

2504 Uppsatser om Idrottspolitisk plan - Sida 16 av 167

Säljare och kompensationer : En kvalitativ studie anga?ende sa?ljares upplevelser av olika kompensationsplaner

ABSTRACT Title: Salesmen & Compensations - A qualitative study regarding salespeoplesexperiences with different compensation plans. Authors: Milenko Bijelic & Robin Heimberger Supervisor: Lars-Johan A?ge, Jonas Molin & Jens Eklinder Frick Date: 2014 - JuneAim: The aim of this study is to examine how salespeople respond to a fixed compensation plan versus a compensation plan based on a variable pay and how the implementation of these compensation plans can affect sales peoples? emotions and motivation.Method: For this study, a qualitative method has been used. Data for the study has been collected through semi-structured interviews and the empirical data has been presented and analyzed using the well-grounded theory.Result & the contribution of the thesis: The result of this study shows that there are differences in how the compensation plans tend to affect salespeople regarding an number of different factors. The study contributes with a greater understanding about how compensation plans affect salespeople.Suggestions for future research: For future research we suggest a quantitative study with the same aim as we have used for this study so that a generalizable understanding about sales peoples? experiences with different compensation plans can be conducted.Key words: Compensation plans, motivation, stress, variable pay, fixed pay .

Hjälpsam och sammarbetsvillig : Elevers delaktighet i åtgärdsprogram

The Swedish school law says that students who need special education should have all the support they need to reach the qualification that is set up. The arrangements have to be written down in an Individual education plan (IEP). Before the IEP is set up there has to be an investigation about what kind of support and measures the student needs to reach the qualification that is set up. The aim of this study is to examine student?s participation in school and in the progress with their own IEP.I have accomplished a qualitative study by interviewing eight students during the letter part in the nine-year school.

Arbete mot mobbning innom skolan - följs kommunens riktlinjer?

AbstractThe purpose of this research is to examine which methods the municipality of Örebro recommends its schools to use in their work against mobbing and bad treatment, and to see if the school investigated follows these guidelines. By means of interviews I will examine which methods the Group for Equal Treatment at the school has found effective when dealing with these issues. My conclusions are that the municipality of Örebro clearly states what is important for the schools to work with, and a lot of effort has been put into creating a common model for all schools to use, in order to fulfill the goals of the law (2006:67) which forbids discrimination and any other kind of bad treatment of children and students. The school investigated follows the municipality guidelines to great extent. Early on the Group for Equal Treatment, including both principals, teachers and students, worked out a detailed plan for equal treatment. The Group for Equal Treatment mentioned some successful methods to use against mobbing and other forms of bad treatment. One of these methods is the annual theme week where the students get to participate in outlining the contents. Another success factor is to establish a good atmosphere between teachers and students, which is possible only if the teachers have time and opportunity to get to know their students. My examination shows that it is important to have a well thought-out plan to follow, but it must be adjusted to the needs and preconditions of the school in question..

Local stakeholders? willingness to conduct actions enhancing a local population of Grey Partridge on Gotland ? an exploratory interview study

The population of Grey Partridge is decreasing worldwide as a result of anthropogenic activities. Increased agricultural production, requiring homogenous farming landscapes and increased use of pesticides are believed to be the main factor causing population declines in the Grey Partridge. Actions to enhance Grey Partridge populations are available; however, those actions are vain if the acceptance to conduct them is low. To gather information about acceptance among farmers, hunters and the County Administrative Board towards 18 available actions enhancing the Grey Partridge population, nine face-to face interviews were conducted as an exploratory case study. The results showed that willingness to conduct enhancing actions differ between and within the groups of stakeholders.

Inmätning av fastigheten Hållsta 2:3, Hudiksvall

Detta projekt har genomförts på mark- och mätningsavdelningen i Hudiksvalls kommun och projektets område är beläget norr om Hudiksvall, ca 6 km från centrala Hudiksvall vid norra infarten till E4:an.I området ligger en friskola, en gymnasieskola som heter ?Glada Hudik-skolan?. I skolans lokaler har det tidigare bedrivits hotellverksamhet i många år, f.d. Hammering Hotell. Hösten 2006 öppnade skolan sina portar och de räknar med att öka antalet elever varje läsår.

Bokens alla sidor. Ett nytt sätt att främja ungdomars läsning genom Bok-event?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the reading promotion project called ?A book?s all sides?, together with the activities of the book-event, can stimulate young people?s reading. The research questions are: How do the project leaders plan and organize activities for the book-event? How do the young people respond to the activities at the book-event? Do the young people get interested in the book which is presented at the book-event? Which connections between Vygotskij?s theory and the activities can be found in the book-event? The theoretical approach is based on Lev Vygotskij?s socio-cultural theory. To answer my research questions I have implemented four qualitative interviews and two interviews with the adult activity leaders and observed a book-event in the classroom.

Levande likabehandlingsplan

Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur en skola arbetar för att stoppa och förebygga mobbning samt få en inblick i hur de som arbetar med mobbningsfrågor på skolan resonerar kring mobbning. För att undersöka det användes intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Informanterna har arbetat med att formulera och/eller arbetar på något sätt med att upprätthålla den plan som finns på skolan för att förbygga och förhindra mobbning. Resultatet visar att informanterna berättar att arbetet växt fram genom skapandet av en likabehandlingsplan och att enkäter om trivsel ligger till grund för utformaningen av arbetet. I vardagen arbetar informanterna som verkar inom skolan med förebyggande arbete och akuta åtgärder.

