

401 Uppsatser om Ice-hockey associations - Sida 23 av 27

En uppföljning av analysresultat (serologi och virus) av EAV på seminhingstar i Sverige år 2002 och 2005. :

EVA, Equine Viral Arteritis, was diagnosed for the first time in 1953 in USA. The disease gained international interest in 1984, when there were several outbreaks of abortion at Thoroughbred studs in USA. EAV, Equine Arteritis Virus, is an RNA virus in the Arteriviridae family. There is only one serotype of EAV but several strains and the strains have different virulence. EAV is transmitted in two different ways: by aerosols, or by venereal transmission.

Vitberget Skellefteå, ett kommunägt tätortsnära skogsområde ? föreningarnas och allmänhetens syn på hur skogen bör skötas

The question is who should govern and administrate a municipality owned urban forest? Should societies and the public be invited to participatory planning, who are the interested parties, could they be treated like a group and what are their opinions on administration and management? The study is carried out in a municipal owned forest Vitberget Skellefteå that is widely used by associations and individuals for recreation and training.This has led to several discussions in the local media about the management of the forest, especially in connection to harvesting. The work undertaken here has been to identify who has any interest in the management of the area. After identifying the interested parties, a selection of the societies, schools and pre-schools that actively uses the area as well as random individuals met in the area was interviewed. The questions asked can be divided into six main groups:? Communication with the municipality?s managers for the area? Interference from other activities? Views on forest management? Views on nature conservation? The uniqueness of Vitberget? Development opportunitiesThe crucial factors identified as being needed to succeed in managing an urban forest are long-term administration, information and communication.

Lärdom och fostran : En vägledning till skolarkiven på landsarkivet i Uppsala

The Regional State Archive in Uppsala [Landsarkivet i Uppsala] has several archives left from various types of educational institutions in the counties of Dalarna, Södermanland, Uppsala, Västmanland and Örebro. This archiv-al guide reveals the main content of some of the school archives. It goes through the archives of the elementary school, state secondary grammar schools and private secondary grammar schools. A few special schools for the blind and the deaf children are included. The essay also brings up records from community homes and reformato-ries for children and young adults who experienced certain difficulties and therefore could not adjust to the ordi-nary educational system.

Fysisk aktivitet och idrott för vuxna individer i Västerbottens län : Möjligheter och utmaningar för en framtida aktivitetskatalog

Viklund, J. & Älgamo, D. (2011).Fysisk aktivitet och idrott för vuxna individer i Västerbottens län ? möjligheter och utmaningar för en framtida aktivitetskatalog. (Physical activity and sports for adults in the county of Västerbotten ? opportunities and challenges for a future activity directory).

När ett varumärke äntrar något nytt : - En utforskande studie kring betydelsen H&Ms utvidgning i en sportkontext får för varumärkets värde ur ett konsumentperspektiv

Sammandrag: Företag strävar kontinuerligt efter att bygga ett välkänt och framgångsrikt varumärke. De strävar efter att tillfredsställa konsumenters behov för att öka varumärkets värde, brand equity. Genom att försöka avgöra konsumenters inställning till ett visst varumärke och deras förhållning till ett utökat sortiment i en ny produktkategori syftar denna uppsats till att diskutera och utforska förändringen av varumärkets brand equity. Vid denna undersökning har H&Ms varumärke och deras nya sportkollektion använts som exempel. Teorin behandlar varumärkets värde, brand equity, utifrån ett konsumentperspektiv samt utvidgning av produktutbud hos varumärken.

Förutsättning och fördelar att införa kvalitetsledningssystem enligt ISO 9001

The ISO 9000-series is a set of quality standards created by the International Organization for Standardization. The series is intended to provide guidance to companies in the process of deploying an effective quality management system. The series includes the requirements standard ISO 9001. This standard contains requirements on how a quality management system should be designed and how companies generally must work with quality issues. When a quality management system is introduced, if wanted, a quality certification can be implemented.

Fysikalisk analys av golfgreener

Många golfbanor i Sverige byggda på 1980- och 1990-talet, behöver bygga om sina greener för livslängden är begränsad. I beslutsunderlagen saknas ofta greenanalyser. De laboratorier som erbjuder standardiserade ackrediterade analyser av såbäddsmaterial, använder metoder som inte är direkt utvecklade för att studera en greens åldrande med ostörda prover. Analysen av det organiska materialet i golfgreener är starkt begränsad. Några analysresultat från laboratorierna har så stora mätosäkerheter att nyttan av dem är tveksam. Vissa laboratorier har anpassat sina mätmetoder för ostörda prover, men det är ofta oklart på vilket sätt och hur stora felfaktorerna är.

Kandidatuppsats om bibehållande av kunder genom lojalitetsskapande aktiviteter

Companies of today are facing a development where it is more significant to focus on existing customers since the approach constitute a more cost reducing way, compared to finding new customers. During the last decades the marketing has therefore moved towards a relationship based marketing. Companies emphasize creating long-term relationships with customers, instead of consider the sale as a non-recurrent phenomenon. To engender customer loyalty has been an essential objective in the creation of long-term relationships.In this essay the authors have chosen to do a study which enlighten how companies in the ready-made apparel business produce added value to their brand and through this generate customer loyalty. Through a case study we analyze how Filippa K, Tiger of Sweden and Gant do to maintain value in their brand, in both a business- and customer perspective.

