

998 Uppsatser om Incandescent light - Sida 52 av 67

Kreditgarantiföreningen i Gävleborg och Övre Norrlands Kreditgarantiförening : en jämföresle av framgångsfaktorer

Aim: The purpose of this work is to investigate what differences there are between a credit union that is connected to Sweden?s Credit Association and an independent association, and how these differences have affected the union?s success. Method: A qualitative study has been made by means of email and telephone interviews. Respondents were chosen from Sweden?s Credit Association, Credit Guarantee Association in Gävleborg and Övre Norrland Guarantee Association. The interviews were then analyzed in the light of our theoretical studies. Result and conclusions: We have found that there are three major differences between the unions.

Att lyckas när oddsen talar emot : Hur lämnar man gängkriminaliteten-den enda gemenskapen?

The purpose of this study was to create a deeper understanding for, and shine a light on the exit process for former criminal gang members. Which conditions appear to be important and what may constitute the enabling and inhibiting factors of an exit process? The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with respondents who themselves have experience of a criminal lifestyle and gang affiliation, and with professionals in social work. Our theoretical approach is based on Helen Ebaugh?s definition of an exit process, labeling theories, strain theory and control theory.

De traditionella flygbolagens överlevnad på den skandinaviska marknaden : en studie om SAS Sverige

The traditional airlines exist on a market that is distinguished by an increasing competition. They are often partly or completely owned by the government and are characterized by slow decision making. Because of their existing structure and old business culture the traditional airlines find it hard to use price as a means of competition. Consequently the traditional airlines need to create loyalty amongst their customers. The purpose of this essay was to analyze and evaluate SAS long-term marketing strategies through a comparative study of the companies? management, employees and customers.

Viljebegreppet och psykologin : En studie av psykologins framväxt som vetenskap i Sverige genom en analys av viljebegreppets betydelseförändring

The aim of this study is to elucidate the process in which psychology was separated from philosophy and established itself as a distinct academic discipline in Sweden. I argue that the concept of will, as well as the concepts of thinking and emotion, have a lot to tell us about the rise of academic psychology in Sweden. This is done through an analysis of psychology textbooks, encyclopaedia-articles and academic texts on the themes will and psychology, from around 1800 till 1950.Prior to the establishment of the first chair of psychology in Uppsala 1948, the discipline was above all a part of the philosophical discipline. For psychology to become a science of its own, it was crucial to obtain a position among the empirical sciences. It thus had to distance itself from philosophy, and in particular from metaphysics.

Irak : Mellan islamisk identitet och demokratisk process

This is an essay about the political development of Iraq after the overthrow of the Baath regime by the coalition forces in 2003. Almost seven years later, the political scene is still characterised by chaos, even though the country entered a new phase with the adoption of democratic thinking and a new openness to the world. The unstable political situation is a product of inter-ethnic conflict and the interference by neighbouring countries. Iraq is up against two formidable tasks ? building democracy and building a nation.

Obehörig vinst -- en möjlighet eller onödighet?

SummaryUnjustified enrichment is an obvious part of the jurisprudence in the majority of countries in Europe. But not in the Nordic countries, and certainly not in Sweden. This depiction of the Swedish posture is based mostly on Hellner?s thesis from 1950. A lot has happened since then, not to mention Sweden?s entry in to the EU.

Rasistiska praktiker i det sociala arbetet - och dess påverkan på kvinnor med invandrarstatus

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how social workers experience and understand subjects such as racism, discrimination, and similar attitudes that can exist in institutions of social work. We also want to bring to light how ?race?/ethnicity, gender and class are related to uneven access to Swedish welfare. Our main questions aim to examine how structural and institutional racism forms social workers daily practices and how this in turn affects ?immigrant? women.

Den viljande människan och ett gott liv : -En undersökning av viljebegreppet hos Iris Murdoch och Simone de Beauvoir

Concept - detail - buildingStockholm International Fairs, new main entrance I studied at the KTH School of Architecture from 1995 to 2000. After completing my studies I wanted to work in an office that had a structural way of thinking and that knew the building process; I therefore chose to work for Rosenberg Architects. I have worked on a number of projects, among them several for the Stockholm International Fairs, from the Rica Talk Hotel and Hall AE, to the new main entrance.In the projects we undertook at the School of Architecture we had to identify and draw details that were central to our concepts. I have here identified some key details that we considered to be essential for the concept in a built project; the new main entrance of the Stockholm International Fairs completed in 2013. The entrance has complex logistics with multiple intersecting flows: exhibitors, employees, journalists, VIPs and others.

