

998 Uppsatser om Incandescent light - Sida 51 av 67

Från Lev Tolstoj till Joe Wright : En adaptionsstudie av Anna Karenina

This study focuses on the Nordic model of Extended Collective Licenses (ECL) and how this model can be used in the process of digitalising and publishing archival material such as photos, letters, maps or films. The question that this study aims to deal with is what advantages, and disadvantages, there are for archives and copyright holders when an ECL is being used. To help answering this question the ?theory of the knowledge commons? has been applied. The research question has been answered through a text analysis based on legal texts including Swedish law.

Hur påverkar olika ståndortsfaktorer överlevnaden hos planterade regnskogsträd i en sekundär regnskog på Borneo?

De tropiska regnskogarna är några av de mest komplexa och artrikaste ekosystemen i Världen. Stora delar av de naturliga Dipterocarpa regnskogarna har under de senaste decennierna försvunnit helt p.g.a. ändrad markanvändning (oftast jordbruk), eller degraderats till sekundära regnskogar p.g.a. torka, bränder och selektiva avverkningar. Det finns därför behov av rehabilitering för att få tillbaka artrikedomen i skogarna. Syftet med det här kandidatarbetet är att titta på hur överlevnaden hos plantor i ett rehabiliteringsprojekt i en sekundär regnskog påverkas av olika ståndortsfaktorer.

Indirekta effekter på marklavars abundans och diversitet vid ökad kvävehalt i marken : en jämförelse mellan opåverkad och lågintensivt brukad mark

Lichens are adapted to bright and sparse forests on oligotrophic ground. Due to a slow growth rate and high light demand lichens will suffer from competition in eutrophic environments. Therefore, lichens have disappeared from managed forests where the forest industry has increased the productivity. A reduced abundance of lichens will affect both biodiversity of the forest and the reindeer winter graze lands. It is important to understand how and for how long fertilization affects the abundance and diversity of lichens in order to protect lichen rich ecosystems. We have registered the biomass and number of lichen species in eight plots (four nitrogen rich and four nitrogen deficient) and compared fertilized Sami settlements with their oligotrophic surroundings in the nature reserves of Tjeggelvas.

Mätning av träddelar och flis på Dåvamyran, Umeå energi :

The moisture content in 10 deliveries of tree parts and 10 deliveries of wood residues were measured with different methods to analyze the quality of procedure used at Dåvamyran today. At the same time a survey was made on the measure procedures used at heating plants in Sweden The majority of the heating plants in Sweden use weight and moisture content as base for payment but at some plants only volume. The moisture content is usually estimated by drying wood chips in an oven but few plants a visual estimation is used. At few plants moisture content is estimated spectroscopicily. The techniques using near infra read light and other electromagnetic are still at a test stage. The methods of measurement used today are quit unreliable for the individual deliveries and there is a risk for systematic mistakes.

Kronisk gastroenterit hos hund med avseende på histopatologisk bild och förekomst av Helicobacter spp :

It is well known that dogs often have Helicobacter spp in their stomach. The importance of these bacteria in the development of gastrointestinal disease in dogs is still unknown. In humans, Helicobacter pylori is a causative agent of chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers. In contrast to humans, dogs seldom harbour naturally acquired H. pylori.

Undersökning av förskolan Temmelburken certifierad enligt Miljöbyggnad : Termiskt klimat, energianvändning och höjning av certifieringsnivån

WSP building physics in Stockholm has certified the preschool Temmelburken in Bromma with the system of certification Miljöbyggnad. The rating of the building became BRONZE. In this thesis the preschool has been investigated with respect to the three areas: thermal climate, use of energy and improving of the level of certification. The thermal climate at the preschool has been investigated by a questionnaire survey and by measurements in order to do comparisons between the results from the two investigations as well as with the results of the simulations that WSP has done at the certification of the preschool. The differences between the results from the simulations and the questionnaire survey for winter as well as from the measurement performed with a comfort meter the 19th of March are concidered to be reasonably small since they give rise to the same rating according to Miljöbyggnad.   Operational data for the use of energy for the preschool have been obtained in order to do comparisons with simulations performed by WSP and Svenska Besiktningar AB. The comparison shows that the simulated values for the specific use of energy are lower than what the real specific use of energy would be for the preschool, since just the operational data for the heat energy is higher than the simulated values. At the investigation of the possibility of improving the level of certification it was found that the rating of the preschool can be raised from BRONZE to SILVER by improving the ratings of the ?thermal climate summer? and the ?daylight?.

