

401 Uppsatser om Ice-hockey associations - Sida 9 av 27

Resultatet av Formatet- En kvantitativ studie om butiksformats påverkan på en konsuments beteende och attityd

Today's consumer society has led to never-ending choices in terms of brands, products and prices in an endless variety of shops. The retail industry is a very complex industry that includes many different types of sales channels and many different types of products. A consequence of this trend is that brand owners today face difficulties in understanding how their products are being evaluated and difficulties in knowing which final cause that make a consumer willing to by their product is hard to figure out. The industry is very diversified, which means that for a company to really understand their position and their role on the market it requires that the company put a lot of effort and also a lot of money in the process of trying to figure it out. We will with this paper try to explain a small piece of that understanding and we hope to get results, which contribute to the further research in this area.

Civila musikkårer i landskapet Värmlands bruksorter : Betydelsen av faktorerna ekonomi, rekrytering, musik och kulturskolan, samt samverkan med studieförbunden för musikkårernas överlevnad

This bachelor thesis is about civilian marching bands in the province Värmland industrial communities, with a focus on Degerfors, Edsvalla, Gruvön, Nors, Slottsbron, and Vålberg bands. Degerfors, Gruvön, and Slottsbron bands are three corps that still operates concerts and performances. The other three unions are defunct.In Värmland, there were many mills that were operating well into the 1900s, roughly speaking there were about 25 mills in various industrial areas. These mills had operations in glass, iron, and paper, each user had a band at least a brass sextet and today there are only eight bands left in Värmland. Bofors in Karlskoga, Charlottenberg, Degerfors, Dejefors, Gruvöns in Grums, Hagfors, Skoghall, and Slottsbron bands.What is the reason that so many bands have disappeared? To answer the question I have investigated the importance of four factors have had for the unions: finance, recruitment collaboration with the music and arts, as well as cooperation with educational associations.The results show a marked reduction in civil bands, from about 25 corps to eight corps today.

Lärcentrum i biblioteket, möjligheter och utmaningar. Tre aktörsgruppers syn på lärcentrum och dess samverkan med biblioteket

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the points of view of three groups of actors about their local learning center and its collaboration with the library. By interviewing groups of actors from the municipal sector, the library staff and students, I aim to investigate their associations of the learning centre, what kind of services it should offer, and how they understand the role of the library staff in specific collaboration between the public library and the adult education administration. The study design is based on Gunnar Grepperud?s and Terje Thomsen?s three missions for a local learning centre; the mission of a broker, a meeting place and a motivator. I also use Carol Kuhlthau?s levels of mediation as an approach to investigate how the actors want the library staff to work in relation to the centre.

Nästa generations syn på skogsägandet och skogsägarrörelsen : en enkätundersökning bland vuxna barn till dagens medlemmar i Norra Skogsägarna

The future of the forest owners? associations are intimately coupled to the development in family forestry. Forecasts have been made that predicts that the number of forest properties for sale on the open market will increase as the interest among the children of the property owners is considered to decrease. The associations are also affected by continuing individualism in the society which may affect attitudes to as well as interest in membership. The objective of this study was to study the attitudes among grown-up children of members in a forest owners association towards overtaking the forest property as well as membership in a forest owners association.

Ett blink i bruset: En uppsats om möjligheten att påverka konsumenten vid livsmedelsinköp

Today endless choices exist for a customer in the grocery store in terms of information, products, brands and prices. Consequently, it is important for retailers and brand owners to gain insights in how they can manage to break through the clutter to reach the customer. Displays that include some kind of motion element are assumed to possess an attention grabbing ability, which is a necessary first step in influencing the customer?s decision making. Therefore we have explored whether so called dynamic displays are efficient in grabbing attention and influencing customer behaviour.

Hur nådde jag elitnivå? : En karriärbeskrivning av svenska ishockeyspelare

Hur nådde jag elitnivå?Början av studien kommer beröra områden som barns utveckling och talangbegreppet som jag anser vara viktiga delar att veta om för att kunna genomföra studien.Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur svenska ishockeyspelare beskriver att de tog klivet för att etablera sig på elitnivå. I resultatdelen kommer spelarna själva berätta inom de olika kategorierna hur deras karriärer har sett ut, hur de har tränat och vilket stöd de haft från sin familj.För spelarnas utveckling har miljön spelat mycket stor roll och familjen har varit mycket stöttande. De har alla gått ishockeygymnasium där träningen koncentrerats och blivit mer målmedveten..

Proffs eller no?rdar : En kvalitativ studie om samha?llets syn pa? e-sport

Despite the vast research on the effects of gaming, little is know how the phenomenon of e-sports and it?s followers is portrayed. While media can have significant impact on what and how e-sport is portrayed, no studies have been done in a Swedish context. This thesis aims at filling that gap with investigations of the two major Swedish newspapers. Six articles was analyzed with critical discourse analysis with a theoretical base of journalism.The result of which indicated that between the period of 2005 and 2012 e-sport and players was considered to be professional, committed and more in a sense that reminded much of the view on more traditional sport such as soccer and hockey.

