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Två sidor av samma mynt : ?Pedagogikens mervärde för det utvecklande ledarskapet?

The transformational leadership and the Swedish Armed Forces? basic outlook on pedagogy are two factors that affect a Swedish military officer. The author has identified a need of understanding the process of personal development. An understanding that couldn?t be supplied by the transformational leadership but that was found in the Swedish Armed Forces? basic outlook on pedagogy.

De tre Arktis : en studie av Sveriges geopolitiska syn på Arktis ur kritiskt perspektiv

This essay explores the Swedish state?s geopolitical view and creation, of the spatial spaces in and of the Arctic. With a critical geopolitical framework, a discourse analysis is conducted on the Swedish strategy for the arctic region, with the ambition to unfold the underlining spatial spaces, actors and dramas that this discourse creates. The result of this analysis shows that Sweden creates three different Arctic spaces within its geopolitical discourse; a Swedish Arctic, a Nearby Arctic and a Regional Arctic. This has major political consequences, which will be illuminated in the essay.


ABSTRACT This study consists of a comparison between a public and a private organization that works with people with mental unhealth. The first organization is an authority that conducts investigations to determine if their clients are qualified to receive some sort of help in their daily lives as a part of the Swedish welfare system. The private organization works with offering different kinds of daily activities for people with mental unhealth as a work-training program or to help them create a daily routine in their lives. Our purpose with this paper is to compare the work of the two different organizations based on their organizational framework to see what similarities and differences there are in their work and their chosen approach in meetings with their clients. Our chosen method is that of semi-structured qualitative interviews with three different employees in each organization.

Utvecklingsfaktorer i en webbportal : En studie av användares beteende i en globalt anpassad webbportal.

Studies have shown that user participation is a good method when improving or developing a product. The method gives a company insight in what the customer wants and needs. It has also been shown that user participation benefits all parts included. For example, it creates a greater relationship with customers than most other methods do. Webportals is one of the most interactive systems online and it gives companies a unique chance to improve and maintain their relationship with customers.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Att stärka ett varumärke

This essay has aimed at exploring how different companies work with CSR. We want to highlight their opinions about the topic, what it means for the companies that work with it and how important it is to apply CSR in a business. The reason why we chose this subject is because of the possibilities that come with working with CSR. We think there are a lot to be done when it comes to corporate social responsibility and we want to be a part of this new type of marketing. The win-win-situation that occurs with CSR is unique and it makes the subject interesting.

Etablering i främmande kulturer : En fallstudie över små svenska tekoföretags etablering i Spanien

This bachelor of economics paper discuss that the increasing globalization has put the small companies in the Swedish textile and clothing industry in a situation where internationalization has become a necessity. Furthermore has the European Union lead to that this type of companies has to seek growth on foreign markets with great socio cultural distance from the home country, Sweden. Nowadays there?s no time to internationalize in the same course of action like before. Before, the Swedish companies begun their operations abroad in fairly nearby countries and only gradually penetrated more far-flung markets.

Islam och Demokrati : Två olika idè och tanketraditioner?

The purpose of this paper is to study the subject Islam and Democracy and see whatcommonalities exist between the two ideas and traditions of thoughts. The subject is topicaland often highlighted by the media in the West. The Islamic voices that we hear today iscertainly not democratic, given the violence and hatred carried out by Islamic extremistsagainst the West. The investigation of this paper have shown a different direction when thereare other voices such as those investigated reformist thinkers who argue that Islam has manydemocratic elements, and even that Islam is more suitable than democracy. According to thereformists ismodel of an Islamic state is democratic and legitimate.

Delaktighetens och inflytandets förutsättningar : En rättssociologisk studie om barnperspektiv i LSS

This is a sociological jurisprudence study which focuses on "child perspective" in Law of Support and Service with Certain Functional Impairments, LSS. The purpose of the study was to clarify the meaning of child perspective in LSS and analyze it in relation to practice. The study was conducted with mixed strategies combining qualitative and jurisprudential methods. Both LSS and Law of Social Welfare, SoL, were studied. Social workers from dirrerent muncipalities in Sweden were interwiewed.

?de svenska nybyggarna förstod konsten att upprätthålla grannsämja med det röda jägarfolket? : Om indianbilden och dess funktion i Albin Widéns populärvetenskapliga författande

During the 1960s and 1970s an increased interest in Native Americans can be seen in Sweden, e.g. through the establishment of organizations such as the Indian Club of Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to study the portrayal of Native Americans and its role through Albin Widén, a Swedish author, ethnologist and member of the Indian Club, and his non-fictional works on the Swedish migration to America, Swedish-America and Swedish contacts with Native Americans. The study is divided into four parts. The first part looks at the portrayal of the Native Americans in Widén?s writings, in comparison with Euro-Americans? and Europeans? traditional stereotypic images of a good and a bad Indian.

