18580 Uppsatser om Information security governance - Sida 36 av 1239
Med den inre känslan som drivkraft - barnmorskors upplevelser av att förmedla trygghet och en god omvårdnad
The expectations of a successful outcome are great during childbirth. The overall objective of prenatal care and birth care is that midwives contribute in creating the most positive experience of pregnancy, child birth and infancy as possible. During the past 30 years there has been a significant increase in sectiofrequency both in Sweden and the rest of the Western world. More parents feel an overall insecurity when it comes to child labour. The purpose of this study was to describe how midwives experience the work of creating a sense of security and good nursing when meeting the expectant parents.
Vargolyckan på Kolmårdens djurpark : En studie av Kolmårdens kriskommunikation vs medias berättande
With the rise of the internet especially and information- and communication technology in general, the opportunities for fast and effective communication and sharing of information have proliferated. In relation to the new technologies, the citizens? demands on organizations? communicative efforts have increased. Today?s citizens have high standards regarding transparency, the opportunity to dialogue and have hopes to influence the public sector.
Hur finner elever trygghet i en ny miljö?
Syftet med denna studie har varit att beskriva, analysera och förstå hur elever som är nya på en skola kan uppleva trygghet i både fysisk och social miljö, samt bevara och/eller bygga upp sin inre trygghet. Inför studien granskades nationella riktlinjer och råd och genom litteraturstudier i ämnena trygghet, lärande, grupprocesser och människans grundläggande behov, lades en förförståelse för ämnet. En hermeneutisk ansats var ledgivande under hela studien, i synnerhet under det analyserande och tolkande stadiet. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med tre elever i blandade åldrar i åk 1-5. Det visade sig att eleverna hade behov av trygghet under den första tiden i en ny miljö och att de framförallt hittade den tryggheten i jämnåriga kompisar.
Europas gräns under en säkerhetspolitisk förändring? : En fallstudie om säkerhetspolitiken vid den europeiska gränsen mellan 2007 och 2010 samt en prövning av Köpenhamnsskolans säkerhetiseringsteori
The purpose of the essay is both to bring forward the threats images, sectors, actors and referents that can be found at the European border between 2007-2010 and to explore whether they change during this period. Furthermore, the essay also intends to review the Copenhagen School?s theory of securitization. The analysis of the essay will be done on the European commission?s ?Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges?, a rapport that focus on the European border and its enlargement.
Småbarnsavdelningar - bara barnpassning eller? : En kvalitativ studie om verksamheten på småbarnsavdelningar
In the curriculum for Swedish pre-school the focus is mainly on five concepts. These are care of the children, learning, influence, rearing and security. These concepts are to characterize the activities of the pre-school in Sweden.Back in time the focal point of pre-school activities for young children was mainly on security. The learning part became more prominent as the children grew older. When speaking to teachers and parents I do sense that some believe this is the case even nowadays.
Hylasmotivet hos Apollonios Rhodios och Theokritos
An increasing global population and a worldwide growing urbanization has raised the questionabout the future food security in cities all over the world. Peak-oil limits the access to cheap fossilfuels which threatens the global food-supply chain. This has resulted in a larger awareness anddiscussion related to urban agriculture. Growing crops and keeping animals within the city-borderscould be one way of creating a more robust and sustainable food supply for city dwellers. However,to enable an expansion of the urban agriculture many theorists argue that policies and institutionalstructures that supports and promotes city farming have to be developed.
Informationskompetensen i användarundervisningen
This master thesis investigates the user education. Christine Bruce has presented a theory of information literacy in her research which has resulted in seven different aspects of information literacy. In this study I wanted to investigate what aspects there were and what they looked like in a practical educational situation. The methods used for this study were observation and a questionnaire. I analysed the observations by using Bruces aspects of information literacy to group the observed activities into the different aspects.
Normer i EU:s gemensamrna utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik- en teoriapplikation av Normative Power Europe avseende utrikes- och säkerhetspolitiska uttalanden före och efter Lissabonfördraget
This bachelor thesis airns to examine change in Common Foreign and Security Policy towardsa Normative Power Europe irnplernented in the Treaty of Lis bon. The survey is conductedwith Ian Manners Norrnative Power Europe theory as the basis. U sing norms identified byManners in his article "Normative Power Europe: A Contradietian in Terms?" (2002) as thetools when analysing CFSP-staternents both from before and after ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon. The norms used in the analysis are Peace, Dernocracy and Human Rights.
