

6904 Uppsatser om Human rights education - Sida 20 av 461

"Alla är vi olika" : Fem personers upplevelser av en exkluderande specialpedagogisk undervisning

The study aims to examine how the people who have received special needs education during their schooling have experienced it.Since I wanted to take advantage of people's experiences of special needs education, I chose to conduct qualitative research interviews. Five people in the ages of 21-26 years old participated in the study.A summary of the work says that special needs education creates mixed feelings, feelings of joy and alienation. The positive as described in the work is that the special education teaching has created a classroom that is aligned along the pupil's needs and circumstances. All informants have expressed that their negative experiences is about them having to leave the common classroom.Keywords: exclusion, inclusion, special needs education, student needs.

Elevers upplevelser av extra anpassad skolidrott- en intervjustudie

The Swedish curriculum says that the education will adapt and take notice of every child?s individual condition and needs. Every child has the right to development, to feel the happiness of growing and to experience satisfaction of making progress and overcome difficulties. In every class it is often children who need adapted physical education. The earlier these children can get support and practice, the bigger the chance is that they will catch up.

"Var är Emma!?" : En essä om integrering av barn med problematik i skolan

This essay contains two stories that reflect the reality I face as an educator, as well as a reflective discussion about my self-perceived dilemma. The dilemma reflects a classroom situation where I as an educator have trouble dividing my focus, my focus is either put on entire the class or on the child with special needs. Through this self-perceived situation I have started to question how children with special needs find their place in the school today. I discuss how I can handle and look at the unique situation that occurs when meeting this child.Terms like integration, inclusion, segregation, social rights and the expression "a school for everyone" will be discussed in this text, as well as how we can connect these terms and expressions to the problems I find in the school system?s way of handling children with special needs.I also highlight my dilemma from different ethical perspective.

Utomhuspedagogik : Tvång eller tillgång

This paper is a study about outdoor education in pre- school. The main purpose is to look over if outdoor education in pre- school is a restraint or a resource. The study is based on two questionnaires, one to personnel in pre- school and one to parents who have children in pre- school. The study showed that outdoor education is mostly viewed to be a resource but there can be some problems in how to use it. Time, planning and knowledge were problems that were often mentioned by teachers.

Om europeiska fattigdomsteorier och deras tillämpbarhet, relaterade till policydokument för EU:s fattigdomsår 2010.

This master?s paper first presents some of the principal theories and concepts developed by the poverty researchers Rowntree, Titmuss, Townsend, Sen and Lister. These theoretical frameworks are then related to two documents from the EU and Sweden concerning combating poverty and social exclusion, bearing on the establishment of the ?Year 2010 against Poverty?. Finally, I discuss the value in practice of these theories and policy documents, as regards reducing poverty in Europe.It has become clear in this investigation that the theories and concepts from earlier research are still relevant to the formulation of contemporary policy programmes, and that earlier research helps us to avoid old traps in fighting poverty.

Kritisk mediekompetens i praktiken : En kvalitativ studie av åtta medielärares ämneskonstruktion utifrån begreppen protect, promote och empower

This paper describes how teachers of media view and construct their subjects. Eight teachers have been interviewed about their views and opinions about the media environment, their goals for media education as well as their opinions about the different course plans used in media education. The term Media Literacy works as a theoretical starting point for the study, since Media Literacy is the goal for most media education. The teachers? answers have been analyzed by using three different approaches to media education: protection, promotion and empowerment.

"The Invisible EU-citizens" "De Osynliga EU-medborgarna"

Denna uppsats belyser problemet med användandet av begreppen EU-medborgare och EU-migrant, samt vad det är som avgör huruvida man skall bli betraktad som antingen det ena eller andra. Det råder fri rörlighet för alla EU-medborgare mellan medlemsstaterna, det skapar problem när grupper som rent juridiskt inte klassificeras som medborgare, och i stället klassificeras som migrant. Skillnaden mellan att vara EU-medborgare och EU-migrant är bland annat att det skiljer sig i åtnjutandet av det sociala skyddsnätet. Romer används som ett exempel genom hela uppsatsen då de har en historia som inte påminner om någon annan, samt för att det är ett aktuellt ämne i dagens EU. Genom en komparativ studie mellan två välfärdsstater, samt en diskursanalys där Benhabibs teori ?the rights of others? appliceras diskuteras huruvida alla inom EU kan åtnjuta de mänskliga rättigheterna.

Specialpedagogik i förskolan : Pedagogers syn på behovet av specialpedagogik

The purpose with my investigation is that create an image how pedagogues perceive the need of special education in the preschool. My framing of a question is: How perceive pedagogues the need of special education in the preschool? The study is written from a qualitative model and the study has been carried out with help of interviews. It is five interviews made. Three of them are made by preschool pedagogues and the other two with special education pedagogues.

Det här är pinsamt - En studie om sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen ur ett pedagogiskt perspektiv

In this study we aim to research teacher opinions on sexual education and how it is conducted within schools in Sweden. From their view of the education we want to elucidate the different factors of success and tribulation that the sexual education contains. The teacher opinions, which are collected through semi-structured interviews, reflect many different aspects of the sexual education. Though the informants possess different positions within schools they all seem to have some what the same idea of what successes and tribulations the sexual education contains. Furthermore all of them agree on one thing, the students want more sexual education.

