

2051 Uppsatser om Imageöverföring - Sida 24 av 137

Mohammedkarikatyrerna och skapandet av den Andre : En diskursanalys av den andres dominerande roll och identitet i Sverige

The aim of the paper is to explore the dominating perception of the Other after the conflict regarding the Danish Mohammed caricatures. How Swedish newspapers have portrayed Arabs, which role they have been given in society and what problems they are struggling with is going to be the focus of this thesis.As methodological approach I chose discourse analysis, since it presents a view where language defines and structures our understanding of reality. Through the study of various Swedish newspaper articles, this essay tries to illustrate the implicit yet existent negative image of the Arabs as a group and potential alternative ways of understanding the Other.The perception of Arabs is a product of a necessary imaginary foe, a mirror image of the bad and strange in contrast to the idyllic and safe Swedish nationality. The rhetoric?s of the discourse are therefore constructed between a politics of acknowledgement and a will to culturally dominate the Other.

Måla med musik, komponera med färg : En retrospektiv studie av den kreativa processen, bland bild, musik och synestesi

The relationship between color and music, and their relation to the human being and our surrounding universe has been subject of studies, theories and experiments since the old ages. From the ancient China and Persia to the present times, philosophers, scientists and artists have tried to explain these connections between color and music and also tried to find answers to this ancient enigma.The invention of the color organ c. 1730, an instrument that was intended to display color in addition to the musical auditive experience, was the first attempt to materialize the practical correlation between notes and color. This correlation has its foundation in the ideas of Isaac Newton, who through his book Optics published only a few years earlier, conformed the beginning of a new art culture: ?Visual music?, in which image and sound are the fundamental elements in the creative process.The ?visual music? concept is not only grounded in the ideas of music and sound, but also in the extraordinary creative capability of certain individuals.

Personlig image och stress på sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie om sociala mediers emotionella effekter på stockholmare i åldrarna 20-30

Studien syftar till att undersöka den ökade pressen på den personliga imagen på de sociala medieplattformarna Facebook och Instagram och studera hur stockholmare i åldrarna 20-30 uppfattar eventuella effekter av detta. Undersökningen har sin utgångspunkt i två vetenskapliga discipliner; medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap och psykologi och är baserad på fyra kvalitativa informantintervjuer och två fokusgruppintervjuer om fyra respektive fem gruppdeltagare. Datamaterialet har därefter transkriberats för att senare sammanställas med hjälp av ett kvalitativt analysschema. Tillämpad analysmetod är hermeneutisk meningstolkning som går ut på att analysera de separata delarna som skapar förutsättning för att förstå helheten. Analysschemat är därför uppdelat på fyra huvudteman: användarfrekvens, user gratifications, den personliga imagen på sociala medier samt psykologiska effekter av deltagandet på sociala medier.

Med kroppen som spegel : tatueringen som dokument

This master?s thesis has the intent of showing that the tattoo can be regarded as an individuals document according to prevailing notions in archival science. Suzanne Briets definition of the concept of document is used in this thesis as a widening definition, a document does not have to presented in a defined form, it is only required to represent an object or intellectual phenomenon and to be informative.Tattoos are presented in this thesis as informative with regard to the status and position of russian/soviet convicts and as such presenting an individuals identity within a specific context. As documents they also provide the individual with the essential evidence of his or her endeavours in a criminal environment. Also, they have the ability to function as an individuals memories of relationships, hardships and comradeships.

Mitt tillva?gaga?ngssa?tt att teckna serier

Det ha?r projektet tar avstamp i en personlig erfarenhet av tomhet fra?n min barndom. Jag tar mig tillbaka till 1970-talet fo?r att a?terfinna en va?l dold ra?dsla som vibrerar i bro?stet pa? en 5-a?ring. Den ka?nslan fo?rso?ker jag greppa, fo?ra med mig till nutiden och gestalta i en skulptur.Genom att studera varierande sa?tt att se pa? tomhetsbegreppet inom olika omra?den och kulturer utforskar jag bakgrunden till den abstrakta tomhetska?nslan som skra?mde mig som liten.

Ett utbud av upplevelser - en fallstudie av Falkenbergs kulturella upplevelseutbud ur ett platsmarknadsföringsperspektiv

I denna studie har vi gjort en fallstudie av Falkenberg där vi kunnat se att de är framgångsrika inom kulturella upplevelser. Enligt teorier om platsmarknadsföring bör en plats framhålla sådant som skiljer dem från andra i sin marknadsföring för att skapa konkurrensfördelar. I analysen framgår det dock att Falkenbergs stad inte har tagit tillvara på de kulturella upplevelseutbuden i sin marknadsföring. Staden har trots detta lyckats förbättra sin turismnäring de senaste åren varpå vi kan dra slutsatsen att även andra faktorer bidrar till att skapa ett attraktivt besöksmål. Vi har till exempel sett att engagerade människor, positiva attityder samt ett samarbete mellan stadens aktörer i ett nätverkär viktiga för att skapa en positiv image av staden..

A Cup of Tea Please - a studie of cultural representation in English textbooks

The aim of this essay is to study how cultures are presented in English textbooks for A-level students in Sweden. The aim is divided into three research questions, what does culture in English teaching mean, how is the English-speaking world presented in the textbooks and is the image that is presented stereotyped or does it try to challenge it? The study comprises of four textbooks from 1998-2008. The theoretical frame used in the essay is Edward Said?s Orientalism.

