

3 Uppsatser om INGO - Sida 1 av 1

Det dubbla uppdraget: relationen mellan INGO och staten i Vietnam

Due to the political system in Vietnam, all organizations in Vietnam need a permit to operate in the country and consequently, have to balance their mission, their main purpose of being in the country, with the fact that they are dependant on the government to give them the permit they need to stay in the country.With this as our basis, the main focus of this essay has been to identify different types of relations that exist between the Vietnamese state and International Non Governmental Organisations (INGOs) in Vietnam. Since we have interviewed people representing INGOs, our result is based on their experience of this relationship. By using Najam's Four-C's Model, we established that the more traditional INGOs which principally provide services, predominantly have a cooperative relationship with the state, whereas radical INGOs which are committed to policy change, mostly have a relationship which is characterised by conflict..

Att prata CSR : - En studie av hur företag kommunicerar om CSR till anställda, investerare/ägare och NGO:s

Begreppet Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) har vuxit sig stort pa? senare tid och kan ha positiva effekter pa? fo?retags verksamhet och samha?llet i stort. Fo?r att fo?retag ska kunna nyttja de positiva fo?ljderna med ett CSR-arbete a?r kommunikationen till intressenterna central. Forskningen kring CSR-kommunikationen till intressenter har fra?mst fokuserat pa? intressentgruppen konsumenter, varvid denna studie underso?kte hur fo?retag kommunicerar om CSR till intressentgrupperna ansta?llda, investerare/a?gare och NGO:s.

Måltext i Midgård : Ohlmarks Härskarringen och översättandets normer

This study considers Härskarringen (1959?61), a Swedish translation of J. R. R. Tolkien?s The Lord of the Rings (1954?55), within the framework of translation studies and the description of norms within different fields of translation.