

11124 Uppsatser om ICT in the Swedish subject - Sida 63 av 742

"Än en fågel, än en blomma" : En tematisk och dialogisk studie av ungmör och skaldinnor i Anna Maria Lenngrens dikter.

Anna Maria Lenngren (1754-1817) is known as one of Stockholms Posten?s sharpest satirists. Over the years many literature researchers have based their analysis and interpretations on biographical facts. This means that we miss important parts of her authorship, as she almost exceptionally has been writing role-poems. In a role-poem, the author takes a role as a fictitious narrative subject and/or another poem character.

Stöd i undervisningen på högstadiet : En aktionsstudie som ska klargöra en elevgrupps perspektiv

The aim of thesis was to, through a action research study and through individual interviews with five students, clarify their perspective on educational assistance in high school. The study shows that students prefer teaching in small groups outside of regular whole class because it gives the them access to the factors they consider crucial for a functioning support-time whit a skilled and dedicated teatcher, in a calm and safe environment. Moreover, the students claim the importance of technical equipment especially in the Swedish subject, but also in other subjects. Today the educational assistance varies from an outside-the-class teaching situation to a whole-class situation with teacher support as well as technicaal equipment. When the student were asked to describe the cinditions under which studies can be conducted with the whole class they tried to imitate the learning environment they have in a small group.

Annonser i nättidningar ? kvalitet och placering i målorienterad sökning

This study investigated how banner ads, depending on its quality and placement,can capture a user's attention while searching for editorial content in an online newspaper. Furthermore, the user's search strategy was also studied to see whether it varied depending on the placement of an ad. An experiment was conducted where 20 subjects searched for articles in a Swedish online newspaper while their eye ovement was recorded with a headmounted eye?tracker. In each search task the online newspaper contained either a low quality ad or a high quality ad.

Alternativa drivmedel : Vilket alternativt drivmedel uppfyller bäst Försvarsmaktens behov?

This essay is written within my education for Technical Officer in the Swedish armed forces. The essay describes the alternative fuels that the Swedish armed forces can make use of if the supply of fossil fuels is insecure. The alternative fuels that are described and compared are; Synthetic diesel, Organic diesel, Methanol and Ethanol. The essay describes the process of producing the alternatives, the need for modification and the economics for each alternative. The alternatives are compared and assessed for their ability to secure the supply of fuel to the Swedish Armed Forces.

Hur fungerar Monroes idéer på en svensk skola idag? - En presentation av "framgångsrika" skolor

Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka hur Monroes idéer (Monroe, 1997) om en framgångsrik skola fungerar på en svensk skola. För att få reda på mer om framgångsrika skolor, har jag studerat aktuell forskning i ämnet. Jag har även besökt en skola i Sverige där man använder sig av denna skolmodell. Jag har valt att använda mig av kvalitativ forskning, där jag har använt intervjuer, samt observation för att samla in data. Bland resultaten kan nämnas att Monroes modell som innebär en stark ledare och tydligare regler ungerar bra på Hjällboskolan som jag har studerat närmare.

När kommunikationen brister : sjuksköterskans kommunikation med icke svensktalande patienter

Background: Pervious research indicates that communication between patient and nurse has shortcomings. For the nurse, difficulties in care giving may emerge when the nurse and patient cannot understand each other. Research also shows that patients? participation in their care become more difficult by lack of communication. The care giving of patients who speak a different language is seen as a challenge by the nurse.

Kan du bevisa det? : En enkätstudie av gymnasielärarens förhållningssätt till matematiska bevis

Practice of mathematical proof increase the understanding of mathematics anddevelop creativity skills, problem solving, communication, logical thinking andreasoning which are all important tools not only within the subject of mathematicsbut also important tools for the society in which we are living. The aim of this projectwas to investigate whether it is accurate that proof and proving has a subordinate rolein mathematic education in the upper secondary school in Sweden. This was done byconstructing of a digital survey that was sent to approximately 100 practicingmathematics teachers in a normal size city located in the middle of Sweden. Theresults of the survey show that the teachers consider themselves comfortable withtheir own skills in teaching proof. Paradoxically, the results also show that there is alack of teaching of proof and proving in the upper secondary school, although the newcurriculum puts more focus on proof and proving..

Vaxholmskonflikten och innebörden av solidaritet : En argumentationsanalys av den svenska pressdebatten

The conflict in Vaxholm was an important event since it influenced the view upon the Swedish labour market. The entire Swedish model was questioned and questions about what the concept of solidarity stands for and for whom it is meant arose.The Swedish union, Byggnads, was harshly criticised for having acted in a discriminating fashion towards den Latvian workers and the Latvian company Laval un Partneri. The debate in the media was intense.My intention with this essay was to scrutinise the arguments in one of the most prestigious newspapers in Sweden, Dagens Nyheter, and to put the argumentation into a perspective of solidarity. I wanted to investigate how the different parties argued about solidarity. One of the conclusions I drew was that Byggnads needs to question their definition of solidarity and how they wish to express that in a new world more influenced by globalisation and immigrated labours..

