3284 Uppsatser om Historically informed performance practice - Sida 10 av 219
Rätten till naturaprestation : Bortfaller rätten efter det att ett långvarigt embargo har lyfts?
Export is a top priority for Sweden's economy but for Swedish companies it may involve uncomfortable risks of exporting without sincere consideration. When the United Nations Security Council puts an embargo against a country, this often mean an import and export restriction. The thought is to push undemocratic regimes into respecting human rights. When the embargo is in force, however, the parties are not able to fulfill their contractual obligations, which practically means that the agreement will be suspended. The problem is what happens when an embargo is in force for a longer period of time.
Skolan som politisk påverkare : Hotet mot den liberal demokratin
The purpose with this essay is to find out ifneo-fascist connection will change the next generationscitizens (in this specific case ninth graders) opinions about a specific political party. In modern day Sweden,only one political party stands for political ideas that can be seen as neo-fascist (Sverigedemokraterna). Whatwould happen if the next generation citizens saw this connection and how would they respond? That?s whatthis essay is all about, are the students ?positive?, ?negative? or ?on changed? to a neo-fascist politicalparty? The studies research type is mainly of a qualitative nature butquantitative elements occur. The data iscoming from two classes of ninth graders that answered eight questions each.
Svenskt venture capital och dess lönsamhet - i ett internationellt perspektiv
In this thesis, the Swedish venture capital market and its profitability is analyzed. Venture capital is defined as capital that is invested in the early stages of a company's life cycle, in the two investment stages seed/start-up and expansion.A common view is that the profitability of Swedish venture capital has not been, is not and will probably not become high either. With this in mind, we try to answer to the following questions in this thesis:? What has the profitability of Swedish venture capital actually been historically?? Which reasons could be found in order to explain the historical returns for Swedish venture capital, and which factors has been identified in international comparative studies between venture capital markets?In order to answer these questions, data showing historical returns for the Swedish, European and American venture capital market has been gathered, an extensive literature study has been performed, and three interviews with participants from the Swedish venture capital market has been conducted.We conclude that the historical returns of Swedish venture capital is in line with the general view that they have been low. We also see a trend where Swedish venture capital funds that are not specialized in one investment stage generate lower returns than more specialized funds.
Genusmönster vid friluftsutövande i Göteborg
This paper is a quantitative case study named Outdoor recreation of urban areas viewed through a gender perspective. The intention of this paper is, by studying gender pattern in outdoor recreation practices in Gothenburg, to describe gender patterns in outdoor recreation of Swedish urban areas. This subject is important to study because of the practices of outdoor recreation forward public health. Today many people suffer from diseases caused by stress and too little exercise, which could be prevented if they practiced outdoor recreation. Not everyone has the same possibility to practice outdoor recreation because of the inequalities between women and men.
Information till hjärtsviktspatienter under vårdtiden på sjukhus : En empirisk studie
Heart failure is the most common reason to hospitalization among persons over 65 years old. Self-care is an important part in the treatment of heart failure, but poor information and knowledge limits the ability of self-care and increases the risk of admission to hospital.The aim of the study was to investigate what information patients with heart failure describes that they receive from health care personal, how information is perceived, who provides the information, and on what occasions it is given. The aim was also to investigate whether patients' perception of knowledge about heart failure increased after hospitalization.The study is cross-sectional study with a descriptive design. A consecutive selection was used. A questionnaire was filled in by 28 participants.The study has shown that patients with heart failure largely experience information about heart failure inadequate.
Forskningsframställning och forskningsförbindelse i Biblioteksbladet 2001?2011 : En kritisk diskursanalys
In this two years master?s thesis I examine the library?s representation of research and its influence upon the relationship between the library practice and the research practice. I also intend to find out what controls the representation and if it is possible to see changes in the representation over time. My source material has been texts published in the Swedish library journal ? and social domain ? Biblioteksbladet during the last decennium (2001?2011).
Introduction: A complex interaction between muscles, tendons, bones, joints and nerves are required for optimal function of the human hand. It is known that an individual?s grip strength is vital for performance of physical demanding tasks such as strength training with free weights. Strength training including a thicker grip around the bar may enhance the strength of the grip in the athlete without other special routines for grip strength development. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the difference in performance in multiple repetitions in two strength training exercises using two different sizes on the bar, to look for correlations between grip strength of the subjects hand and the amount of repetitions executed with two different size of the bar and finally the correlation of hand size and the amount of repetitions executed with two different size of the bar.Method: 15 strength training men (23,9 ± 4,1 years), underwent measurements of hand size, maximum grip strength, 1 repetition maximum (1RM), a 80 % of 1RM weight strength test with two different bar sizes.Results: The results from the present investigation indicates a 21,1 % reduction of 80 % of 1 RM weight performance in repetitions executed in the bench press with the thicker diameter of the bar and a 66,2 % reduction in repetitions executed with a 80 % of 1 RM weight in the lying bench row with the thicker diameter of the bar.
