

1710 Uppsatser om IKEA FAMILY - Sida 14 av 114

Ägarstrukturens påverkan på tillämpningen av Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning: En studie av bolagsstyrningsrapporter

In the light of some company scandals the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance, the Code, was introduced in the year of 2004 to reinforce confidence in how Swedish listed companies are managed. As many of the other European codes of corporate governance, the Swedish Code is based on the principle of ?comply or explain?. The need for corporate governance regulation arises from the inherent conflict of interest between owners and managers. This conflict is limited in companies controlled by a family in contrast to companies that lack a strong owner.

Förslag till utformning av stadsdelen Nya Haganäs & IKEA:s planerade Life@Home-mässa i Älmhult

Hur bör en Life@Home-mässa i Nya Haganäs utformas för att attrahera, skapa publicitet och få folk att bosätta sig på orten? Svaret på den frågan undersöks i denna rapport. Bostadsbrist leder till ett behov att expandera och en mässa kan ge orten mer publicitet och intresse som genererar underlag för nybyggnationer och immigration.Metoden utgörs av litteraturstudier kring stadsplanering, intervjuer med ämneskvalificerade personer, studiebesök och undersökningar av relevanta bomässor. En deltagaraktiv stadsplaneringsmetod används och ligger till grund för en 3D-modell som har tagits fram. Detta utförs med hjälp av dator och resultatet presenteras i form av renderingar.Diskussionen kretsar kring hur kvalitéer varierar vid olika utformningar av planen, planens utseende och hur väl den uppfyller målen.

"It's about empowering the family": en deskriptiv studie med komparativa inslag om familjerådslag i Helsingborg, Höör och Belfast

In August 2007 we went to New Zealand for a placement at Child Youth and Family Services. There our interest in Family Group Conferences (FGC) took off. FGC is not near as common in Sweden as in New Zealand. Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine how the Social Services in Helsingborg and Höör in Sweden and Belfast in Northern Ireland work with FGC. We had the privilege to go to Belfast in Northern Ireland as part of the project Insight Europe.

Familjeklimat: en validering

In an attempt to make social work evidence based, the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, has recommended the use of standardized methods. As there are very few instruments that are defined as standardized, we decided to compile studies made with the "Family Climate self-rating scale", FCS, that is used by the profession, although not yet validated. We were looking for conformity in results and functionality in family treatment. FCS comprises a list of 85 adjectives to reflect different aspects of the emotional atmosphere in the family. It has been used since the late 80´s and there has been no attempt to compile results of using the instrument, until now.By searching in databases and libraries we found 20 Swedish studies using the instrument, which we compared to each other.

"Det som är hemskt känns väldigt hemskt i den åldern...". En kvalitativ studie av skydds- och riskfaktorer för depression hos unga vuxna samt familjeförhållandenas betydelse för behandling och tillfriskningsprocesser

The worsening of psychical health issues among young people has widely been discussed over the last few years. Research shows for example that 9% of girls at the age of 16-24 reported anxiety problems in 1989 while 16 years later, in 2005, the same number was 30%. The purpose of this essay was to study and analyze psychiatrists', psychologists' and counselors' view on the resilience and risk factors for youth depression (age 16-24). Beside this, our aim was to study their view on the influence of family environment on treatment and recovery. Data were collected with qualitative interviews with eight informants within the psychiatric care.

Föräldrars upplevelse att bo i familjerum på neonatalavdelning

Introduction: Today caring for newborn, sick babies or premature infants is in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). There is an opportunity in NICUs for advanced critical care and skilled nursing care of the child, conducted by health professionals in an active partnership with parents. To encourage parental participation in the care of their children parents are offered accommodation in a family room in the NICU. Objective: The aim is to describe parents' experience to stay in a family room in the NICU when their child is cared for there. Method: This is a research plan for a qualitative study with an inductive, descriptive approach.

"Ett ansikte - en röst", förutsättningar att bevara en stark företagsidentitet - en fallstudie av Ikea

Syfte: Vårt syfte är att undersöka hur företag skapar förutsättningar för att identiteten ska fortleva i framtiden. Metod: Vi använder oss av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod. Vi gör en fallstudie på Ikeas företagsidentitet och har genomfört ett antal intervjuer med representanter som arbetar och har arbetat på företaget. Teoretiska perspektiv: Vårt teoretiska ramverk består av de bitar som tillsammans utgör det vi definierar som ett företags identitet. Det vill säga teorier kring företagskultur, värderingar och varumärke.