Samvetsfrihet : En studie om vårdpersonals rättigheter till och upplevelser av samvetsfrihet vid abortverksamhet i Sverige och Norge

The right to freedom of conscience is protected by international conventions and declarations of human rights that have been ratified by Sweden. Nationally, the issue of health professionals? right to freedom of conscience in the abortion care is not resolved by public inquiry. This has led to that Sweden has been notified to the European Committee of Social Rights on the grounds that the country is considered to be violating the Council of  Europe Resolution 1763 and that the proper question to be determined by regulations of the interests that are balanced, based on their legal value in relation to each other. Freedoms, rights and obligations conflict with each other.

Om kroppen i knoppen : En undersökning om pedagogers synsätt på undervisning om människokroppen i förskolan

AbstractThe aim is to find out the teachers´ different point of views regarding what and why it´s important to teach children about the human body and in what way educationists can teach this knowledge. Seven teachers are asked, through qualitative interviews, about their point of views on teaching the human body in pre-school.The teachers don`t seem to reflect upon the subject, which shows that a development of knowledge needs within the area.Fist of all the children´s spontaneous questions direct what the educationists talk about with the children. The most frequently mentioned questions are about the circulation of the blood and the digestion organs. The teachers think it´s important that the children get knowledge about the human body in order to get a better opinion of their own bodies and themselves. It´s also important because this is the basis of other kind of knowledge, for instance the knowledge about animals..

Att hjälpa alla elever nå målen : En holistisk och kontextuell specialpedagogisk studie om lärarnas önskemål och behov

There is a discrepancy between national school guidelines towards inclusive education, and the current political trend towards economic efficacy, that may be problematic for teachers. The aim of this contextual study is to formulate a contextual understanding of the participating teachers? perceptions of their effort to help all their students achieve the goals set forth by school curricula, and use this understanding for the purpose of suggesting points of entry for special needs educators´ guidance of teachers? practices towards more inclusive education.Information was gathered by sending an extensive web questionnaire to all teachers within a given headmaster´s administration, sending web questionnaires to a majority of third grade students taught by those teachers, conducting interviews with a few of the participating teachers as well as with the special needs educators, carrying out a classroom observation, and gathering additional information concerning working conditions and social interactions.The data gathered in this case study has been subjected to an analytical process comprising of an assessment of the degree of inclusive approach, using the Inclusive Approach through Participation as well as the Framework of Participation, technical triangulation of all data post the inclusive assessment, and analysis of context by the Ecology of Human Development/the Bioecological Theory.The analytical process has resulted in a contextual description that has enabled me to suggest possible points of entry to be used in special needs educators? guidance of teachers? practices towards inclusive education. The degree to which there exists a collegial sense of security, varied forms of teacher-student interactions, collegial cooperation, pedagogical discussions, a dialogue in search of mutual understanding, and consequent follow-ups appears, in the light of the limited selection of participants, as relevant to these teachers ability to help their students.Further research is needed to identify valid points of entry for special needs educators? guidance of teachers? practices towards inclusive education.

Kreditgivningsprocessen : Hur humankapital och risk bedöms vid kreditgivning av nyetablerade småföretag

Small business enterprises have escalated in Sweden during the last decade. However, new established companies are struggling to maintain their selves during the startup process and according to a survey from Tillväxtanalys, only 68 % of startup companies from 2008 were still active three years later. One of the main reasons is lack of capital and the most common approach to finance companies is to apply for a bank loan. In other words, commercial banks are of great importance for new businesses. Although, the problem arises when there is no previous history from the new businesses that the bank could base its credit assessment on.

Förklädnad för frihet : En performativitetstudie av Lian Hearns Blossoms and shadows

A large part of the Iranian population resented the west, in particular USA and Great Britain, during the Islamic revolution in Iran 1979. The people were also resenting the adverse effects of the trumped up frame made in Iran. The last shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was detested by many in Iran for its west-oriented regime. The resentment among many Iranians is a consequence of the violations of e.g. the lack of political and civil rights, there were no existing legal security in the society, there were no economic distribution and the regime of Mohammad Reza Shah violated the human rights.The resolution from an Iranian perspective for riot is not new, during the last centuries the abomination against the despotic kings have been existing varyingly and big riots have been raised.  The Islamic revolution in 1979 was new because the revolution added adverse effects of west, the population detested west and expressed it by protesting through demonstration.  The significance of the revolution in 1979 was also attributable to Islam.

I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse! : Hur används personalekonomiska kalkyler som beslutsunderlag?

Purpose:Our purpose with this essay was to see how a health promotion initiative could be profitability and how human resource cost accounting could be used for decision making. Does it cost more than it taste? Method:We have been using qualitative interviews with politicians, human health developerand accountants in a municipality. We have also collected data from a university lecturer which shows numbers from the health promotion initiative and how it is been affecting the involved staff. Result:The result show us that the politicians, human health developer and accountants all want to introduce physical exercising at work.

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