?Killar skriver inte puttinuttigt? : En experimentell studie av genusföreställningar i textbedömningar

This thesis examines conceptions of gender revealed by people when assessing texts. The research questions are: What associations can be discerned between gender conceptions and ideas about the quality of texts? What features of content and style are perceived as female or male? The study seeks to develop a method for comparing different people?s assessments of the same text. The material was collected by means of questionnaires in which 114 informants were asked to assess three anonymous student texts and then guess the sex of the writer. The material has been analysed quantitatively by correlating the assessments of the texts with the guesses about the sex of the author, and qualitatively, as the informants? freely worded assessments of the texts were analysed for content and form with the support of assumptions about how assessments are expressed in text.

Strategier för bevarandet av natthimlens synlighet : en diskussion om motiv & åtgärdsförslag i ett antal internationella strategidokument

Ljusförorening är ett relativt modernt fenomen som allt mer påverkar tillgången till en stjärnklar natthimmel. Det finns en mängd olika internationella organisationer som arbetar för att minska ljusföroreningar och för att bevara natthimlens synlighet, bland andra International Dark-Sky Association, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada och Starlight Initiative. I den här uppsatsen undersöker jag ett antal strategiska dokument genom textanalys, för att analysera deras huvudsakliga motiv till förändringar och för att få en överblick över vilka sorters åtgärder som dessa organisationer föreslår. De analyserade dokumenten är Astrolabs Practical Guide for Lighting, Dark Sky Societys Guidelines for Good Exterior Lighting Plans, International Dark-Sky Associations Practical Guide, Royal Astronomical Society of Canadas Dark Sky Guidelines, Patersons Sark ? Dark Sky Island Lighting Management Plan, Flagstaff Dark Skies Coalitions Lighting Tips, Starlight Initiatives Defence of the Night Sky and the Right to Starlight och Narisda och Schreuders Light Pollution Handbook.

Gröna transportkorridorer

The economic development and competitiveness in Europe is heavily dependent on an efficient transport system. Movement of goods and people is essential for a competitive industry and successful trade. As a result of an intensified transport business, consumption of fossil fuels has increased dramatically. As a consequence, there are increased emissions of dangerous greenhouse gases. Transports are often mentioned as an area with high impact on the environment.

Bolånetakets initiala och långsiktiga effekter

Background: The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority?s mortgage limitation, of mortgaging up to 85 percent of the market value of the real estate was introduced on the first of October 2010. The aim of the recommendation is to prevent a detrimental development of the market for mortgages while at the same time creating incentives for the consumers to limit the debt level. The mortgage limitation is a recently adopted recommendation and few studies have made a thorough analysis of its effects, hence it is an interesting topic to study.Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the initial effects of the mortgage limitation for consumers, banks and estate agencies. Furthermore, the study aims to evaluate drivers of consumer debt levels and conclude whether the mortgage limitation will result in lower debt levels for consumers.Completion: The study is based on interviews with respondents from banks and with respondents from estate agencies to enlighten the initial and long term effects of the mortgage limitation.

Export inom gränserna : En studie om förutsättningar för medicinsk turism i Sverige

International trade in services has increased over the past 30 years as a result of progress in information and communication technology, increased focus on services from the manufacturing sector and the establishment of trade associations.The international market for healthcare services, also referred to as medical tourism, is growing more and more. Patients increasingly seeking treatment at other countries healthcare systems because of long queues within their own country or because it exists better prices for the same care abroad. However, this type of service exports occurs at a limited extent in Sweden.The purpose of this study is to highlight and analyze the conditions for Swedish service companies to export healthcare services. This, includes the challenges and opportunities that exist to expand the exports of these services.The approach for this study has been in the form of interviews with two market actors and written responses, from the same interview guide, with three market actors. These market participants are the so-called Care companies which export healthcare services in various counties, and the membership organization Swecare who work with export promotion activities for its members in the Swedish healthcare sector.

Frizon eller fängelse? : Kvinnliga lagidrottare i heteronormativitetens gränsland

AimThe aim of the study is to find out if, and in that case how, the sports movement creates and reproduces norms and values regarding sex and sexuality. Questions to be answered are: Which experiences do non-heterosexual women have of everyday activities in the Swedish sports movement? How are norms on sex and sexuality visible in practice? Are there mechanisms/practices that challenge these norms? Finally, the results are discussed in relation to two policy documents from the National Organization of Sports (RF); ?Sports Wants? and ?Policy and plan of action against sexual harassment and sexual discrimination within sports?.MethodSince the aim was to understand, and not to generalize and quantify, a procedure of qualitative interviews was chosen. Ten non-heterosexual women were interviewed concerning their experiences of the Swedish sports movement. They were active (or had recently been) at different levels in the following sports: basketball, soccer, floor ball, ice hockey, bandy and volleyball.

Axelssönerna (Tott) : Ett ekonomiskt imperium inom gränsadeln i 1400-talets Norden

This essay explores the economical and social paradigms surrounding one of the most influentialNordic border dynastic noble families in the second half of the fifteenth century - the AxelssonTotts. How mercantile possibilities and opportunities offered to them, reflected on their politicalactions and social bands. The Axelsson brothers of the Tott Dynasty would become of one of themost powerful noble families within the Nordic Union between 1444 och 1487.Axel Pedersen (Tott) would through well chosen marriage alliances into the noble families of bothDenmark and Sweden, and with political prowess lay the foundation for one of the most dynamicfamily empires of the fifteenth century. In the year 1442, the Axelsson brothers swore loyalty toeach other; to protect and defend their mercantile and economical interests in Denmark andSweden. They would eventually control the trading routes in the border areas of the Union, and byexploiting the political chaos within the Union they would gain access and influence to the landtrading routes for export and import within the Union and the shipping export routes in the BalticSea allowing them access to the Russian market through Finland and Estonia.The island of Gotland, with its tactical and important geographical position in the Baltic Seabecame the key to the Nordic Union.

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