

2358 Uppsatser om Identity creation - Sida 4 av 158

Föreningslivets (TUF) och skolans betydelse för turkiska ungdomars identitet : En kvalitativ studie om fem turkiska ungdomars uppfattning om deras identitetskapande  

The Swedish society has gone through a radical change. From being a monoculture society it has developed into a multicultural society representing a mixture of people from all around the world. This change has had a significant impact on both the Swedish school system and the teacher?s role. Therefore a subsequent ambition for a multicultural school would be to recognize this diversity and establish guidelines for how to meet each individual students need.

Kulturell, administrativ eller funktionell region?   : En analys av Region Skåne och Västra Götalandsregionen

The Swedish regions are new phenomena, from the start from the new regionalism which started in the 1980´s. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze Region Skåne and Västra Götalandsregionen to come to a conclusion which model of region they are and want to be by using theories of regional identity and identity of politics and see similarities and differences. My research question is: Which of cultural, administrative and functional region are Region Skåne and Västra Götaland striving to construct?   The methods I have used are qualitative text- and content analysis to analyze the regions, by using theories about regional identity and identity of politics. Furthermore, I am using some statistic from SOM-institutet to analyze the regional identity in the regions.   The result show that Region Skåne is constructing a cultural region, because of their strong regional identity and that the politicians are using identity of politics to combine the citizens.

Är jag Kalmar nation? : en jämförande identitetsanalys aven studentnation och dess medlemmar

Purpose/Aim: To describe likenesses and differences between the personal identity of the common Kalmar nation member and the collective identity of the organization Kalmar nation as described by said members.Material/Method: Collecting data through a quantitative survey, where the members answer questions about themselves and Kalmar nation, and subsequent analysis of said data by means of theories about personal, collective, and brand identity.Main results: After analyzing the data from the survey I conclude that there exists both likenesses and differences between the organization and its members. Some likenesses are more pronounced than others, and the same can be said for the differences. However, within the three areas of study (specific identity traits, politics and music) politics and music showed more similarity between the members and the nation than the specific identity traits did. The most interesting aspect of the analysis show that the members have quite a common view of the organization despite their own widely different descriptions of themselves..

Identitetens gränser- en uppsats om invandrares identitetsskapande i en svensk mångkulturalistisk kontext

This essay discusses immigrants? prospects of constructing an identity in a multicultural society like Sweden. The discussion is primarily theoretical but offers a few empirical examples to demonstrate its relevance. Furthermore, the ontological standpoint of this essay draws on an understanding of the world and our knowledge as constructed which implies that identities are also constructed. The process of identity making is further understood as a relational process in which others recognition is central to the individuals own understanding of his or hers identity.

Boendesegregation och identitetsskapande : En litteraturbaserad studie om boendesegregationens eventuella effekter på ungas identitetskapande

The purpose of this essay was to reflect on previous made research, on examining how youth?s identity is formed by living in an area that society looks at negatively. The theoretical benchmarks that have been used in order to provide a better understanding are: identity, exclusion, ethnicity and adaption. The study is a qualitative study, since there is an aspiration in increasing the knowledge and understanding, of the conception that these individuals experience, as deviants in the society. This is a literature-based study, focusing mainly on written analysis, which consists of reports, theses and case studies.

Upplevelser av Facebook : i relation till identitet, kommunikation och stress

The aim of the study was to gain a better understanding of how some people aged between 20-35 years? experience Facebook in relation to Identity creation, communication and stress. The analysis is drawn from seven semi-structured interviews with a sample of Facebook members, four women and three men aged 20-35 years and during the interviews respondents answered questions based by the following topics. Does Facebook allow changing identities? In what way is Facebook a communication tool for enabling relationships? How can Facebook be related to stress and coping? The results showed that respondents perceived Facebook as an easy means of communication and maintaining relationships.

EUropa och den konstruerade identiteten - En analys av den hegemoniska diskursen

In this thesis the construction of identity within the EU is discussed. A thesis problem in three dimensions is used to explain the purpose of the construction, its realization and the consequences of such identity. These aspects show the complexity of the problems related to identity construction on a structural level.By using a post-modern and a social constructivist theoretical approach identity is presented as socially constructed by discourse. The theory of discourse makes it possible to analyze the development of an identity forming discourse within the EU and its status today.With an approach inspired by critical theory, we use discourse analysis as a methodological tool to illustrate the ideas that govern discourse, and in what way it is related to the social reality.The analysis states that the purpose of identity constructing is the striving for legitimacy. Without identification, the legitimacy is threatened.