Bakgrund - No?t - Lycka : en genomga?ng av musikens betydelse i mitt liv samt arbetsprocessen fo?r musikskapandet

The Swedish social insurance agency provides financial support for families and children, but also for people with work injury, illness and at old age. During 2012 they saw the amount of notifications of insurance increasing in Sweden, which is a development that cost our society a great deal of money. With the aim to pursue a sustainable development I have therefore devoted this project to wellness and stress management within preschool.The employees of preschool are often dealing with a lot of stress, due to the big groups of children that causes high noise and sound levels. The high noise and sound levels is a contributor to stress which additionally can damage the health and cause impaired hearing loss. About half of the people around their forties until the age of retirement have difficulties understanding speech in large groups.The purpose of this project has been to investigate the causes of negative stress for my target group, women between 30-60 years old who works in preschool.

Suveränitet eller mänskliga rättigheter? : En idéanalys om USA:s rättfärdigande av Operation Iraqi Freedom

AbstractAs human beings, we are all governed by our innate instinct that to kill another human being, or to just inflict pain on another, is to go against what makes us human. Still, it happens every day, far and near. Some of these killings happens in war-like situations, where atrocities against humanity occur. The international community has since the founding of UN in 1945, a duty to intervene where crimes against the human rights occur. This is a difficult task, because, in order to intervene and help those in need, the situation might postulate states violating states sovereignty.


Close to the city center of Reykjavik lies the combined national- and university library of Iceland. Usually, these two types of institutions are separated. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the library in fact selects the new digital material to offer the users in Iceland, and if the combined mission creates any problems or conflicts.The investigation examines the planning and the content of the digital library, what user groups are addressed and how the organisation is held together despite the different missions. If cultural context in Iceland makes a difference for what is selected and offered to the users is also discussed.Six informants in strategic library positions dealing with the digital national- or university library, were interviewed. The answers have been analysed in light of the library&information literature on building and maintaining digital library collections and organizational and marketing theory.The main result of the study is that the informants do not see a conflict between the missions of the organisation, although traces of a struggle were found in some areas.

Föräldraroll - ett framtidsyrke? : en empirisk studie om hur sex föräldrar ser på föräldrarollen i ljuset av utbildningsidealet

Over the past decade there has been considerable debate in the media concerning the necessity of educating parents in how to be better parents, and strengthening their parental role. This question has also been debated at a national level, resulting in the state commissioning a number of official investigations into the problems that parental education could resolve. A growing body of scientific studies have shown that parental-educational programmes play a strong role in preventing behavioural problems amongst children and teenagers. Many Councils in Sweden already offer these parental courses to their citizens, but discussions are ongoing as to whether these courses should be obligatory for all parents before or near to the moment that they begin to have children. This conclusion has been supported by the official investigations commissioned to look into this issue.

Common misconceptions about everyday astronomy-related phenomena among students in the 9th grade

Students of all ages host a wide variety of scientifically inaccurate ideas and conceptions about everyday astronomical phenomena, such as the seasons, the moon phases, and gravity. The field of Astronomy Education Research has over the last decade experienced an accelerating growth, although the majority of studies have been conducted in the USA. In this work, the 9th grade students of a typical Swedish school were surveyed by means of a questionnaire in order to probe their conceptual understanding of several key concepts in astronomy. In the end, the number of respondents amassed to a total of 90. The results were analyzed with a constructivist approach in light of conceptual change theory and phenomenological primitives.

"Man måste erövra begreppen" : En studie av undervisande gymnasielärares attityder gentemot språkets roll i historieundervisningen

This study is about how teachers of history at different upper secondary schools in Uppsala think and talk about the role language plays in the classroom and in education in general. In order to find this out, interviews were carried out with five teachers of history at four different upper secondary schools in Uppsala. This study has an analysis of the statements by and interviews with the teachers in a wide context by using a previous study carried out in Uppsala, which categorizes the upper secondary schools of Uppsala into a social field based upon what assets their students have. These assets are estimated by using Bourdieu?s theory of symbolic, social and cultural capital.

Du tysta, ej glädjerika sköna. Betydelsen av kommunikationsutbildning för att utbilda bättre ledare.

Every year, reports are published that shows how universities fail to meet the demand from companies who are looking to hire students with solid communication skills. At the same time, the importance of communication for effective leadership is constantly increasing. Today, many business schools around the world states that they strive to educate future business leaders and have therefore realized the importance of teaching the skills of communications to its students. The majority of Swedish business schools, however, have not yet made communications an essential part of their curricula. This indicates that most business students in Sweden today, do not receive the toolkit needed to take on leadership roles.

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