

599 Uppsatser om Improvements - Sida 4 av 40

Optimering av monteringsavdelningen förfjädergunglekar : Med Lean mot kundorderstyrd montering

If Sweden want to be able to compete internationally with its production capacity,it is important to work actively with production development and production ofresource-and time-efficient. This report is a bachelor thesis of 15 hp conducted atthe University of Halmstad. Using the principles of continuous improvement andLean Production, the author developed a concept for HAGS Aneby AB to changeto the customer order driven assembly of spring toys.First of all, the theories of Lean Production, logistics and ergonomics are used tobuild and present a theoretical framework for further examination. Then, toachieve the target, the current assembly process is analyzed to develop some firstconceptual ideas for improvement. In order to develop the best advice, theconcepts are evaluated against the company?s requirementsThe developed action plan gives recommendations on how the company shouldrestructure their assembly process and the organization of the related departmentin order to produce spring toys in a more time efficient and lean way.

Förbättring av väggfäste för flatscreens

The project was carried out in cooperation with the department of product development IOS at IKEA. The work included Improvements of a new existing product that Ikea soon will release on the market, Observatör, a wall bracket for flat screens. The product is supposed to fulfil the needs within this market for IKEA. However, since Ikea was not satisfied with it, our work was to carry out the Improvements that were specified in the beginning of the project. Another task in the project was to develop a side-product that is supposed to be used together with Obeservatör for storage of DVD/decoders.The project included labour as problem definition to final technical drawings and a prototype.

Layoutförbättring på KSL Trading AB:s lager för skivmaterial

KSL Trading Inc is a trading company in the Jönkoping area that distributesmaterial for the furniture and interior design industry.The purpose of this report is to analyze the existing material flow andwarehouse layout as well as to identify the issues there are today at KSL?swarehouse for board material. When we identified what kind of problems thatexisted we were able to design a new plan for the material flow and storagepossibilities. The problems we found where:? There is no well-organised warehouse layout? There are no routines to keep the warehouse clean and in order? There is no formed plan how to handle materialTo solve these problems we have used different methods like interviews,observations, calculations and literature studies.

Kvalitetssäkring av Inleveranser

Through a thorough analysis of the current situation, we have highlighted differences inworking methods for the various workshops and drew up proposals for Improvements incombination with a practical work description that can be implemented in the company..

Kritiska Prestations Indikatorer (KPI), Hur väl fungerar KPI:er som verksamhetsstyrning inom den producerande industrin?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how key performance indicators are being used as performance management tools within the production industry. Specifically the purpose is to investigate how the KPI:s within the telecommunications industry drives reusability regarding production test systems. This thesis will also highlight today?s cost models and suggest Improvements of the KPI and what new ones could be introduced. A case study at Ericsson AB has been performed.

Design, konstruktion och test av LED-spektrometer

A LED spectrometer has been constructed for qualitative spectrometry using certain wavelenghts. The LEDs and the photodiode are being controlled with a microcontroller that is connected to a computer to power the components and save data. The spectroanalysis made with the LED spectrometer were significantly different to a standard spectrometer, concluding that more analysis should be made until a final product is ready. Some areas of Improvements are suggested. .

Undersökning av fosfatsbegränsningseffekter på Escherichia coli AF1000 för bättre förståelse av 3-hydroxybutyratproduktion

High quality within a Lean production system begins with standardised work, which creates stable processes able to generate predictable output. If nonconformity from the standard procedures occurs, routines are needed to analyse, correct and prevent the nonconformity from occurring again. In that way, the nonconformity can be a trigger for continuous Improvements toward more stable processes. In takted production lines, where the operator follows a standard sequence with tasks set to be completed within the takt time, a nonconformity leads to downtime in the operator?s sequence, and no value is added.

Styrkan i OEE som arbetsmetod

The E-department at GETRAG All Wheel Drive in Köping have problems with the efficiency on parts of their production equipment. The equipment with the most significant efficiency problems are four automated multifunctional production cells that produces housing for rear drive units. The major part of the problem is the large amount of small stops that causes the low efficiency.The department already worked with logging of interruptions and efficiency calculations before this project started. However this work was not done to the extent considered necessary for a systematic follow-up of the interruptions.The aim of this paper is to point out a more effective and systematic way to work with logging of interruptions and the follow-up. In addition the equipment were studied with a method for efficiency calculation that ? if used properly- is a more powerful and a visually better method than the one used by the company today.As the initial current state analysis of the equipment was made a lack of documented knowledge about the equipment was discovered.

