

1876 Uppsatser om Image compression - Sida 17 av 126

Varumärkeskommunikation för marknadsledare : En studie av Red Bull's varumärkeskommunikationoch image

The purpose of this thesis is to through brand communication and Red Bull?simage examine how they position themselves as leaders on the Swedish energydrink market. We chose relevant theories within buzz marketing, word ofmouth, sampling and events. Our method of preference was quantitativequestionnaires which we spred through email to students at the LinneausUniversity and other social networks such as Facebook and blogs. Our empiricalstudy is based on our questionnaires and information about Red Bull.

Är förpackningen viktigare än innehållet? : en studie av ett alkoholföretags kommunikativa Corporate Social Responsibility arbete och hur dess intressenter upplever det

Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the work of an alcohol company?s (Pernod Ricard) corporate social responsibility and how this work is being communicated to the company?s stakeholders. Furthermore I aim to describe the profile of the specific company, in other words how they wish their stakeholders to experience the company. I will then compare this profile with the image of how the interviewed stakeholders actually perceive the corporate social responsibility activities. Are there any differences?Material/Method: Together with literature and document studies, a qualitative method has been used and four focus group interviews with a total of 16 stakeholders have been conducted.Main results: The main results from the focus group interviews showed that the stakeholders appreciated corporate social responsibility work that focuses on the protection of young people.

Effekten av frekvenskomprimerande hörapparater på taluppfattningen hos patienter med grava diskantnedsättningar ? En experimentell studie

A pilot study conducted on four patients, which we received from the Sahlgrenska University Hospital, who were all potential candidates for a cochlear implant. We fitted our test subjects with a pair of frequency compressing hearing aids called Phonak Naida V SP during the study and let them evaluate them for about seven weeks. Measurements made with monosyllabic words throughout the study showed significant differences in speech perception (p?0.05) compared to their regular hearing aids in 3 out of 4 cases. De-activation of the frequency transposed function showed significant decreases in 3 out of 4 cases compared to when it was activated.All test subjects were satisfied with the new hearing aids and chose to keep using them at the end of the study..

Hur uppfattas företaget? - En studie av annonseringens effekter på företagens image

Syftet med studien var att öka kunskapen kring hur företag genom annonsens uppbyggnad kan påverka sin image. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts genom insamling av primärdata. Annonser från tre företag valdes ut, varpå semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med såväl företrädare för företagen som sexton respondenter. Studien visar att konsumenters tidigare kunskap och erfarenheter påverkar deras utvärdering av annonser. Annonser som uppfattas som mainstream kan både vara något positivt och negativt.

Estimation of reindeer lichen biomass by image analysis

During consultation procedures between forest owners and the Sámi, data on, e.g., reindeer lichen biomass on the current site is needed. Hitherto, the existing methods of measuring lichen cover and biomass has been either objective methods such as the Point Intercept method, which is time consuming, or some sort of subjective visual estimation, which is faster but less accurate. However, both these methods are sensitive to different observers and/or to different inventories. This paper addresses the further development and evaluation of a photographical inventory method that uses colour distribution in images to estimate lichen biomass. During the autumn of 2011 six different locations, with different grazing pressure and lichen cover, in Norrbotten county were inventoried using both the Point Intercept method and the photographical method, complemented with collection of biomass samples.

Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans användande av omvårdnadsplaner : en litteraturstudie

The purpose is to illustrate the phenomenon of self-harm from a social psychological and sociological perspective. The purpose is furthermore to examine the role social relationships play in the individuals´ self- imagine and what role does identification play for anyone who harm themselves? We want to examine in what way social relationships are important and how they function for individuals who harm themselves, both once they have started to harm themselves, and if the relationships in any part caused the cutting to begin with.Questions:How do individuals shape their identity based on self- harm? Which self-image do individuals have who self-harm? Is there anything in the person's previous social relationships that have caused them to begin to hurt themselves?Method:In this paper we have analyzed five autobiographies. We have used open coding from grounded theory as analytical method and subject positions based on discourse analysis.Theory:We have used the Cooley concepts looking glass self, Foucault's theory of power, Giddens' concept of ontological security and existential anxiety.Results and Analysis:We found six different categories that we thought were central. These were negative self-image, guilt, lack of family support, negative experiences of others' views, the protective identity as self- harmer and insecure social relationships in school.Conclusion:The self-harming is a very complex behavior.

