

9410 Uppsatser om Human resource management (HRM) - Sida 9 av 628

Relatinoship Building and Management - Aligning the Advertising Agency-Client Relationship

Title: Relationship building and management ? Aligning the Advertising Agency-Client Relationship Seminar date: 2006-01-13 Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration 10 Swedish credits. Authors: Ryan Eriksson, Louise Hagströmer, Peter Irinarchos. Advisors: Christer Kedström, Catharina Norén. Keywords: Relationship building and management, Transaction cost, Network theory, Resource based theory and Advertising agency.

Technologised Parenthood: An Ethical Implacation of Human Reproductive Cloning

Science and technology has been the bedrock of human growth and dynamism. Man has over the years distinguished his existence from all other beings by his ability to champion and fashion his existence. Among his tools is biotechnology which actually attenuates the fears of aging and death.Human reproductive cloning stands out as one of the means through which biotechnology plans to achieve this perfect existence for man. Technological advancements in the field of biotechnology are now in the threshold of human procreation.Human reproductive cloning is seen as an assisted method of reproduction which creates a newborn that is genetically identical to another human being.Human reproductive cloning as a technology and as a means of reproduction is not without its pros and cons. In as much as the technology promises to mention but a few, hope for the infertile couples and single parents, as well as the hope of reproduction without passing on hereditary diseases; it at the same time beeps some flashes of worry.

The Emerging Pricing Capability

The purpose of this thesis is to try to understand, with the help of existing theories and empirical findings, the parameters which are of importance in the development of the pricing capability. We have used a qualitative and abductive methodology approach. The empirical findings have been collected via semi-structured interviews which we have conducted via personal and telephone interviews. Seeing pricing as a capability within the company our theoretical framework mainly consists of the resource-based view and an article explaining and given proof how pricing can be seen as a capability. We also describe the most used pricing strategy today within business-to-business companies, the cost plus strategy.

Chefsförsörjning: Rekryteringsproblem vid tillsättning av mellanchefer

Human resource management (HRM) has an increasingly strategic role in today?s organizations as the supply of managers is an integral part of the strategic work. In order to retain competence and knowledge, firms are usually designed so that the employees can develop their careers within the firm. Company X is a company in the financial sector and is an example of such firm. However, at Company X: Department Y, very few employees apply for the management positions when they are announced.

WEB SERVICES FÖR MOBILAPPLIKATIONER : Utveckling av säkra RESTful web services för mobilapplikationer

This report describes the development of a RESTful web service for mobile applications. The web service makes resources from an existing system called kompetensdatabasen ("the competence database") available. Kompetensdatabasen holds information about the capabilities of consultants and about assignments carried out at the IT consultant business Nethouse AB.The web service was developed according to the principles of REST and ROA (Resource Oriented Architecture) which puts focus on making resources available. The resources are made available through the HTTP protocol and the methods associated with it. This means it was designed to use the same technologies as the world wide web.

Humankapital vid fo?rva?rv : Hur pa?verkar humankapitalet en företagsvärdering av kunskapsföretag?

Syftet med uppsatsen a?r att skapa fo?rsta?else fo?r om och hur humankapital pa?verkar va?rderingen av kunskapsfo?retag vid fo?retagsfo?rva?rv. Vidare vill vi underso?ka vilka faktorer som styr humankapitalets va?rde.Va?r teoretiska referensram grundar sig i teori om kunskapsfo?retag, fo?rva?rv och va?rdering. Vi tittar a?ven na?rmare pa? Due Diligence och Human Resource Due Diligence som a?r tva? typer av fo?retagsbesiktningar.

DATORSTÖD FÖR ARBETE - KONSEKVENSER FÖR VAL AV AFFÄRSSYSTEM En studie av en service- och supportavdelning

This report is focusing on problems with introducing standard enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) in businesses. A study has been carried out on a service and support department at a Swedish heat metering company, SVM North Node. The study aims to help the company become a better customer in choice and customization of a new ERP system. We make a description of the department studied and the work carried out there, on the basis of learning, knowledge and cooperation. As a final point we present some ideas on how computer systems could support their work, hoping that this will result in them making adequate demands on a new ERP system.

En studie om HR-strategi : Framtagande av HR-strategi på ett företag inom processindustrin

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka om EU:s bistånd till Afrika tar hänsyn till om de afrikanska länderna har välutvecklade institutioner eller ej. Mycket forskning tyder på att givare av bistånd bör fokusera sitt bistånd till stater som har relativt hög institutionaliseringsgrad för att pengarna ska generera en positiv effekt. Jag undersöker detta genom att använda mig av en kvantitativ metod och regressionsanalyser för att få statistiskt material att tolka. Mina resultat tyder på att EU inte verkar utforma sitt bistånd genom att studera mottagarländernas institutionaliseringsgrad. Detta kan ses som en, av många, förklaringar till varför den afrikanska kontintenten inte uppvisar önskade resultat när det gäller fattigdomsbekämpning och demokratisk utveckling. .

