

1710 Uppsatser om IKEA FAMILY - Sida 13 av 114

Vad har Gandhi med familjeterapi att göra?

Introduction: In this study an innovative and multimodal method in family therapy called NVR, Non-Violent Resistence, is examined. NVR is an approach developed by Haim Omer, professor in psychology at the University of Tel Aviv. This approach is described as coming from the ancient ideological roots used by Gandhi in the Nonviolent resistence of oppressive regimes. NVR advocates that the parents give up the desire to control their children. Instead parents should take control of their own lives by actively resisting any behaviors of the child that are damaging.

Företagskulturens inverkan på den enskilde individen : en fallstudie av IKEA Kalmar och IKEA Dubai

Globalisering är något som de senaste åren blivit ett allt mer igenkänt begrepp bland oss människor, detta är något som berör både oss individer samt företagsvärlden. Den främsta anledningen till att detta är något som ligger i tiden beror på att numer finns möjligheterna, tekniken har tagit oss framåt vilket skapat ett behov bland oss människor av att se världen. Vi blir inte tillfredsställda förrän vi utnyttjat de möjligheter som finns. Det är bland annat företagen, och då främst världsföretagen, som format de möjligheter som uppkommit, genom bland annat sin företagskultur, ett fenomen inom ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrningen. För att undersöka vilken egentlig påverkan denna företagskultur har på individer, som i allt större utsträckning rör sig på en arbetsmarknad som är av det globala slaget, har vi beslutat oss för att göra fallstudier på den svenska jätten IKEA.

Vad är en bra Ledare/Chef? : En fallstudie om hur medarbetarna upplever Ledarskapet på IKEA i Barkarby

Att finna en allmän accepterad definition av vad ledarskap verkligen innebär, är väldigt komplext. Det finns många olika definitioner på vad ledarskap är inom ledarskapslitteraturer. Det flesta har en bild av vad ledarskap är och vad en ledare sysslar med, men kan inte exakt definiera vad det egentligen betyder att vara ledare.Vad är ett bra ledarskap enligt medarbetarna? Författarnas huvudfråga som beskriver uppsatsens innehåll.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka samt analysera vad som utmärker och kännetecknar ett bra ledarskap. Författarna ska även undersöka hur medarbetarna upplever ledarskapet samt huruvida motivation och inspiration från ledarna skapar trivsel på medarbetarnas arbetsplats.Den undersökning som författarna valde att fokusera på var 15 djupa personliga intervjuer med medarbetarna på IKEA i Barkarby.

Ett hem eller två hem: hur vuxna skilsmässobarn tolkar och beskriver sin uppväxt mot bakgrund av den boendeform de vuxit upp i efter familjeupplösning

The break up of the family unit leads to new living arrangements and significant changes for children. This can be an extremely upsetting experience for a child, especially if the child is old enough to understand what is happening. New living arrangements can effect a childs fundamental sense of security as well as having consequences later on in life. The object of this research paper was to examine how a group of seven people (children from split families who are now adults), interpreted and described their childhood in relation to the living arrangements they grew up with after the breakdown of the family unit. The main question areas we have examined are: How have the interviewee's living arrangements during childhood affected their understanding of themselves today? In what way has the adult's present day lifestyle been influenced by the split up of the family that they grew up with - using their own words? How do the children from split families describe and interpret concepts such as family and marriage, based on their own experiences? Our research was conducted with the help of seven people from split families who are now adults and who experienced different types of split family arrangements as a child ? permanent residence with mother/father or alternate living with both parents.

Att marknadsföra ett företag med hjälp av nationalitet : En studie i hur marknadsföring och varumärkesbyggande med fokus på nationalitet fungerar och uppfattas

AbstractTitle: To Market a Company with the Help of Nationality ? A study in how marketing and branding works and is being perceived when it focuses on nationalityAuthor: Frida HanssonSubject: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall semester 2010Length: 38 pagesTutor: Else NygrenAim: Companies and various corporations are always on the hunt for the next big thing in marketing. One idea to market themselves and give them a chance to separate themselves from the cluster of companies aspiring to take your costumers away could be to market themselves with nationality. To investigate why and how some company?s chose to market themselves with nationality, and also study how this kind of marketing is being perceived by customers and non ?costumers.

Barn med astma - resultatet av sjuksköterskans information och utbildning till barnet och dess familj

Asthma is the most common chronic illness in children. Re-admissions to hospital are common and asthma has a significant impact on children and their families. The purpose of this study was to describe the outcome of the nurses? information and education handed to the family. The result of this literature study was based on 14 scientific articles which evaluated the families? knowledge and the illness? impact on daily life after different ways of asthma information and education.

Individen i det offentliga, familjen i det privata - en jämställdhetspolitisk paradox? : en diskursanalys av regeringens arbetsmarknads- och familjepolitik

This paper takes it points of departure in a gender equality perspective and the perceived paradox between the governmental labour market policy and family policy. The first policy area has the aim to put people to work, whereas the other introduces a reform, vårdnadsbidraget, that point in the opposite direction. Which are the problem representations within the two policy areas and are the problem representations concordant or contradictive? From a constructivist perspective, langue is closely related to power through defining and ascribing meaning to reality. Drawing on political documents, speeches and articles formulated within the government, this paper analyzes problem representations through the use of discourse analysis and feminist political theory.