Androgynitetens betydelse för det kreativa uttrycket i To the Lighthouse

A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of Umeå developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of Umeå in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of Umeå in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of Umeå in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.Umeå is displayed as an expanding city.

Employer Branding : Medias påverkan på Vattenfalls arbetsgivarvarumärke

Title:Employer Branding ? Medias Influence on Vattenfall?s Employer Brand (Employer Branding ? Medias påverkan på Vattenfalls arbetsgivarvarumärke) Purpose/Aim:The aim of this study is to examine how a negative media image influences the Employer Brand of the Swedish company Vattenfall. First of all I will examine if Vattenfall have a strong Employer Brand and then if the media image have any influence over the Employer Brand. My hypothesis is that Vattenfall?s Corporate Culture is a big part of the Employer Brand and because of that negative media images has no power to influence on Vattenfall?s Employer Brand.

Kopplingsbeslag för resårbottnar

The project has been implemented in collaboration with Carl-Johan Lundberg on Deltagruppen Ltd in Jönköping. Problem introduction comes from Carl-Johan's own experience from the hotel sector. The problem that all hotels has is that they sell two products, i e. simple - and double rooms. Persons that travel in companies do not desire always to share bed.Focus in the work is to develop a product that holds together two simple beds and forms double bed, concurrent that it goes that converters to two simple bed without needing to disassemble the product and be done invisible.

Kan företag kontrollera sitt varumärke online? : En kvalitativ studie om villkoren fo?r marknadskommunikation i sociala medier 

Purpose: This study aims to investigate the conditions that prevail when companies put their marketing in social media with the purpose of creating a perception of the risks and opportunities it brings to businesses and ultimately how it may affect the corporate image and identity.Theories: The basis of the problem area are presented through a theoretical framework with the purpose of highlighting the notions of social media, communi- cation, marketing communication, groundswell, corporate identity and image.Methodology: To investigate the research questions this study adopted a qualitative approach in which the authors study the properties of a phenomenon in order to seek a deeper understanding of the problems we have presented. There is an exploratory approach to knowledge and the authors have chosen to conduct qualitative research interviews based upon three themes: driving forces, challenges and impacts.Conclusion: The study revealed that traditional models of communication are no longer applicable in social media. Companies are up for a challenge and must clarify their sole purpose when establishing communication in the social landscape. The general motivation for marketing in social media is making profit, however, building relationships is not a natural motive for most companies. The risks companies expe- rience is the exposure caused by social media and the study also reveals that this fear is firmly attached to their lack of knowledge of these new channels of communicat- ion and their primary areas of use which indicates that skilled employees plays a vi- tal role with their use of social media in their communication process.

Iscensättningen av det ekobrottsliga subjektet : Ekobrottet och ekobrottslingens uppkomst och institutionalisering i ett (post)modernt samhälle

What is an economic crime? Who is an economic criminal? How do we speak of the phenomenon and what does they way we speak mean? The immediate result of the study is that there is a stereotype image of the economic criminal that is produced within peoples speech. This image contains characteristics that bring the subject, the economic criminal, far away from the traditional crime subject, and brings it closer to a non-criminal subject. This motion render possible that economic criminals can talk of themselves as ?not bad people?, ?normal? and ?like everyone else?.

Kvinnan slår tillbaka : Sexualitet och våld i slashergenren

A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of Umeå developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of Umeå in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of Umeå in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of Umeå in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.Umeå is displayed as an expanding city.

HSB och hushållsnära tjänster : -En studie om informationsanva?ndning fo?r utveckling av tjänster

De senaste a?rens diskussioner kring husha?llsna?ra tja?nster har nu resulterat i ett skatteavdragsom bo?rjade ga?lla den 1 juli 2007. Med anledning av att fler nu troligtvis har ra?d med hja?lp ihemmet har HSB beslutat att se o?ver mo?jligheten att erbjuda denna typ av tja?nster till sinamedlemmar. Syftet med detta arbete a?r att utreda och analysera hur HSB ska anva?ndamarknadsinformation fo?r att kunna utveckla nya tja?nster och ge grundla?ggande direktiv fo?rmarknadsfo?ring av dessa.Genom att studera den teoretiska grund som finns fo?r vilken typ av information som bo?ranva?ndas fo?r tja?nsteutveckling och genom att vidareutveckla dessa med hja?lp av ytterligareteorier kan en analysmodell byggas upp.

Att jobba eller icke jobba : En uppsats om information och inspiration på www.ams.se

AbstractTitle: To work or not to work, an essay about information and inspiration on www.ams.se.Number of pages: 39Author: Ann HöglundTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and communication Studies DPeriod: Fall 2005University: Uppsala University, Department of information science, Division of Media and CommunicationPurpose/Aim: To investigate the frequency of ethos, logos and pathos in the work-guides on www.ams.se, and study how they match the needs of the respondents in the essay-interviews.Method/Material: To investigate the needs and wishes for information I have made three group-interviews with university students. In order to analyse the texts and films on www.ams.se I have used tools from the modern rhetoric analysis. In the last part of my analysis I compared the results of the rhetoric analysis and the requests from the interviews to see if and how they match.Main Results: The respondents requested inspiration for their future work lives, and information that could de-dramatize the image of working. The texts on www.ams.seconsist mostly of facts, while the films made a slightly more emotional contribution to the image of the occupation. The films showing relaxed and satisfied people can be seen as a way to de-dramatize the image of working-life.

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