

1076 Uppsatser om Hygiene guidelines - Sida 19 av 72

För barnets bästa? : En kvalitativ undersökning om förskollärare och rektorers tankar kring sin anmälningsskyldighet

We came across the discussion about the so-called duty to report (14 kap 1 § SoL) and we found some previous research, showing that preschool teachers are hesitant to report, and that they want real evidence that children are being mistreated, even though the duty to report clearly states that they have to report as soon as they suspect that a child is being mistreated. Our purpose became to study what tendencies and conditions preschool teachers and principals, placed in the municipalities of Hässleholm and Kristianstad, have to fulfil their duty to report according to the social services act, when there is a well founded suspicion that a child is being mistreated.  We split the purpose into the following research questions:   Do local guidelines about how preschool teachers should act when suspecting that a child is being mistreated exist, and are they being followed? To what degree does the staff has knowledge about these guidelines? How do preschool teachers experience the treatment from colleagues, principals and social welfare officers when they´ve done or wanted to do a report? How do preschool teachers experience the reactions of a report from custodians? We did conversational interviews with two principals, one from the municipality of Hässleholm, and one from the municipality of Kristianstad. We also made focusgroup interviews with the staff, three persons each from one of their respective preschools. Our conclusion is that preschool teachers are unwilling to report mistreatment.

Rabies : en utmaning för Indien

This literature study describes the ways in which the spread of rabies can be prevented in India, what guidelines are set and also which methods have proved most effective. Every year rabies causes the death of around 20 000 people in India, which makes the prevalence in the country the highest in the world. The main source for human infection is bite wounds from infected dogs. People and animals can be vaccinated both prophylactic and post-exposure prophylactic (PEP), despite this the disease continues to claim high number of victims. The majority of those dying are young men and children from the poorer part of the population. Knowledge among the Indian population on rabies and its transmission routes, wound care and vaccinations is very limited.

Barn till psykiskt sjuka finns, men syns de? - En kvalitativ studie om hur olika verksamheter och myndigheter arbetar och samverkar för att uppmärksamma dessa barn

The aim of this study is to investigate how different organizations and authorities work and collaborate to make children of mentally ill parents more visible. The question formulations, which are used in our research, are:- How do different organizations and authorities work to make children of mentally ill parents more visible and how can this work be improved?- How do laws and guidelines affect the organizations and authorities work to make children of mentally ill parents more visible? - Is there any collaboration between the different organizations and authorities concerning work with children of mentally ill parents, and how does that work appear? A qualitative method strategy was chosen to gather an in-depth understanding of the informant?s experiences and to collect descriptive information. Six organizations and authorities were selected from the comprehension that they could be important in giving support and because it is possible for them to pay attention to these children. Interviews were performed by using a half- structured interview guide.

Föräldrars kunskaper om kost och karies

The purpose of this study was to investigate parents' knowledge about diet and dental caries. The survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire consisting of 19 questions regarding knowledge of diet and caries, and preventive measures. The questionnaires were distributed to parents who were visiting a dental hygienist or prophylaxis nurse with their children aged 0-3 years. A total of 88 completed surveys were collected. The study showed that the majority of the parents had knowledge about diet and dental caries.

Utvärdering av webbportalsteknologier

The purpose with this project is to evaluate which of today?s technologies for creating web applications is the most suitable to use when constructing web portals. From a great amount of different technologies, five of the most widespread and well known technologies have been chosen and closely examined on nine different web portal specific criteria. The result from this evaluation is a table where all the grades for each technology is displayed. With the help of this table, it is possible to get an idea about what technology is the most suitable to use when constructing a specific web portal.

En granskning av Utbildningsradions program ur ett mångfaldsperspektiv : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 50 program för årskurser 0-3

Utbildningsradion (Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company) is a public service broadcaster with a mandate to produce and distribute educational programmes. 80% of Swedish teachers use its products either during lessons or for professional development. Utbildningsradion?s guidelines, set by the Swedish parliament and government, state that the company?s programmes should meet the interests of the country?s whole population, regardless of their background.The purpose of this study is to examine how Utbildningsradion?s products that are intended to be used in a classroom setting for ages 6 to 9 represent the variety of children that live in Sweden and thus reflect the aforementioned guidelines. The main focus of this research project was further defined to only include the company?s television programmes produced in Sweden between 2006 and 2011 that do not have social issues as the main subject.50 programmes were analyzed using quantitative content analysis and the following results were further interpreted using mainly Kydd?s and Snead?s models for discussing representation.

Livskvalitet hos personer med Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Background:Incoming medical alarm is a common routine for emergency nurses. Working in these situations may represent a major burden on the individual nurse. Purpose: To investigate emergency room nurses' experiences in receiving medical alerts focused on education, safety, security, skills and experience, and andherence to guidelines. The purpose was also to investigate whether there were any differences in action between the emergency room nurses who had worked longer or shorter period than two years with this.Method:The design was quantitative, comparative and descriptive. Surveys were distributed to 30 nurses who worked in the emergency room at a Swedish hospital.

