

304 Uppsatser om Identifying - Sida 2 av 21

Slagverk och dans

The purpose of this work is to explore the artistic processes of an ensemble where a musician and one or more dancers play together, either by improvising or by interpreting music that is written for the ensemble. The main themes are about finding ways to work with written material and still keep the communication between the music and the dance alive. The author is also interested in finding ways of Identifying himself in the medium of dance although he is a musician. The result of this work can be seen in this text and in the attached film material..

Kostnadskalkylering på en förpackningsavdelning

This degree project is based on Identifying and allocation of costs in a packaging section at Electrolux Distriparts in Torsvik.The purpose of this thesis is to identify the costs that emerge when packaging different articles and show how the costs are allocated. The report also contains improvement suggestions about how the company can use the current computer system more efficient.The methods that have been used in order to approach the problem and the collection of information have mainly been literature study, interviews and observation.The work started with answering the questions; which expenditure cost and direct cost exist in the section, how can they be allocated, if improvement can be done and how the flow of information is supposed to happen.In order to answer the questions we used our former experience and the knowledge we achieved by reading literature, interview relevant persons in the company and observations carried out in the section.Through our studies, we came up with an Excel file, which is the groundwork for a template that can be used by the company in different occasions depending on the situation and need. It is important to remember to modify the template if the presumptions change. In the template, we have identified the different kind of costs that emerge when packaging different articles and we have also allocated the costs. In addition formulas and estimations that are necessary for the cost calculation are presented.The work consisted in making the groundwork for a template.

Piratkopiering: en ekonomisk-teoretisk granskning av marknaden för dataspel

This essay analyzes the market for entertainment software by Identifying and explain the products typical properties, in addition i clarifies the behavior of consumers and producers. One of the most important property related to software is the ease with which it can be reproduced. When such reproduction is done illicit it´s called piracy. The software industry often claims that piracy leads to big losses for the companies as well as in welfare, the essay clarifies that this doesn´t has to be the case. On the contrary the possibility to cheap production and distribution may lead to an increased welfare.

Hydd- och huskonstruktioner från förhistorisk tid : En kronologisk översikt från stenålder till tidigmedeltid i östra Mellansverige.

This thesis is a chronological survey over the hut and house remains from the Stone Age to the Early Middle Ages in Eastern Central Sweden. The thesis also contains a test which I have conducted to see which investigation method had the best results in Identifying house remains at an archaeological site. I subsequently discuss the result of this test, what it represents and also what may be done differently in order to get other types of results..

Opion leaders and word-of-mouth - A Case Study of Masai Barefoot Technology

This research aims at Identifying the opinion leaders in order to study their behaviour, characteristics, their role within the word of mouth process, and what importance they have upon another consumers purchase decision. Also, to investigate the content of the message being spread. The results from the study show that opinion leaders are strong in spreading word of mouth. Messages were adapted by opinion leaders to suite their target audience. The results further contribute to the discussion about Watts? ?influentials?..

Hur ska skogsfastigheter värderas?

This thesis aimed to describe how the ideological dividing line concerning the welfare state has changed between the two largest governmental parties in Sweden, the Social Democrats and the Moderaterna, during 1990 to 2010. The scientist Mark Blyth points out that ideas are important instruments for structural and institutional change by Identifying ideas as weapons, blueprints and cognitive locks, which were being used in the theoretical framework. The empirical data was made by a qualitative analysis of the parliamentary speeches and debates from both parties held every year. The results shows that the budgetary law passed in 1997 became a new institutional blueprint, which changed the political conditions for the Social Democrats. Furthermore, the results point to a change in the Moderaterna?s rhetoric concerning the welfare state to a more pragmatic view. .

De osynliga stränderna - en omvandling och undersökning av boken De osynliga städerna

My project is an interpretation and exploration of the book The Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. It is a play on the swedish words for cities and beaches. By adding the letters R and N the word for cities in the title transforms into the word for beaches. The project is equal parts a color investigation and an exploration of new working methods as it is an development of my approch to graphic design. My aim was to, through a visual, conceptual and playful investigation create a new interpretation of the book The Invisible Cities.

Effekten av olika sorters hälsoinformation på efterfrågan på rött och vitt kött.