Olof Palme och Vietnamkriget : En ros bland hökar som söker en duva

AbstractThis is a story about the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme and his struggle against USA´s war in Vietnam in the late 60´s and the early 70´s. We follow the young Palme from his childhood to his travels to America and Asia, there he learns what true poverty means. Further we see Palme change side from his conservative background to a new social idealist. In Prag he learns to truly mistrust communism, an ideology he later in life paradoxical will be accused to stand for. Palme´s politic interests seems to take a great step forward when he starts to write articles in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, there he?s writings take more and more colour from Palme´s own politic stands.

Nya medier, gamla regler : En studie om svenska journalisters förhållningssätt till medieetik på Twitter

The aim of this study was to look into the approach of swedish journalists towards Twitter and how they apply the media ethics when using Twitter.The method for this research was a survey answered by 371 Swedish journalists, from workplaces of various contents and geographical spread, of which 271 were users of Twitter. Our results are based on the survey and theories such as the social responsibility theory, the code of ethics for the Swedish press, radio and television, gatekeeping, normalizing twitter and the private sphere of Habermas.Our results showed that swedish journalists aim to apply the media etics in most aspects such as objectivity and gatekeeping. Also the guidelines of using twitter as a journalist, according to the respondents, mainly comes from the workplace and not the code of ethics. It also showed that the majority of the journalists were pleased with the current guidelines, or the absence of guidelines..

Twingly och Twitter på se2009.eu. En fallstudie av det svenska EU-ordförandeskapets användning av sociala medier på ordförandeskapswebben

Deliberative democracy theory holds that democracy is about active partaking on formal and informal arenas in the public sphere where fairly equal citizens can obtain knowledge, discuss, evaluate and affect the political agenda before decisions are made.In line with the deliberative vision of online deliberation social media such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Twingly offer such formal and informal arenas where people can obtain knowledge and interact with other people, and politicians.The Swedish EU-Presidency was the first EU-presidency to make use of social media and it was the first time the Swedish Government Offices used other social media than email and chat features.This thesis will examine the Swedish EU-Presidency?s ambitions of using social media as well as the actual use of social media on the Swedish EU-Presidency website in the light of deliberative democracy theory.The aim of this thesis is, through a case study, to analyze the Swedish EU-Presidency?s use of social media in the light of deliberative democracy theory..

Vad håller ni på med? : En studie i Försvarsmaktens marknadskommunikation

Title: What are you doing - A study in the Swedish Armed Forces marketingAuthors: Johanna Hillforth & Linda OlanderTutor: Josef PallasPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the communicativefunctions as the Swedish Armed Forces uses in its marketing communications.Method and material: The used method in this study is a qualitativesemiotic content analysis, and the material analyzed is five ads from five oftheir latest advertising campaigns.Main results: The results of the study have shown that the Swedish ArmedForces primarily uses three of the four communicative functions in theircommunication, by being of informative, expressive and affecting nature..

Islam som religion och skolämne - en studie om hur högstadieelever kan tala om islam

With this thesis I have sought to do a critical review on how Islam is perceived and articulated by secondary school students in a school in a larger Swedish city. The aim is to analyse how some secondary students in Sweden talk about Islam, as a religion and as a school subject. To achieve this aim, seven focus group interviews with 36 students aged 15-16 have been conducted. These focus groups have discussed the general picture of Islam depicted by the society, media and through the school. But also how, and in what way that depiction has influenced their personal view of Islam.

Gemensamt arbete inom IT mellan kommuner ? fördelar och nackdelar. En fallstudie på Göteborgsregionens kommuner

We are currently in the midst of the current information revolution and it is increasinglyimportant to allocate and utilize the resources spent on IT. To accomplish this, one solutioncould be to work together with IT. For municipalities, this can be a complicated process whenyou are dependent on the resources that are given and subject to laws regarding procurement,this places great demands on the Swedish municipalities.One solution could be to work collaboratively with IT across municipal borders, this studyexamines the advantages and disadvantages of this. The study was conducted using interviewand survey of various municipalities in the Gothenburg region. The study shows that there isjoint work across municipal boundaries but that communication sometimes fails, this provesamong other things that some communities feel they have a partnership with a municipality,while the other sees that they have no partnership.With the results from the study are discussed and problematized the current conditions thatexist between the municipalities today, and how they could change.

Barn med autism : Integrera eller segregera

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to describe what view teachers, which are working with autistic children, have about how the individual autistic child will have a good schooling? If children with autism should be integrated or segregated. I also want to find out how ?a school for all? shall be worked out to fit children with autism. To reach my purpose I?ve chosen to use a qualitative method and to hand out questionnaire to three teachers which are working in a training school.To get a background to this study I?ve presented what researchers have to say about this subject.

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