

4037 Uppsatser om Instrumental group instruction - Sida 29 av 270

Dubbel problematik : socialtjänstens, psykiatrins och beroendevårdens föreställningar om samverkan kring dubbeldiagnostiserade

The essay's aim was to see which attitudes county council's and municipality representatives had about themes like: collaboration and competence in the work around double diagnosed persons. Its objective was to zero in on the attitudes of the representatives regarding a coallocated collaboration project in Stockholm. Also, it sought to find out what attitudes the representatives had about the other representatives attitudes concerning the above mentioned themes. A number of attitudes were presented during the qualitative interviews with the representatives, highlighting which attitudes seemed strongest. Then the interviews were analyzed using meaning condensation and then set against the theory of social representations.The analysis showed that before work with the target group starts, there?s a need for synchronization of the different representatives involved in the collaboration project.

C-7/13 Skandiamålet : En analys av hur Skandiama?let pa?verkar art. 11 merva?rdesskattedirektivet anga?ende merva?rdesskattegrupper

In September 2014 the ECJ issued its decision in C-7/13 the Skandia case. The case con- cerned service transactions made between a main establishment in a third country and its Swedish branch. The branch was a member of a VAT group in Sweden. The ECJ estab- lished that the membership resulted in that the VAT group was considered as one taxable person which meant that the services was considered provided to the group itself and not the separate member. Therefore the transactions were deemed taxable.

Klämtar klockan för Klippans kommun? En studie i rasism och antirasism

The subject of the essay is about a society called Klippan and the existing conflicts there between an active racist group and some youths with foreign heritage. The essay also concerns issues like racism, its effects and how it is expressed at different levels in a society. Futhermore we discuss how a community can prevent 'subtle' racism and open declared racism and how to work in a racist manner. We also talk about which role the immigrant youths play in the conflicts and how their behaviour can be understood. Another perspective that is discussed is which aspects can affect individuals to join an active racist group and which factors can make them leave such a group.

Snowboard - En idrott för alla? : En studie av Svenska skidförbundets satsning på ungdomar med invandrarbakgrund

AbstractAimThe aim of this study has been to survey the background of the youths in the selection group which participated in the Dream action day, to evaluate if the project succeeded and support the Swedish Ski Association with their recruiting process. The questions of issue have been: Which ethnical, demographical and economical backgrounds do the youths of the selection group have that participated in the Dream action day? Is there any common denominator among those who was drawn to continue? Do the youths want to contribute to expand the sport? Is Dream action Day a good way to reach out to the target group?MethodThrough a strategic selection made by the Swedish Ski Association 44 youths participated in a day during which they tried snowboard. They have been a part of our quantitative data collection and we have chosen six to interview. The interviews have been executed in form of semi structured interviews.ResultsThe results clearly show that few of the participants had any connection to the sport, neither from home nor from friends.

Riskfaktorer för depression och självmordsbeteende - En kvantitativ studie om människor med missbruksproblem baserad på ASI-intervjuer

The aim of the study was to examine how background factors, such as abuse earlier in life, affect depression and suicidal behavior, amongst persons who abuse alcohol or illicit drugs. The study was performed at the Social Service Center, Södermalm, department for adults. The data used in the study is based on Addiction Severity Index interviews (ASI) and includes 560 observations. The statistic methods used to analyse the data is chi² test and the result is presented in cross tables and charts. The main findings were that experiences of psychological, physical, or sexual abuse, earlier in life increase the risk for major depression and suicidal behavior later in life.

Accordeonets och dragspelets standardbas - Kombinerade ackord/grundbasar

The Stradella system on an accordeon is a complicated construction. It has readymade con-nected chords, these are major, minor, seventh and diminished seventh. To reach other vari-ants of chords you have to combine chord/bass buttons. Which advantages and disadvantages do the use of combined chords/bass buttons mean? How is the pedagogic work affected by using the combined chords/bass buttons? I have interviewed four musicians/teachers to learn about this technique.

Exekutiva funktioner hos unga personer med mild depression

Results from previous studies have shown that people with depression tend to have impaired executive functions, although it's not clear whether this is also true for mild depression in young people. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mild depressive symptoms and executive functions in young individuals. 60 participants, between 18-33 years of age, took part in this study. They were divided into two groups; a "depressed group" (n = 8), with mildly depressed subjects, and a "none-depressed group" (n = 52). The depressed group was significantly impaired on several executive tests, namely TMT A (p = 0,025), TMT B (p = 0,040), FAS (p = 0,002), WAIS-R Digit Span Backwards (p = 0,047) and CWTa - subtest colour naming (p = 0,001), which evaluated abilities such as shifting, verbal fluency, working memory, attention and mental flexibility.

