

17811 Uppsatser om Information transfer. - Sida 1 av 1188

Mer än ett pris - : En studie om information, uppfattningar och användning av internpriser.

Background: When companies decentralize their operations into profit centers, transfer pricing often becomes an integral part in intracompany trade. A profit center may affect both revenues and costs and seek to maximize profit. Transfer Pricing is a complex subject because it is affected by a large number of factors including the profit centers will to generate profits. This leads us to the subject of decision-making in a transfer pricing-systems. On what grounds are decisions made? Are transfer pricing purposes, factors and interests taken into consideration? What type of information is used in such decisions, how is the transfer price issue perceived and how is it used?Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze which type of information that is makes up transfer prices, how the transfer price is perceived by different parties and how it is used for decision-making.Completion: A qualitative study has been performed with current theory as a starting point.

-Jag kan detta, vad kan du? : Ledares och medarbetares uppfattning om kunskaps- och informationsöverföring i ett produktionsföretag

Introduction: More and more companies have realized that keeping and using the knowledge in their companies is getting more important to get or keep a competitive advantage. The companies? organizational culture and knowledge management are essential to create knowledge transfer. Also that the employees and the leaders of the company knows how knowledge- and information transfer arknkoe done best for them. That is why we chose our purpose to be:The aim is to understand the differences between managers and employees perception about knowledge- and information transfer in a manufacturing company.

Att kunna det som andra kan : Knowledge management i ett kunskapsföretag

The capability to know what knowledge there is and where it resides within an organization is becoming increasingly important in the new knowledge-based economy. This paper takes on a practise-based view of knowledge in order to decide on a course of action for how to successfully implement knowledge management within a knowledge-based company. By considering all knowledge as more or less contextual and socially constructed, knowledge is divided into three dimensions depending on the degree to which it is tacit, namely: information, knowledge and skills. The paper then discusses inhibitors and enablers for transferring knowledge via these three dimensions respectively. The empirical findings are based upon a case study of Faveo. It is shown that Faveo, like most organizations, has til now focused on the collection of codified knowledge, i.e.

Anställningsskydd vid verksamhetsövergång : Vilka rättigheter och skyldigheter övergår?

Transfer of undertaking or business is a complex fact. It requires many aspects to be takeninto consideration. For there to be a transfer of undertaking or business, it has to be a stableeconomic entity that after transfer has retained its identity. The provisions regarding transferof undertaking or business is found in the transfer of undertaking or business directive,6 b § LAS and 28 § MBL.An employee?s employment is automatically transferred to the transferee.

?That´s something we people have create in our mind, because we have booring?? : En studie om språklig transfer i elevers skrivande

Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera svenskans påverkan på inlärning av och skriftproduktion i engelska bland elever i svensk grundskolas senare år och gymnasium. Studien genomfördes genom studier av elevtexter på engelska, där mellanspråkliga fel beroende på negativ transfer från svenska till engelska analyserats och kategoriserats. Resultaten visar att negativ transfer främst förekommer i grammatiska mönster som preposition + att-satser, bisatsordföljd, passivkonstruktion och i satser utan korrelat samt vokabulära strukturer som partikelverb och idiomatiska uttryck..

Erfarenhetsöverföring vid svenska utlandsstyrkan : Vilka faktorer påverkar och hur?

The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors affecting the experience transfer at the rotation of the missions. This is to identify the respective influences are inhibitory factor, which contributes to a less efficient transfer, or if it contributes to a more efficient handover. The method used for the production of this paper is a qualitative case study of squad leaders who have done service in Kosovo or Afghanistan. Through interviews with focus on the transfer of experience, both on individual and organizational level, the factors that affect are being identified. The model used is expressed in a general perspective, where each factor is categorized as inhibitory or contributing to success, and if it appears on an organizational or individual level.

SAS EuroBonus ? Tillgång eller skuld?: En fallstudie av hur värdet av ett lojalitetsprogram påverkar internprissättningen

This paper presents a study of Scandinavian Airlines? (SAS) frequent flyer program, EuroBonus. The study describes the transfer pricing of award seats between EuroBonus and the airlines within SAS. Furthermore, it aims to determine what effects market-based transfer pricing would have on EuroBonus, the airlines within SAS and consequently on the SAS Group. We have found that the existing transfer pricing does not provide incentives for the airlines within SAS to satisfy EuroBonus? demand for award seats.

Internprissättningsproblematiken i ljuset av förslaget om hemlandsbeskattning för europeiska koncerner

Throughout this thesis three main factors have been identified that can be out of significance for transfer pricing in multinational companies if the proposal for Home State Taxation is adopted. These factors are rules for calculation of the tax base, rules for dividing costs over periods and the tax rate. The formula for sharing profits will also become a factor that can have an impact on the European companies'incentives for transfer pricing interacting with above-mentioned factors. The effects of transfer pricing aiming at reducing the total amount of the taxation burden for a group of companies will be strongly reduced in the future if the proposal is adopted. Incentives for transfer pricing will loose importance, though not disappear altogether.

