

24338 Uppsatser om Information system - Sida 60 av 1623

Grundskollärares informationsbehov och informationsförsörjning: en intervjuundersökning ur ett rollperspektiv

This thesis deals with the information needs and information provision of teachers in compulsory school, from a role theoretical perspective. The object is to investigate teachers opinions on their information needs and information provision. The following questions have been used to approach the problem: Which are the information needs of teachers in compulsory school? How do teachers get the information they need? Which difficulties and deficiencies do teachers experience in their information provision, and what does the ideal situation look like? The theoretical frame of reference consists of a model of the information seeking of professionals, which is based on role theory. Qualitative interviews have been carried out with nine teachers.

Vem styr mitt arbete? Förändrade arbetsuppgifter vid datorisering av körschema

Abstract This report is our bachelor thesis. Our work has taken place at a galvanising company in Sölvesborg. The company faced major changes, of which one was a computerisation process. The new system could involve changes in work practice and in specific tasks, affecting the workers. If the coming system was to support work, from the production personnel?s perspective, we felt a legitimate participation in the development and design of the future work practice, was a requirement that was not met. During our ethnographical studies we noted that conflicts arose between production and administrative -personnel.

Den brasilianska nötköttsproduktionens framtida utveckling :

To value the risk and opportunity for our production in Sweden it is necessary to understand the marketing development for beef cattle production in the world. We have chosen to look at the Brazil beef cattle production. They are one of the biggest producers, have good opportunity to develop further and have a big affect at the world market. The method of our work is to gather information from experts of beef cattle production, located in Brazil. We have also gathered information through studies of literature. The factors that will have a big influence at the Brazil beef cattle production during the upcoming years is more efficient land use, lower age of slaughtering and extended use of feedlot-system. Our conclusion is that the Brazil beef cattle will have a sharp increase during the next five years. The amount of pasture will not change during that time.

Kvalitetsledningssystem enligt ISO 9001 : Produktionsprocessen

This report is the result of a thesis work done at the Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University, and includes 15 ECTS points. The work has been performed at Företag A, a company specializing in electronics whose major product has become a sophisticated tool used by authorities across northern Europe. Företag A has initiated a quality management system according to the criteria set by ISO 9001. Following demands from customers, Company A has now decided to also start working towards a certification according to SS-EN ISO 9001:2008, this work is the foundation for the thesis work. The thesis work has been limited to the production process and the aim has been to enable this process to be certified according to ISO 9001:2008. The work has been performed by analyzing the existing quality management system and the requirements for each process included, whereby the gap between the current and the target state has been mapped. Suggestions have then been made on how this gap can be filled, some of these suggestions have also been carried out during the thesis work. The conclusions drawn are that quality management does not have to be complicated, but quickly becomes so when the complexity of the processes increases.

Nominalfrasers inverkan på återvinningseffektiviteten i ett probabilistiskt IR-system

The purpose of this study is to examine the difference between three query strategies with respect to retrieval effectiveness. The thesis aims at examining how two types of noun phrases containing a modifier to the head word, which is a noun affect the retrieval performance with regard to recall and precision. The noun phrases in the thesis are of two types: 1) noun phrases containing a modifier to the head word (which is a noun) and which are not dictionary phrases (NF) and 2) dictionary phrases. Both types of noun phrases in this thesis contain at least two words. The queries were executed in Query Performance Analyser, QPA, containing the InQuery system and a sub collection of TREC-Uta documents with its topics.

Kapitalförluster vid förbud mot uppbundet system för mjölkkor

Idag finns det 5200 mjölkföretag i Sverige varav 69 procent tillämpar ett uppbundet system. Regeringen föreslår att Jordbruksverket bestämmer ett slutdatum för mjölkproduktion i uppbundet system. Målet är att förbättra djurvälfärden för nötkreatur. För den enskilde lantbrukaren innebär ett förbud mot uppbundet system ett vägval mellan att avveckla eller investera i mjölkproduktionen. Vid ett stoppdatum för uppbundet system kan det uppstå kapitalförluster för de mjölkproducenter som tvingas avveckla i form av en minskad arbets- och kapitalinkomst.

Social fildelning på arbetsplatsen : Traditionell och social fildelning

This paper describes how files and information can be shared in organisations and workplaces. We studied and compared the traditional file sharing in Microsoft Active Directory and the Social file sharing that comes with Microsoft SharePoint Sites. We used qualitative studies based on interviews with system administrators, management and by our own observations to acquire the necessary data. Using independent research, we were able to analyze the data and show the general difference between the traditional and the social file sharing systems. Social file sharing enables the user to easily store and share files in a flexible online environment.

Byte av systemutvecklingsmetod : En verksamhetsnytta eller en nödvändighet?

 AbstractSystem methodology is in the very heart of system development, it is a crucial part of how you define your work, how you choose to approach the actual problem at hand and how to solve it. Researchers in the system development field has shown that not all methods in theory are in compliance with how it is practiced by the companies who use them. In our thesis we have studied a larger international IT- company and one of their local offices in Sweden, who some years back changed their system development method from a more traditional to an agile one. Our aim of this study has been to establish whether both of these methods has differed between theory and in actual use, and if so, why this has occurred and what the underlying rationality might have been to promote this change. Our questions that we sought to answer were; 1.