Bildbaserade instruktioner i Scanias Servicehandbok : - För effektiv informationsinhämtning

Technical products are becoming more and more complex, this means that the drivers, mechanics and service personnel?s need for assistance such as the service literature is increasing. In this degree project the focus is on the technical manuals of Scania?s Workshop Manual. Today, the information in the Workshop Manual consists of collaboration between text and illustrations.

Obehöriga äga ej tillträde? En fallstudie om International Crisis Groups aktörsskap i det globala civilsamhället

Den civilsamhälleliga arenan förknippas traditionellt med gräsrotsrörelser, och elitgruppers närvaro kan därmed förefalla vara ett kontraintuitivt och främmande inslag. Uppsatsens syfte är verifiera vår tes om att International Crisis Group är en aktör i det globala civilsamhället, och att globaliseringen av civilsamhället utgör den strukturella förutsättningen för detta aktörsskap. Genom en teorikonsumerande fallstudie med ett induktivt förhållningssätt har vi studerat organisationens aktörsskap i det globala civilsamhället. Det teoretiska ramverket består av aktör-strukturteori kombinerat med teorier om det globala civilsamhället, varur vi har konstruerat en analysmodell som bistår med ett nytt sätt att betrakta globalt aktörsskap. Globaliseringen av civilsamhället, som är en förutsättning för globala aktörer att verka, fordrade den strukturella förändringen som slutet på Kalla kriget bistod med.

Läsa bör man, annars dör man ? Hur används skönlitteratur i undervisningen?

BAKGRUND: Under vår tid här på Högskolan i Borås har vi läst mycket omskönlitteratur i svenskämnet i relation till meningsfullt och lustfylltlärande. Bilden som vi tycker är vag i detta sammanhang är hurpedagogerna arbetar med skönlitteratur. Därför tyckte vi att det voreintressant att undersöka samt försöka göra bilden tydligare. Vi harfunnit mycket forskning inom området vilket vi redogör för ibakgrunden.SYFTE: Vårt syfte är att undersöka variationen av hur skönlitteratur användsav pedagoger i undervisning för grundskolans tidigare år.METOD: Vi har valt att utföra vår undersökning med hjälp av redskapet selfreport.RESULTAT: Vår undersökning visar att det finns en bred variation i pedagogernasbeskrivningar om hur de använder sig av skönlitteratur. Främstanvänder sig pedagogerna av högläsning och tyst läsning men även avskönlitteratur som material för att integrera olika skolämnen för atteleverna ska få en djupare kunskap..

Betydelsen av ett fritidsintresse : Fotboll som prevention och identitetsskapande för unga

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

Riskkapitalets inverkan på operationella investeringar - En jämförande studie av svenska portföljföretag

This thesis seeks to explain the effect of private equity ownership on the amount of invest- ments made in a company. We use three capital expenditure based key ratios to determine if there is a tendency for private equity owned firms to invest more or less than comparable companies. Our dataset involve 27 Swedish buyout companies that were sold by a private equity fund between 2001 and 2009. Each buyout is assigned a peer group of two firms in similar size and in the same industry. Firstly, we compare the key ratios to determine potential differences in the level of investment.

Att arbeta barnorienterat : En kvalitativ studie om Maria Montessoris och Reggio Emilias arbetssätt

AbstractSeveral of researchers have reflected that the school ought to be developed to a learning organization. A method as proceed from such a perspective and should be able to match a local child- and educations administration is problembased school development. To investigate in which ways a child- and educations administration prosecute a problem based learning inside the organization a case study was used as research strategy. The question this report gives answer to is:In what/which way works a child- and educations administration in a rural district with a method to fulfil a problembased learning.To collect empiric data a canvassing inquiry was accomplished among the child- and educations administrations group of management. According to the research result it can declares that there are good conditions for the organization to prosecute problem based school development, but there is yet a great deal to do before it´s can be said totally fulfilled.

Studentkorgen : Tjänsteutformningen som kan underlätta universitetsstudenters matvanor

The purpose of this study is to identify how the needs, demands and preferences for a certain service appear among University students in Kalmar. This is necessary to examine in order to create and design a possible service that will solve the problem with the University students eating habits.This study is based on a qualitative method with quantitative elements. The qualitative method contains of three focus group discussions. The quantitative method contains of a questionnaire. All respondents in this study fits in the target group.One important conclusion that we have stated after the investigation of this study, is that the nature of this problem seems to differ from person to person.

Kartläggning och analys av försörjningskedjor, Setra Group - två fallstudier :

This study concerns mapping and analysing two different Supply Chains at Setra Group. Setra Group is Sweden?s biggest producer of solid wood and is primarily owned by Sveaskog, Mellanskog and LRF. The Company consist of twelve sawmills, five planning mills and an organisation for distribution of building material. This study maps one chain for Swedish Glulam standard beam and one chain for solid pine flooring on export to Japan. The glulam chain is based on spruce as raw material and includes all actors between sawmill and the Swedish building material retailers.

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