Effektiv kunskapsöverföring : Utredning av en avdelnings situation på ABB Robotics

The pace of product development is increasing. It is important to keep high quality in theproducts even though the time for product development decreases. Those companies whichcan utilize previous experiences are positioned with a significant competitive advantage. ToABB Robotics it has become evident that the knowledge transfer process within the productdevelopment department is inadequate. This study was a result and an attempt to address thisunsatisfactory insight.

Brands Transfer of Meaning: An analysis of brands roles within product placement

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to make a contribution, by connecting the transfer of meaning within the context of TV series. The meaning is transferred from the brand to the character in a TV series and then further to the viewer. To look at different role functions that are used in dramaturgy and narrative techniques, we will be able to see how the brand will have a specific role and thereby make the transfer of meaning more successful and effective. This role will have an important impact on product placement according to the meaning that will be transferred from the brand to the viewer, through the character. Methodology: By looking at the transfer of meaning process that is created from the brand, an unstructured observation is applied where we observed the placement and usage of different within a specific TV series. Qualitative strategy is conducted by using a case study.

Internpriser i praktiken: - en fallstudie

This paper presents a study of the Swedish public service television broadcaster - Sveriges Televisions (SVT) transfer pricing model. The aim of the thesis is to examine the motives for using transfer pricing from a theoretical perspective and if SVT?s transfer pricing model fulfils these motives. We will also examine any potential managerial problems the existing transfer-pricing model might cause and discuss how these could be solved. We have in our study found that the main motive for using transfer pricing within SVT is to allocate internal resources as efficiently as possible.

Informationspark? Informationsstrukturerna hos bioteknikföretagen på Ideon

This thesis deals with information provision to the knowledge intense biotechnology businesses of Ideon Science Park in Lund, Sweden. Previous research concerning the information needs of Science Park companies has been conducted from the information provider s perspective. Instead, we apply a user perspective to find out what information needs these companies have, and how they prefer to acquire information. Central terms are: information, -needs, -acquisition, -consciousness, -strategy, small and medium sized enterprises, scientists and engineers, information (resources) management, networks, tacit knowledge, knowledge transfer and innovative milieux. The companies need scientific and business information; the latter is easily obtained within Ideon.

Processer för know-how transfer

Sammanfattning Titel: Processer för Know-how transfer Seminarium: 2007-01-16 Nivå: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi 10p Författare: Emma Salde och Kristina Korelic Handledare: Carl R Hellberg och Anette Svingstedt Nyckelord: Know-how transfer, tacit kunskap, process, inlärning och kommunikation Problem: ? Varför satsar man på know-how transfer? Finns det någon speciell anledning eller faktor som påverkar företag till att genomföra detta? ? Hur går man tillväga för att samla den know-how som finns inom ett företag och skapa en produkt - tjänst av den som man säljer till kunder? ? Vad finns det för svårigheter och kritiska faktorer som påverkar denna process? Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva och analysera processen för know-how transfer. Metod: Vårt tillvägagångssätt har varit en fördjupning av de teoretiska studierna med komplement av intervjuer med två olika företag som är verksamma inom know-how transfer. Innan intervjuerna genomfördes så gick vi igenom sekundärdata. Vår empiriska undersökning är av kvalitativ karaktär, med frågeschema som utgångspunkt.

Brands Transfer of Meaning: An analysis of brands roles within product placement

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to make a contribution, by connecting the transfer of meaning within the context of TV series. The meaning is transferred from the brand to the character in a TV series and then further to the viewer. To look at different role functions that are used in dramaturgy and narrative techniques, we will be able to see how the brand will have a specific role and thereby make the transfer of meaning more successful and effective. This role will have an important impact on product placement according to the meaning that will be transferred from the brand to the viewer, through the character. Methodology: By looking at the transfer of meaning process that is created from the brand, an unstructured observation is applied where we observed the placement and usage of different within a specific TV series.

Vårdnadsöverflyttning eller återförening? : Socialtjänstens arbete med en motsägelsefull lagstiftning

The purpose of this study was to examine how the social services are applying the sections of the law concerning custody transfer within foster care. More specifically the aim was to find out what circumstances are underlying the social services decision to go through with a custody transfer within the foster care, and to find out which difficulties and possibilities the law offers when it comes to this process. The study was based on interviews with six respondents, within the social services, who have great experiences working with these issues. The study concluded that there are several factors which affects the decision whether to implement at custody transfer or not, and some of these are the child?s attachment, the child?s fundamental needs and consent from the involving parties in the case.

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