18580 Uppsatser om Information security governance - Sida 10 av 1239
Utdelningsmönster i en internationell kontext : - En jämförelse av tre EU länder
Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera sambandet mellan länders utdelningsmönster och corporate governance system samt förklara varför denna koppling ser ut som den gör med hjälp av den teoribildning som finns på området.Till undersökningen har tre EU länder valts. För att kartlägga ländernas utdelningsmönster har finansiell data insamlats för respektive lands samtliga noterade företag. Dessa data har sammanställts till tre nyckeltal gällande utdelningsnivå för varje land och år mellan år 1989 till år 2007.Det finns skillnader mellan länderna både beträffande corporate governance system och beträffande utdelningsmönster. De viktigaste faktorerna inom corporate governance som i uppsatsen visat sig haft störst betydelse för utdelningsmönstrets utseende är ägarstrukturen samt kapitalmarknadens struktur. Störst andel spritt ägande och starkast inflytande från aktiemarknaden återfinns i Storbritannien, följt av Sverige och sist Tyskland som tvärtom kännetecknas av ett mycket koncentrerat ägande och lägre påverkan från aktiemarknaden.
Möjligheternas land? En kvalitativ studie om ensamkommande barns upplevelser av att leva i Sverige
This study concerns unaccompanied refugee children and their experiences of living in Sweden and also their thoughts about identity and security. The aim of this study was to find a deeper understanding of these children?s situation. We formulated three research questions in order to obtain this deeper understanding:? What experiences do the informants have of living in Sweden?? What are the informants? views of their identity in their new life situation?? What is security to the informants?This is a qualitative study based on six semi-structured interviews with six youths whom have come to Sweden as unaccompanied refugee children.
Varbergs goda jord : en fallstudie om värdering och förvaltning av åkermark i Varbergs kommun
This is a bachelor thesis about arable land in Varberg, from sustainability and it?s relation to local government and management. Arable land has become more important as a natural resource from a global point of view and in concerns of higher demands of food supply, as a result of population growth, higher consumption worldwide and climate change. But the arable land in Sweden is being exploited an increasingly rapid pace and the arable land in Varberg is not an exception of this development. The issue is most topical and the discussion holds questions about a declining agricultural sector, the formal and administrative protection of arable land and because other interests of land use often is given higher priority in community development and planning.
Företagsstyrning i kooperativa organisationer - Vilka likheter respektive skillnader finns det mellan en konsument- och en producentkooperation?
A co-operation is established when a group of people, sharing the same preferences and values, come together in order to satisfy a common need. The co-operative association should be democratic, governed and supervised by its members and open to everyone. The purpose of this article is to, from our ideal type, study similarities and differences regarding the corporate governance of the consumers? and the producers? co-operative movement. The motive behind our choice of alignment is that the mechanisms of corporate governance often are described from the perspective of the joint-stock company, making it valuable and interesting to study these mechanisms from the co-operative point of view.
Ser ni mer än bara min kropp? -Patienters upplevelser av trygghet under operation
ABSTRACTIntroduction: An increasing number of patients undergo surgery under local anesthesia and are thereforeawake during the procedure. Nursing care that is provided to these patients can differ from those thatreceive general anesthesia. Previous research has focused on patients? general experiences of being awakeintraoperative. But there is no research that focuses on patients perceptions of security.
Att färdas i symbios : ett gång -och cykelstråk anpassat efter trafikanternas rörelsemönster och behov
The aim of this paper is to examine the layout of public spaces and its effect on human behavior with focus on the relation between pedestrians and cyclists movement patterns in a specific path. The study emanates from the security aspect of pedestrians and cyclists, and builds upon previous theories and empirical studies about perception, security, information design, environmental psychology and behavior. The result shows that individual behavior and movement pattern differs with age, purpose, physical- and other conditions, and layout of the surroundings. A design proposal for improved layout of a path and a node between different oncoming paths has been developed to aid the users? needs, where a separation of walkways and bike lanes forms zones of security for the purpose of better orientation and a better flow between the users..
Bolagskodens påverkan på intern och extern revisor
In the recent years auditing scandals all around the world, deficient internal control has attracted a lot of attention. This has contributed to further requirements on insight and internal control. Those scandals have seriously damaged the auditor?s profession and contributed to a reduced trust among the public. Therefore an extensive work to recover and stringed the trust was started all around the world.
Riktlinjer för implementering av ISO 17799
An ongoing concern within the Intellectual Technological world is the issue of security. There are severe consequences if someone without permission searches a computer for secret information that was left unlocked. In order to prevent this situation from occurring, rules about password lengths or employees bringing personal flash drives into the company should be created and followed.As Internet become a worldwide phenomenon, the use of information technology is growing more than ever. With more use and accessibility to Internet, new threats against companies have also emerged. This report brings up the main issues that a company needs to regulate today.The standard for regulations and proposals for IT-security comes in a document called ISO 17799 and very complicated for those who are not experts in the field.
Företagsstyrning i kooperativa organisationer - Vilka likheter respektive skillnader finns det mellan en konsument- och en producentkooperation?
A co-operation is established when a group of people, sharing the same preferences and values, come together in order to satisfy a common need. The co-operative association should be democratic, governed and supervised by its members and open to everyone.