Teknikimplementering vid muddringsprojekt : Viktiga faktorer vid teknikval samt olika aktörers betydelse i processen

There are today large amounts of contaminated sediments in the Baltic Sea. These contaminants are the result of many years industrial activity where the contaminants have not been taken care of and just released out in the water. When ports want to dredge in their fairways and harbor areas the contaminated sediments need to be considered since they are a environmental risk. The development in this area has been slow and new techniques have just recently made its way into dredging operations in the Baltic Sea region. As a result of this there are no clear methods for implementing new techniques today.

Produktutveckling av komfortlösning till lastbilshytt

This report describes a project carried out in cooperation with Klippan Safety AB. The purpose of this project has been to develop a product that facilitates the living area in a truck cabin for the customers. To be able to develop, in a structured way, that kind of product, the project has been based on different product development theories. The project contained of following parts: marketing research, product generation, product evaluation and prototyping. After information from the marketing research and discussions with the company, the decision was made that the task was going to consist an improvement of the existing product referred to as 'the comfort module'.

Contortatallens odlingsvärde i Götaland

The third most common conifer in Sweden is Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine). It originates from the western part of North America and was brought here in the end of the 1920s. The lodgepole pine is today allowed for commercial plantations in central and northern Sweden, excluding high altitude locations. Since 1979 only plantations with scientific purpose are allowed in south-central and south Sweden. This document is focused on how lodgepole pine manage perform compared with Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) in the southernmost part of Sweden, Götaland. The idea came from the fact that the Swedish government is evaluating a notification from the National Forest Agency that suggests lodgepole pine to be allowed for commercial plantation even in southern Sweden.

Vattenanläggningar som gestaltningselement i offentliga miljöer :

Water constructions - as a design element in public spaces is the title of this Master thesis, with a focus on waters function and meaning in the urban environment. By way of introduction, mans relationship to places is described and the factors that contribute to the reality that we prefer some places more than others. A good place to stay is open but well defined, gives protection, offers a good view and is varying in topography and vegetation, together with contents of single landscape elements like visible water. This study then continues to discuss mans relationship to water and its means for our wellbeing. Despite the fact that people have a different relations to water due to personality, background and age, it?s an element that raises positive feelings, interest and aesthetic pleasure for most people.


In July 2011 the journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson are arrested in Ethiopia when on a mission to report the activities of the oil exploration company Lundin Petroleum. Following a trial, closely observed by media, the two journalists are convicted to a prison sentence of eleven years. The Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Carl Bildt, is now to act on their behalf to preserve their rights as Swedish citizens. However, doubts are raised as to whether Bildt has a conflict of interest because of his former engagements as a board member in Lundin Petroleum.

Om utformning av ett verksamhetssystem : En utvärdering av nuläge, tillgänglighet och erfarenheter

These days most companies conduct some form of work for the external environment, quality and safety. In connection with this work, some companies have chosen to get management systems certified by any applicable standard for one or more of the fields while other companies have chosen other ways that are not associated with certification.In light of the fact that the individual systems are becoming unmanageable an increasing number of these companies are faced with the decision whether to integrate and coordinate these different systems or not. In order to study the possibilities of a company?s system coordination an assessment of elements particularly interesting for the company was performed. The key elements and focuses in the evaluation were staff access to information, experiences from other companies and environmental work status for some of the organization's companies.

Mobbning - Ett minne för livet - En studie om lärare som blev mobbade som barn och hur det påverkat deras yrkesutövning

Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur lärare som har blivit mobbade som barn anser att förebyggande mobbningsarbete bör bedrivas. Den undersöker även hur deras utsatthet som barn påverkat deras lärarroll. Undersökningen är gjord genom kvalitativa intervjuer med två lärare och två lärarstudenter. En av slutsatserna är att lärarna påverkats mycket av sin bakgrund vad gäller deras sätt att förhålla sig till både starka och svaga elever. De har generellt svårare för att relatera till elever som påminner om de personer som utsatte dem som barn.

Effects of Driver, Vehicle, and Environment Characteristics on Collision Warning System Design

The purpose of the present study was to examine effects of driver, vehicle, and environment characteristics on Collision Warning System (CWS) design. One hypothesis was made that the capability of collision avoidance would not be same among a driver, vehicle, and environment group with different characteristics. Accident analysis and quantitative analysis was used to examine this hypothesis in terms of ?risk? and ?safety margin? respectively. Rear-end collision had a stronger focus in the present study.

Traditionella flygbolags åtgärder efter lågprisflygets inträde på marknaden : En fallstudie av SAS & Finnair

The de-regulation of commercial air traffic in the early 1990?s lead to that many new airline companies entered the market. Many of these new actors were low budget airlines which meant that the traditional airlines met a new type of competition. This situation contributed to the fact that ticket prices dropped in many countries. It has become more and more common that the traveller prefers to fly with low budget airlines rather than with the traditional airlines.

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