

4037 Uppsatser om Instrumental group instruction - Sida 28 av 270

How drinking behaviour in automatic milk feeders can be used as early disease detection

Healthy calves are the foundation in order to run a profitable diary production. Being healthy as calf results in a better start in life and good growth is expected to follow. Within dairy production it becomes more common to rear calves in groups and feed them by an automatic milk feeder. The milk feeder enables for the calves in greater extent to ingest milk or milk replacer several times per day and they are also able to perform natural behaviors in greater extent. Group rearing of calves puts higher demands on the animal keepers to localize individual calves in the group pen, showing signs of illness.

"Hur dricker du?" : En studie av kommunikationsstrategiers utfall hos målgruppen med avseende på olika konsumtionsbakgrund

In this paper the authors aim to examine the effects on consumers using different strategies in a campaign within social marketing. A model by Evans et al (1996) has been used in order to see the different steps in which advertising catches the viewers? attention and eventually leads to action or purchasing. However, in the case of this thesis, the intention of the chosen campaign is to change the consumers? attitudes and behavior towards alcohol.

Ledarskap i offentlig sektor : Organisationsfaktorer, ledarskapsmodeller, förutsättningar och medarbetarens hälsa

The purpose of this study was to examine leadership in the public sector based on leadership models, organizational factors, conditions and health of employees. The study was divided into sub-study one and two. In sub-study one the design was an observational study using cross sectional design in which 67 first line managers in the public sector answered a survey about conditions and leadership models. Sub-study two was an observational study using case-control design focusing on a health promoting leadership intervention in the municipal sector. Two semi-structured interviews and 41 surveys were collected.

Musik i förskolan- ett verktyg för bättre sammanhållning i barngruppen? : En studie om pedagogers syn på musikaktiviteters betydelse för barngruppen.

The purpose with this study is to inquire how a number of active preschool teachers use music in their daily work with children. It also looks at the meaning they think music can have to the whole group of children, especially in terms of solidarity and interaction in the group. In order to study this I chose to use questionnaires as the method. These questionnaires consisted of open questions to enable longer answers from de participants in an effort to hear their thoughts and get their point of view. The result of this study shows that all of the participants seem to have good experiences from musical activities with the preschool children.

Ungdomlig ålderdom - hur modeföretag marknadsför sig bättre hos äldre kvinnor

When the competition is getting stronger and companies must work harder to find new markets, new products and create new needs to reach growth, it appears strange that they overlook an obvious target segment right in front of their eyes. For some years ago, marketers of fashion brands feared that older women would wear their clothes, because it gave bad promotion for the young economically viable target group. Today, older women have difficulties finding clothes with right fit, style and personal taste. They would gratefully accept a brand, they felt were aimed for them. The purpose of this study is to give new ideas to companies in the fashion industry, how to reach this target group, but also be a contributing reason for older women to see the market opening for them.

Riskupplevelser hos trafikanter : sett ur ett förarperspektiv

The primary aim of the current study was to gain increased knowledge about drivers' risk experiences. The study was based on questionnaires answered by 30 private drivers and 30 bus drivers, with 50% men and 50% woman in each group. The study revealed no differences, either between men and women drivers with regard to their experience of risk, or between the groups of private and bus drivers. Gambling is common within the private drivers group. Mistakes are common in all groups.

Kan rekryterare undvika att påverkas av arbetssökandes utseende?: En experimentell studie

The first information recruiters have access to, when recruiting a new co-worker is the applicant´s CV. It may even happen that the applicants are sending a photo with the CV, which can lead to the possibility that the appearance of the applicant will affect the assessment. Previous research shows that individuals who are regarded as beautiful get a better assessment than those who are considered to be ugly or mediocre looking, but if this can be prevented through awareness, the problem can easily be counteracted. The purpose of this thesis is to, through an experimental study, investigate whether recruiters can avoid being affected by the applicant?s appearance in the assessment of their CV if they receive information about the stereotypical thinking that is tied to a person's appearance.

"Jag har inte haft tid!" : En studie om bortförklaringar på instrumentallektionen.