The purpose of this article is to, from our ideal type, study similarities and differences regarding the corporate governance of the consumers? and the producers? co-operative movement. The motive behind our choice of alignment is that the mechanisms of corporate governance often are described from the perspective of the joint-stock company, making it valuable and interesting to study these mechanisms from the co-operative point of view.
Exit Runt Hörnet! -Private Equity-fonders inverkan på Portföljbolagens Strategiska inriktning och Corporate Governance-arbete
Undersökningens syfte är att analysera hur portföljbolags Strategiska inriktning och CorporateGovernance-arbete påverkas av ett skifte till Private Equity-ägande. Uppsatsens empiriska material består av intervjuer med anställda i två stora, forskningsintensiva bolag som avnoterats från Stockholmsbörsen genom Private Equity. I undersökningen identifieras hållpunkter för portföljbolagets Strategi och Corporate Governance-arbete, vilka alla på något sätt påverkats av övergången till Private Equity. Det kan konstateras en märkbar förskjutning i portföljbolagets strategiska inriktning till följd av Private Equity-bolagets tydliga ägarstrategi.Vidare medför ägarskiftet förändringar i styrelse och ledning, samtidigt som avståndet mellan ägare-styrelse-ledning reduceras avsevärt..
En kvalitativ studie om svenska städers förväntningar och agerande i nätverket Eurotowns
Some researchers claim that we are witnessing the advancement of becoming a network society, and in spite of the different problems associated with the network form of organization, many cities still choose to engage in different types of networks. On account of that the aim of the study is to examine which expectations Swedish member cities of the network Eurotowns might have, and if their actions in the initial period of engagement in Eurotowns mainly could be explained by ?Logic of Consequentiality? or ?Logic of Appropriateness?.A qualitative research method was used and a major part of the empirical material consists of the information given by the interviewees.Regarding the expectations Swedish member cities have on Eurotowns, the result showed that five main areas could be identified mutual resource exchange, activities, breadth, security and meeting place. The results also showed that the actions of Swedish member cities may vary between ?Logic of Consequentiality?, ?Logic of Appropriateness? or a combination of the both logics.Furthermore the study also provides empirical evidence supporting the previously theoretical criticism expressed regarding the central assumption that the strategic actions of an actor can be regarded as a direct consequence of the mutual resource dependency..
Kända Varumärke - Större, Starkare, Säkrare
In todays high-technological society where the Internet plays a central role in our day-to-day life, many e-retailers are not able to attract customers to complete a transaction on their website. In order to succeed, many e-commerce sites must improve several safety aspects regarding online payment, in order to be perceived as a reliable and secured retailer. The purpose of this paper is to investigate if increment in various combinations and aspects in online payment will in fact improve the customer's perception of the e-retailer and result in completed transactions. In order to investigate this aspect, an experiment was conducted to be able to compare eight independent groups, that each had been exposed to a different security scenario on the online payment website of either a known or unknown retailer. Our results clearly prove that perceived security of the retailer's payment website increases willingness to purchase from the retailer.
Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning. En analys av utvecklingen av bolagsstyrningsrapporternas kvalité : Åren 2005 - 2006
Bakgrund: Styrelseskandaler som orsakat oroligheter i affärsvärlden har skapat ett behov av ett tydligt regelverk för bolagsstyrning, den skulle förstärka svenska noterade bolags och svenska börsplatsers konkurrenskraft på den internationella kapitalmarknaden. Den svenska koden för bolagsstyrning har kommit att bli en viktig del av regelsystemet på den svenska kapitalmarknaden. Den kräver att svenska börsnoterade bolag skall presentera bolagsstyrningsrapporter. Rapporternas kvalité är viktig för intressenterna som använder sig av bolagsstyrningsinformation.Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera utvecklingen av tillämpningen av den svenska koden för bolagsstyrningen. Författarna vill undersöka rapporternas kvalité och se hur den har förändrats mellan åren.
Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning : Efterlevnad och tillämpning ur ett oberoende perspektiv
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present an overview of the Swedish listed companies and their compliance with the Code and its normative rules for independent decision-making. Methodology: The authors have read and delved into the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance. The authors have chosen to study the enforcement of the code based on independent bracing guidelines. The study was conducted through a combined quantitative and qualitative approach. The study is based on primary data collected in the form of companies' corporate governance reports, which have been supplemented by structured interviews.Frame of reference: Swedish ownership structure and concentrated ownership, self regulation and normative guidelines, institutional theory and earlier research on this topic.Empirical foundations: A comparison of the selected companies has been based on the independence rules of the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance. A specific company has been presented with the company's application of the code, interviews have also been done with this company to increase the understanding of the empirical basis further.Conclusions: There are several flaws with the code and how it is applied today.
Säkerheten i trådlösa nätverk
The number of wireless networks has increased rapidly among both home users and companies in just a few years. That has brought a lot of good things with it, for example the possibility to connect wireless equipment to the network or Internet from an arbitrary position within range of the accesspoint. But since the transmissions take place through the air some new security risks appear. It?s difficult to restrict the signals to a specific space and thereby a lot easier for unauthorized to eavesdrop or disturb the signals compared to a traditional wired network.