

1989 Uppsatser om Image retrieval - Sida 39 av 133

Detection of interesting areas in images by using convexity and rotational symmetries

There are several methods avaliable to find areas of interest, but most fail at detecting such areas in cluttered scenes. In this paper two methods will be presented and tested in a qualitative perspective. The first is the darg operator, which is used to detect three dimensional convex or concave objects by calculating the derivative of the argument of the gradient in one direction of four rotated versions. The four versions are thereafter added together in their original orientation. A multi scale version is recommended to avoid the problem that the standard deviation of the Gaussians, combined with the derivatives, controls the scale of the object, which is detected.

Kan Hedvig lösa De mystiska tecknen? : en studie av två biblioteksdataprogram för barn

This thesis examines which function the information technology may have in thechildren's library, with the example from two library computer programmes. One is anexpert system, Hedvig, which will help children to choose and to find books, and theother is a computer game, The mysterious signs, that will teach children library user education.The main question is: What conceptions do the project-leaders, the children'slibrarians and the children have concerning the function of these two programmes in thechildren's library?The study is based upon qualitative interviews with two projects-leaders, fourlibrarians, three computer programmers and twenty-eight children.The theoretical material consists of examples on other library computer programmesfor children developed in Denmark and USA, some American studies in children'sabilities to use computerized information retrieval systems, and studies concerningchildren's relations to computers.The adult's conceptions of the computer programmes are divided into categories asfollows: Democracy, aspect of sex, complement, marketing, reading promotion,development of competence, information technology development, pedagogics, adulteducational activities, compensation and armusement, pedagogics, usefulness,effectiveness and information. These categories shall be seen as the conclusions of the thesis..

Citeringsanalys och citeringsteorier: En kritisk granskning

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to make an outline of different methods and theories within the field of bibliometrics and critically review their strengths and weaknesses. The author studied literature that discussed bibliometric methods and theories. The number of empirical studies that are based on bibliometric methods and theories are numerous and where principally excluded, but some empirical studies were included as part of the argumentation for and against different methods and theories. The author first gives an outline of which methods and theories there are and describes their different strengths and weaknesses. Citation analysis has many different fields of application such as information retrieval, mapping science, evaluative studies and monitoring literature.

NetSök : Internetvägledning för referensbibliotekarier

Internet has made information more easy to get, but also more difficult to retrieve. There is a need for information retrieval systems that assure accurate, reliable and up to date information. Quite a number of both commercial and non commercial search services has been developed on the Internet. We have made a qualitative study of one for-pay product in particular, NetS k, produced by BTJ (Bibliotekstj nst), Lund. It is a database that contains collected, evaluated and classified links, and is especially developed to suit public librarians in Sweden.

En attraktiv arbetsgivare från insidan. : En studie om vilka faktorer som upplevs attraktiva med Skellefteå kommun som arbetsgivare

Ett starkt arbetsgivarvarumärke blir allt viktigare för att attrahera, rekrytera och behålla medarbetare. Vårt uppdrag har varit att studera vilka faktorer medarbetare i Skellefteå kommun ser som attraktiva med sin arbetsgivare. Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka och skapa en djupare förståelse för vad medarbetarna inom identifierade bristyrken i Skellefteå kommun upplever som attraktiva faktorer hos arbetsgivaren och arbetet, samt vad medarbetarna har för syn på organisationens image. Tillvägagångssättet för vår studie har utgått från kvalitativa fokusgruppsintervjuer samt en gruppintervju. De resultat som framkommit från intervjuerna har analyserats för att nå en slutsats samt för att svara på studiens syfte och frågeställningar.

Support Vector Machines for Classification applied to Facial Expression Analysis and Remote Sensing

The subject of this thesis is the application of Support Vector Machines on two totally different applications, facial expressions recognition and remote sensing.The basic idea of kernel algorithms is to transpose input data in a higher dimensional space, the feature space, in which linear operations on the data can be processed more easily. These operations in the feature space can be expressed in terms of input data thanks to the kernel functions. Support Vector Machines is a classifier using this kernel method by computing, in the feature space and on basis of examples of the different classes, hyperplanes that separate the classes. The hyperplanes in the feature space correspond to non linear surfaces in the input space.Concerning facial expressions, the aim is to train and test a classifier able to recognise, on basis of some pictures of faces, which emotion (among these six ones: anger, disgust, fear, joy, sad, and surprise) that is expressed by the person in the picture. In this application, each picture has to be seen has a point in an N-dimensional space where N is the number of pixels in the image.The second application is the detection of camouflage nets hidden in vegetation using a hyperspectral image taken by an aircraft.

