when, and how grammar should be taught, are relevant questions to all language teachers. The aim of the study was to investigate teachers? attitudes towards teaching grammar, and how much, how and why they use the methods that they do. Therefore semi-structured interviews were undertaken with six 9th grade English teachers. The main results showed that all six teachers were positive to formal instruction, and they considered implicit knowledge of grammar superior to explicit knowledge.

Läsarstudier inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap - en metastudie av nio magisteruppsatser, skrivna vid Institutionen Biblioteks- och Informationsvetenskap i Borås, 2000 -2010

This Master's thesis aims to discover, understand and interpret how,with what results, and with what settings adults reading are investigatedin a series of nine Master's theses, written at The Swedish School ofLibrary and Information Science at the University of Borås 2000-2010.This Master's thesis is a meta-study that operates with theoreticalconcepts such as discipline, sub-discipline, research field,interdisciplinarity and with a qualitative research method calledanalytic induction. The results show that LIS - reader studies illustratevaried knowledge about adults reading that investigates with two mainapproaches - a general and a specific one - but with a common interestin two main categories: reading circumstances and reading effects andvalues. LIS ? reader studies show an instrumental perception of theborrowed theories for study of reading and their application and a lessepistemological justification of these in relation to LIS, as own researchfield. The problem area readers and reading is regarded withuncertainty as study topic in the LIS, and this attitude shows up, despitea depth theoretical awareness, a less intellectual self-awareness and amore pragmatic one..

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