A pilot-study was used to investigate, types of assistance, assessed needs, outcomes and effects of special-needs assistance given to a subsample of compulsory school pupils in an effort to develop an evaluation strategy for Identifying educational impacts of specific special-needs inputs.  Preliminary results indicate a tendency for postive outcomes for most pupils in the pilot group (n = 11) but also that many pupils have residual difficulties.  Pupils with residual difficulties mostly required special education asssitance with Maths, English or Swedish.  More pupils also needed support with behavioral difficulties.  More research and an expanding knowledge base is required in order to effectively evaluate outcomes of teacher support.  Schools need help in devising different methods of assistance and particularly for pupils with behavioral difficulties..

Framgångsfaktorer i integrationen av elever med särskilda behov i den allmänna skolan

The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze success factors in the integration of students with special needs in regular schools. This will be done through the case study of a nine year old autistic student in a small town public school ? a fairly representative case for the Swedish school system. The data collection methods used in the paper are; three participant observations of the student, and a qualitative interview with two of the student?s teachers.

Att känna sina elever : Fem lärares förhållningssätt till att undersöka förkunskaper hos elever med migrationsbakgrund

This study aims to give an account of five teachers? views and understandings of second language (L2) learners? previous knowledge, as well as, their linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This is carried out by the means of qualitative interviews, where the sampling consists of five primary school teachers at various schools. The findings are presented and analyzed using a thematic analysis. Furthermore, the study indicates that teachers in general have a positive attitude to learning more about their L2 learners? prior knowledge and backgrounds, both for the pupils, as well as, their own sake.

Finska dialekter i Sverige : En kvantitativ undersökning om sverigefinska skolans elevers syn på finska dialekter och tvåspråkighet

The purpose of this study was to investigate the view of Finnish dialects and identity of first, second and third generation of Sweden Finns students in 7th, 8th and 9th graders, in two Sweden Finn schools. The questions at issue for the essay were: How do Swedes of Finnish extraction think of the Finnish dialects? Is there a correlation between Identifying as Finnish and knowledge and usage of the Finnish dialects, as opposed to Finns living in Finland? To which extent do the Finnish students have knowledge regarding the Finnish dialects? To answer the questions a quantitative method was used and a questionnaire was answered by over 100 students. The results of the study showed that the Finnish dialects did not exert any influence on the students? life nor their sense of identity.

Alliansformation - relationen mellan Israel och USA

The special relationship between Israel and the US has been subject to questioning, and good many theories have tried to explain why it is so strong. The most common explanation is rooted in the school of realism, where strategy and national interest decide who one's ally is. This essay aspires to examine another possible reason for allianceformation; identity. Several books, which make for the theoretical backbone of this study, have been written on the subject of sharing beliefs, Identifying with others and the consequences of this. The question being asked is whether Israel and the US actually share beliefs and, if so, which ones.

Plain Capital - Where the magic happens : En fallstudie om organisationsidentifikation 

Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to create a greater understanding of organizational identification and the factors influencing this process. The understanding will be obtained by Identifying what individuals identify them selves with and why this identification occurs.Method: The thesis is a case study with an abductive research approach with a focus on organizational identification. Data has been collected with a qualitative focus in interviews and images.Conclusion: The employees at Plain Capital primarily identify themselves with their profession, the company and their co-workers. The reasons why they identify are mostly because of the feeling of pride and participation. We have discovered a link between a strong group identity and a high organizational identification.

Visualisering och beräkning av hudkapillärer

The aim of this thesis was to develop an objective and automatic method for Identifying capillaries in microscope images of the skin. Furthermore, statistical data about the identified capillaries and the capillary distribution should be computed and stored in a database. The method was implemented using the platform independent programming language Java. An analysis of microscope improvement using various polarization filter setups and wavelength filtershas also been performed, as well as a pilot study of the effect of applying a local anaesthetic cream on the skin. The method is developed and aimed at research on various pathological skin conditions affecting the capillary distribution.

Framtidens forntid : Geofysisk och geokemisk prospektering av järnåldersgården RAÄ 108, Fresta sn, Uppland

This paper deals with archaeological prospection of an Iron Age farm site in Toland, Fresta parish, Uppland County in Sweden. The purpose of the paper has been to see whether the geophysical methods applied (GPR & EM-38) could produce useful results that could motivate its use in similar surveys in the future. Geochemistry has been used for the purpose of Identifying possible activity areas on the site. The results have shown that it is possible with a GPR survey to identify postholes originating from the Migration Period longhouse at the site. The combining of several methods have been important for the identification and interpretation of several areas of interest..

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