I denna undersökning har jag försökt ta reda på (1) om det är någon skillnad i lärares och elevers syn på varför man bortförklarar sig, (2) varför elever kan känna att de måste bortförklara sig inför sin lärare och (3) vilken som är den vanligaste bortförklaringen på instrumentallektionen. Tretton instrumental- och sånglärare på två olika kommunala musikskolor, en i södra och en i västra Sverige, och nio elever som går sitt sista år på estetiska programmet på en skola i västra Sverige, har deltagit i undersökningen. Enkäterna innehåller samma frågeställningar både för lärare och elever men skiljer sig från varandra på så vis att de är anpassade efter målgruppen.Svaren visar tydligt att tidsbrist är den bortförklaring som både lärare och elever använder frekvent på instrumentallektionen. Svaren på de båda andra grundfrågorna är i stort sett samstämmiga mellan lärare och elever med enbart vissa avvikelser i fråga om prioritering av anledningar..

Kreativitet och offentlig självmedvetenhet : En experimentell sutdie om hur offentlig självmedvetenhet påverkar kreativitet

The current study aimed to test the public self-consciousness impact on creative performance. An experimental design was used in which 40 participants were randomly assigned to two groups, one of which was the experimental group and the other was the control group. A mirror was used in the experimental group to induce public self-consciousness among the participants while they performed creativity tests. A consequence test was used where the participant had to give suggestions for the given scenario "What would happen if everyone became blind?" which was then measured in the number of proposals (fluency).

Rörelsens betydelse för inlärningsprocessen.

The purpose of this examination was to se how exercise affects the learning capacity. In this work I have chosen to integrate natural science with sport and the target group was a primary department. The two areas I integrate with sports were: the digestive system and knowledge of deciduous trees. I split the class in two different groups. One group got to have a theoretical lesson and the other one got to have an exercise lesson.

Bibliotekariestudenter och söksträngsexpansion: Ett experiment om manuell söksträngsexpansion

The focus of the thesis is an information search technique called manual query expansion, which aims to improve the retrieval per-formance in a search system by adding terms to the search query. The study looks at the query expansions done by LIS students, and the eventual beneficial effects by using a search help during the search process. The empirical data have been collected thro-ugh an experiment, with an experiment group as well as a control group. The conclusion is that the students need more education in query expansion in order to be able to use it correctly. There are significant differences between the groups in several aspects, for example in the use of search terms, parentheses, and truncation.

Upplevelser av skam och avvisande hos deprimerade unga vuxna

Depression in young adults is a serious condition causing serious suffering for the victim. By finding risk factors for depression the opportunity for early preventive action is increased, which, in turn, may prevent a negative course. Two risk factors which have been shown to be related to depression are shame and rejection. Therefore this study examined the relationship between shameproneness, rejection sensitivity, shame-related events and depressive symptoms. The self-report questionnaires used were TOSCA, RSQ, Shaming index and BDI-II.

Undersökning av artikulation, prosodi, förståelighet och kommunikativ delaktighet hos vuxna postlingualt döva personer med cochleaimplantat

The aim of the study was to investigate the performance of postlingually deaf adults on parts of the swedish dysarthria test Dysartribedömningen, and to compare these results with a matched group consisting of normal hearing speakers without any known speech disorder. The group consisted of 17 participants ranging between 42-86 years of age. Participants were assessed focusing on articulation, prosody, intelligibility and through a self-assessment of communicative participation. There was a statistically significant difference between groups on prosody that manifested primarily as a slower speaking rate in the cochlear implant users. No significant differences between groups as to articulation, intelligibility or communicative participation could be found.

Verksamhetsförändring : Sociologiska perspektiv på implementeringen av barnkonventionen inom BVC

This study aims to create an understanding of how employees relate to directives that come from a level above them in the hierarchy and is to be implemented in their working activities. This is studied by examining a case where a work group has tried to implement orders, given to them by the government and through a work group in the level above them in the organizations, concerning how employees working with child health care is to educate parents regarding the child convention. The method that have been use in this study is group interviews with 19 child health care nurses and the two main questions that are asked is why has it been difficult to implement the orders and how have the child health care nurses expressed their resistance to the changes, this since only five of the nurses had begun working with the child convention. The theories that have been used focus on how resistance towards change is expressed, organizational incapability and reluctance towards change, as well as how grass root bureaucrats relates to change. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that it is important to let the concerned parties participate from the beginning of the process, to minimize their reluctance to the changing process.

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