

1989 Uppsatser om Image retrieval - Sida 22 av 133

Ett kommunikationssystem för fiberoptisk överföring av bilddata förvärvad av en miniatyriserad undervattensfarkost

This report describes the development and implementation of a system for transmitting digital information at high speeds from a miniaturized submersible developed by the Ångström Space Technology Centre at Uppsala University. For instance, the vehicle shall transmit image data ? even stream live video - through an optical fibre to a monitor in a ground station. Hence, the system shall be used both to convert the image data to make it transmittable, and to recreate it at the receiver.The work includes a pre-study of the programming language and the technology used. A concept for the solution is presented together with main components later broken down into internal functions.

Europeiska mötesdestinationer : En jämförelsestudie om professionella möten & mötesindustrin i Stockholm, Warszawa & Rom

The meeting industry is a growing industry around the world, and the technological development in recent decades is one of the contributing factors to the increased travel opportunities and meeting industry's expansion. It can be assumed that the technology could replace some of the personal meetings, but humans have always had a need to meet in physical locations in work related purposes, therefore there is no evidence that personal meetings will disappear. Technological development should be seen as complementary rather than a substitute to the existing professional meetings. Public and private sectors within countries has drawn attention to meeting industry's potential, as favored destinations in terms of economic administration, image creation, expansion and acquisition of further market share in the global market. Meeting industry is complex precisely because there are so many different actors and stakeholders that integrate.

Ryssen Kommer : Synen på det ryska hotet i svensk landsortspress, från 1858 - 1898.

With this essay, I want to examine the image of Russians in the Swedish rural press during the second half of the 19th century, how rusophobia appeared in Swedish rural press and how the image of Russians changed during this time. To find this out, I set these questions:  ? How was Russians and Russia portrayed in the Swedish rural press? ? Did the view of Russians change during this time?The essay is written so that I have interpreted my empirical material to do a discourse analysis in which I analyse different articles that have been written about Russia and Russians in a stereotypical way. The source material used in the thesis comes from 41 news articles; the bulk of the source material comes from newspapers that were published during the late 19th century.Rural press reporting on Russia and Russians were in the second half of the 19th century mostly negative. Of the 41 articles that were examined it was found that about half were negative, less than one-sixth were positive, while about a third were neutral.The reason that many of the articles were negative has to do with Sweden's shared history with Russia, with many wars and territorial losses.

Kriminalideologier i svensk politik.

Authors: Patrik Jäverbo & Jon LindheTitle: Greener on the other sideLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishIn later years the strict laws and policies surrounding cannabis use have been questioned around the world by several influential leaders, among them US president Barack Obama and former UN secretary general Kofi Annan. It has been argued that the ?War on Drugs? has done more harm than good and in some American states and a number of European countries the drug have been legalized or decriminalized. Everybody does not agree however, that legalization is the best course of action and in Sweden the emotions have sometimes run high in the discussions taking place in television shows and newspapers.The purpose of this study is to examine the image media portrays of cannabis; based on the theory that mass media is an important influence on the individual and the way in which he or she views the world. To put the result into a context the Swedish media image will be compared with the one in Denmark and Norway.

Bibliotekariestudenter och söksträngsexpansion: Ett experiment om manuell söksträngsexpansion

The focus of the thesis is an information search technique called manual query expansion, which aims to improve the retrieval per-formance in a search system by adding terms to the search query. The study looks at the query expansions done by LIS students, and the eventual beneficial effects by using a search help during the search process. The empirical data have been collected thro-ugh an experiment, with an experiment group as well as a control group. The conclusion is that the students need more education in query expansion in order to be able to use it correctly. There are significant differences between the groups in several aspects, for example in the use of search terms, parentheses, and truncation.

Den enes död, den andres bröd : En fallstudie i Fonus kriskommunikation

Denna studie undersöker hur begravningsbyrån Fonus valde att bemöta en kritisk artikel, publicerad i Aftonbladet, med ett pressmeddelande som lades upp på den egna hemsidan. Uppsatsen undersöker först vilka retoriska verktyg som har använts i skapandet av detta meddelande, och sett från Benoits teori om Image Repair, vilka strategier som använts och hur användningen av dessa har sett ut.Därefter söker studien att praktiskt undersöka detta budskap genom att låta en utvald grupp respondenter ta del av materialet samtidigt som de i personliga intervjuer får svara på frågor om det de läst. Här utsätts respondenterna först för negativa påståenden riktade mot Fonus för att färga deras åsikt om företaget innan de får ta del av pressmeddelandet. Syftet är att undersöka om Fonus textbaserade kriskommunikation kan påverka respondenterna och deras attityd mot företaget i en positiv riktning.Undersökningens slutsats är att ett budskap som utformats med en väl balanserad retorik och ett väl avvägt bruk av Benoits strategier, utgör ett fruktbart sätt att påverka mottagaren i den önskade riktningen..

