

401 Uppsatser om Ice-hockey associations - Sida 16 av 27

Kompetensförsörjning i elitishockeyföreningarnas styrelser

Många idrottsföreningar har bedrivit sin verksamhet med fokus på det idrottsliga, och inte tänkt speciellt mycket på det ekonomiska vid sin målstyrning. Detta har lett till ekonomiska kriser för många föreningar, och flera idrottsförbund har börjat införa så kallade elitlicenser. Elitlicenserna, och det ökade pengaflödet inom idrottsrörelsen har lett till att flera ideella idrottsföreningar har börjat drivas som företag i näringslivet. Idrottsföreningarna måste nu, för att överleva på lång sikt, ta styrningen till en högre nivå och ha fler ekonomiska mål, som innebär att de går med vinst eller ha ett positivt eget kapital. Kompetensen att driva verksamheter i vinstsyfte finns i näringslivet, men har saknats i de ideella idrottsföreningarna.

Bibliotekarieutbildningskritik. En undersökning av ett urval tidskrifter ur svensk bibliotekspress 1990-2005.

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the criticisms of the Swedish library education 1990-2005. By studying four different magazines, we tried to find the various opinions. The years investigated are 1990 to 2005. We have studied articulated opinions, not all opinions, in four library journals.

Social taggning: En studie av en webb 2.0 tjänst i OPAC

The aim of this thesis is to study social tagging in an OPAC by looking at the tags of Ann Arbor District Library?s catalogue. In this thesis I analyse the possibilities of social tagging. The main questions to be answered are what is the distribution of tags in different categories, what are the differences between fiction and non-fiction and how do the social tags differ from the terms of the professional indexing practice. Studying 500 tags I find that subject matter was the most frequent category for tags assigned to fiction and non-fiction.

Mind the gap : En studie om samarbetet mellan entreprenörer och affärsänglar

Today there are a number of different financing options but few of them are suitable for start-up companies. Business angels are in that case an exception and a suitable investor in these companies. Business angels are individuals who invest in young companies and differ from other financiers in the sense that the collaboration with the company is closer. Business angels are although few in numbers while the young companies often tend to be in most need of funding and has the greatest potential to grow.The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the cooperation between entrepreneurs and business angels and to identify which effects the financial gap have on these financial associations.Business angels and entrepreneurs collaboration are hard to interpret and therefore demanded a deeper examination. We thus used a qualitative method consisting of six different interviews in three different cases.The study shows that established collaborations between entrepreneurs and business angel?s seem to be affected by the financial gap to a great extent, which has been expressed in negative consequences.

Arbetstagarorganisationers inflytande vid inhyrning av personal

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Genetiska defekter hos nötkreatur :

Genetic defects are caused by mutations in major genes where the gene?s protein product has a large impact on the physiology of the animal. The synthesis of the protein can be altered by a change in the nucleotide sequence, which can lead to malformation and in many cases death.One of the main reasons of increase in many genetic defects is the use of few bulls in breeding programmes, causing a reduction of the genetic variation. Genetic defects cause suffering for the animal and influences the production by, for example, increased costs due to misscarriages, lost milk production and expenditure for medical treatment. Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (BLAD) and Complex Vertebral Malformation (CVM) are two genetic defects that were widespread before the causative mutation was discovered.

Hur lärare arbetar med barns läs ? och skrivinlärning

AbstractThere is a lot of confusion when it comes to defining Special Education. An example of this appears here by a statement from Assarson (2007) "Special Education initiates a special pedagogy, but contains no innate sense of what is the special component in it" (p. 52, authors? translation). This study is an attempt to clarify the elements of the concept.

KOMMUNIKATION I FÖRÄNDRING : en uppsats om den nya reklamen, reklamundvikandet och de trender som påverkar reklambranschen

Purpose/Aim: The aim of this paper is to find out how the new media landscape and new communication channels is altering how companies and organizations can reach out with their messages. The aim is also to shine light on the different trends within advertising today and also to discuss the Tivo-effect ie. that consumers are doing whatever possible to avoid advertisements.Material/ Method: I have used a qualitative research method where I have interviewed a number of people working in advertising in Sweden. The paper also includes material from books, article and various websites.Main results: In order for advertising agencies to create successful advertisement and to generate positive associations around a certain brand, it?s crucial that the advertisement is relevant for the target group.

Varumärkesbyggande genom Sponsring : Risker och Möjligheter med Co-Branding

The essay deals with the subject about branding and the communicative process that entails between businesses and consumers. The purpose of this paper is to increase understanding of the opportunities and risks of brand building through sponsorship and Co-Branding. This descriptive analysis is made by highlighting the partnership between two strong brands in the Swedish market, Åbro & AIK, and how internal and external associations related to their impact on brand equity. The study has led to the conclusion that the sponsorship should be seen as synonymous with Co-branding, ie. a synergy between two or more brands.

Förvärv av egna aktier : Ur ett associationsrättsligt perspektiv

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Laga läckan: De verkliga effekterna av kreativa mediaval på kort och lång sikt

The media arena is becoming more and more crowded by various brands and different commercial messages. At the same time, consumers learn how to screen marketing communication and their cognitive ad filters enable them to avoid message elaboration. Thus, new thinking and new communication executions are required in order to surprise the consumers and break through the clutter. In the present study, we have investigated how the choice of media affects attention, memory and several communication effects that the ad can generate in the short as well as in the long term. The study is conducted on a well-known brand within a low-involvement product category.

Sprutbyte ? Not In My Back Yard : En diskursanalys om attityder kring införandet av Stockholms sprutbytesverksamhet

About 35 years ago the WHO advocated that countries with injecting drug users should introduce the so-called needle exchange programs (NEP) to curb the spread of infection by blood-borne diseases. In Sweden the first NEP started 1985 in Lund, but the program was extremely controversial in a country with such a restrictive drug policy like Sweden.The study you are about to read shall process this controversy, when a NEP opened in Stockholm, by analyzing the articles published in the newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. By using discourse analysis as a processing tool we?ll try to see the difference between the two chosen newspapers. We will identify and analyze the different participant?s, such as doctors, politicians, user associations and media, arguments in the needle exchange issue.

Samband mellan stress och fysisk aktivitet : - kunskap för sjuksköterskans hälsofrämjande omvårdnadsarbete

Samhället förändras i en allt snabbare takt och med det ökar också stressen bland individer och därmed stressrelaterade sjukdomar. Genom att bedriva en hälsofrämjande hälso- och sjukvård kan många livsstilssjukdomar förebyggas. Fysisk aktivitet sägs vara stressreducerande och ha goda effekter på stressrelaterade symtom. Syftet i föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva samband mellan stress och fysisk aktivitet. Femton kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar återspeglas i resultatet som i sin tur är indelat i fyra olika kategorier: fysisk aktivitet minskar stress, fysisk aktivitet påverkar stress i ett dos-responsförhållande, fysisk aktivitet minskar inte stress samt stress har effekter på fysisk aktivitetsnivå.

Från önskemål till bedömda behov inom äldreomsorgen

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

Aktörer och strukturer: en studie av Karlstads stadsbiblioteks framväxt

The aim of this thesis is to examine the underlying causes for the opening of Karlstad Public Library. In doing so a theory based on the actor/structure model within social theory is used. The structures and actors are intertwined and therefore need to be analysed together. To do so the theory poses a series of questions that needs to be answered. The method used is document analysis.

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