3267 Uppsatser om Human nature - Sida 56 av 218
Människan i naturen : om etiska gränsdragningar och djupekologins kritik av antropocentriska naturuppfattningar
The subject-matter of the following essay is to investigate the relationship between what is commonly called Deep Ecology or Biocentric Philosophy, as articulated by the co-founder of the Deep Ecology Movement, Arne Naess, and later proponents of the biocentric school of environmentalist thought. I contrast Naess? concept of Self-realization as founded in his Ecosophy T to the ideas of american conservationist and co-founder of the radical green movement Earth First! Dave Foreman, and to the controversial finnish environmentalist and ecofascist Pentti Linkola?s ideological agenda of population-reduction respectively.According to some critics of the movement, especially the social ecologist Murray Bookchin and French liberal philosopher Luc Ferry, the Deep Ecology ideology is essentially misanthropic and totalitarian in structure. A central idea among deep ecologists is that ecosystems and natural entities have intrinsic value in themselves, even outside a human social context. This idea is thought of among deep ecologists to create a philosophically sound basis for counteracting the environmental global crisis.
Toppturer norr om Torneträsk
The demand of nature tourism is increasing and new ways to satisfy tourists are necessary.The goal with this report was to answer that demand by exploring the possibilities for backcountry skiing north of Torneträsk. This area was chosen because it is unexplored. This hasbeen succeeded by an extensive fieldwork. Aspects like topography, routes, slope angles andgeological places of interests where recorded. The results has shown that back country skiingis well suited for this area and poses no negative impact on the natural habitat.
Att vara i rytmiken är att vara i ögonblicket : en vetenskaplig essä om rytmikens betydelse för barns utveckling
This essay tells about the meaning of eurhythmics for children?s development and why it is so difficult to draw attention to the value of eurhythmics compared to other activities in preschool. The essay builds upon a story that shows what consequences may follow when the meaning of the eurhythmics in the process of learning is not acknowledged. By looking at the relation between rhythm and human beings in a global perspective, I have examined the meaning of rhythm for the human well-being. The question I have researched is; why does eurhythmics appeal to almost every child in spite of being rejected by so many teachers? By researching the reasons behind these completely different points of views, I have tried to enhance the understanding for the different perspectives.
Rötning av industrihampa förfiberproduktion : en utvärdering av kvalité och miljöpåverkan
North Western Kungsholmen in Stockholm is confronting big changes and Stockholmsstad is planning that the area will be an extended part of the existing structure in centralStockholm. Dwellings and offi ces are built and the population increase heavily. Th isresult in a need to look at how public green areas can develop and be designed. Th epurpose is to design a proposal for a master plan of S:t Göranområdets public greenareas. Exploateringskontoret, Stockholm stad, who has initialized the task, claim thatthere is a need of clarifying and shield the qualities in the green areas of today and howto create new green structure.The problem formulations which are current in this master thesis are:? Is there a need of a distinct identity for the green areas of S:t Göransområdet? If so,how is this created?? How can the green parks and nature areas inside S:t Göransområdet be improved anddevelop?? How can the connections between the green areas inside S:t Göransområdet beclarifi ed and how can they connect to the surroundings?To get inspiration and information for the design this thesis include a study of theincluding parts in the design process.
Kompetent arbetskraft - Vad attraheras de av och vilka blir följderna för personalsammansättningen
Att ta reda på de kriterier som en kompetent arbetstagare anser vara viktiga
när han eller hon söker sig till ett visst företag, samt de resonemang som de
för kring dessa. Vi vill även ta reda på vad företagen erbjuder kompetent
arbetskraft, för att tillsammans med arbetstagarnas svar se om detta kan ha
några följder för personalsammansättningen..
Utredningar av socialt utsatta barn : en genomlysning av risk- och skyddsfaktorer
The aim of this study is to, from a child?s family relations, describe the usage of terms relating to factors of risk and safety in science and in investigations concerning children in need of protection. It is also of importance in what way the terms are used when the Social Services suggest that measures should be taken, and in which way the children have been heard in the investigations.The issues raised in this study are: (a) How is the current life situation and life quality of the children discussed? (b) The value of factors concerning risks and protection. (c) How is the children?s own descriptions taken in to consideration? (d) Is gender issues considered? (e) How is Lagerberg?s model (Lagerberg, 1998) useful in investigations?The method of analysis is mainly qualitative however it is combined with analysis of literature relevant to the study.
En studie om förutsättningarna att certifiera sig enligt ISO 14001 är desamma för stora och små företag
As the environmental awarenesshas increasedin recent decadessohas the society?s demand forenvironmentalresponsible companies(Ammenberg, 2004).One way for companies to take responsibility and work with environmental issues is to implement anenvironmental management system(EMS). EMSserves as a tool for companies to systematically work with environmental issues and develop the company's environmental efforts. ISO 14001 is theEMSaccording to whichthat the majority of companies today choose to get certified(Brorson & Almgren, 2007). The introduction and operation of the ISO 14001 requires significant financial and human resources and it can therefore be questioned whether the environmental managementsystem is adaptable forall companysizes.The purpose of this studyis to examine whether EMScan provide environmental and economic benefits for companies of all sizes and ifthe conditions to get certifiedaccordingto ISO 14001 is the same for large and smallcompanies.A literature study was made to collect information on company'simplementation of ISO 14001.
