

3926 Uppsatser om Institutional economics - Sida 38 av 262

Transition till demokrati: strukturella faktorers påverkan i de begränsade flerpartisystemen Kenya och Tanzania

This paper deals with institutional and structural factors' influence on democratic transition in limited multiparty regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Comparing the cases Kenya and Tanzania, of which the former has made a transition to democracy and the latter has not, this paper reaches the conclusion that political traditions, the coalescing of the opposition, and the elites ability to learn from the electoral process is essential for a transition to democracy. In the specific cases, the harshness of the Moi regime and the Tanzanian vision of national unity may possibly carry some explanatory power, alongside the pressure from international actors.These results have been reached through the application of a comparative case study, where democratic transition constitutes the dependent variable. It should be noted that a harsh definition of the term transition has been applied, according to which the incumbents actual loss of an election is a necessary indicator for transition. However, the Freedom House and Polity scores have been brought up as complement of this definition.

Informationshypotesen - Ger förändringar av utdelningar någon information om framtida vinster?

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Informationshypotesen - Ger förändringar av utdelningar någon information om framtida vinster? Seminariedatum: 2008-02-04 Ämne/Kurs: NEKK01 ? Examensarbete kandidatnivå 15hp Författare: Stefan Setterlund Handledare: Erik Norrman Fem nyckelord: The information content of dividends, informationshypotesen, utdelningar, effektiva marknader, vinster. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hypotesen om att aktieutdelningar innehåller någon information om framtida vinster. Metod: Undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av en regressionsanalys med årliga data på bland annat utdelningar och vinster för 46 svenska börsbolag mellan åren 1990-2006. Vinstförändringar är den beroende variabeln och utdelningsförändringar är en av de förklarande.

Volkswagen AG - en fallstudie av verksamheten på den svenska marknaden

Syftet med kandidatuppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera hur Volkswagen AG profilerar, styr och arbetar strategiskt med sin varumärkesportfölj på den svenska marknaden.

Den svenska koden för bolagsstyrning

Koden har bidragit till ökat medvetande om informationen utåt samt hjälpt företagen att strukturera denna, överlag har det visats en god vilja bland företag att anpassa sig efter och efterleva kodens regler..

Den norska pensionsreformen 2005. En studie av en välfärdsreforms tillkomst ur tre maktperspektiv.

The aim of this thesis is to spread some light over the coming into being of the 2005 Pension Reform in Norway. The point of departure lies within an interest in Welfare State politics and the development in this field. Pensions constitute a cornerstone in the Welfare State. Making use of J. Kingdon´s Theory of the Agenda Setting Process, Discourse Theory and Institutional Theory the thesis seek to visualize the implications of structures, central actors and discourses on the reform processes.

Vad motiverar personalen -En fallstudie av två kunskapsföretag i en expansiv fas

Fallstudien undersöker och beskriver vad som motiverar medarbetarna i företag med kunskapsintensiv verksamhet. Studien behandlar också medarbetarnas syn på en eventuell expansion. Studien är uppbyggd på ett deduktivt sätt och empirin bygger på intervjuer med ledare och medarbetare från två fallföretag..

Anpassningar till ekonomiska svängningar bland aktörer inom mötesindustrin : med konferensanläggningar i Stockholm och Göteborg som exempel

AbstractAt the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 the nations stated that traditional environmental policies were not sufficient to handle the multidimensional challenges posed by sustainable development. Governments needed to broaden their political decision making procedures in order to coordinate and integrate environmental, social and economic policies. Therefore a new tool was introduced in Agenda 21, National Strategies for Sustainable Development (NSDS). The aim of an NSDS would be to bring together actors from all parts of society to jointly reach a consensus on how to work towards the vision of a sustainable society. An NSDS would be seen as a strategic tool to help focus national policies for SD.

?Det är ju bara vi vuxna som sätter stopp för dem? - Pedagogers tal om barns inflytande i förskolan

The aim of this study was to understand how evaluations are implemented and used in procured nursing homes for elderly. Our methodological approach consisted of a single-case study research. The case in this study was Växjö municipality. Three procured nursing homes for elderly were chosen in the municipality as examples of implementation and use of evaluation. The method for retrieving empirical data and the analyzing of it was based on triangulation.

Ett samspelt Samhall? En studie av ett avkastningskravs inverkan på en organisations interna styrning: A synchronized Samhall? A study of the impact of an imposed return-on-equity requirement on the management control mechanisms of an organization

The aim of this study is to examine and analyze how management control mechanisms evolve within an organization when a requirement of return on equity is imposed, as well as why the mechanisms evolve the way they do. A case study was performed on Samhall, a Swedish state-owned company, which has the aim to help people with disabilities develop by providing meaningful work. The framework provided by Samuelsson, defining five means of control in organizations was used to structure the study. Further, theories within New Public Management have been used to provide the reader with a proper background to the research area. Theories from the institutional field of organizational research have also been used to provide further depth to our analysis.