Kulturens och organisationskulturens påverkan på utbrändhet ?en komparativ studie mellan Ikea i Älmhult Sverige och Ikea i Guangzhou Kina

Den här undersökningen har studerat skillnader mellan arbetets påverkan på utbrändhet i Kina och Sverige. Studien hade för avsikt att se om skillnader förekom, vilka skillnader det var samt hur de yttrade sig. Studier inom området i Kina är mycket outforskat medan det i Sverige och övriga västvärlden talas om det dagligen. Resultatet av den här studien pekar på att skillnaderna mellan länderna knappt är förekommande. Detta kan till stor del bero på Ikeas organisationskultur.

Generationsskifte i familjeägda bolag : Med inriktning på arv och testamente

Swedish family companies are facing a tremendous change in the form of generation changes because of the large part of owners that are about to retire. If all 45 000 to 50 000 family companies ceases to exist, Sweden looses a significant part of business trade.There are numbers of different methods for an older generation of owners to transfer their companies to a younger generation such as inheritance, gift, will, internal stock transfer, division?s etc., where inheritance is the most complex area. That an owner of a company dies without any plan for the future of the company is not preferable because the rules of legal successions occur. The law system regarding inheritance is usually not a good method since the surviving wife, who has the primary right to the inheritance, may not be interested in the company.

"Mamma vann, hon klarade allt!" : Barns upplevelser av föräldrastödsprogrammet Komet

AbstractEvidence based research has shown that organized parent support programmes have a goodeffect in strengthening the role of the parent and preventing problems during growth. Thisin turn has a great significance for Public Health.Komet is one of the evidence based programmes used in Sweden, based on Americanprogrammes and adapted to Swedish conditions.This qualitative study consists of interviews with six children between six and nine yearswith behaviour problems, whose parents have taken part in the Komet programme.With Grounded Theory as research approach the children?s experiences of the programmeand relations within the family have been looked into and analysed.The result of this study suggests that a space for growth of their own is a common need ofthe children, and that this can be achieved by giving them the opportunity to function in afamily environment where they are seen and understood.The Komet programme contributed to this by giving the family tools to strengthen relationswithin the family, create calm and make the children more visible.The self image of the children in this study had improved which gave them more room togrow in a strengthened family situation. This in turn improved conditions for good feelings,and sense of well being, of importance for child development and health..

Familjen & Döden : föräldrars förhållningssätt till sina kvarvarande barn

The aim of this study was to explore the role of death in the Swedish family. How do parents and families cope with the loss of a child/sibling? How do the remaining children in a family fare after loss of sibling? The study was caused out partially through a selective review of the literature on children loss in families and partially through interviews with families who had experienced death of a child. The results were analysed with help of Family system theory, Emotional theory and with an Esoteric perspective. The findings of the study were that although families do eventually cope with the situation the majority is struggling to adjust.

Cystisk fibrosAtt vara förälder till ett barn med cystisk fibros

Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common hereditary disease that leads to an early death. Earlier CF was considered as a childhood disease but today the expected age is 50 years. CF affects all the epithelial cells in the body which makes mucus and other body fluids more viscous than normal. The thick mucus leads to among other things respiratory problems and infections of the lungs. Today there is no cure, only medicines that controls the symptoms.Aim: To describe parents experiences living with a child with CF.

Hur kan ett område utvecklas till att bli en attraktiv plats att bo på?

Hur kan ett område utvecklas till att bli en attraktiv plats att bo på? I examensarbetet besvaras denna fråga bland annat utifrån intervjuer med personer som på olika sätt har varit inblandade i de olika projekt och projekteringsplaner som diskuteras/berörs i arbetet och utifrån enkäter genomförda bland anställda på IKEA. Enkätstudien genomfördes ursprungligen med syfte att utreda anställdas inställning till IKEA och Älmhult. Bland dem som fyllt i den finns både sådana som redan bor i Älmhult och sådana som i dagsläget pendlar in till Älmhult.En förutsättning för arbetet var att ett nytt område för exploatering skulle kunna utvecklas i form av en bomässa och därför har även en kartläggning av och jämförelse mellan ett antal tidigare bomässor genomförts. Frågor som behandlas är vad som har varit utmärkande för dessa bomässor och vad som har gett dem genomslagskraft.

En extrafamilj för livet? En studie om några ungdomars upplevelse av att vara i en kontaktfamilj

The purpose of this study is to establish how a few youngsters have experienced their time in contact families and which, if any, significance their respective ?contact families? has for them today. The study aims to determine the life situation in the youth?s families at the time support through ?contact families? was initiated and the youths? own view of the reasons for this support. We also want to shed light on the meaning that the contact families had on the youth; considering both positive as well as negative meaning.

Socialisation och livsval : en hermeneutisk, fenomenologisk intervjustudie inriktad på socialisationsprocesser inom jordbruksfamiljen

The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the early process of socialization and its influence on the choices in life, with the example taken from the agricultural family. The question is considering how the process of socialization within an agricultural family has influenced on the choices in life of four women. A qualitative method with a hermeneutic, phenomenologic perspective is applied and four interviews have been done with women who all grew up in an agricultural family. The results have been analysed through social constructive-, psychodynamic-, attachment- and cognitive theory. The results indicate that socialization is a complex process.

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