FN och internationella administrationer
This paper's purpose is to examine the mandate and the role of the UN as an administrative actor. Today, we often see post-conflict territories in the need of governance. In the absence of local supported government the UN has the ability to fill that void. The paper will look at two actual examples where the UN has assumed the role as administrator; West Papua and East Timor. I will conduct the research by using books and scientific articles from journals..
Resan mot partnering
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the working method partnering has been welcomed in the Swedish construction company NCC and find possible explanations to this. The theoretical background used to understand and discuss our findings mainly builds on value and network dynamics. The empirical study is of a qualitative nature and builds upon 13 semi-structured interviews and the participation in a two-day start up workshop with 21 representatives from involved parties. The study shows that partnering has been positively accepted at NCC. Possible explanations for this can be found in the contrast the method represents to the traditional way of working within the construction industry.
Kultur för äldre på Sannerudshemmet : En fallstudie av ett äldreboendes arbete med kultur och hälsa
The Swedish government published their current proposition concerning cultural politics,Tid för kultur in 2009. Due to this proposition, culture is considered a basic human right we all deserve to be provided with. It contained goals and guidelines for how to enable culture to all citizens, to integrate and enrich the state, the county councils? and municipalities? work with diversity and multi culture in their culture-based institutes. However, there seems to be a lack of strategies in the issue of how to provide our nondependent elderly, suffering age related handicaps and diseases, with this proclaimed necessity.In recent years, there has been a lot of research proving the link between human wellbeing and a stimulating environment.
Framgångsfaktorer och fallgropar vid utveckling av medarbetarskap
Syftet med denna studie var att utröna de aspekter medarbetarna ser som väsentliga i utvecklingsprocessen mot ett utökat medarbetarskap. Studien baserades på teorier om förutsättningar och utveckling av medarbetarskap samt dess effekter. Dessutom beskrivs ledarskapets historiska utveckling samt olika teorier om ekonomistyrning. Studien fokuserade på medarbetarnas uppfattning, men verksamhetschefen gav också sin syn på ämnet. Det empiriska materialet i denna fallstudie samlades in genom fyra personliga intervjuer.
Alltså vi är ju inte barn : En studie om ungas erfarenheter och upplevelse av IKT
The purpose of this essay has been to seek understanding of how young people in high school and adult education experience the use of educational media tools in teaching. Examples of questions submitted material has been: What are the positive and negative experiences of ICT in the classroom?The essay is of a qualitative nature, in which five students were interviewed about their experiences of ICT in the school environment. The result is analyzed from a sociocultural perspective and from an inward-student perspective.The results showed that students felt that it was difficult to absorb many of the ICT facilities as sources of knowledge in the school environment. Due to lack of quality in teaching material and difficulties of the pupils to sort out the important information of the injected..
Assistansrobot "Slangaren"
This project is a step towards automatic firefighting. The goal is to decrease the number of personal injuries by replacing the human firefighter with robots or similar technical tools. Especially in very hostile environments due to risk of explosions or building collapse. A robot is easy to replace and can be maneuvered from a safe distance. The idea of the project comes from the company Drones Networking which aims for developing a totally autonomous firefighting system.
Musik i förskolan : En studie om metasamtalets roll för att synliggöra barns lärande i förskolan
The Swedish government published their current proposition concerning cultural politics,Tid för kultur in 2009. Due to this proposition, culture is considered a basic human right we all deserve to be provided with. It contained goals and guidelines for how to enable culture to all citizens, to integrate and enrich the state, the county councils? and municipalities? work with diversity and multi culture in their culture-based institutes. However, there seems to be a lack of strategies in the issue of how to provide our nondependent elderly, suffering age related handicaps and diseases, with this proclaimed necessity.In recent years, there has been a lot of research proving the link between human wellbeing and a stimulating environment.
Kompetensutveckling, motivation och arbetstrivsel : Verktyg inom Human Resources för att behålla personal
Att byta jobb är kostsamt, både för individen och för företaget.Men vad är det som gör att man stannar på jobbet, är det kollegorna, lönen eller möjligheten till utveckling?Studien genomförs på en kommun, fiktivt döpt till Solrosen en organisation som är uppdelad på olika nämnder och aktiebolag. På tre olika organisationer inom Solrosens kommun har sammanlagt sju intervjuer genomförts. Fem av intervjuerna var med personer i ledarpositioner och två av dem var med medarbetare. Intervjuerna och studien har varit av en kvalitativ art.Syftet med uppsatsen är att visa hur man använder verktyg så som kompetensutveckling, se hur lärandet hos och utvecklingen av personalen på arbetsplatsen ser ut och se hur man hanterar den befintliga kompetensen.