INFORMATIONSÖVERFÖRING OCH KUNSKAPSÅTERVINNING : En studie i kalkylöverlämningsprocessen hos Erlandsson Bygg i Öst AB

Many enterprises have shortcomings in the transfer of information between different departments. Furthermore, routines for maintaining knowledge in order to be able to use this experience in the future are often lacking. Time and resources spent on improving these systems and procedures can provide significant benefits in terms of saved time and reduced costs in the later stages of a project. The benefit of this is not only a greater clarity and a reduced risk of misunderstandings, but also the preservation of knowledge that would otherwise be lost.The aim of this study has been to examine the process of information transfer and the transfer of knowledge between the calculus department and production manager in projects at Erlandsson Bygg i Öst AB. An additional aim was suggestions for Improvements in the calculation handover and at the end of a project, where it was possible.The study was primarily conducted through literature studies and interviews.

Marknadsundersökning av grisplättlysat för att ersätta serum i cellodling

High quality within a Lean production system begins with standardised work, which creates stable processes able to generate predictable output. If nonconformity from the standard procedures occurs, routines are needed to analyse, correct and prevent the nonconformity from occurring again. In that way, the nonconformity can be a trigger for continuous Improvements toward more stable processes. In takted production lines, where the operator follows a standard sequence with tasks set to be completed within the takt time, a nonconformity leads to downtime in the operator?s sequence, and no value is added.

Energieffektivisering i flerbostadshus : En analys av ägarformens påverkan på arbetsprocessoch resultat

In Sweden the residential and commercial sector is a major user of energy, why the Swedish government has set a specific goal to half the energy usage in buildings by 2050, compared to 1995. The Swedish Energy Agency has therefore started the campaign ?Halvera Mera? to encourage demonstration projects that will show how to renovate in an energy efficient way, and in doing so prove that it is possible to reduce a building?s energy usage by half and still make a profit. These projects are intended to serve as good examples and give inspiration to residential owners to perform energy efficient renovations. To make sure that these projects serve their purpose, it is important to know what will inspire and what will impede a residential owner to invest in energy efficiency Improvements.

Hållbar kapselåtervinningslösning

This thesis processes the work of developing CPU code and GPU code for Thomas Kaijsers algorithm for calculating the kantorovich distance and the performance between the two is compared. Initially there is a rundown of the algorithm which calculates the kantorovich distance between two images. Thereafter we go through the CPU implementation followed by GPGPU written in CUDA. Then the results are presented. Lastly, an analysis about the results and a discussion with possible Improvements is presented for possible future applications..

Heuristisk detektering av trojaner

The heuristic methods used by the anti-trojan application TrojanHunter have been evaluated. The evaluation shows that the heuristic scan engine of TrojanHunter has a very good detection ratio and that the detection ratio can be even further improved by implementing the suggested Improvements, the most important of which is a white list to avoid misidentifying files that are known not to be trojans..

Värdeflödesanalys av en produktionsverkstad

This thesis processes the work of developing CPU code and GPU code for Thomas Kaijsers algorithm for calculating the kantorovich distance and the performance between the two is compared. Initially there is a rundown of the algorithm which calculates the kantorovich distance between two images. Thereafter we go through the CPU implementation followed by GPGPU written in CUDA. Then the results are presented. Lastly, an analysis about the results and a discussion with possible Improvements is presented for possible future applications..

Vattenkyld LED-armatur för växthus

This thesis processes the work of developing CPU code and GPU code for Thomas Kaijsers algorithm for calculating the kantorovich distance and the performance between the two is compared. Initially there is a rundown of the algorithm which calculates the kantorovich distance between two images. Thereafter we go through the CPU implementation followed by GPGPU written in CUDA. Then the results are presented. Lastly, an analysis about the results and a discussion with possible Improvements is presented for possible future applications..

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