Är nästa plattform obemannad för svensk signalspaning? : Systemanalys av Global Hawk som potentiell ersättande plattform av Gulfstream G4-SP

Signalspaning har sedan länge varit en förmåga som Sverige genomfört och under kalla kriget blev det klart att ge-nomförandet av dessa uppdrag inte var helt ofarliga. Med hänsyn till att det nuvarande systemet är påväg att bli äldre bör en planering av ett ersättande system vara lämpligt att genomföra i närtid.Syftet med föreliggande Studie är att genom en systemanalys kunna finna en lämplig ersättare till den nuvarande plattformen för signalspaning, Gulfstream GIV-SP. Det system som har använts som jämförande plattform är den obemannade plattformen Global Hawk vilket är en toppmodern farkost framtagen av USA som en strategisk UAV. Plattformarna har för att få relevans jämförts emot de grundläggande förmågorna Underrättelse/Information, Uthållig-het samt Skydd vilket medför att prestandan kopplas till dessa.Resultatet av uppsatsen påvisar att prestandamässigt kopplat mot de grundläggande förmågorna så är Global Hawk bättre än det nuvarande systemet och de skillnader som en UAV medför är positiva. Vad gäller just underrättelse så är systemen relativt lika potenta men när det gäller uthållighet och skydd är den obemannade plattformen framstående.Slutsatsen av studien är att Global Hawk just nu är en plattform som kostnad sett är för dyr för det svenska försvaret och är på så sätt inte aktuell i närtid.

Informationshypotesen - Ger förändringar av utdelningar någon information om framtida vinster?

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Informationshypotesen - Ger förändringar av utdelningar någon information om framtida vinster? Seminariedatum: 2008-02-04 Ämne/Kurs: NEKK01 ? Examensarbete kandidatnivå 15hp Författare: Stefan Setterlund Handledare: Erik Norrman Fem nyckelord: The information content of dividends, informationshypotesen, utdelningar, effektiva marknader, vinster. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hypotesen om att aktieutdelningar innehåller någon information om framtida vinster. Metod: Undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av en regressionsanalys med årliga data på bland annat utdelningar och vinster för 46 svenska börsbolag mellan åren 1990-2006. Vinstförändringar är den beroende variabeln och utdelningsförändringar är en av de förklarande.

Information Audit en informationsgranskning vid Borås Stads äldre- och handikappomsorg inom kommundel Centrum.

An information audit identifies, among other things, organizations information resources, the information flow and the needs of the information users. The purpose of this masters thesis was to describe the management of information within a local unit of Borås municipality by putting an information audit-method in practice. The focus was on three issues: What information needs could be seen in the organization? How does the information flow through the organization? How does Sugan Henczels seven-stage model serve as a tool to map the management of information within the local unit? The study only described the situation at a certain time at the chosen organization. The seven-stage information audit model was revised and adjusted to the studied organization by only carrying out four of the seven steps: Planning, Data collection, Data analysis and Data evaluation.

Med minskad komplexitet får ett system ökad användbarhet Fallstudie av användbarhet i ett affärssystem

One of our reasons is that we think the subject usability is interesting, is that we think it is an important. Usability is maybe the most important element when you develop or choose a system because it can save money for the companies and give the users a more delightful and better work environment. The aim of the investigation is to find out if the implementation of a web portal is a direction to reach higher usability in a complex system that consists of several different interacting applications. The objective of our investigation is to show if the implementation of a web portal is a direction to reach higher usability in a complex system that consists of several different interacting applications. In our case we will try to see if Karlshamns AB:s recently implemented web portal is more useful than their previous application (Movex with interacting programs) One thought with the report is to give the system developers a perspective of how the usability can be in-house made applications versus standard applications.

Implementering av ett inbyggt system för automatisk styrning av en robotbil.

Denna rapport beskriver ett examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i elektroteknik vid Växjö Universitet. Syftet är att konstruera ett styrsystem till en robotbil, ett program som hindrar bilen från att krocka med omgivningen. Roboten ska även kunna styras från en dator via ett grafiskt gränssnitt implementerat i Labview. Nödvändig hårdvara för styrning och kommunikation har konstruerats.Det har behövts tre olika programmeringsspråk för att nå de krav som har ställts på uppgiften, C, Perl och Labview. Microprocessorn i robotbilen har programmerats i C och gör bilen helt autonom, endast beroende av signaler från avståndssensorer.

Diagnos av ansvarstagande : En Studie av accountability inom DN och UNT:s medicinjournalistik.

AbstractTitel: Diagnosing accountability, a study of accountability of UNT and DN?s medical journalism  ( Diagnos av ansvarstagande, en studie av accountability inom DN och UNT:s medicinjournalistik)Number of pages: 45 (59 including enclosures)Author: Alexandra JohanssonTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication studies C Period: Fall 2008 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: To evaluate the quality of medical journalism in DN and UNT according to the theories of accountability and responsibility in the media.Material/Methods: The materials and methods used in this thesis are 14 articles from DN and 14 articles from UNT that have been analyzed according to the criterion set forth by Media Doctors, an Australian media accountability system.Main Results: The results showed that DN scored an average of 57% ?satisfactory? and UNT scored an average of 52% ?satisfactory? of Media Doctors rating scale. Strengths were an educational tone and an insightful review of the newest findings in the scientific community. Weaknesses were poor transparency and a tendency to neglect full disclosure of the scientific findings and sources. Focus was also show to be on research and not on information for potential patients.

Utveckling av minimax-baserad agent för strategispelet Stratego

Stratego is a boardgame not very different from chess, that contains hidden information. Because of this, existing programs play at beginner level. The purpose of this thesis is to adjust a minimax algorithm so that it passes the demands of Stratego, and then build a Stratego agent around it. Tests with existing minimax algorithms leads to the development p-e-minimax. This algorithm uses two different values in its nodes to simulate the different information available to the agent and its opponent.

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