Skolans krishantering : Om elevers plötsliga bortgång

Detta examensarbete behandlar krishantering i skolan med inriktning på elevers bortgång och hur pedagoger hanterar detta. Examensarbetet täcker även beredskapsplaner och hur sorgearbete går till i skolan. Examensarbetets fokus är på årskurserna förskoleklass till och med sjätteklass.Metoden som används är semistrukturerade intervjuer med en intervjuguide som grund. Fyra pedagoger blev intervjuade och intervjuerna blev sedan transkriberade. Tre olika beredskapsplaner samlades in och resultatet av intervjuerna samt planerna ställdes mot den litteratur som bearbetats.Beredskapsplanerna visade att det endast fanns mindre skillnader mellan två av de olika skolorna medan den tredje skolans plan var av en helt annan struktur.

Relationen kommun ? länsstyrelse vid riksintresse för kulturmiljövård - En strävan efter kommunikativa ideal

I denna uppsats har länsstyrelsens tillämpning av riksintresse för kulturmiljövård studerats utifrån ett plan- och miljöparadigmsperspektiv. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten har varit paradigmbeskrivningen i Styrning av markanvändning och miljö (2006) av Lars Emmelin & Peggy Lerman (2006: 2,12-20). Teorin har tillämpats utifrån de lokal- och centralstyrningsaspekter som deskriptivt förklarar paradigmen. Avsikten har varit att studera hur plan- och miljöparadigmets styrningsprinciper kan identifieras i detaljplaneprocesser och hur dragen påverkar processerna. Dessutom har frågan hur länsstyrelsen ser på sin handläggning utefter lokal- och centralstyrningsaspekter varit en utgångspunkt för uppsatsen. Uppsatsen har utformats efter en fallstudieprincip.

Att lyckas genom hela plan- och byggprocessen : framgångsfaktorer i byggandet av Stortorget i Gävle

Boken Byggprocessen beskriver att ett byggprojekt uppstår när det uppkommer ett behov, i form av att en plats inte längre fyller sin funktion, eller att en verksamhet behöver en plats att vistas på (Nordstrand, 2008). Kommuner har regler att rätta sig efter när det gäller att kunna bygga och omprojektera platser, politiska beslut avgör och sätter igång ett byggprojekt (Nordstrand, 2008). Syftet med examensarbetet är att öka kunskapen och klargöra vad som krävs för att från idé till färdigställande och förvaltning, få processen att gå smidigt och med ett gott resultat. Ett projekt som har rykte om sig att ha lyckats med sin process och fått en uppskattad slutprodukt, är ombyggnaden av Stortorget i Gävle. Genom att studera varför projektet Stortorget i Gävle anses vara så lyckat kan vetskapen om framgångsfaktorerna bli större. Vad är det som gör att en plan- och byggprojekt lyckas? Vilka är framgångsfaktorerna? Under studien har tre personer intervjuats om byggprocessen av Stortorget i Gävle.

Villa Berg : gestaltningsförslag inspirerat av funktionalismen

The functionalism started in southern Europe after world war one and got its breakthrough in Sweden with the Stockholm Exhibition in 1930. Poverty caused many people living in overcrowded conditions which the functionalists wanted to change by using less expensive materials and giving healthier living conditions to the people. The industrialization brought new materials and working methods which made this possible. The Swedish functional style is recognised by its light plaster facing and nearly horizontal roofs. Also the garden design of that time was influenced by the functionalistic ideas. The garden was now introduced as a pleasure garden for not only the rich but for everyone.


AbstractOur world is facing new challenges depending on the climate changes. The UN panel of climate changes has determined that the human race is responsible for the changes, but also that we have the opportunity to reduce the effects. This demands that the information reaches out to the public which means that the school system carries major responsibility to this type of questions. This also means that the teachers have to be observant, and give the questions the attention which is needed. The purpose of this essay is to see if this awareness exists today among active teachers and teacher students and if the perspective differs among them, but also their opinions is in agreement with the course plan in the subject.

Utlandsetablering av små svenska IT-tjänsteföretag

This master of economics paper discuss that the globalization has lead to increasing internationalization among small Swedish IT- companies in the service sector. Sweden has a long history of foreign trade but in the beginning of the industrialization only large companies that produced goods answered for the foreign trade. Before, the Swedish companies begun their operations abroad in fairly nearby markets and only gradually penetrated far-flung countries. Now this is no longer possible. When small companies nowadays seek growth in other countries there is no time internationalize with the same approaches as before, especially when the company offers a service.

Att arbeta med en arbetslinje : Närbyråkratens syn

Malmö, like many other bigger cities in Europe, faces a double undertaking when facing the challenges the future. Not only must the municipal be able to provide its citizens with welfare and a high standard of living, it must also establish a level of economic growth that allows the city to act as catalyst for the surrounding area. In order to provide the population with welfare and the economy with a qualified working force, these two challenges have been combined into one plan for the future called Welfare for Everybody. As part of this plan, new organisations have been created with the purpose collaborating with the social services office and support people in their transaction from welfare recipients to self-providing workers. The purpose of our thesis is to build on Michael Lipsky's classic work "Street-level Bureaucracy" and by conducting interviews with a number of front line workers study how they view their role, the client group and how they motivate the working line.

Bygglovsprocessen i två kommuner

Denna rapport beskriver bygglovsprocessen i en stor och en mindre kommun, samt bygglovsavgifter, sanktionsavgifter och respektive kommuns organisation..

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