

17469 Uppsatser om Information Retrievel - Sida 34 av 1165

Word-of-Mouse-Effektens Mörka Sida : - En experimentell studie om hur negativ information i dagens sociala medier påverkar konsumentuppfattningar

The Dark Side of the Word-of-Mouse Effect- An experimental study of how negative information in today?s social media can influence consumer perception As a result of the electronic revolution of information dissemination, social media as a phenomenon has come to play an important part, both in society at large but also when it comes to business and marketing. Nowadays, knowledge and opinions about brands and products are spread by reputation through a wide range of social media platforms, a phenomenon which in the literature is referred to as word-of-mouse or electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM).The purpose of this paper is to investigate how people?s opinions towards a company and its product are affected by negative information in terms of eWOM. Or more precisely, whether or not there is a difference in this effect depending on information content, concerning company values on the one hand and product attributes on the other.This was done in an experimental setting where two groups of respondents were subjected to fictitious information of different types using established social media platforms.

Informationsarkitektur ur ett användbarhetsperspektiv : En fallstudie hos Länstrafiken

Förmedling av information inom en organisation är en viktig del för att det dagliga arbetet ska fungera. Rätt person ska få rätt information på rätt sätt. Vår undersökning syftar till att visa hur en informationsarkitektur som utformas utifrån användarnas behov kan förbättra en verksamhets informationsförmedling. Genom en fallstudie på Länstrafiken i Örebro undersöktes vad för information dess användare vill ha och hur de vill ha den. Frågorna som undersökningen ämnar besvara är: -          På vilket sätt kan ett användbarhetsperspektiv leda till en förbättrad informationsarkitektur?-          Hur optimeras informationsförmedlingen med en användarcentrerad informationsarkitektur? En användarcentrerad informationsarkitektur utformas utifrån användarnas behov.

ABC och ekonomisystem : En studie av Volvo Construction Equipment Components AB

The accounting information system comprises budgeting, accounting, and costing. The accounting information system has, traditionally, constituted an integrated system where the different elements collaborate. If ABC is introduced this order is disturbed, since ABC is based on another logic which cannot easily be integrated with budget and accounting. ABC, therefore, is usually used parallely to the conventional costing method. There are, however, companies that have taken its ABC one step further by letting it replace the old costing model and integrate it with the accounting information system.

Utnyttjar konsumenter möjligheten att agera rationellt? : En uppsats om konsumenters sökbeteende inför ett köp med avseende på irrationella köpbeslut eller möjliggörandet av rationella köpbeslut genom informationssökningsprocessen

The buying decision process describes how the consumer makes a purchase decision through a rational process (Markin, 1979) and an understanding for how consumers make a purchase decision can according to Sands et al. (2010) be obtained by increased knowledge for the information search process (the second part of the buying decision process) before a purchase. Today?s society offers great opportunity to obtain information (Rahim & Clemens, 2012; Bawden & Robinson, 2009) and by that there are in other words good opportunities for a rational acting by the consumers. However, there are factors working against that consumers act rationally and seek information prior to their purchases primarily in the form of the concept of information overload (Bawden & Robinson, 2009) which claims that consumers are limited in their information search because there is too much information but also other factors such as lack of time (Wood & Neal, 2009) and ability to find information (Slegers et al.

BIM för landskapsarkitekter : virtuell design och kommunikation

The purpose of this thesis is to describe what Building Information Modeling, BIM, could mean for landscape architects, and also hopefully to make sense of the possibilities and problems of the system. BIM is about virtual design and is based on all consultancy groups in the design team modeling in 3D. Intelligent objects and metadata, such as price and material, are used. The project group has a common interchange format for simple sharing of information. To get an idea of how the situation with BIM for landscape architects looks like today, I collected information mostly through interviews.

Matvanor bland 15-åriga pojkar och flickor i Uppsala län

Aim: To describe perceptions about written and verbal information regarding diet and physical activity in women with breast cancer and to study possible differences between ages and perception. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted and consisted of 57 women with breast cancer stages I-III who started adjuvant chemotherapy within a year (2007-2008). A questionnaire, regarding their perceptions about the written and verbal information they had received about diet and physical activity, was responded to three months following treatment completion. Between 67-93 % of the participants responded to the questions. The answers was analyzed with descriptive statistics and Mann Whitney U-test.

Riskhanteringens utmaning : En studie som identifierar svenska organisationers riskhantering avseende informationssäkerhet samt dess prioritering.

Background: Risk Management plays an important part of the enterprises strategic business activity. Efficient Risk Management will secure the businesses survival, assets and creates market advantages. The interest of information security has consequently gained in Swedish corporations. Corporations have realized the importance of the information which is stored in the IT systems. IT is the tool for businesses future progress and growth and therefore a source of risks.