Kunskapsdelning i byggbranschen : Delningsprocessen i Skanskas projektorganisation

Introduction     Knowledge has come to be an increasingly important factor for both individuals in the labor market and companies in competition. When a person leaves an organization the knowledge often follows, and a knowledge gap is created. When knowledge is shared within an organization, the individual?s knowledge is available for all members of the organization. Knowledge can thus be converted from human capital to structural capital.

Teambuilding & kompetensutveckling : - En studie om teambuildingens påverkan på individens samarbetsförmåga

Syfte: Syftet är att tillföra kunskap gällande kompetensutveckling, till området Human Resource Management inom organisationsteori, genom att studera teambuildingens påverkan på individens personliga utveckling gällande samarbetsförmåga. I förlängningen avser vi att skapa en bättre förståelse för vilken nytta företag har av teambuilding när det gäller personlig utveckling av anställda.Metod: Kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer.Slutsatser: Studien visar att teambuilding har en påverkan på individens personliga utveckling gällande samarbetsförmåga och studien visar även att individens attityder till teambuilding har en avgörande roll för den utveckling av samarbetsförmågan som teambuilding ger..

Vilka personliga egenskaper krävs för en framgångsrik individuell karriärutveckling?

Denna undersökning är baserad på en fallstudie på en idrottsprofilerad förskola. Metoden vi valde att använda oss av under arbetes gång var fallstudie. Denna fallstudie genomfördes med hjälp av intervjuer med personal, rektor och ansvarig på barn och utbildningsnämnden. Även observationer gjordes. Bakgrunden till studien grundades sig i att vi såg att allt fler förskolor valde att profilera sig.

Experimentell jämförelse av Cassandra, MongoDB och MySQL

Context. Performance and resource usage is often an important factor for database driven services. Depending on the purpose of the application, choosing the wrong type of database may require unnecessary hardware upgrades or replacements. Objectives. This study investigates the differences in performance and resource usage between different SQL- and NoSQL-databases.

Entreprenöriellt lärande och entreprenörskap : En studie av hur naturbrukslärare upplever undervisningssättet

This thesis deals with how natural resource teachers in natural resource schools in Sweden work with entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurship. It is important both for our Government and our agricultural department that entrepreneurship is present in our education. In government´s new reform 2011 for upper secondary schools entrepreneurship is the main theme, but it is not only entrepreneurship as a business company, it is also about entrepreneurship in schools like entrepreneurial capabilities in government´s writ. The purpose of this study is to examine how a number of teachers in natural resource schools are working with entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurship. I have also asked how the teachers would like to work with these areas.The method I have chosen to use in order to perform this study is qualitative interviews with six natural resource teachers and a pilote interview.The teachers I interviewed are working to provide students with self-knowledge and teaches students to see possibilities and solve problems, which is required for us to create entrepreneurial students and entrepreneurship in education. This is also stressed in several of the literary sources I used..

Förpackningshantering i det dolda : En studie om hur den interna hanteringen kan synliggöras och förbättras.

Handling materials and packaging, which is the focus of this study, requires efficient logistics, both internally and between companies. To achieve an efficient material flow, good information systems, whose role is to collect, store, process and distribute information, are required. The assumption that packagings are handled in an efficient manner is currently not a matter of course, when many companies do not prioritize the internal management of the package.The purpose of this report was to investigate how medium-sized businesses working with distribution and handling of spare parts packaging can improve their internal management of packaging. In order to answer the purpose, we have used an abductive process and a qualitative data collection. The study had Logistic Center Ljungby (LCL) at Electrolux Laundry Systems (ELS) as a case company and two other respondents, Nibe in Markaryd and Enertech in Ljungby.

Datadrivet beslutsfattande och kompetensutveckling: En intervjustudie om databaserad beslutsfattning och kompetensutveckling i fotbollsorganisationer

This study explores the shift in football recruitment from traditional scouting to data-driven methods, focusing on Sweden. It investigates how football organizations can enhance competency for effective data-driven recruitment. Through qualitative interviews with elite Swedish football organizations, the study emphasizes the need for competence development for proficient data-driven recruitment. To address the enhancement of personnel competency in the recruitment process, this study poses the research question: "How can football organizations effectively promote competence development to optimize their utilization of data-driven recruitment?" The results highlight the importance of targeted education, combining expertise in data-driven recruitment with a broad skill set.

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