Vem ser barnet? : En kvalitativ studie om psykosocialt stöd till familjen när en förälder lider av en livshotande sjukdom

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how psychosocial support for families where a parent suffers from a life threatening illness can be constructed. The intent was also to explore how the child's perspective is protected and what barriers and opportunities there are for family oriented support. The study has a qualitative approach and includes interviews with four social workers. The interviews were analyzed with a systems theory and attachment theory. The conclusions are that the whole family suffers psychological and social pressures when a parent is sick.

Marte meo-metoden på behandlingshem : en kvalitativ studie utifrån föräldrars och behandlares perspektiv

This study aims to explore parents and treatment personnels experiences of the Marte meo methodat a family treatment home. Three retrospective interviews were made with parents whoexperienced Marte meo treatment, as well as four interviews with treatment personnel. The purposeof the Marte meo method is to develop the interaction between parent and child. Previous resultsfrom studies show that treatment with the Marte meo method could provide positive effects to theparent child relationship. The results in this study have been analyzed by using parts of attachmenttheory, the salutogenic perspective and the term intersubjectivity.

Utomhuspedagogik : Hur pedagoger arbetar med naturvetenskap utomhus

The aim of this study is to understand which strategies helped women escape honourbased violence, by reading the autobiographies of seven women. Honourbased violence is a relatively new problem in Sweden, but it has existed for a long time. According to FN (2012) 5000 women are murdered every year in the name of honour. Honourbased violence is about maintaining the honour of the family. Womens sexuality is connected to men´s honour, and because of that they are not allowed to express it.

Förändring som styrmedel  : En studie av implementering av nya rutiner på IKEA Örebro

This paper aims to study the Armenakis´ theory of readiness, "are they ready?", which consists of five key components affecting the outcome of an organizational change. In this case study, the intention is to investigate if any component is important; alternatively if it is possible to discern a pattern between components, i.e. how they correspond to each other. During the past 30 years have a research group lead by Armenakis has studied organizational change and how resistance to change can be avoided by preparing employees in the introductory phase of change. The main object for Armenakis is the question "what determines whether the employees (change recipients) adopt and support, or reject and resist a change".

Synligt- och osynligt stöd : Anhörigas upplevelser av stöd när en familjemedlem vårdas i sen palliativ fas.

When a family member is being cared for in palliative care relatives often need support to be able to support their family member. The purpose of the literature review was to illuminate the nursing staff?s support from the relatives? perspective when a family member is being cared in a late palliative phase. The study is a literature review, there already existing research are surveyed. The findings were structured into two parts, tangible- and the intangible support.

Generationsskiften i familjejordbruk : genomförande och familjerelationer

Within the next five years about 15 % of the Swedish forest owners that will undergo a succession of ownership. Presently the most common way to acquire a forest estate in Sweden is to acquire it within the family. To decide to let go after a whole life as a forest owner and manager of your own land is for many people a hard decision to make and often requires a long process. The complex process that a succession of ownership often is includes both questions about economy, legal aspects and regulations, taxes and questions of more personal nature, often called soft issues. These personal aspects or soft issues are important and can if handled poorly or not at all negatively affect relationships in the family for a very long time.

Synligt- och osynligt stöd. Anhörigas upplevelser av stöd när en familjemedlem vårdas i sen palliativ fas.

When a family member is being cared for in palliative care relatives often need support to be able to support their family member. The purpose of the literature review was to illuminate the nursing staff?s support from the relatives? perspective when a family member is being cared in a late palliative phase. The study is a literature review, there already existing research are surveyed. The findings were structured into two parts, tangible- and the intangible support.

When companies grow up - A case study of a family-owned company?s management control system

Problem: What are the characteristics of Polykemi?s management control system and how is it affected by growth? Purpose: To describe and analyse the management control system of a medium-sized family-owned company from the perspective of Simons? Levers of control. Research design: An abductive, interview-based case study of Polykemi AB. Conclusion: Polykemi?s management control system is primarily a traditional one which is rather strong in terms of Levers of control.

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