Trafikinformation via SMS

Abstract The technology has made it possible for you as a train traveller to be available in other places than stations and on the train. You now have the possibility to communicate by the phone or through the Internet to get information about the train you want to take. Development in mobile technology gives us new possibilities to communication. We want to find out whatever SMS would be a suitable approach to inform passengers about delays. The problem formulation is ?If the technology is available to inform the passengers about delays in an more effective way than today, then why not use it? The ?Kustpilen? that operates in Blekinge and Skåne is the case for our study.

Kommunikationsverktyget intranät

AbstractThis report discusses how the intranet as a communication tool can bedeveloped to become a daily work tool. An intranet can help the organization to get information out to the employees fast, and the employees can choose when they want to take part of the information. This report also discusses how the functions and the presented information can be developed to be even better. The proposals has been developed out from information gathered from a survey,the people who has answered the survey has been given their point of view of the intranet, and also proposals for improvements, which we have implemented in to our theory part. There is no company or organization that uses the exact same intranet solution.

Barn möter information och media; En fallstudie om det pedagogiska arbetet på ett högstadium rörande kritiskt förhållningssätt och helhetsperspektiv gentemot information och media.

The purpose of this thesis is to draw a picture of pedagogical work at the senior level with a critical perspective of information and media. As a method for gathering material for the analysis, a case study was made with qualitative interviews together with documents that describe the case. Relevant literature for the subject has been used as an introduction and as a theoretical basis. The literature concerns subjects such as a childrens relation to media, the schools intructions, the role of the school library and some theories regarding learning. The conclusion is that the respondents focus on conversations and reflection regarding the sources of information and its use, and that the childrens adaption of the material is an important factor in teaching.

Företagsbibliotek i förvandling : företagsbibliotekens tjänster i informationsåldern

A company library can only exist if it contributes to a positive result for the company. As endusers are beginning to perform searches on the Internet and have access to databases and electronic documents via their desktops it becomes important for company librarians to thoroughly think through what services should be offered to the users so that the library still contributes to the company s profit. The aim of this dissertation was to try to define the services that the company library offers its users having in mind the changes that have taken place concerning the availability of information. I also wanted to explore whether the librarians had the necessary competence to perform the services offered. Six information specialists were interviewed to give their view on the services their libraries offered.

Implicit användarmodellering

ntranät har medfört många nya möjligheter för företag och organisationer. Samtidigt har det också orsakat problem kring hur de nya flödena med kommunikation och information skall hanteras. Utbudet av information ökar samtidigt som vårt begränsade fält av uppmärksamhet är ändligt. Informationsstress har blivit ett begrepp som används i detta sammanhang. För att möta upp mot detta problem förser vi oss med tekniker och hjälpmedel som är tänkta att reducera överflödet av information.

Information vid dagkirurgi - patientuppfattningar

För att klara krav på besparingar och effektivisering inom hälso- och sjukvård har dagkirurgi som behandlingsform ökat men även som ett led av ny forskning och utveckling av kirurgiska behandlingsmetoder. Patientens behov av kunskap för att kunna klara egenvården efter ingreppet blir större då vårdtiden är kortare vid dagkirurgi. Den valda metoden är litteraturstudie och syftet var att undersöka hur patienterna uppfattade information vid dagkirurgi. Elva vetenskapliga artiklar är granskade och bearbetade och därigenom har ett resultat framkommit. Informationen har störst genomslagskraft när muntlig och skriftlig alternativt visuell information kombineras.

Self-organizing maps ? en atlas över informationsrymden

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how semantic relations in a document collection can be visualized with a Kohonen self-organizing map. It can be seen as a map of the information space which can be used to support information retrieval. The study makes a comparison of the possible differences between a map that is based on morphologically unprocessed text and a map where the text has been lemmatized. The text that is being processed is the definitions of all the existing instances in WordNet of a random selection of indexing terms from the Times-collection. The purpose is to see if morphological processing somehow can show different semantic connections between term instances based on their definitions.

Cancerpatienters behov av kommunikation och information

Background: Cancer disease is one of the most common diseases in Sweden andradiotherapy is one of the regimens available for the treatment of cancer. Radiotherapycan be delivered as single treatment or be divided into several fractions that last forweeks. Radiotherapy can cause side effects that may occur during or at the end oftreatment. Information and communication is an integral part of all treatments and care.The oncology nurse should attempt to ease for the patients to communicate, participatein the care, receive information and enhance the ability to self-care.Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the patients? needs for communication andinformation with oncology nurse during their meeting through radiotherapy.Method: This pilot study was conducted on six patients with different cancer diagnosis.It was a qualitative study, were data was collected through individual interviews usingsemi-structured questions.

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