Diabetes och sjukskrivningar - Är tillfällena och dagarna fler för diabetiker?

171 miljoner människor i hela världen har diabetes enligt World Health Organisations (WHO) senaste undersökning år 2000. Den kroniska sjukdomen påverkar individens hälsa och syftet med magisteruppsatsen är att undersöka om diabetiker har fler sjukskrivningstillfällen och sjukskrivningsdagar än icke-diabetiker? Uppsatsen empirisk data kommer från HILDA (Health and Individuals Longitudinal Data and Analysis) och teorin baseras på Grossmans ekonomiska teori om individens hälsoinvesteringsbeteende (2000) samt Kristian Bolin et als (2002) utökning av Grossman teori. Ekvationerna i uppsatsen bygger på teorin men det är nya hälsomått på efterfrågan på och investeringen i hälsa; sjukskrivningsdagar ? respektive sjukskrivningstillfällen.

Sinnenas strategiska betydelse för kundens upplevelse i provrummet

ABSTRACTTitle: Senses strategic importance to the customer experience in dressing roomAuthors: Anna Andersson & Alexandra LundqvistTutor: Dr. Bertil Hultén, Associate Professor Linneaus School of Business and Economics Linnaeus UniversitySubject:  Bachelor thesis 15 hp. Business Economics C, Marketing. Linnaeus University, spring 2011Presentation of the question: Is it possible for companies to enhance customers experience in dressing rooms by strategically working with the senses?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the senses relevance to the customer experience in the dressing room and create an understanding of the dressing room from a customer and business perspective.

"Vem bryr sig om hur våra mest utsatta barn och ungdomar behandlas, när det är samhället som tar hand om dem?" : En studie om länsstryrelsen som tillsynsmyndighet för enskilda HVB-hem

The aim of this study is to investigate how länsstyrelsen as a supervisory authority to private compulsory care-institutions works, to guarantee adequate institutional care of unprivileged children and youth with special problems.In order to reach this aim the following questions are to be answered:? Describe länsstyrelsen´s supervision of private compulsory care-institutions (HVB-hem)? How does the officials at the three chosen county administrative boards find about the responsibilityTo answer the questions of this bachelor thesis I have chosen to apply qualitative methods, by interviewing five supervisory authorities from länsstyrelsen, in three different county administrative boards in Sweden.The findings of the study show that officials sometimes find it hard to know the exact meaning and differences between accountability and to be accountable. It also shows that they tend to think that the relationship between länsstyrelsen and the private compulsory care institutions is complicated. Because the officials have two part relationships, they have on the one hand a consultative role and on the other hand the supervising role.Keywords: Länsstyrelsen, Hem för vård eller boende (HVB-hem), Ansvar, Ansvarsutkrävande, Socialtjänstlagen.

Rökfritt EU? En studie av införandet av rökfria serveringar i vissa EU-länder ur ett politikkonvergensperspektiv.

In this thesis, the introduction of smoke-free restaurants and bars in several EU Member States in a policy convergence perspective is studied. The thesis sets out to explain whether policy convergence has occurred and the possible explanations connected with it. It is stated that 15 out of 25 EU Member States had introduced or decided to introduce smoke-free restaurants and bars up to April, 2006. Out of all the countries in the world, 35, including the EU Member States, had introduced or decided to introduce smoke-free restaurants and bars. The result is analysed by using policy convergence theory and by putting the case in a global environment where tobacco control has become an ever more central theme for public health policy.The EU Member States are different in several ways considered to be important factors for policy convergence, such as cultural, institutional and socio-economic similarities, and the conclusion is made that EU membership has been a most crucial factor for the rapidity of the policy diffusion.

Personalrelaterade problem vid en CRM-implementering

Uppsatsen ämnar studera personalrelaterade problem vid en CRM-implementering. Huvudsyftet kan delas upp i fyra delsyften som behandlar vilka implementerings-problemen är, när de uppstår, hur de undviks och hur de bearbetas..

Internationell närvaro- nationell frånvaro? En jämförande studie om återuppbyggnaden i Afghanistan och Kosovo med fokus på civil-militär samverkan

In this thesis the aim is to explore the connection between International presence and Reconstruction of Postconflict states. The focus in this Analyse is the concept of CIMIC which is the institutional concept of Civil-Military Co-operation in International relations and a concept in Peacebuilding Theory. The cases, which are the empirical Material, is Afghanistan and Kosovo, two most-different cases.The theoretical framework is primarily consider the mechanisms successful for the Reconstruction process in general and within CIMIC in particular. This framework including both theories of State failure and International administered Territories as well as Models for Civil- Military Co-operation.The International presence in Postconflict Societies plays a big role, even thou it is very important that initiatives for rebuilding comes from the state within. The essence of CIMIC is the civil component and the military, operating in Peacebuilding and Reconstruction missions.

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