Frihetskamp eller islamistisk terror? Tjetjenienkonflikten i efterdyningarna av 9/11

This thesis rests on the theory and methodology of discourse theory. By viewing social reality as constituted by discourses, meanings that are taken for granted can be challenged.The events of September 11th 2001 resulted in the American war on terror. This thesis explores the impact of 9/11 and the war on terror on the Russian image of the conflict in Chechnya.Discourse theory is applied to shed light on how the conflict over Chechnya is discursively constructed by the Russian state and media. The discourse is organized in three thematic sections: Identity, Enemy Images and Islam. Russia establishes itself as a member of the Western civilisation.

Du ser inte ut som en bibliotekarie! ? Kläder och identitet i bibliotekarieyrket

The aim of this study is to examine whether the image of the stereotype librarian has created conflict in young librarians´ personal identity and/or professional identity and if this has shown in their choice of clothes? Our purpose was to find out, with the help of their choice of clothes, the young librarians view of themselves as individuals and professional librarians. We have searched for the answers to the following questions: - Do young librarians experience that clothing at their workplace has any significance and if so, what do they want to signal with their clothing? - Do they experience that clothing and appearance has any impact on their personal and professional identity? - How do they relate, by their choice of clothes, to the stereotype images of the librarian? We have performed qualitative interviews with eleven young female librarians. As a theoretical framework we have used ideas and concepts from different areas of research; semiotics, social psychology, business administration and ethnology.

Mätinstrument: Kundnöjdhet : ? Att jämföra image, förväntningar och upplevelser i modebutiker

Titel:     Mätinstrument: Kundnöjdhet ? Att jämföra image, förväntningar och upplevelser i modebutikerSyfte:Syftet är att undersöka de förväntningar om nöjdhet som kunder baserar enbart på en varumärkesmix. Vilka aspekter av ett butiksbesök dessa varumärkesbaserade nöjdhetsförväntningar framförallt rör, hur nöjda kunderna förväntar sig att bli med dessa aspekter och huruvida nöjdhetsförväntningarna infrias vid ett besök i en butik som har en specifik varumärkesmix. Som ett delsyfte undersöks vad i ett butiksbesök som är viktigt för de deltagande konsumenterna när de handlar kläder.Metod:Vi valde att använda oss av en kvantitativ metod där vi intervjuade 111 kvinnliga respondenter om vad de tyckte var viktigt, vilka förväntningar en varumärkesmix skapar samt hur nöjda de var efter ett besök vid dammodeavdelningen på Åhléns i Umeå. Vi utgick från ett deduktivt angreppsätt med befintliga teorier som stöd för våra frågeställningar.

Logotyp : Att harmonisera logotyp med företagets image

Undersökningens syfte är att analysera hur Sverige, svensken och invandraren presenteras i läromedel i svenska som andraspråk. Dessa läroböcker är för många vuxna invandrare en dörr som leder till livet i Sverige då böckerna inte bara ger information om språket utan också om svenska traditioner, levnadssätt och hur man klarar sig i samhället.I resultatet framgår att läroböckerna ibland presenterar en stereotyp bild av landet Sverige och dess invånare. En del stereotyper kan anses vara positiva men en del är relativt negativa vilket ger ett dystert intryck. Vissa generaliseringar förekommer också vilket kan vara ett problem då läsaren, d.v.s. invandraren får en skev och vinklad bild av verkligheten..