Självmord och självskadebeteende : en studie om självmord och självskadebeteende inom Svensk kriminalvård 2002- 2012.
During the period 2002-2012, 74 people committed suicide within the Swedish judicial system. During the same period of time 702 self-destructive actions and suicide attempts were reported. The purpose of this work was to investigate and illuminate the causes which are responsible for individuals committing suicide while in custody or in prison. The theory of this work is an ethnographic study of a special social context. A study of literature, statistics and earlier scientific research was used in this study.
Den svenska bolagskoden och controllern.
A new code for corporate governance was introduced for major companies in Sweden in July 2005. This act is to some degree a follower to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act that was introduced in the U.S.A. after the Enron scandal. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the effect on the controller in response to the introduction of this new act. Three controllers in major Swedish companies was interviewed and asked if and how they had been affected by this new act.
Samverkan mellan kommun och näringsliv : en fallstudie av Växtkraft Kinda
Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur kommunal samverkan med det lokala näringslivet utformas utifrån teorier kring governance, policynätverk samt public-private partnerships. Detta genomförs utifrån en fallstudie av projektet ?Växtkraft och företagarutveckling? som är en del av den ekonomiska föreningen Växtkraft Kinda. I uppsatsen undersöks faktorer som gemensamma mål, resursutbyte, ömsesidigt beroende samt förtroende och vilken betydelse dessa har för samverkan. Dessutom granskas hur kontakterna mellan aktörerna är utformade samt vilken betydelse inflytande och konkurrens har i samarbetet.I uppsatsen kommer jag fram till att det existerar gemensamt formulerade mål även om de till viss del varierar mellan aktörerna.
The mobility of employees within the EU, and the Eures Network
En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken.This thesis is mainly dealing with the mobility of the employees within the borders of the European Union. Legislative framework from the EU is favourable and the Commission has set as one of it goals to promote the migration. Globalisation trends and contemporary business concepts need people who are mobile on the other hand. But migration numbers are still low within Europe. The purpose of this thesis is to find out how much the legal uncertainties, and the different culture mentality in the workplace of another country act as barriers in the minds of the people who wish to work abroad.
Vart är EU:s asyl- och invandringspolitik på väg? : EN idealtypsanalys av EU-ländernas gemensamma asyl- och invandringspolitik
This essay is about the asylum and immigration politics within the EU. Due to the heavy criticism the EU has been exposed to from among others different kind of human rights organizations I have become interested to find out what kind of asylum and migration politics right now is being formed by the member states of the union. Thus the purpose is also to see if the EU is creating a policy within this area that intends to live up to the human rights obligations.My overall research question is:Which ideas characterize the asylum and immigration politics within the EU?The theoretical perspectives of universalism and particularism are used as two analytical tools in order to understand the phenomenon I am investigating and to identify its characterizing ideas. In my essay universalism and particularism are used as opposite ideal types.
Internrevision : Hur internrevisionen har utvecklats inom olika företag i Sverige
Som ett resultat av ekonomiska skandaler, såsom Enron och Worldcom, där man har konstaterat att bristen på den interna kontrollen har varit orsaken, stiftades lagen Sarbanes-Oxley Act som gäller för amerikanska börsnoterade företag. Denna lag är till följd av att ägarna ställer högre krav på Corporate Governance (bolagsstyrning) i de nordamerikanska börsnoterade företagen. Detta leder till ett ökat skydd för finansiärerna eftersom i dagens komplexa bolag är ägandet och styrningen till stor del åtskilda. Lagen har lett till att internrevisionen har fått en allt starkare roll i att stödja ledningens arbete med att dokumentera och följa upp den interna kontrollen. En liknande lag, svensk kod för bolagsstyrning, har stiftats i Sverige och gäller för svenska börsnoterade företag.Författarna har undersökt hur den interna revisionen har utvecklats inom olika företag i Sverige.
Gatuprostitution, varför där? - Fysisk planering och social säkerhetspåverkan på lokaliseringen av gatuprostitution i Göteborg
?Street prostitution, why there?? is about how the physical planning and physical environment affect the localization of street prostitution in Gothenburg. The aim is to increase the understanding of how social security is linked to man's immediate environment and are influenced by the physical environment. Important concepts that are explained in the paper are social security, prostitution, and physical planning.This study deals with theories about the factors that may influence why criminality localized to a specific area, such as legislation, urban planning and community. The study conducted interviews with the Gothenburg Police, Västra Götaland County Administrative Board, Gothenburg City, Stadsmissionen and Mikamottagningen.