Allsvensk fotbollssponsring

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the ERK model's relevance, validity and potential need of development to better reflect how it looks today (2013). Method: The study is conducted through three surveys; the first two were face interviews with companies that sponsor Swedish soccer teams and the third study was conducted with a questionnaire to supporters outside a soccer stadium. Results: A model that would better reflect the reality of today (2013) could contain company pride, chairman?s whim, exposure, relationships and associations..

Cause-related marketing - Välgörande för varumärket? : En studie i hur konsumenter uppfattar CRM i en kritiserad bransch

Background: Increasing globalization has changed the business environment and also resulted in increased awareness of the consumers and demand for higher standards of social responsibility. The companies brand strategies has gain in importance in order to strengthen their brands. A part of a company's CSR, CRM, cause-related marketing, which is a relatively new marketing strategy and created when companies choose to partner with charities and market it. Garment/clothing industry has as many others come to be shaped by the effects of globalization, but has also endured heavy criticism over the years. This criticism is largely because of the outside world's reaction to the exploitation of developing countries.

Allsvensk fotbollssponsring

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the ERK model's relevance, validity and potential need of development to better reflect how it looks today (2013). Method: The study is conducted through three surveys; the first two were face interviews with companies that sponsor Swedish soccer teams and the third study was conducted with a questionnaire to supporters outside a soccer stadium. Results: A model that would better reflect the reality of today (2013) could contain company pride, chairman?s whim, exposure, relationships and associations..

Lysande rör, rörligt ideal : belysningsbranschens introducerande av lysröret i Sverige

During the 1930´s the hot potato for the Swedish lighting associations were how to create the most suitable light for every situation, either for industries, offices or homes. The light bulb were the most frequently used source of light but due to limitied luminous intensity, big halls sometimes required up to hundreds of light bulbs to produce the right amount of light. Two kinds of different lights, by different reasons, can be titled the predecessors of the fluorescent lighting during the 1930´s: The volfram-filament tube light due to its estetic similarities and the electric discharge (mercury- and sodium-) lamps due to its technical resemblance. Even though they came in quite wide use (the volfram tube in public halls (e. g.

Grafisk profil Jönköping Bandy : Visual identity Jönköping Bandy

During the spring of 2013 we developed a visual identity for Jönköping Bandy, a bandy association in Jönköping, which was founded in 1947.Jönköping Bandy?s main problem was the low interest for the association by the local people. The association also had problems with the economy, which made it hard for them to merchandise themselves.In Jönköping, there were a lot of sport associations, and therefore, it was difficult to find sponsors. One way to help the association, was to create a good visual identity for them. A visual identity that would reflect on the proper values of the association.The intention was: ?Through graphical design, we want to convey Jönköping Bandy to a larger amount of people, and get increased knowledge in graphical idiom.? and was torn apart into these three questions:What core values does Jönköping Bandy have, and how can we convey them through the visual identity?Which visual materials does Jönköping Bandy need?How do other teams in Allsvenskan Södra merchandise themselves through their websites?The work began with a study of relevant theoretical literature, with focus on graphical design.

ICA:s köttfärsskandal - ett år senare : En studie om konsumenters tillit till ett starkt varumärke efter en produktkris

 This thesis aims to through certain parts of the brand equity investigate the trust of consumers for a brand that recently experienced a product-harm crisis. It also wants to investigate why this trust exist, if it does. Structured interviews were carried out at 60 respondents in Uppsala. The results show that the respondents have positive associations with ICA, they think that ICA maintains a high quality on their products and services and that 50% more often choose to do their grocery shopping at ICA. The conclusion of the study is that ICA has a strong brand equity resulting in brand trust from consumers, which is founded in the brand reliability and brand intentions of the company. .

Cheap Monday : En kvalitativ studie av konsumenternas åsikter om märket

AbstractTitle: Cheap Monday ? A qualitative study of the consumers? opinions of the brand (Cheap Monday ? En kvalitativ studie av konsumenternas åsikter om märket)Number of pages: 38 (40 including enclosures)Author: Oskar NorlanderTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to examine from the customers? perspective how the Swedish jeans-brand Cheap Monday in just three years time could become such a prominent brand on the Swedish market. An additional purpose is to examine whether there is some kind of brand community connected to the brand or not.Material/Method: The main method used in this essay has been qualitative interviews with ten consumers of the brand. The answers from these interviews has then been analysed using two different theories, Keller?s Customer Based Brand Equity and Muniz and O?Guinnn?s Brand Community.Main results: The main results of this essay is that Cheap Monday is a brand that has become successful due to people?s perception of who the users of the brand are.

Parisprincipernas fotspår: Det internationella standardiseringsarbetet inom katalogiseringsområdet 1961-1999 och standardiseringsarbetets påverkan på svenska katalogiseringsregler

This study investigates to which degree international developments in cataloguing have influenced Swedish cataloguing rules (KRS). The results show that KRS has been influenced by international developments in cataloguing to varying degrees. The study also shows that KRS has been influenced by Anglo-American cataloguing rules, previous editions of Swedish cataloguing rules and by the work undertaken by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions..

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