En utvärdering av två pearl growing-metoder i ISI Web of Science

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate two pearl growing methods in ISI Web of Science. The methods tested are Find Related Records FRR, an automatic service that uses bibliographic coupling, and Author Keywords AK, where searches are performed using the two first keywords from this field. Both search methods were used on twenty initial documents and the first twenty hits were evaluated for relevance using a binary scale 0,1. The relevance criteria were based on specific information needs connected to every initial document. The measures used to evaluate the effectiveness of the search methods were Precision at DCV=10, P10, and Uninterpolated Average Precision AP.

Fotoindexering på Jämtlands läns museum

The aim of this thesis is to describe the subject indexing of images performed at the provincial museum of Jämtland and to evaluate the inter-indexer consistency at the museum. The main questions are: How are photographs indexed in the database SOFIE foto regarding Outline-codes, subject headings and natural language keywords? How does these procedures compare to research and indexing projects? How consistent are the indexers at the museum when choosing Outline-codes, subject headings and natural language keywords? Answers are sought by reading articles about classification, image indexing, indexing language, indexing consistency and by looking at a number of projects attempting to standardise image indexing practice in Sweden. The indexing practice at the museum is also described. In addition a minor inter-indexing consistency study, based on the subject indexing of ten photographs made by five indexers at the museum, is performed.

Könsmaktordning i barnlitteraturen - På jakt efter skumma stereotyper bland monsteragenter, hästtjuvar och ondsinta trollkarlar : Hur iscensätts värdegrundsuppdraget i skolans strävan att motverka traditionella könsmönster sett utifrån analyser av åtta ba

Syfte: Arbetet syftar till att undersöka Försäkringskassans imagearbete och hur de arbetar med att skapa en image som rättvist avspeglar den nya identiteten ?Den Nya Försäkringskassan?.Metod: Vi utgår ifrån ett hermeneutiskt tolkande perspektiv för att skapa djupare förståelse i det som undersöks. Detta kombineras med en abduktiv ansats vid alstringen av kunskap där vi väger teori och empiri lika tungt, samt skapar dessa med hänsyn till varandra. Datainsamlingen består av både kvantitativa och kvalitativa insamlingsmetoder så som primärdata i form av semistruktureradeintervjuer och en enkätundersökning. Sekundärdata genom årsredovisning och budgetunderlag.

Synen på kristendom en analys av läromedel i religionskunskap

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the perception of Christianity in nine textbooks andidentify changes in-between them and over time. The content of the textbooks will also bediscussed in relation to the steering documents connected to each book.I have chosen to focus on three curriculums, Lgy 70, Lpf 94 and Gy 11. My researchquestions are: how Christianity is treated in textbooks in religious studies in relation to theperception of Jesus, God and man? What are the differences/similarities across time andlearning materials? In what way does the textbooks change with the syllabuses?Text consumption and discursive practices is analyzed with the help of a set of tools thatare based on the critical discourse analysis and Fairclough's three-dimensional model. Theimage of Jesus, if described by a textbook, is also analysed.Three textbooks were chosen from each curricula.

En studie av evalueringar av webbaserade söktjänsters återvinningseffektivitet

The aim of this thesis is to describe and critically investigate eight different evaluations of the retrieval effectiveness of webbased search engines. The questions to be answered in this investigation are: - What kind of relevance judgements have been used? - Which criteria have been used when judging the relevance of a document? - Which measures have been used? - How many queries have been used? - How were the queries constructed? - What document cut-off value has been used? - Has hypothes testing been applied? - What kind of webbased search engines have been included in the evaluations? The study showed that although the evaluations investigate the same phenomena, they are very different from each other in certain aspects. Generally the study showed that precision is the preferred measure in comparison to recall in the chosen evaluation even though all the included evaluations have constructed unique formulas for calculating precision. Some attempts to measure relative recall have been performed but they all suffer from different defects.