Bilden av Machiavelli ? och motbilden. : En analys av Fursten och Republiken

This essay examines wether the prevailing opinion of Machiavelli as a prominent figure in political realism is correct or if the author is misinterpreted and can be said to represent something more. Thus, the puropse of this essay is to revise the description of Machiavelli given in widely used Swedish textbooks. This is done on the basis of a thesis saying that Machiavelli, judged not by his renowned book ?The Prince? (Fursten), but in the light of his extensive work ?Discourses? (Republiken), does not advocate a sovereign power but rather promote a pluralistic society. The method used in this essay is a qualitative textanalysis, which is done on the two books in purpose to examine three central themes in Machiavelli?s writing; the morality, the view on humanity and the state and citizen.

Droppen som fick bägaren att rinna över? - Svenska spelmonopolets förhållande till EG-rätten

Every year the Swedish gambling monopoly serves as a significant source of income for the government. This income is later distributed by the government on various areas for the common good. The question is wheather the state is allowed to preserve this lucrativemarket for itself by any means necessary. Also is it enough to claim that the monopoly exists to protect the citizens, and thus escaping the conditions of EC-law, and its struggle to harmonize trade between the member states? This thesis describes the Swedish gambling monopoly and its relationship with EC-law.

Svensk yttrandefrihet i ett EU-perspektiv : - Hur svenska medborgare kan komma att få ett svagare meddelarskydd och ensamansvar ioch med EG-rättens konflikt med svensk grundlag vid grundlagsregleringen 2010

AbstractTitle: Swedish freedom of speech compared to european freedom of speechNumber of pages: 57Author: Gabriella BoodeTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Spring 2009University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The purpose with the dissertation is to see if there has been a limitation inSwedish freedom of speech since parts of the European union laws is superiour to theSwedish constitution as freedom of the press regulations and freedom of speech constitution.A more narrow purpose is to find out how the specific Swedish rights such as individual?slegal right to publish information are influenced by the European union laws and are superiorto the freedom of the press regulations and freedom of speech constitutionThe survey will also try to find out the effectiveness with the Lisbon Strategy ?s emergencybrake and its purpose to protect the Swedish freedom of the press regulations and freedom ofspeech constitution. How big is the difference between the different member states concerningthe protection of the freedom of speech?Material/Method: The data collected for this thesis is retrieved through personal interviewswith representives from experts with in the field as Uppsala University and the SwedishGovernent.Main results: It is obvious that Sweden has the strongest protection of freedom of speechcomparing to the other EU member states. No other EU country has as detailed constitution asthe Swedish constitution TF and YGL.

En lärarkår i förändring? : En studie om bildskapandet av läraren i sin yrkesroll i media under åren 1979, 1989 och 2006.

In this pilot study, we have investigated what the two biggest newspapers Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, and the two largest union affiliated journals Lärartidningen/Lärarnastidning and Skolvärlden has written about teachers in their professional roles, and investigated if and whether their reporting has changed over time. In the study, we have also examined what the newspapers and the union affiliated journals emphasize as status enhancing and status lowering factors for the Swedish teaching staff. We have furthermore analyzed our material through Leif Mathiassons theoretical framework in the anthology Uppdrag Lärare ?En antologi om status, yrkesskicklighet och framtidsdrömmar, in which he describes the creation of the image of the school as a medial and political construction. To reinforce Mathiassons theoretical framework we have also presented and used the agenda theory, the gestalt theory and the priming theory in our concluding discussion.

Bilden av Svenska kyrkan : ? Unga människors image av organisationen i jämförelse med organisationens profil

AbstractTitle: The picture of the Swedish church - Young peoples image of the organization in comparison with the organizations profile (Bilden av Svenska kyrkan ? Unga människors image av organisationen i jämförelse med organisationens profil)Number of pages: 55 (57 including enclosures)Author: Ebba GöranzonTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityAim: The aim of this essay is to study the external communication of the Swedish Church, and how they want young people (16-18 years old) to perceive them. Further I would like to compare that information with how young people actually perceive the Swedish church. Do the both pictures agree?Method/Material: Together with literature studies, a qualitive method has been used and four focus group interviews with a total of 16 informants have been conducted.

Skräddarsydd Skönhet : Etableringsmöjligheter av etnisk kosmetik på den svenska marknaden

This is a project in Entrepreneurship and Creativity on masters? degree. The purpose was to verify whether the Swedish retail trade within the beauty care business was ready for an in-troduction of colour cosmetics. Through the qualitative research grounded theory, I made several phone interviews with independence retail traders within the Swedish beauty care business. The selection of respondents is based on statistical facts and geographic coverage of Swedish beauty care shops.

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