K special-profil kontra image : En kvalitativ studie om SVT:s kulturprogram K special

Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka kulturprogrammet K specials profil kontra image, samt vad programmets medarbetare och tittare associerar till begreppet kultur.Metod: Studien är genomförd med kvalitativa metoder i form av personliga intervjuer och telefonintervjuer samt en nätundersökning.Resultat: K specials projektledare har en samlad bild av hur de vill att tittarna ska uppfatta programmet. Tittarna som har medverkat i denna studie har i många anseenden en positiv likartad uppfattning om programmet. Det finns dock en skillnad i hur en del tittare associerar till namnet K special, då namnet stundtals associeras med frukostflingor. Gällande kultur visar det sig att K special är en kultur i sig och utgör en livsstil hos tittarna som medverkar i denna studie. Både tittarna och programmets medarbetare ser begreppet kultur som ett samlingsnamn på livet och människors uttryck, allt som inte platsar inom ramarna för naturvetenskap.

Självskadebeteende : En studie om identitet och självuppfattning

The purpose is to illustrate the phenomenon of self-harm from a social psychological and sociological perspective. The purpose is furthermore to examine the role social relationships play in the individuals´ self- imagine and what role does identification play for anyone who harm themselves? We want to examine in what way social relationships are important and how they function for individuals who harm themselves, both once they have started to harm themselves, and if the relationships in any part caused the cutting to begin with.Questions:How do individuals shape their identity based on self- harm? Which self-image do individuals have who self-harm? Is there anything in the person's previous social relationships that have caused them to begin to hurt themselves?Method:In this paper we have analyzed five autobiographies. We have used open coding from grounded theory as analytical method and subject positions based on discourse analysis.Theory:We have used the Cooley concepts looking glass self, Foucault's theory of power, Giddens' concept of ontological security and existential anxiety.Results and Analysis:We found six different categories that we thought were central. These were negative self-image, guilt, lack of family support, negative experiences of others' views, the protective identity as self- harmer and insecure social relationships in school.Conclusion:The self-harming is a very complex behavior.

Letar Svenska kyrkan på rätt ställe? : - en kritisk diskursanalys av Svenska kyrkans reklamkampanjer

AbstractAim: The aim of this essay has been to study how the Swedish church has created the image of their religious activity through media. This has been by studying the three commercial campaigns launched by the Swedish church during the years 2000, 2001 and 2003. Questions asked are: How has the Swedish church chosen to profile it self? Which discourses can be recognized in the campaigns? Which messages has been communicated through the campaigns? How has these discourses created the image of the Swedish church?Method: The methodological framework is critical discourse analysis inspired by Norman Faircloughs? three-dimensional model. Thirteen images all part of the campaigns are analysed using a semiotic method.

Bilden av förskolan genom bilderboken : En studie om hur förskolan skildras i åtta bilderböcker

The goal with this essay is to determine if the image of preschool, in a specified number of picture books, is consistent with the posted goals of the preschool operations in the curriculum of preschool published in 1998 (hereafter Lpfö 98). Besides that the essay is also planned to look at how the preschool?s status have changed after Lpfö 98 was established and if this is shown in the picture books. Therefore this essay will focus on picture books published 1998-2009 because after that a new version of Lpfö 98 was published. Also the picture books chosen for this study are all stories about preschool or kindergarten.The questions that this essay will answer are: How are the activities in preschool described, and how do they match the guidelines in Lpfö 98? In what way has the status of preschool been affected since Lpfö 98 was published? In what way has the teachers? role been affected and how is that shown?In order to answer these questions I will use a quality text analysis of picture books for children.

Entreprenörskapscenter eller takeaway pasta? : Bilden av Science Park Jönköping bland studenter

Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the external communication of Science Park Jönköping, how they want students in Jönköping to perceive them. Further we would like to compare thatinformation with how students in Jönköping actually perceive Science Park Jönköping. Do the both pictures agree?Method/Material: Together with literature studies, a qualitive method has been used.Two interviews with the managers of Science Park, and five focusgroups with students havebeen conducted.Main Results: The main result from the focusgroup interviews shows that the students perceived image of Science Park correlates in many ways with Science Parks profile. But the study also shows that Science Park do not apply many of the relevant theories that would benefit their marketing..

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