Register now and stay in touch : En studie om sambandet mellan CRM-system och företagsprestation
Title: Register now and stay in touch ? a study about the relationship between CRM-system and business performance.Purpose: The purpose with the study is to identify if there is a positive relationship between CRM-system and business performance in Swedish multinational companies in the industrial sector.Audience: This essay is addressed to the Swedish multinational companies in the industrial sector.Methodology/ Approach / Design: We have applied a qualitative method, with a deductive approach. Through an in-depth interview with the case company Benzlers AB, which provided the empirical basis, supplemented with the CSI-values.Conclusion: The study has presented evidence, that there is a positive relationship between CRM-system and business performance which has been confirmed by the positive increase in the CSI-value after the implementation of the CRM-system.Originality/ Value/ Contribution to knowledge The study contributes with its own results that fill in the knowledge gap about the subject in Sweden. The study finds that the CRM-system effectives the interaction with the customer and thereby business performance increase, with the CSI-value as unit. This therefore increases the value and importance of investigation of Swedish multinational companies, whose purpose is to satisfy the customer and at the same time, increase the business performance.Future research: For future research we suggest publishers to base the empirical basis through additional in-depth interviews with added case companies. In order to confirm the relationship between its validity in the industry, and also indentify what happens between inputs and outputs, which leads to increased business performance.Keywords: Customer Relation Management (CRM), CRM-system, customer satisfaction, business performance, Customer-Satisfied-Index.Thesis type: Business economy 61-91, Bachelor essay, Marketing (15 credits), spring 2010th..
Lean Product Development - Will it deliver products faster, better and cheaper?
Abstract Tutor - Anders Richtnér History - Theories suggest that Lean Product Development strategies dramatically increase a company's performance through enabling faster T-T-M, Quality and Costs of Product Development. Purpose - The purpose of this paper is therefore to investigate whether the implementation of LPD actually affect corporate performance measurements T-T-M, Quality and Cost, in a positive way. Methodology - This Bachelor thesis is an exploratory investigation of the concept of Lean Product Development within a global IT- company, performed through four case studies, interviews and complementing corporate performance data. Findings - With empirical data and subsequent analyzes in mind, we note the following; it is clear that the project that produced the best results, in terms of T-T-M, Quality and Cost, also was the one furthest in the process of implementing Lean Product Development..
Kommunsjuksköterskans omvårdnadsdokumentation om bensår i hemsjukvård : En granskning av patientjournaler.
Syftet med studien var att undersöka kommunsjuksköterskan omvårdnadsdokumentation om bensår i hemsjukvård. Som metod valdes journalgranskning. Resultatet visade att omvårdnadsdokumentationen brister på många sätt..
Verksamhetsstyrning i grundskolan - En väg till goda förutsättningar för inlärning
This study investigates how performance management in primary schools can facilitate learning, relating to theories of efficient schools. This is done through a qualitative study of the performance management systems in two public primary schools in Sweden. The schools selected were similar in all major aspects, except pupil grades, where there was a clear difference between the schools. The analysis revealed differences in how the schools handled the process of management by objectives, the professional development of teachers as well as routines, rules, and policies. We conclude that having a rooted process for management by objectives, professional development of teachers, and clearly formalized values, gives a school a good foundation to support a pupil's learning and development..
Morgondagens reklambyrå : en studie om hur reklambyråer har påverkats av dagens förändrade mediebild
The purpose with this final paper was to examine how the collaboration between parents and teachers can manifest itself. With collaboration, we mean the dialogue that has to exist between parents and teachers in regards to e.g. how well informed the parents are about the regulated principles on which the education plan is built on, and in which way they can take part in and influence the system. This is to empathize on the fact that a good collaboration between parents and teachers help create a good foundation for the pupil?s ability to learn.The method that we have used are questionnaires given to parents and teachers along with studies of literature both as means of furthering our studies as well as a basis for the design of the questionnaires.
Peak Performance : En logistisk helhet?
En effektiv och lönsam logistik kan företag använda som en konkurrensfördel. Det gäller att hitta en balans mellan att exempelvis ge hög service till kunderna och samtidigt tvingas ta hänsyn till höga kostnader för lagerhållning. Denna uppsats syftar till att beskriva och analysera hur Peak Performance hanterar denna balans mellan logistikkostnader, kapitalbindning, leveransservice och miljö. Tre av dessa delar är hämtade från en modell av Lumsden (1998). Vi har därefter modifierat modellen och tillfört den fjärde komponenten, miljö.
Praktikchock?! : En studie om hur erfarenheter från VFU påverkat studenters självkänsla
Background: All the students in the University College of Södertörn in Sweden who are studying to become a teacher, are attending practice education.Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to illuminate and analyze how the students experienced their practice education. My intent was to investigate if the students by their experiences have been affected in their own self-esteem.Method: This is a qualitative study that has been responded by 60 teacher students. The students attended in an internet- survey that included ten different questions.Result: The result of the interviews shows that the self-esteem has been affected, mostly in a positive way.Conclusion: The most common reason that affected the student self-esteem depended on how their supervisor has been treating them during their practice.
Performance Management-En studie av hur chefer och medarbetare upplever Performance Management på ett större företag
Performance management innebär att rikta hela organisationens energi genom att sätta mål för medarbetare som ligger i linje med organisationens strategi. Genom att på detta sätt öka tydligheten kan organisationen förbättra prestationer och öka dess möjligheter för utveckling mot konkurrenskraftighet på kort och lång sikt.Ändamålet med denna uppsats var att genom två undersökningar kartlägga hur chefer respektive medarbetare upplever att arbeta med performance management och genom det och en litteraturstudie få en bild av begreppet. Kartläggningen gjordes med både enkäter till medarbetare och intervjuer med chefer. Från enkätsvaren framkom att respondenterna upplevde målen som motiverande och att det fanns en öppen dialog inom organisationen. Både hos medarbetarna och cheferna verkar det finnas en viss oklarhet kring begreppets syfte.