Sömnhygien - en uppgift för sjuksköterskan

Människors allmänna välbefinnande och livskvalitet påverkas av deras sömn.    Sömnproblemen ökar och resulterar i ökade kostnader för den enskilde, arbetsgivarna och samhället. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva effekter av sömnhygieniska åtgärder riktade till individer inom hälsovården med primär insomni. Resultatet visade att en kombination av åtgärder utifrån personliga behov gav bäst resultat men också att det rådde begreppsförvirring runt sömnhygieniska åtgärder och deras effektivitet. Fördjupad kunskap behövs vad det gäller de enskilda sömnhygieniska rådens effektivitet.

Den individanpassade äldreomsorgen? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om biståndshandläggares metoder vid behovsbedömningen

AbstractTitle:                                                                                                                  The individual elder care?Author:                                                                                                              Dennis JonssonSupervisor:                                                                                                        Kerstin GynnerstedtExaminator:                                                                                                       Course:                                                                                                             2SA46E,  Programme for social workDate:                                                                                                                 20100526Key words:                                                                                                       public assistance, need assessments                                                                                                                                                              methods, individual public help serviceSummaryThe purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the practices of needs assessment, and put them in relation to municipal policies and the autonomy of the elderly. Development managers are characterized as grassroots bureaucrats, then they are officers who are in the organization, but also has a direct contact with the elderly applicants for municipal assistance. I wanted to explore how these policies relate to the older people's autonomy and their implications for officer assistance in their daily work. As a theoretical starting point I have used out of a närbyråkratiskt perspective, and a negotiation perspective.

Användning av virtuella mötesplatser

Internet is used today as a traditional medium for information exchange and social interaction. One of these is virtual meeting places where people meet and exchange information, socialize and exchange knowledge with each other. The group has chosen to examine the factors affecting the use of web forums, one of the virtual meeting places that exist on the Internet today. And look at how people use the web forum today in the current situation and how to design a web forum.A survey was conducted to find out how people look at web forums today, 80 people participated, and they got to talk about what they think about different web forums regarding how and why the use these them. Guidelines on how a web forum should be designed were also developed.

Att implementera uppförandekoder ? Intern implementering av miljöriktlinjer i en organisation

In this bachelor thesis we have used a case study to examine the potential opportunities and obstacles an organization may have to internally implement a code of conduct with regard to the environmental guidelines. To succeed with the implementation of codes of conduct, companies need to ensure that what is provided to be implemented do this according to scheduled time targets, but also that is to be implemented in the organization actually is what is intended to be implemented, and that those that are involved in the implementation will be satisfied with result, this is because it is the employees who will follow the guidelines contained in the Code. Heide & Grönhaug (2002) argues that lack of communication is the main reason why the implementation in the business strategies fails. In this case study we have used primary data from interviews in the case company as well as secondary data from earlier research and information from the case company itself to develop our conclusions. The case study shows that the existing environmental awareness in an organization often is founded in common sense about how to act.

Generella riktlinjer vid distribuerad Scrum

Today many companies are global and can exist all over the world. It is more common that projects are conducted in different locations, from various cities in a country to nations in different parts of the world. To manage projects both traditional practices such as the Waterfall method and new flexible methods known as agile methods are used. How is the process affected when a project is distributed, when the team is scattered in different places? This makes it difficult to create a good project, something we will discuss and try to find solutions for.

Sjukvårdspersonalens compliance gällande hygienrutiner

Vårdrelaterade infektioner kostar årligen 3,7 miljarder kronor och drabbar 10 % av dem som ligger inne för akut sjukvård. Det är därför viktigt med en god vård-hygien. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur väl vårdpersonal följer Handbo-ken för hälso- och sjukvård då gäller handhygien, smycken, klädsel och hår. Data-insamlingen skedde med hjälp av en enkät som delades ut på en klinik. Resultatet analyserades sedan kvantitativt och visade att compliance var hög över lag men att den på vissa punkter behövde förbättras.

Professionell Hästhållning : grundinformation till lantmästare

Every year, the horse industry in Sweden is growing. Because of this growth, it wouldbe most beneficial for the people involved in the agricultural business in Sweden toimprove their horse skills.I have assembled a form that includes basic guidelines for professional horse care.History tells us that Swedish horses have had a huge impact on the agricultural business.Before the arrival of the tractor, the horse played a very important role for the farmer.Today, horses are kept primarily for pleasure, mostly as a hobby for non-professionalpeople. In Sweden, we are seeing the small horse farms become more and morepopular, which is keeping the countryside open and alive.I feel it is very important to improve the knowledge among farmers and others who willwork in close proximity to horses. This will enable us to raise the standard of care ofhorses today and reduce the number of people who market themselves as professionalhorse specialists, even though they have no education or experience in the fieldIn this essay you will find information about the most common horse breeds in Sweden,including basic anatomy of the horse, feeding directions, hoof and dental care, commondiseases and their treatment. There is information relative to the safe transportation of ahorse as well as the rules pertaining to horses in traffic.

Diatermirök- Det perioperativa teamets arbetsmiljö

BackgroundDiathermy is the most commonly used surgical instrument in the surgical area today. Diathermy is used in surgery to cut and coagulate tissue. The use of diathermy releases chemical substances in to the environment in the form of diathermy smoke. Research shows that these chemical substances pose health risks to both staff and patient exposed to the smoke. To protect the interdisciplinary, perioperative team from the smoke, smoke evacuation systems can be used.ObjectiveThe purpose of the study is to highlight the work environment of the perioperative team when working with diathermy smoke.MethodThe study is meant to be implemented as an empirical descriptive sample survey.

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