Den svävande identiteten : En kvalitativ studie av identitetskonstruktionen i samband med debatten om det polska och turkiska medlemskapet i Europeiska unionen

This thesis aims to analyze the similarities and differences in how identity is constructed by the European Commission, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament regarding the Polish membership and the potential Turkish membership of the European Union. The construction of identity is analyzed through a social constructivist perspective where identity is constructed by distinguishing ?us? from ?them?. The research metod used is a qualitative text analysis. The arguments of identity are taken from the Commission?s and the Council?s documents, as well as from the debates of the European Parliament.

Inte för att jag hatar barn, men... : En intervjustudie om att inte vilja ha barn

The purpose of this study is to examine how some people who do not want children construct their identity in a context where children is the norm. The study therefore focuses on how they legitimate and present their identity in this context. 4 women and 2 men with the intention to remain childless have therefore been interviewed, and from these interviews I analyze and describe how intentional childless people construct their identity. My theoretical framework is built up by discourse psychology and gender/heterosexual hegemony theories. The thesis shows that it is hard for the intentional childless to construct their identity as once and for all given, the identity is constructed as a ?norm? against the norm, as well as affected by the norm.

"Är jag mig själv? Eller är jag en tjej med Asperger?" : En kvalitativ studie av bloggar om vilken betydelse parrelationer har för unga kvinnor med Aspergers syndroms identitetskapande

Author: Julia Falk and Linnéa LinderothTitle: ?Am I being me? Or am I being a girl with Asperger´s?? A qualitative study of the role relationships have for young women with Asperger´s syndrome identity [Translated title]Supervisor: Melker LaboryAssessor: Ulf Drugge During adolescence, relationships are important for young people and studies show that having a partner is something that becomes more important, especially for young women. Creating and maintaining good relationships can be problematic, but can this problem be different for a young woman with a neuropsychiatric disability as Aspergers syndrome? A person with Aspergers syndrome often has difficulties with communication and interaction with other people. But the syndrome is also characterized with special interests, different language management and difficulties with sudden changes.

Yoigo säljer inte motorcyklar. Det är sanningen. : En beskrivning av de kritiska variablerna vid byggandet av en varumärkesidentitet.

This essay in how to create a brand identity is a result of a case study of the Spanish mobilephone company Xfera and their new brand ?Yoigo?. Our object was to identify the critical variables in the process of building a brand identity. To achieve this we collected data about the company through several interviews with respondents with good insight in the company. The critical variables that we obtained by analyzing the interviews are presented in an empirical driven model.

Identitet: sökes ungdomsbiblioteket PUNKTmedis sett som en väg ur folkbibliotekens identitetskris

The aim of this study is to look at the identity of the public library, and to examine one way to make the identity of a specific library strong. PUNKTmedis is a newly opened library in Stockholm, aimed solely at people between 13-19. The question to be answered was: How can it affect the image of the public librarys identity when you aim the activity towards a specific user group? To answer this question, the qualitative method of case-study was used. Five interviews were carried out, with representatives from three different groups: users, politicians and librarians.

"Jag visste inte vad jag skulle tycka om sjalen" : En genusteoretisk och postkolonial analys av Marjane Satrapis serieroman Persepolis

The purpose of this essay is to examine Marjane Satrapi?s comic novel Persepolis from a gender and postcolonial perspective. To reach this I have used several theories from mainly three different fields of theory: gender studies, postcolonial theories and theoretical texts which focus on the form of comics.My analysis has shown that idols, heroes and other cultural symbols are important for the creation of the main character Marji?s identity, but that she at the same time has many Marxistic influences. These casts of mind do not stand in opposition, but become an expression for her hybridity.

Styr uppfattningen om dig själv  : En studie i hur chefredaktörer för modemagasin arbetar med sina personliga varumäkesidentiteter

The theory chapter is based on a model about brand identity, ?Brand Identity Prism? (Kapferer, 2008, s.183). This model contains six elements which we have supplemented with theories about personal branding. This because the focus and theory on a person's brand identity is almost non-existent. The purpose of the study is therefore to examine how editors at fashion magazines are working with their brand identity in the personal brand and thereby create an understanding of the identity function.

Musik och vuxenidentitet - en studie i hur studenter vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö ser på sin identitet ur ett musikperspektiv.

Title: Music and adult identity: A study of how students at Malmö Academy of Music look upon their identity from a musical point of view. This study is about adults and how they look upon their identity from a music perspective. I have interviewed four students between 26 to 29 years old at the Malmö Academy of Music. The purpose with my study is to examine how music has affected the identity of the students as adults and to see if their identity still is affected by music. The interviews have then been analyzed and compared with existing research in this matter.

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