

1076 Uppsatser om Hygiene guidelines - Sida 22 av 72

Följsamhet gentemot riktlinjer vid kateterspolning : en observationsstudie

Efterföljs handbokens riktlinjer vid kateterspolning? En observationsstudie om följsamheten kring Handbokens riktlinjer och hygienrutiner vid kateterspolning. Patienter med urinkatetrar är frekvent förekommande inom stora delar av vården och är därför något som vårdpersonalen kommer i kontakt med. Momentet då katetern spolas är förenat med komplikationer och därför har en jämförande kvalitativ studie här genomförts utifrån Handbokens riktlinjer för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal gällande hygien, material och tillvägagångssätt för att säkerställa en god och säker omvårdnad. Föreliggande studie syftar till att beskriva överensstämmelsen mellan hur kateterspolningar genomförs i praktiken och de riktlinjer som ges i Handboken avseende kateterspolning. Observationerna genomfördes på en vårdavdelning och deltagarna i studien bestod av undersköterskor samt patienter som bar kvarliggande katetrar.

Användarcentrerad utveckling av mobilt IT-stöd

This exam paper has been a collaboration between the writers and SYSteam Utvecklingspartner in Huskvarna. The assignment was about finding a need for a mobile application, making a requirement specification document with design documents and parallel to this constructing a prototype. The assignment is summarized in the following questions:? How can companies in the forest industry benefit from mobile information technology?? How can a user centered perspective be used in the process of making the requirement specification document and the design documents?? How do guidelines for usability apply to a mobile application?Three visits to companies in the forest industry were made to find a need for mobile information technology solutions. After a small analysis of the different companies? problems and conditions the decision was to use Tenhults Impregneringsverk AB in the case study.We used the FA/SIM method in our job of finding the organization needs for change and the principles of User Centered Design in the work of constructing a prototype.The result of our work is a requirement specification with design documents and a prototype.

Användbarhet : En studie av BTH:s webbplats

Sammanfattning Idag finns många interaktiva tjänster, till exempel publika webbtjänster. Dessa tjänster väljer användaren själv om han/hon vill använda sig av. Detta betyder att produkten bör vara enkel och behaglig att använda, annars tappar man användare och eventuella kunder. Det finns ett flertal teorier och guidelines för hur man gör en webbplats användbar. I denna rapport har vi valt att behandla de teorier som rör navigering och informationsstruktur och jämför dessa med Blekinge Tekniska Högskolas webbplats.

Studie över Internetbaserade skivaffärer: Usefulness - utility och usability

Uppsatsen faller inom MDI-området. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att kombinera en produktmodell med usability-teori för att appliceras på skivaffärer på Internet. Fokus har legat mot utarbetande av s.k. guidelines för formgivning av internetbaserade skivaffärer utifrån användares personliga upplevelser vid utförandet av kritiska uppgifter hos tjänsten. Uppsatsen avslutas med de framarbetade riktlinjerna samt en diskussion om applicerbarheten hos det framtagna analysramverket..

Tandhygieniststuderande i Skåne -Varför väljs tandhygienistyrket och vilken längd på tandhygienistutbildning söks?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att redogöra för varför tandhygienistyrket väljs och varför den två- eller treåriga utbildningen till tandhygienist söks? Uppsatsen ger en översikt hur tankegångarna tidigare har varit inför tandhygienist-utbildningens längd. Hösten 2010 ska den behörighetsutredning som regeringen tillsatt redovisa vad de kommit fram till om tandhygienistutbildningens längd. För att få svar på uppsatsens syfte har en enkät utlämnats till förstaårsstudenter på tandhygienistutbildningen i Kristianstad och Malmö. Resultaten från enkätundersökningen visar att endast hälften av tandhygieniststudenterna har utbildningen som sitt förstahandsval.

Heder, handlingsplaner och handlingsutrymme : En studie av socialsekreterares arbete med hedersrelaterad problematik

The study aims to describe and analyse the relationship between norm and practice regarding social services casework on honour-related problems. The relationship between norm and practice involves the difference between the way it is intended that social workers shall operate in these cases and how they perceive that this works in practice. We interviewed two focus groups of eight Swedish social workers, four in each group. We also held an individual interview with a social services business developer. Focus group interviews were based on two vignettes; one depicting an honour-related case and the second an "ordinary" case.

En studie i begrepp inom byggnadsv?rden: samsyn och efterlevnad

The theory that concepts that are interpreted subjectively in building care creates problems in how the concepts are defined in practice within the current governing documents and guidelines for building care. This essay has studied concepts in the building maintenance literature to investigate whether there is consensus in compliance practice within the building process. In the study, 9 concepts have been investigated through conversational interviews and questionnaires answered by practitioners with extensive experience in building care processes. In the survey, an attempt is made, to measure how big or small the consensus is between practitioners who often need to collaborate within the building maintenance process. The investigation shows that existence of the concepts in building maintenance is very common in the theoretical literature examined but is almost completely absent in the craft area. Since laws, regulations, principles, and guidelines have defined concepts to support the decisions in the building maintenance process, it can be concluded that there is a lack of practice for compliance.