Ett företag i det socialt oacceptabla

Den svenska MMA marknaden är idag under hård kritik. Många människor menar att det endast är kriminella som håller på med kamsport och att de tävlingar som arrangeras är ren brutalitet. Trots det här så har vi idag väldigt stora aktörer på den svenska marknaden som inte bara klarar sig utan även växer. Men organisationerna har fortfarande den allmänna opinionen emot sig. Företagen försöker att framstå som så sportsliga och godartade som möjligt och de menar att MMA inte är våld utan en idrott.

Kirunafestivalen: En omvärldsanalys- och upplevelseproduktionsbaserad konceptutveckling

Festivalnäringen är en stor turismverksamhet i Sverige, som lockar tusentals besökare till städer runt om i Sverige varje år. Men för att kunna sticka ut i den ständigt växande branschen, krävs det en image och något unikt som lockar besökare. Kirunafestivalen ville ha hjälp att stärka sin position för att kunna sticka ut på Sveriges festivalmarknad. Därför har vi genom teorier från upplevelseproduktion samt en omvärldsanalys tagit fram ett koncept för att stärka Kirunafestivalens position och image. Till uppsatsen valde vi att arbeta positivistiskt med en deduktiv ansats.

Förtätning av film till stillbild

During this project a photographer and an illustrator have explored if a single image can communicate a bigger whole, in this case a movie. By analysing five motion pictures with visual communication theories, semiotics and colour symbolism as tools, ten images was created. These images do not only consist of symbols, but also communicate the overall feeling and colour scheme of the movie.These images have been tested in interviews with six individuals, who, except for one, work with visual communication of some kind. They have studied the communication skills of the images from their own experiences.The result of the interviews showed that all images could not communicate a movie. One reason for this was that only a few of the test persons had seen two of the selected movies.

Varje litet liv ska vara en vän : om djurens rätt till hänsyn och rättvisa

Öland?s Business Office is on the verge of developing a strategy for the island?s future tourism. Before any work with developing Öland can be carried out, it is essential to gain an understanding of how the place is perceived today.The purpose of this essay is to study the island?s current image and make recommendations for how the place brand could be developed.The methods used are literature studies and qualitative group interviews. The participants have been inhabitants of Öland and returning visitors from the Kalmar region.

Rekryteringsstrategier för företag inom skogssektorn : en undersökning om hur skogsbrukande och träförädlande företag bygger sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke

The forest industry is anonymous among the young people of today. Many youngsters do not know what the forest industry has to offer. As a result of this, many schools and forest have a weak recruitment. This is not a problem for Sweden and the forest industry only, many other businesses companies suffer from in Sweden and other countries in Europe share the same image problem. The interest and values of young people drives them to look for opportunities in other betterknown sectors with better image and reputation. Many companies report having problems with recruiting the best and right employees and fear that the recruiting-problems will increase when the older generation born in the 1940?s will retire.

Kvinnors upplevelser av förändrad kroppsuppfatting och sexualitet efter mastektomi : En litteraturstudie

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer affecting women. The treatment of breast cancer may lead to forcing the woman to remove her breast. The breast is a symbol of femininity and sexuality for many women. The purpose of this literature-based study is to describe women's experiences of altered body image and sexuality after mastectomy. This may provide a better understanding of the nurse in responding to these breast cancer patients.

Test av immunohistokemiska markörer för differentialdiagnostik mellan Spitz nevus och melanom

Spitz nevus was first described by Sophie Spitz in 1948 as juvenile melanoma. The lesion is a benign melanocytic tumor, which consists of epiteloid- and spindelshaped cells. Histological is spitz nevus difficult to distinguish from malign melanomas and spitzoid melanomas. Loss of symmetry, loss of maturation in the deep component, nuclear polymorphism and hyper chromatic nucleus are features which can be found in melanomas. Some of these features are often seen in spitz nevus.

Ordets tillblivelse : aspekter av Nietzsches tidiga språkfilosofi

The thesis examines the nineteenth century German philosopher and philologist Friedrich Nietzsche?s early notion of how a word is generated in the process of perception. It does so by looking at the ?metaphorical transitions? Nietzsche talks about in the essay ?Über Wahrheit und Lu?ge im außermoralischen Sinne? (?On Truth and Lie in an Extra-MoralSense?). According to the relevant passage in ?On Truth and Lie?? an image is first created as a metaphor for a stimulus and a word is then created as a metaphor for the image.

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