???Varumärkesbyggande inom offentlig sektor. : Hur Samordningsförbundet i Trelleborg kan kommunicera en strark profil.

BakgrundSamordningsförbundet i Trelleborg är ett nybildat förbund som samordnar och finansierar projekt som genomförs av Arbetsförmedlingen, Försäkringskassan, Region Skåne och Trelleborgs kommun. Samordningen ska förhindra att personer, som på grund av sjukdom är utan förvärvsarbete, hamnar i en gråzon mellan myndigheterna och inte får tillräckligt stöd. Samordningsförbundet önskar kommunicera mer effektivt och aktivt inom och utanför förbundet men har inget planerat kommunikationsarbete.Syfte Studien ger kunskap om förbundets identitet och image med avsikt att skapa en övergripande plan för profilering. Utifrån resultaten tas strategier fram för kommunikationsinsatser med olika målgrupper. Genomförande En fallstudie har genomförts av Samordningsförbundet.

Kommunikativ maktförskjutning? Legitimitetsskapande kommunikation i kölvattnet av ett massmedialt uppmärksammat omhändertagande

Citizens are in need of information to form an opinion about how society works. As a reviewer of the Public power the media plays an important role in a democratic society. The communicative power shift appears in contemporary media landscape, where technology offers great opportunities for actors to use their own channels to communicate their own image and thereby influencing power over the agenda. Alongside this, the number of communicators is increasing which makes power of resources affects the communicative whole picture. The study is based on a media profile case of the described assault and looks at what can happen strategic communicative at a police department when journalism offers a negative image.

Externa kanaler på Prime Care : Tanken med dem, dess funktion och sättet de uppfattas på

AbstractTitle: External communication channels of Prime Care How they where thought to be, how they work and how costumers apprehend them.Number of pages: 50 (64 Including enclosures)Author: Sophie DicksenTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media- and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The focus of this paper lies on the external communication channels of Prime Care and the aim is to study the following aspects: How do the channels work? How are they apprehended by customers of the company? What are Prime Cares own thoughts behind the channels? How does Prime Cares self-image correspond to the way that customers apprehend the company?Material/Method: Twenty interviews has been done with different customers of Prime Care in order to see how the company and its communication flow is apprehended. A consultant manager of Prime Care has also been asked about purposes behind the companies external communication channels in order to enable a comparison between Prime Cares image and profile. Prime Cares website, one of their mail sendouts, their salescalls, salesvisits and their exhibition participation have been studied on the basis of relevant litterature. Maletzkes model of mass communication was used as a general view of communication flow.Main results: All communication channels included in this study have different ways of function even though they all have the same main purpose, videlicet to promote the company, to inform about its activities and to recruit new customers and consultants.

Vi kan skapa nya saker hela tiden, men vi kan inte skapa en ny va?rld utan fo?ra?ndring. : En studie om Corporate Social Responsibility inom e-handeln.

Syftet med denna uppsats a?r att fa? en djupare fo?rsta?else fo?r arbetet med Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) inom e-handeln genom att analysera:Det engagemang som finns för CSR och det ansvar som tas av företag inom e-handeln.Hur kommunikation av CSR används av företagen för att positionera sig och stärka sin image.Vad konsumenter har för syn på CSR inom e-handeln och vad detta har för påverkan på företags arbete kring ämnet.I koppling till detta syfte har följande forskningsfråga formulerats:Vad präglar e-handelsföretags arbete med Corporate Social Responsibility?Vi har valt att go?ra en kvalitativ studie da? vi ville analysera vad fo?retagare, experter och konsumenter inom e-handeln har fo?r erfarenheter och a?sikter kring arbetet med CSR. Studien har pra?glats av en abduktiv ansats da?r vi har haft ett va?xelspel mellan teori och empiri. Prima?rdatan har samlats in genom fyra personliga, semi-struturerade intervjuer samt en strukturerad intervju via mail.

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