Allergifritt boende genom val av invändiga ytmaterial

The number of people of getting allergic symptoms is increasing and the reasons are considered to be many. The human have changed their habits and spend more time indoor. In combination with new building technologies where denser housing constructions and new materials this causes bad indoor climate contributes to a higher occurrence of allergiesThere are several courses of action to deal with this problem. One action is by choosing allergy-free interior surface materials. An allergy-free material emits low concentrations of harmful substances resulting in a great indoor air quality.

Elastiska bibliotek : en undersökning av två folkbiblioteks formbarhet och gränser med hjälp av begreppet elasticitet

The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine whether the term elasticity is relevant and functional to apply to public library organisations. Another aim of the thesis is to relate the term elasticity to public library organisations in a network society. Sociologist Manuel Castells provide the theoretical framework on the network society. Three investigations (meant to complement each other) in two Swedish public libraries seek to give answers to these questions.To be able to examine which areas of public library activity are elastic, I make a rough definition of what public library organisations consist of ? nine activity fields are identified using IFLA?s guidelines in combination with Swedish law of public libraries.

E.ON:s transformatorflöde - en studie av återanvändningen av transformatorer i projekt krafttag

Problem StatementAfter the hurricane Gudrun in January 2005 EON Elnät Sverige AB started the project KRAFTTAG, were 17,000 km of the airborne power grid shall be replaced with cables underground. The transformers in the airborne power grid shall be dismounted, renovated if necessary and then conveyed to stations, of type kiosk.Additional new transformers, more than planned, have been bought. This is due to the dysfunctional transformer flow from the demolished power supply to projects, were the new power supply is built, the general picture is complicated, since the reconstruction involves other companies and many employees at E.ON.PurposeThe purpose of this master thesis is to map and understand the existing transformer flow. The objective is to make a recommendation on how to increase the level of E.ON? s transformer recycling.Methodthe authors have worked with a system approach, including both qualitative and quantitative data.

Hylshantering samt flödesanalys

Trioplanex International AB is a part of the group Trioplast Industrier AB, which produces packaging materials for the film and hygiene industry. The group is active throughout Europe, where most of the production is located in Sweden, with head office in Smålandsstenar. Operations in Landskrona consist of Trioplanex International AB and Trioplast Landskrona.Semi-finished articles consisting of paper cores, so called bobbins, give rise to a high amount of core waste in any form of core cutting. The objective of the report is to map out all core waste and illustrate the material flow with regard to present layout and equipment.In the beginning of the project an analysis of the current process was carried out with focus on the cutting equipment. A case study in the form of an improvement work took place in order to reduce the causes which had the biggest impact on existing machinery.Improvement proposals were discussed by the author together with supervisor, assigner and other parties involved.

Att redesigna en dagstidning : En studie om Folkbladets layout

The newspaper industry changes with the society. New trends and developments affect how layout and design are perceived. Therefore it is important for the survival of a news­paper to catch up with trends and retain contemporaneity. This demands that a daily paper frequently updates its appearance and sometimes even redesign the whole newspaper. Folkbladet, a newspaper in Norrköping, is currently in need of a new layout. The employees often deviate from the graphic guidelines that exist at the company today, due to that it doesn?t feel contemporary, but also because they don?t appreciate the appearance as it is today. This thesis is based on a study of the layout of Folkbladet and analyse: which tools can be used to create a distinct identity regarding layout, which tools you can use to create a clear structure and readability in a newspaper, and how Folkbladet can make use of these tools. To find out about the company?s situation today and their identity, interviews have been made with employees.

Screening, intuition och erfarenhet; Nordiska barnavårdscentraler, mödravårdscentraler och gynekologimottagningars arbete med att identifiera och hjälpa kvinnor och barn som utsätts för våld i en nära relation. En litteraturbaserad studie.

Introduction: Domestic violence is a big public health problem and the hiddennumbers over victims are big. There is a lack of scientific research in the Nordiccountries when it comes to how the health- and medical care identify and care for thevictims of domestic violence. Aim: This literature review has two aims: To investigatewhat kind of methods maternal health services, child health services and gynecologyclinics in the Nordic countries use to discover women and children exposed to domesticviolence and to investigate if there are any guidelines to go by when a victim ofdomestic violence is identified. Method: A literature review. 12 articles were found inPubMed, Scopus and Cinahl and three more were included after a manual search.

DDoS : -Vad är det och går det att skydda sig?

This paper will expose the serious phenonomen Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). Businesses without a good security policy are easy targets for attackers. We will cover why its hard to protect yourself, present previous attacks and ways for individuals and businesses to secure themselves. We have based our paper on previous cases and done intervjues with companies who specialize in dealing with these kind of threats. Then come up with guidelines wich will be helpful for businesses when they want to strengthen there security against Distributed Denial of Service-attacks..

Social kontakt för hund i rastgård ? när kan kraven anses uppfyllda?

People in Sweden have more and more dogs in their care, and several of these dogs are kept in kennels in back yards for various reasons. According to Swedish animal welfare legislations the need for social contact for dogs has to be met. However, there are few details presented on how to meet the need and when it can be considered satisfied. Does the dog need human contact to fulfill the need, or is the company of other dogs enough? This study aims to specify what can be acceptable when it comes to fulfilling dogs? social needs in accordance with the Swedish animal welfare legislation.

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